#include "MGAccuracy.h" #include // cout #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MTime.h" #include "MAstro.h" #include "MPointing.h" ClassImp(MGAccuracy); using namespace std; void MGAccuracy::DrawText(const char *c1, const char *c2, const char *c3, const char*txt) { fCanvas->SetEditable(kTRUE); fCanvas->cd(); TText text; text.SetTextAlign(22); // centered, centered (s.TAttText) text.DrawText(-150, 265, txt); text.SetTextAlign(11); // left, bottom (s.TAttText) text.SetTextColor(3); text.DrawText(220, -220, c1); text.SetTextColor(5); text.DrawText(220, -250, c2); text.SetTextColor(2); text.DrawText(220, -280, c3); fCanvas->SetEditable(kFALSE); } void MGAccuracy::DrawCircles(Double_t rad) { fCanvas->SetEditable(kTRUE); fCanvas->cd(); TArc arc; arc.SetFillStyle(4000); // transparent arc.SetFillColor(39); arc.SetLineColor(3); // green arc.SetLineStyle(2); // dashed (s. TAttLine) arc.DrawArc(0, 0, rad/2.); // 0.5se arc.SetLineColor(5); // yellow arc.DrawArc(0, 0, rad); // 1.0se arc.SetLineColor(2); // red arc.DrawArc(0, 0, rad*2.); // 2.0se fCanvas->SetEditable(kFALSE); } void MGAccuracy::DrawCoordinateSystem() { TWbox box; box.DrawWbox(-290, 290, -10, 240, 18, 2, 1); // TLine line; // line.DrawLine(-65*4, 0, 65*4, 0); // line.DrawLine( 0, -65*4, 0, 65*4); // // Can be replaced by TGaxis axe; in a later root version // than 3.01/06. I talked to Rene // TGaxis *axe; axe = new TGaxis(-60*4, 0, 60*4, 0, -4, 4, 30204, "+-N"); axe->SetTitle("Az"); // \xb0 axe->SetBit(kCanDelete); axe->Draw(); axe = new TGaxis( 0, -60*4, 0, 60*4, -4, 4, 304, "+-N"); axe->SetTitle("Zd"); // \xb0 axe->SetLabelOffset(-0.02); axe->SetBit(kCanDelete); axe->Draw(); } void MGAccuracy::InitText() { fTxt = new TText(280, 280, "0' / 0'"); fTxt->SetTextAlign(33); // right, top fTxt->SetTextColor(10); fTxt->Draw(); fList->Add(fTxt); } void MGAccuracy::InitBar() { fBar = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0); fBar->SetLineColor(kBlack); fBar->SetLineStyle(1); fBar->SetLineWidth(5); fBar->Draw(); fList->Add(fBar); } void MGAccuracy::InitCross() { fLin1 = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0); fLin2 = new TLine(0, 0, 0, 0); fLin1->SetLineColor(10); // white (s. TAttFill) fLin2->SetLineColor(10); // white fLin1->SetLineStyle(1); // solid (s. TAttLine) fLin2->SetLineStyle(1); fLin1->SetLineWidth(2); fLin2->SetLineWidth(2); fLin1->Draw(); fLin2->Draw(); fList->Add(fLin1); fList->Add(fLin2); } MGAccuracy::MGAccuracy(const TGWindow* p, const UInt_t w) : MGEmbeddedCanvas("Accuracy", p, w, 300), fColorScale(360*60/16384) { // FIXME: Overload MapWindow in newer Root versions to remove // the contents of the graph! fGraph = new TGraph; fGraph->SetPoint(0, 0, 0); fGraph->SetLineColor(kBlue); fGraph->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); fGraph->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotMedium); fGraph->Draw("LP"); fList->Add(fGraph); DrawCoordinateSystem(); InitText(); InitCross(); InitBar(); InitCanvas(); SetNoContextMenu(); MTime t(-1); fTime = t.GetAxisTime(); } MGAccuracy::~MGAccuracy() { } // dist [deg] void MGAccuracy::UpdateText(Float_t dist) { dist *= 3600.; // [sec] int rs = TMath::FloorNint(fmod(dist, (float)60.)); dist /= 60.; // [min] int rm = (int)dist; char txt[100]; rm ? sprintf(txt, "%d'%02d\"", rm, rs) : sprintf(txt, "%d\"", rs); fTxt->SetText(fTxt->GetX(), fTxt->GetY(), txt); fBar->SetY2(dist*60); // [sec] if (distSetLineColor(kGreen); else if (dist<2*fColorScale) //2*360*60/16384 fBar->SetLineColor(kYellow); else fBar->SetLineColor(kRed); SetModified(); } // dist [deg] void MGAccuracy::UpdateGraph(Float_t dist) { MTime t(-1); const Double_t dtime = t.GetAxisTime()-fTime; // range [-0.5h, 0h] dist *= 60; // min static int odist = -1; if (odist==(int)(dist*10*60) && dtime<10) return; odist = (int)(dist*10*60); fGraph->SetPoint(fGraph->GetN(), dtime, dist*60); const Double_t ntime = dtime; for (int i=0; iGetN(); i++) { Double_t x, y; fGraph->GetPoint(i, x, y); fGraph->SetPoint(i, x-ntime, y); //cout << i << ": " << x-ntime << " / " << y << endl; } while (fGraph->GetN()>0) { Double_t x, y; fGraph->GetPoint(0, x, y); if (x==-ntime && y==0) { fGraph->RemovePoint(0); continue; } if (x>-4.75*60) break; fGraph->RemovePoint(0); } fTime = t.GetAxisTime(); SetModified(); } void MGAccuracy::Update(Float_t pzd, Float_t azd, Float_t aaz) { const double dist = MAstro::GetDevAbs(pzd, azd, aaz); UpdateText(dist); UpdateGraph(dist); } void MGAccuracy::UpdateCross(Float_t x, Float_t y) { // // x["], y["] // static int X = ~0; static int Y = ~0; int pixx = (int)(x/fPix); // [pix] int pixy = (int)(y/fPix); // [pix] if (X==pixx && Y==pixy) return; X = pixx; Y = pixy; fLin1->SetX1(x-5.); fLin1->SetX2(x+5.); fLin2->SetX1(x-5.); fLin2->SetX2(x+5.); fLin1->SetY1(y-5.); fLin1->SetY2(y+5.); fLin2->SetY1(y+5.); fLin2->SetY2(y-5.); SetModified(); } void MGAccuracy::Update(ZdAz &pos, ZdAz &dev) { // Estimate the distance in az direction on the camera plane const double daz = MAstro::GetDevAbs(pos.Zd(), 0, dev.Az())*3600.; //cout << "--> T: " << dev.Az()*60 << " " << dev.Zd()*60. << endl; UpdateCross(TMath::Sign(daz, dev.Az()), dev.Zd()*3600.); Update(pos.Zd(), dev.Zd(), dev.Az()); UpdateCanvas(); }