#include "MGPngReader.h" #include // ifstream #include // cout #include // cout #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // TGHorizontal3DLine #include #include "MGImage.h" #include "MGCoordinates.h" #include "MGDispCoordinates.h" #include "StarCatalog.h" #include "Filter.h" #include "Filter2.h" #include "CaosFilter.h" #include "Writer.h" #include "MTime.h" #include "MStarList.h" #include "Led.h" #include "Leds.h" #include "Rings.h" #include "MGMenu.h" ClassImp(MGPngReader); enum { IDM_kFilter, IDM_kCaosFilter, IDM_kCatalog, IDM_kStarguider, IDM_kStart, IDM_kStop, IDM_kFileType, IDM_kPPM, IDM_kPNG, IDM_kOnce, IDM_kUseFileRaDec, IDM_kContinous, IDM_kRate25ps, IDM_kRate5ps, IDM_kRate1s, IDM_kRate5s, IDM_kRate30s, IDM_kRate1m, IDM_kRate5m, IDM_kSetup, IDM_kLimMag3, IDM_kLimMag4, IDM_kLimMag5, IDM_kLimMag6, IDM_kLimMag7, IDM_kLimMag8, IDM_kLimMag9, IDM_kPixSize, IDM_kInterpol125, IDM_kInterpol25, IDM_kInterpol10, IDM_kInterpol5, IDM_kInterpol2, IDM_kInterpol1, IDM_kPositions, IDM_kRings, IDM_kLeds, IDM_kStartAnalyse, IDM_kStopAnalyse, IDM_kResetHistograms }; Bool_t MGPngReader::HandleTimer(TTimer *t) { fImage->DoRedraw(); fZoomImage->DoRedraw(); return kTRUE; } #define kZOOM 96 void MGPngReader::InitHists() { Double_t xmin = 480.1-1.0; Double_t xmax = 480.1+1.0; Double_t ymin = 217.5-1.0; Double_t ymax = 217.5+1.0; Double_t rmin = 117.4-1.0; Double_t rmax = 117.4+1.0; Int_t xbin = 60; Int_t ybin = 60; Int_t rbin = 60; fHistpr = new TH1F; fHistpr->SetNameTitle("pr","Radius of the ring"); fHistpr->SetBins(rbin, rmin, rmax); fHistpr->SetXTitle("r [mm]"); fHistpr->SetYTitle("counts"); fHistprx = new TH1F; fHistprx->SetNameTitle("prx","x-coordinate of the ring-center"); fHistprx->SetBins(xbin, xmin, xmax); fHistprx->SetXTitle("x [mm]"); fHistprx->SetYTitle("counts"); fHistpry = new TH1F; fHistpry->SetNameTitle("pry","y-coordniate of the ring-center"); fHistpry->SetBins(ybin, ymin, ymax); fHistpry->SetXTitle("y [mm]"); fHistpry->SetYTitle("counts"); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { TString name = "Angle"; TString title = "Angle of Led "; name += i; title += i; fHistw[i] = new TH1F; fHistw[i]->SetNameTitle(name, title); fHistw[i]->SetBins(26, -25, 25); fHistw[i]->SetXTitle("\\Phi [arcmin]"); fHistw[i]->SetYTitle("counts"); name = "Angles"; title = "Angles of the Leds "; name += i; title += i; fHistv[i] = new TH1F; fHistv[i]->SetNameTitle(name, title); fHistv[i]->SetBins(721, -180.5, 180.5); fHistv[i]->SetXTitle("\\Phi [deg]"); fHistv[i]->SetYTitle("counts"); } fHistallw = new TH1F; fHistallw->SetNameTitle("allw","Rotation angel"); fHistallw->SetBins(26, -25, 25); fHistallw->SetXTitle("\\Phi [arcmin]"); fHistallw->SetYTitle("counts"); fHistprxpry = new TH2F; fHistprxpry->SetNameTitle("prx und pry","x- and y-coordniate of the ring-center"); fHistprxpry->SetBins(xbin, xmin, xmax, ybin, ymin, ymax); fHistprxpry->SetXTitle("x [mm]"); fHistprxpry->SetYTitle("y [mm]"); fHistprxpry->SetZTitle("counts"); } void MGPngReader::InitGraphs() { fGraphprx = new TGraph; fGraphprx->SetTitle("time-developement of the x-coordinate of the ring-center"); fGraphpry = new TGraph; fGraphpry->SetTitle("time-developement of the y-coordinate of the ring-center"); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { TString title = "Time-developement of the angle "; title += i; fGraphw[i] = new TGraph; fGraphw[i]->SetTitle(title); } } void MGPngReader::InitGui() { fList = new MGList; fList->SetOwner(); const TGWindow *p=gClient->GetRoot(); // // Create Menu for MGPngReader Display // fDisplay = new MGPopupMenu(p); fDisplay->AddEntry("&Filter", IDM_kFilter); fDisplay->AddEntry("C&aosFilter", IDM_kCaosFilter); fDisplay->AddEntry("Sao &Catalog", IDM_kCatalog); fDisplay->AddEntry("Starguider", IDM_kStarguider); fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStarguider); fDisplay->Associate(this); fList->Add(fDisplay); fFileType = new MGPopupMenu(p); fFileType->AddEntry("PP&M", IDM_kPPM); fFileType->AddEntry("&PNG", IDM_kPNG); fFileType->CheckEntry(IDM_kPNG); fFileType->Associate(this); fList->Add(fFileType); fWriteType = new MGPopupMenu(p); fWriteType->AddEntry("&Once", IDM_kOnce); fWriteType->AddEntry("&Continous", IDM_kContinous); fWriteType->Associate(this); fList->Add(fWriteType); fWriteRate = new MGPopupMenu(p); fWriteRate->AddEntry("25/s", IDM_kRate25ps); fWriteRate->AddEntry("5/s", IDM_kRate5ps); fWriteRate->AddEntry("1s", IDM_kRate1s); fWriteRate->AddEntry("5s", IDM_kRate5s); fWriteRate->AddEntry("30s", IDM_kRate30s); fWriteRate->AddEntry("1min", IDM_kRate1m); fWriteRate->AddEntry("5min", IDM_kRate5m); fWriteRate->CheckEntry(IDM_kRate1m); fWriteRate->Associate(this); fList->Add(fWriteRate); fWrtRate = 25*60; fWritePictures = new MGPopupMenu(p); fWritePictures->AddEntry("&Start", IDM_kStart); fWritePictures->AddEntry("Sto&p", IDM_kStop); fWritePictures->AddSeparator(); fWritePictures->AddPopup("File &Type", fFileType); fWritePictures->AddPopup("&Write Type", fWriteType); fWritePictures->AddPopup("Write &Rate", fWriteRate); fWritePictures->DisableEntry(IDM_kStop); fWritePictures->Associate(this); fList->Add(fWritePictures); fLimMag = new MGPopupMenu(p); fLimMag->AddEntry("3", IDM_kLimMag3); fLimMag->AddEntry("4", IDM_kLimMag4); fLimMag->AddEntry("5", IDM_kLimMag5); fLimMag->AddEntry("6", IDM_kLimMag6); fLimMag->AddEntry("7", IDM_kLimMag7); fLimMag->AddEntry("8", IDM_kLimMag8); fLimMag->AddEntry("9", IDM_kLimMag9); fLimMag->CheckEntry(IDM_kLimMag8); fLimMag->Associate(this); fList->Add(fLimMag); fSao->SetLimitMag(7.0); fInterpol = new MGPopupMenu(p); fInterpol->AddEntry("125", IDM_kInterpol125); fInterpol->AddEntry("25", IDM_kInterpol25); fInterpol->AddEntry("10", IDM_kInterpol10); fInterpol->AddEntry("5", IDM_kInterpol5); fInterpol->AddEntry("2", IDM_kInterpol2); fInterpol->AddEntry("Off", IDM_kInterpol1); fInterpol->CheckEntry(IDM_kInterpol1); fInterpol->Associate(this); fList->Add(fInterpol); fIntRate = 1; fSetup = new MGPopupMenu(p); fSetup->AddPopup("Lim. &Magnitude", fLimMag); fSetup->AddPopup("Disp. &Interpolation", fInterpol); fSetup->AddEntry("Use Ra/Dec from file", IDM_kUseFileRaDec); fSetup->Associate(this); fList->Add(fSetup); fWrite = new MGPopupMenu(p); fWrite->AddEntry("&Positions", IDM_kPositions); fWrite->AddEntry("&Leds", IDM_kLeds); fWrite->AddEntry("&Rings", IDM_kRings); fWrite->Associate(this); fList->Add(fWrite); fAnalyse = new MGPopupMenu(p); fAnalyse->AddEntry("S&tart Analyse", IDM_kStartAnalyse); fAnalyse->AddEntry("St&opp Analyse", IDM_kStopAnalyse); fAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kStopAnalyse); fAnalyse->AddEntry("&Reset Histograms", IDM_kResetHistograms); // fAnalyse->AddEntry("Reset &Graph", IDM_kResetGraph); fAnalyse->Associate(this); fList->Add(fAnalyse); fMenu = new MGMenuBar(this, 0, 0, kHorizontalFrame); fMenu->AddPopup("&Display", fDisplay, NULL); fMenu->AddPopup("&WritePics", fWritePictures, NULL); fMenu->AddPopup("&Setup", fSetup, NULL); fMenu->Resize(fMenu->GetDefaultSize()); fMenu->BindKeys(this); AddFrame(fMenu); //, new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsNormal, 0, 4, 0, 0)); fList->Add(fMenu); fCaOs = new MGPopupMenu(p); fCaOs->AddPopup("&Write", fWrite); fCaOs->AddPopup("&Analyse", fAnalyse); fCaOs->Associate(this); fCaOs->BindKeys(fMenu, this); fList->Add(fCaOs); fCRaDec = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeRaDec); fCRaDec->Move(1, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+584); AddFrame(fCRaDec); fList->Add(fCRaDec); fCZdAz = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeZdAz, kFALSE); fCZdAz->Move(240+12+10, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+584); AddFrame(fCZdAz); fList->Add(fCZdAz); fPZdAz = new MGCoordinates(this, kETypeZdAz, kFALSE); fPZdAz->Move(240+12+10, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+630); AddFrame(fPZdAz); fList->Add(fPZdAz); TGLabel *l = new TGLabel(this, "Arb.-Sky Pos"); l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft); l->Move(480+32, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+590); AddFrame(l); fList->Add(l); l = new TGLabel(this, "arcsec/pix"); l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft); l->Move(605, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+619); AddFrame(l); fList->Add(l); l = new TGLabel(this, "Pointing Pos"); l->SetTextJustify(kTextLeft); l->Move(480+32, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+655); AddFrame(l); fList->Add(l); const Double_t pixsize = 23.4; fSao->SetPixSize(pixsize); TString txt; txt += pixsize; fPixSize = new TGTextEntry(this, txt, IDM_kPixSize); fPixSize->SetAlignment(kTextCenterX); fPixSize->Move(547, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()+617); AddFrame(fPixSize); fList->Add(fPixSize); // TGHorizontal3DLine *fLineSep = new TGHorizontal3DLine(this); // AddFrame(fLineSep, new TGLayoutHints (kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX)); // fList->Add(fLineSep); // // Create Image Display // fZoomImage = new MGImage(this, kZOOM, kZOOM); fZoomImage->Move(768-kZOOM-2, 700-kZOOM-2); AddFrame(fZoomImage); fList->Add(fZoomImage); fImage = new MGImage(this, 768, 576); fImage->Move(0, fMenu->GetDefaultHeight()); AddFrame(fImage); fList->Add(fImage); // // Make everything visible // SetWindowName("MGPngReader Main Window"); SetIconName("MGPngReader"); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // XY xy(3.819444, 24.05333); // fCRaDec->SetCoordinates(xy); // fRaDec->Set(xy.X()*360/24, xy.Y()); //------------------------------------------------------------ } MGPngReader::MGPngReader(MObservatory::LocationName_t obs) : TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 768, 740), fFile(NULL), fDx((768-kZOOM)/2), fDy((512-kZOOM)/2) { fSao = new StarCatalog(obs); fRaDec = new RaDec(180, 40); InitHists(); InitGraphs(); InitGui(); gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton2, 0, 0, 0, 0, kTRUE); fTimer=new TTimer(this, 100); // 100ms fTimer->TurnOn(); } MGPngReader::~MGPngReader() { gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton2, 0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE); fTimer->TurnOff(); delete fTimer; delete fList; delete fSao; delete fRaDec; delete fHistpr; delete fHistprx; delete fHistpry; delete fHistprxpry; delete fHistallw; delete fGraphprx; delete fGraphpry; for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { delete fHistw[i]; delete fHistv[i]; delete fGraphw[i]; } cout << "Camera Display destroyed." << endl; } void MGPngReader::Layout() { // Resize(GetDefaultSize()); } void MGPngReader::CloseWindow() { cout << "EventDisplay::CloseWindow: Exit Application Loop." << endl; //fClient.ExitLoop(); // cout << "FIXME: ExitLoop not called!!!!!!" << endl; gSystem->ExitLoop(); } void MGPngReader::Toggle(MGPopupMenu *p, UInt_t id) { if (p->IsEntryChecked(id)) p->UnCheckEntry(id); else p->CheckEntry(id); } void MGPngReader::ResetHists() { fHistprx->Reset(); fHistpry->Reset(); fHistpr->Reset(); fHistprxpry->Reset(); fHistallw->Reset(); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { fHistw[i]->Reset(); fHistv[i]->Reset(); } } void MGPngReader::DisplayAnalysis() { TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("cring", "Center of the ring", 800, 800); c->Divide(2,2); c->cd(1); fHistprx->Fit("gaus"); fHistprx->DrawCopy(); c->cd(2); fHistpry->Fit("gaus"); fHistpry->DrawCopy(); c->cd(3); fHistpr->Fit("gaus"); fHistpr->DrawCopy(); c->cd(4); fHistprxpry->DrawCopy(/*"surf2"*/); c->Update(); c = new TCanvas("c3", "Absolute angles of the leds", 800, 800); c->Divide(2,3); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { c->cd(i+1); TH1 *h = fHistv[i]->DrawCopy(); h->SetLineColor(i+1); cout << "Led #" << i << ": MeanPhi=" << h->GetMean() << endl; } c->Update(); c = new TCanvas("c5", "timedevelopement of prx", 800, 800); fGraphprx->Draw("ALP*"); fGraphprx->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("time [1/25 s]"); fGraphprx->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("x-coordinate"); c->Modified(); c->Update(); c = new TCanvas("c6", "timedevelopement of pry", 800, 800); fGraphpry->Draw("ALP*"); fGraphpry->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("time [1/25 s]"); fGraphpry->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("y-coordinate"); c->Modified(); c->Update(); c = new TCanvas("c2", "Relative angles of the Leds", 800, 800); c->Divide(2,3); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { c->cd(i+1); fHistw[i]->DrawCopy(); } c->Update(); c = new TCanvas("c7", "timedevelopement of the relative angles of the Leds", 800, 800); c->Divide(2,3); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { c->cd(i+1); fGraphw[i]->Draw("ALP*"); fGraphw[i]->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("t [1/25s]"); fGraphw[i]->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("[deg]"); } c->Modified(); c->Update(); c = new TCanvas("c4", "rotation angle ", 800, 800); fHistallw->Fit("gaus"); fHistallw->DrawCopy(); } void MGPngReader::OpenFile() { int i=0; char name[100]; while (1) { sprintf(name, "data/data%03d.root", i++); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(name, kFileExists)) break; } fFile = new TFile(name, "RECREATE"); if (!fFile->IsOpen()) { delete fFile; fFile = NULL; cout << "Error: Cannot open file '" << name << "'" << endl; } fTree = new TTree("Data", "Real CaOs Data"); fLeds = NULL; fRings = NULL; fTime = 0; fBranchL = fTree->Branch("Leds.", "Leds", &fLeds); fBranchR = fTree->Branch("Rings.", "Rings", &fRings); fBranchT = fTree->Branch("Time.", &fTime, "fTime/D");//, &fTime); cout << "Root file '" << name << "' open." << endl; } Bool_t MGPngReader::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t mp1, Long_t mp2) { switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_TEXTENTRY: if (GET_SUBMSG(msg)==kTE_ENTER) { const Float_t pixsize = atof(fPixSize->GetText()); cout << "Pixel Size changed to " << pixsize << "\"/pix" << endl; fSao->SetPixSize(pixsize); } return kTRUE; case kC_COMMAND: //cout << "kC_COMMAND" << endl; switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_MENU: //cout << "kCM_MENU #" << mp1 << endl; switch (mp1) { case IDM_kCatalog: Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kCatalog); if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog)) fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kStarguider); else { fDisplay->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kStarguider); fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStarguider); } return kTRUE; case IDM_kStarguider: Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kStarguider); return kTRUE; case IDM_kFilter: Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kFilter); if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFilter)) fDisplay->EnableEntry(IDM_kStarguider); else { fDisplay->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kStarguider); fDisplay->DisableEntry(IDM_kStarguider); } return kTRUE; case IDM_kCaosFilter: if (!fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter)) OpenFile(); Toggle(fDisplay, IDM_kCaosFilter); if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter)) fMenu->AddPopup("&CaOs", fCaOs, NULL); else { fFile->Write(); delete fFile; fFile = NULL; cout << "Root file closed." << endl; if(fWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kPositions)) fWrite->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kPositions); if(fWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kLeds)) fWrite->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kLeds); if(fWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kRings)) fWrite->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kRings); if(fAnalyse->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kStopAnalyse)) { fAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kStopAnalyse); fAnalyse->EnableEntry(IDM_kStartAnalyse); ResetHists(); // Graphs are not reset !!! } fMenu->RemovePopup("CaOs"); } fMenu->Resize(fMenu->GetDefaultSize()); MapSubwindows(); MapWindow(); return kTRUE; case IDM_kPositions: Toggle(fWrite, IDM_kPositions); return kTRUE; case IDM_kLeds: Toggle(fWrite, IDM_kLeds); return kTRUE; case IDM_kRings: Toggle(fWrite, IDM_kRings); return kTRUE; case IDM_kStartAnalyse: fAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kStartAnalyse); fAnalyse->EnableEntry(IDM_kStopAnalyse); return kTRUE; case IDM_kStopAnalyse: { fAnalyse->DisableEntry(IDM_kStopAnalyse); fAnalyse->EnableEntry(IDM_kStartAnalyse); DisplayAnalysis(); return kTRUE; } case IDM_kResetHistograms: ResetHists(); return kTRUE; /* case IDM_kResetGraph: { fGraphx->GetHistogram()->Reset(); } */ case IDM_kUseFileRaDec: Toggle(fSetup, IDM_kUseFileRaDec); return kTRUE; case IDM_kStart: fWritePictures->DisableEntry(IDM_kStart); fWritePictures->EnableEntry(IDM_kStop); return kTRUE; case IDM_kStop: fWritePictures->DisableEntry(IDM_kStop); fWritePictures->EnableEntry(IDM_kStart); return kTRUE; case IDM_kPNG: fFileType->CheckEntry(IDM_kPNG); fFileType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kPPM); return kTRUE; case IDM_kPPM: fFileType->CheckEntry(IDM_kPPM); fFileType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kPNG); return kTRUE; case IDM_kOnce: fWriteType->CheckEntry(IDM_kOnce); fWriteType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kContinous); return kTRUE; case IDM_kContinous: fWriteType->CheckEntry(IDM_kContinous); fWriteType->UnCheckEntry(IDM_kOnce); return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate25ps: case IDM_kRate5ps: case IDM_kRate1s: case IDM_kRate5s: case IDM_kRate30s: case IDM_kRate1m: case IDM_kRate5m: for (int i=IDM_kRate25ps; i<=IDM_kRate5m; i++) if (mp1==i) fWriteRate->CheckEntry(i); else fWriteRate->UnCheckEntry(i); switch (mp1) { case IDM_kRate25ps: fWrtRate = 1; return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate5ps: fWrtRate = 5; return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate1s: fWrtRate = 25; return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate5s: fWrtRate = 5*25; return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate30s: fWrtRate = 30*25; return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate1m: fWrtRate = 60*25; return kTRUE; case IDM_kRate5m: fWrtRate = 5*60*25; return kTRUE; } return kTRUE; case IDM_kInterpol125: case IDM_kInterpol25: case IDM_kInterpol10: case IDM_kInterpol5: case IDM_kInterpol2: case IDM_kInterpol1: for (int i=IDM_kInterpol125; i<=IDM_kInterpol1; i++) if (mp1==i) fInterpol->CheckEntry(i); else fInterpol->UnCheckEntry(i); switch (mp1) { case IDM_kInterpol1: fIntRate = 1; return kTRUE; case IDM_kInterpol2: fIntRate = 2; return kTRUE; case IDM_kInterpol5: fIntRate = 5; return kTRUE; case IDM_kInterpol10: fIntRate = 10; return kTRUE; case IDM_kInterpol25: fIntRate = 25; return kTRUE; case IDM_kInterpol125: fIntRate = 125; return kTRUE; } return kTRUE; case IDM_kLimMag3: case IDM_kLimMag4: case IDM_kLimMag5: case IDM_kLimMag6: case IDM_kLimMag7: case IDM_kLimMag8: case IDM_kLimMag9: for (int i=IDM_kLimMag3; i<=IDM_kLimMag9; i++) if (mp1==i) fLimMag->CheckEntry(i); else fLimMag->UnCheckEntry(i); fSao->SetLimitMag(mp1-IDM_kLimMag3+3); return kTRUE; } break; } break; } return kTRUE; } void MGPngReader::GetCoordinates() { XY xy = fCRaDec->GetCoordinates(); if (fSetup->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kUseFileRaDec)) { ifstream fin("coordinates.txt"); if (!fin) cout << "Error: Cannot open 'coordinates.txt' using fall back solution." << endl; else fin >> xy; } fCRaDec->SetCoordinates(xy); fRaDec->Set(xy.X()*360/24, xy.Y()); } ZdAz MGPngReader::TrackingError(TArrayF &x, TArrayF &y, TArrayF &mag) const { // // Viewable area (FIXME: AZ) // TH2F h("Hist", "dX/dY", 77, -768/2-.5, 768/2+.5, 58, -576/2-.5, 576/2+.5); // 3 /* TH1F hmag("HistMag", "Mag", 19, 0, 100); for (int i=0; i48-15 && mag[i]<48+15) h.Fill(x[i], y[i]); } // // Serach for an excess in the histogram // Int_t mx, my, dummy; h.GetMaximumBin(mx, my, dummy); const double xmax = h.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(mx); const double dx = h.GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(mx); const double ymax = h.GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(my); const double dy = h.GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(my); cout << setprecision(3); cout << "Cut-XY: " << xmax << " +- " << dx << " / " << ymax << " +- " << dy << endl; TGraph g; for (int i=0; ixmax-dx && x[i]ymax-dy && y[i]48-15 && mag[i]<48+15)) continue; g.SetPoint(g.GetN(), x[i], y[i]); } cout << "Offset-XY: " << g.GetMean(1) << " +- " << g.GetRMS(1) << " / "; cout << g.GetMean(2) << " +- " << g.GetRMS(2) << endl; AltAz pos0 = fSao->CalcAltAzFromPix(768/2, 576/2)*kRad2Deg; AltAz pos1 = fSao->CalcAltAzFromPix(768/2+g.GetMean(1), 576/2+g.GetMean(2))*kRad2Deg; pos1 -= pos0; ofstream fout("tracking_error.txt"); fout << setprecision(10) << fSao->GetMjd()-52000 << " " << -pos1.Alt() << " " << pos1.Az() << endl; fout.close(); return ZdAz(-pos1.Alt(), pos1.Az()); } void MGPngReader::CalcTrackingError(Leds &leds, MStarList &stars) { const Int_t max = leds.GetEntries(); if (stars.GetRealEntries() < 3) { cout << "Sorry, less than 3 stars in FOV!" << endl; return; } if (max < 1) { cout << "Sorry, less than 1 detected spot in FOV!" << endl; return; } stars.Sort(); // Sort by magnitude TString str = "data/tracking_"; str += fSao->GetMjd()-52000; str += ".txt"; ofstream fout(str); TArrayF x, y, mag; Int_t num = 0; // FIXME: Is predifined value 3 a good idea? MStar *star; MStarListIter NextStar(&stars); while ((star=NextStar()) && num++GetX()-star->GetX(), spot->GetY()-star->GetY()); const Int_t idx = x.GetSize(); x.Set(idx+1); y.Set(idx+1); mag.Set(idx+1); x.AddAt(dpos.X(), idx); y.AddAt(dpos.Y(), idx); mag.AddAt(spot->GetMag()/star->GetMag(), idx); if (fout) fout << x[idx] << " " << y[idx] << " " << mag[idx] << endl; } } ZdAz d = TrackingError(x, y, mag); // // Calculated offsets // // round= floor(x+.5) cout << "Offset-ZdAz: " << d.Zd()*60 << "' / " << d.Az()*60 << "'" << endl; cout << "Offset-ZdAz: " << d.Zd()/360*16384 << " / " << d.Az()/360*16384 << " (SE) " << endl; // // Current Pointing position // ZdAz cpos = fSao->GetZdAz()-d; fPZdAz->SetCoordinates(cpos); } void MGPngReader::ProcessFrame(const unsigned long n, byte *img, struct timeval *tm) { static float myimg[768*576]; for (int i=0; i<768*576; i++) myimg[i] += img[i]; if (n%fIntRate) return; cout << "Img: " << n << endl; byte c[768*576]; for (int i=0; i<768*576; i++) c[i] = (byte)(myimg[i]/fIntRate+.5); if (!fWritePictures->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kStart) && (!(n%fWrtRate) || fWriteType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kOnce))) { if (fFileType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kPNG)) Writer::Png("pix/file", c, tm); if (fFileType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kPPM)) Writer::Ppm("pix/file", c, tm); if (fWriteType->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kOnce)) ProcessMessage(MK_MSG(kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENU), IDM_kStop, 0); } MStarList spots; /* if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStarguider)) Filter2::Execute(spots, c); else */ if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kFilter)) Filter::Execute(c); if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCaosFilter)) { // Double_t kConv = 0.502; // [pix/mm] static MTime t0(*tm); MTime t(*tm); fTime = t-t0; Leds leds; CaosFilter::Execute(c, leds, 1); if (fWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kPositions)) leds.Print(); CaosFilter::FilterLeds(leds); leds.Compress(); if (fWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kLeds)) leds.Print(); Rings rings; rings.CalcRings(leds); leds.Sort(); fLeds = &leds; fRings = &rings; if (fFile) fTree->Fill(); if (fWrite->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kRings)) rings.Print(); if (fAnalyse->IsEntryEnabled(IDM_kStopAnalyse)) { const Ring ¢er = rings.GetCenter(); Double_t phi[6] = { -124.727, -61.0495, -16.7907, 49.3119, 139.086 }; fHistpr->Fill(center.GetR()); fHistprx->Fill(center.GetX()); fHistpry->Fill(center.GetY()); fHistprxpry->Fill(center.GetX(), center.GetY()); Double_t sum = 0; for (int i=0; i<6 && leds.At(i); i++) { const Double_t w = (leds(i).GetPhi()-phi[i])*60; sum += w; fHistw[i]->Fill(w); fHistv[i]->Fill(leds(i).GetPhi()); fGraphw[i]->SetPoint(fGraphw[i]->GetN(), fTime, w); } fHistallw->Fill(sum/5); fGraphprx->SetPoint(fGraphprx->GetN(), fTime, center.GetX()); fGraphpry->SetPoint(fGraphpry->GetN(), fTime, center.GetY()); } } byte zimg[kZOOM*kZOOM]; for (int y=0; yDrawImg(zimg); if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kCatalog)) { MTime time(*tm); GetCoordinates(); MStarList stars; fSao->GetStars(stars, time.GetMjd(), *fRaDec); if (fDisplay->IsEntryChecked(IDM_kStarguider)) { Leds leds; CaosFilter::Execute(c, leds, 1); cout << "Found: " << leds.GetEntries() << " leds" << endl; CaosFilter::RemoveTwins(leds, 3); leds.Compress(); cout << "Rest: " << leds.GetEntries() << " leds" << endl; CalcTrackingError(leds, stars); } byte cimg[768*576]; fSao->GetImg(c, cimg, stars); DrawCircle(c, 0.5); DrawCircle(c, 1.0); DrawCircle(c, 1.5); fCZdAz->SetCoordinates(fSao->GetZdAz()); fImage->DrawColImg(c, cimg); } else fImage->DrawImg(c); memset(myimg, 0, 768*576*sizeof(float)); } void MGPngReader::DrawCircle(byte *img, double r) { const double rpix = r*60*60/fSao->GetPixSize()+1; const int cx = 768/2; const int cy = 576/2; for (int dx=-(int)(rpix*0.7); dx<(int)(rpix*0.7); dx++) { const int dy = (int)sqrt(rpix*rpix-dx*dx); img[cx+dx + (cy-dy)*768] = 0x40; img[cx+dx + (cy+dy)*768] = 0x40; img[cx-dy + (cy+dx)*768] = 0x40; img[cx+dy + (cy+dx)*768] = 0x40; } } Bool_t MGPngReader::HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event) { const Int_t w = fImage->GetWidth(); const Int_t h = fImage->GetHeight(); const Int_t x = fImage->GetX(); const Int_t y = fImage->GetY(); if (!(event->fX>x && event->fXfY>y && event->fYfX-x; Int_t dy = event->fY-y; if (dx766-kZOOM/2) dx=766-kZOOM/4; if (dy>510-kZOOM/2) dy=510-kZOOM/4; fDx = dx; fDy = dy; cout << "New coordinates for zoom: " << fDx << " " << fDy << endl; return kTRUE; }