#include "dkc.h" #include // timeval->tv_sec #include #include "network.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MString.h" ClassImp(Dkc); using namespace std; //#define EXPERT Dkc::Dkc(const BYTE_t nodeid, const char *name) : NodeDrv(nodeid, name), fMacId(2*nodeid+1), fPdoPos1(0), fPdoPos2(0), fPosActive(0), fRpmActive(0), fStatus(0xff), fStatusDKC(0), fStatusPdo3(0xff), fArmed(false), fReport(NULL),fLabel(NULL),fUpdPos(0) { } TString Dkc::EvalStatusDKC(UInt_t stat) const { switch (stat) { case 0: return "offline"; case 0xa000: case 0xa0000: case 0xa001: case 0xa0001: case 0xa002: case 0xa0002: case 0xa003: case 0xa0003: return MString::Format("Communication phase %d", stat&0xf); case 0xa010: case 0xa0010: return "Drive HALT"; case 0xa012: case 0xa0012: return "Control and power section ready for operation"; case 0xa013: case 0xa0013: return "Ready for power on"; case 0xa100: case 0xa0100: return "Drive in Torque mode"; case 0xa101: case 0xa0101: return "Drive in Velocity mode"; case 0xa102: case 0xa0102: return "Position control mode with encoder 1"; case 0xa103: case 0xa0103: return "Position control mode with encoder 2"; case 0xa104: case 0xa0104: return "Position control mode with encoder 1, lagless"; case 0xa105: case 0xa0105: return "Position control mode with encoder 2, lagless"; case 0xa106: case 0xa0106: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 1"; case 0xa107: case 0xa0107: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 2"; case 0xa108: case 0xa0108: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 1, lagless"; case 0xa109: case 0xa0109: return "Drive controlled interpolated positioning with encoder 2, lagless"; //case 0xa146: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning with encoder 1"; //case 0xa147: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning with encoder 2"; //case 0xa148: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning lagless with encoder 1"; //case 0xa149: return "Drive controlled interpolated relative positioning lagless with encoder 2"; case 0xa150: case 0xa0150: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 1"; case 0xa151: case 0xa0151: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 1, lagless"; case 0xa152: case 0xa0152: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 2"; case 0xa153: case 0xa0153: return "Drive controlled positioning with encoder 2, lagless"; case 0xa208: return "Jog mode positive"; case 0xa218: return "Jog mode negative"; case 0xa400: case 0xa4000: return "Automatic drive check and adjustment"; case 0xa401: case 0xa4001: return "Drive decelerating to standstill"; case 0xa800: case 0xa0800: return "Unknown operation mode"; case 0xc217: return "Motor encoder reading error"; case 0xc218: return "Shaft encoder reading error"; case 0xc220: return "Motor encoder initialization error"; case 0xc221: return "Shaft encoder initialization error"; case 0xc300: return "Command: set absolute measure"; case 0xc400: case 0xc0400: return "Switching to parameter mode"; case 0xc401: case 0xc0401: return "Drive active, switching mode not allowed"; case 0xc500: case 0xc0500: return "Error reset"; case 0xc600: case 0xc0600: return "Drive controlled homing procedure"; case 0xe225: return "Motor overload"; case 0xe249: case 0xe2049: return "Positioning command velocity exceeds limit bipolar"; case 0xe250: return "Drive overtemp warning"; case 0xe251: return "Motor overtemp warning"; case 0xe252: return "Bleeder overtemp warning"; case 0xe257: return "Continous current limit active"; case 0xe259: return "Command velocity limit active"; case 0xe8260: return "Torque limit active"; case 0xe264: return "Target position out of numerical range"; case 0xe829: case 0xe8029: return "Positive position limit exceeded"; case 0xe830: case 0xe8030: return "Negative position limit exceeded"; case 0xe831: return "Position limit reached during jog"; case 0xe834: return "Emergency-Stop"; case 0xe842: return "Both end-switches activated"; case 0xe843: return "Positive end-switch activated"; case 0xe844: return "Negative end-switch activated"; case 0xf218: case 0xf2018: return "Amplifier overtemp shutdown"; case 0xf219: case 0xf2019: return "Motor overtemp shutdown"; case 0xf220: return "Bleeder overload shutdown"; case 0xf221: case 0xf2021: return "Motor temperature surveillance defective"; case 0xf2022: return "Unit temperature surveillance defective"; case 0xf224: return "Maximum breaking time exceeded"; case 0xf2025: return "Drive not ready for power on"; case 0xf228: case 0xf2028: return "Excessive control deviation"; case 0xf250: return "Overflow of target position preset memory"; case 0xf257: case 0xf2057: return "Command position out of range"; case 0xf269: return "Error during release of the motor holding brake"; case 0xf276: return "Absolute encoder out of allowed window"; case 0xf2174: return "Lost reference of motor encoder"; case 0xf409: case 0xf4009: return "Bus error on Profibus interface"; case 0xf434: return "Emergency-Stop"; case 0xf629: return "Positive position limit exceeded"; case 0xf630: return "Negative position limit exceeded"; case 0xf634: return "Emergency-Stop"; case 0xf643: return "Positive end-switch activated"; case 0xf644: return "Negative end-switch activated"; case 0xf8069: return "15V DC error"; case 0xf870: case 0xf8070: return "24V DC error"; case 0xf878: case 0xf8078: return "Velocity loop error"; case 0xf8079: return "Velocity limit exceeded"; case 0xf2026: return "Undervoltage in power section"; } return "unknown"; } TString Dkc::GetStatus(LWORD_t val) const { const Int_t errnum = val&0xff; const Int_t errinf = val>>8; if (errnum!=0xff) return ""; // DKC offline. This is a fatal error if (errinf==0) return "offline."; TString str; const Int_t type = (errinf&0xf0000)==0 ? ((errinf>>12)&0xf) : ((errinf>>16)&0xf); switch (type) { case 0xf: str += "ERROR"; break; case 0xe: str += "WARNING"; break; case 0xa: str += "Status"; break; case 0xc: case 0xd: str += "Message"; break; default: str += "Unknown"; break; } str += " ("; str += MString::Format("%X", errinf); str += "): "; str += EvalStatusDKC(errinf); str += (type==0xf || type==0xe ? "!" : "."); return str; } Bool_t Dkc::PrintStatus(LWORD_t val) const { const Int_t errnum = val&0xff; const Int_t errinf = val>>8; if (errnum!=0xff) return errnum==0; gLog << all << MTime(-1) << ": " << GetNodeName() << " " << GetStatus(val) << endl; // errinf==0: DKC offline. This is a fatal error const Int_t type = (errinf&0xf0000)==0 ? ((errinf>>12)&0xf) : ((errinf>>16)&0xf); return errinf==0 ? kFALSE : (type&0xf)!=0xf; } void Dkc::HandleSDO(WORD_t idx, BYTE_t subidx, LWORD_t val, const timeval_t &tv) { // cout << "SdoRx: Idx=0x"<< hex << idx << "/" << (int)subidx; // cout << ", val=0x" << val << endl; switch (idx) { case 0x1000: gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Node is" << (val?" ":" not ") << "armed." << endl; fArmed = val==1; return; case 0x1003: // FIXME, see Init gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Error[0]=" << hex << val << dec << endl; CheckErrorDKC(val); return; case 0x100a: gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Using Software Version V" << dec << (int)(val>>16) << "." << (int)(val&0xff) << endl; fSoftVersion = val; return; case 0x100b: // Do not display, this is used for CheckConnection // lout << "Node ID: " << dec << val << endl; return; case 0x2002: gLog << inf2 << GetNodeName() << ": Current velocity: " << dec << val << endl; fVel = val; return; case 0x6004: fPdoPos1 = (LWORDS_t)val; fPdoTime1.Set(tv); fHasChangedPos1 = true; return; case 0x6005: fPdoPos2 = (LWORDS_t)val; fPdoTime2.Set(tv); fHasChangedPos2 = true; return; case 0x6002: gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Velocity resolution = " << dec << val << " (1rpm)" << endl; fVelRes = val; return; case 0x6003: gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Maximum velocity = " << dec << val << " (100%)" << endl; fVelMax = val; return; case 0x6501: gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Position resolution = " << dec << val << " ticks/revolution" << endl; fPosRes = val; return; } NodeDrv::HandleSDO(idx, subidx, val, tv); // cout << "Dkc: SDO, idx=0x"<< hex << idx << "/" << (int)subidx; // cout << ", val=0x"< ZOMBIE!" << endl; SetZombie(); } if (IsZombieNode()) return; */ SetRpmMode(FALSE); ReqPosRes(); // Init fVelRes ReqVelRes(); // Init fVelRes ReqVelMax(); // Init fVelMax // Request to send all PDOs at least once ReqPDOs(); #ifdef EXPERT Arm(); #endif gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Checking armed status." << endl; RequestSDO(0x1000); WaitForSdo(0x1000); } void Dkc::StopDevice() { // // FIXME: This isn't called if the initialization isn't done completely! // SetRpmMode(FALSE); Disarm(); } void Dkc::ReqPDOs() { gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Requesting all PDOs." << endl; SendSDO(0x1001, (LWORD_t)1); WaitForSdo(0x1001); } void Dkc::ReqPos1() { gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Requesting position feedback 1." << endl; RequestSDO(0x6004); WaitForSdo(0x6004); } void Dkc::ReqPos2() { gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Requesting position feedback 2." << endl; RequestSDO(0x6005); WaitForSdo(0x6005); } void Dkc::ReqVel() { gLog << inf2 << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Requesting Velocity." << endl; RequestSDO(0x2002); WaitForSdo(0x2002); } void Dkc::SetVelocity(LWORD_t vel) { gLog << dbg << "- Setting velocity to: " << vel << endl; SendSDO(0x2002, vel); // velocity WaitForSdo(0x2002); } void Dkc::SetVelocityRel(Double_t vel) { gLog << dbg << "- Setting velocity to: " << vel*100 << "%" << endl; SendSDO(0x2002, (LWORD_t)(vel*fVelMax+0.5)); // velocity WaitForSdo(0x2002); } void Dkc::SetAcceleration(LWORD_t acc) { gLog << dbg << "- Setting acceleration to: " << acc << endl; SendSDO(0x2003, acc); // acceleration WaitForSdo(0x2003); } void Dkc::SetRpmMode(BYTE_t mode) { // // SetRpmMode(FALSE) stop the motor, but lets the position control unit on // SendSDO(0x3006, mode ? string('s','t','r','t') : string('s','t','o','p')); WaitForSdo(0x3006); } void Dkc::SetRpmVelocity(LWORDS_t cvel) { SendSDO(0x3007, (LWORD_t)cvel); WaitForSdo(0x3007); } void Dkc::SetLedVoltage(LWORDS_t volt) { SendSDO(0x4000, (LWORD_t)volt); WaitForSdo(0x4000); } void Dkc::StartRelPos(LWORDS_t pos) { if (!fArmed) { gLog << err << GetNodeName() << ": ERROR - Moving without being armed is not allowed." << endl; SetZombie(); return; } gLog << dbg << GetNodeName() << ": Starting relative positioning by " << (LWORDS_t)pos << " ticks." << endl; SendSDO(0x6005, (LWORD_t)pos); fPosActive = kTRUE; // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO } void Dkc::StartAbsPos(LWORDS_t pos) { if (!fArmed) { gLog << err << GetNodeName() << ": ERROR - Moving without being armed is not allowed." << endl; SetZombie(); return; } gLog << dbg << GetNodeName() << ": Starting absolute positioning to " << (LWORDS_t)pos << " ticks." << endl; SendSDO(0x6004, (LWORD_t)pos); fPosActive = kTRUE; // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO } void Dkc::StartAbsPosRev(Double_t pos) { if (!fArmed) { gLog << err << GetNodeName() << ": ERROR - Moving without being armed is not allowed." << endl; SetZombie(); return; } const LWORD_t p = (LWORD_t)(pos*fPosRes+.5); gLog << dbg << GetNodeName() << ": Starting absolute positioning to " << p << " ticks." << endl; SendSDO(0x6004, p); fPosActive = kTRUE; // Make sure that the status is set correctly already before the first PDO } void Dkc::SendMsg(BYTE_t data[6]) { GetNetwork()->SendCanFrame(fMacId, 0, 0, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]); } void Dkc::SendMsg(BYTE_t d0, BYTE_t d1, BYTE_t d2, BYTE_t d3, BYTE_t d4, BYTE_t d5) { GetNetwork()->SendCanFrame(fMacId, 0, 0, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); } void Dkc::HandlePDO1(const BYTE_t *data, const timeval_t &tv) { // FIXME!!!! Only 0x4000 should do this to be // CanOpen conform //HandleNodeguard(tv); fPdoPos1 = (data[3]<<24) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[1]<<8) | data[0]; fPdoTime1.Set(tv); fHasChangedPos1 = true; fPdoPos2 = (data[7]<<24) | (data[6]<<16) | (data[5]<<8) | data[4]; fPdoTime2.Set(tv); fHasChangedPos2 = true; if (fReport) { fReport->Lock("ShaftEncoder::HandlePDOType0"); *fReport << "FEEDBACK " << (int)GetId() << " " << fPdoTime1 << " PDO0 " << GetNodeName() << " " << fPdoPos1 << " " << fPdoPos2 << endl; fReport->UnLock("ShaftEncoder::HandlePDOType0"); } } void Dkc::HandlePDO3(const BYTE_t *data, const timeval_t &tv) { if (fStatus!=data[3]) { fArmed = data[3]&0x01; // armed status fPosActive = data[3]&0x02; // positioning active fRpmActive = data[3]&0x04; // RPM mode switched on // data[3]&0x08; // - unused - // data[3]&0x10; // - unused - // data[3]&0x20; // - unused - //fInControl = data[3]&0x40; // motor uncontrolled // data[3]&0x80; // axis resetted (after errclr, motor stop, motor on) fStatus = data[3]; } const LWORD_t stat = data[0] | (data[1]<<8); if (fStatusPdo3!=stat) { gLog << inf << MTime(-1) << ": " << GetNodeName() << " - PDO3(0x" << hex << (int)stat << dec << ") = "; const Bool_t ready = stat&0x001; const Bool_t fuse = stat&0x002; const Bool_t emcy = stat&0x004; const Bool_t vltg = stat&0x008; const Bool_t mode = stat&0x010; const Bool_t rf = stat&0x020; const Bool_t brake = stat&0x040; const Bool_t power = stat&0x080; const Bool_t alarm = stat&0x100; // UPS Alarm (FACT only) const Bool_t batt = stat&0x200; // UPS on battery (FACT only) const Bool_t charge = stat&0x400; // UPS charging (FACT only) if (ready) gLog << "DKC-Ready "; if (fuse) gLog << "FuseOk "; if (emcy) gLog << "EmcyOk "; if (vltg) gLog << "OvervoltOk "; if (mode) gLog << "SwitchToManualMode "; if (rf) gLog << "RF "; if (brake) gLog << "BrakeOpen "; if (power) gLog << "PowerOn "; if (alarm) gLog << "UPS-PowerLoss "; if (batt) gLog << "UPS-OnBattery "; if (charge) gLog << "UPS-Charging "; gLog << endl; fStatusPdo3 = stat; } } void Dkc::CheckErrorDKC(LWORD_t val) { fStatusDKC = val; const Bool_t rc = PrintStatus(val); SetError(rc ? 0 : val); if (!rc) { gLog << warn << "- CheckErrorDKC sets zombie." << endl; SetZombie(); } } void Dkc::HandlePDO2(const BYTE_t *data, const timeval_t &tv) { LWORDS_t errnum = (data[0]<<24) | (data[1]<<16) | (data[2]<<8) | data[3]; LWORDS_t errinf = (data[4]<<24) | (data[5]<<16) | (data[6]<<8) | data[7]; // Check if the DKC changed its status message const Int_t type = (errinf&0xf0000)==0 ? ((errinf>>12)&0xf) : ((errinf>>16)&0xf); if (errnum==0xff && (type&0xf)<=0xe) { CheckErrorDKC(errnum, errinf); return; } // Check if MACS report error occursion. // errnum==0 gives a sudden information that something happened. Now the // microcontroller is running inside its interrupt procedure which // stopped the normal program. The interrupt procedure should try to clear // the error state of the hardware. This should never create a new error! // if (!errnum) { gLog << err << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": reports Error occursion." << endl; gLog << "Dkc::HandlePDO2: " << GetNodeName() << " --> ZOMBIE!" << endl; SetZombie(); SetError(-1); return; } // // Now the error is handled by the hardware now it is the software part // to react on it. The Error flag now is set to the correct value. // if (GetError()>0) { gLog << warn << GetNodeName() << ": WARNING! Previous error #" << GetError() << " unhandled (not cleared) by software." << endl; // // If the error is unhadled and/or not cleared, don't try it again. // if (GetError()==errnum) return; } SetError(errnum); gLog << err << GetNodeName() << " reports: "; switch (errnum) { case 0xff: EvalStatus(errnum, errinf); return; default: gLog << "Error Nr. " << dec << errnum << ", " << errinf << endl; } } // FIXME? Handling of fIsZombie? void Dkc::HandleError() { // // If there is no error we must not handle anything // if (!HasError()) return; // // If the program got into the: HandleError state before the hardware // has finished handeling the error we have to wait for the hardware // handeling the error // // FIXME: Timeout??? // // while (GetError()<0) // usleep(1); // // After this software and hardware should be in a state so that // we can go on working 'as usual' Eg. Initialize a Display Update // gLog << inf << GetNodeName() << " Handling Error #" << dec << GetError() << endl; switch (GetError()) { case 0xff: gLog << err << "DKC error! Go and check what is going on!" << endl; return; default: gLog << "- " << GetNodeName() << ": Cannot handle error #" << GetError() << endl; } } void Dkc::DisplayVal() { const LWORDS_t pos = GetPdoPos2(); if (IsZombieNode()) { if (fLabel) fLabel->SetText(new TGString("")); fUpdPos = ~pos; return; } char text[21]=""; if (pos!=fUpdPos && fLabel) { sprintf(text, "%ld", pos); fLabel->SetText(new TGString(text)); fUpdPos = pos; } }