#include "MMoonPointing.h" #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" ClassImp(MMoonPointing); using namespace std; class MPositionOffsetCalc { private: Double_t fCosOffset; Double_t fSinOffset; Double_t fCosAngle; Double_t fSinAngle; public: MPositionOffsetCalc(Double_t offset) : fCosOffset(offset==0 ? 0 : TMath::Cos(offset)), fSinOffset(offset==0 ? 0 : TMath::Sin(offset)), fCosAngle(0), fSinAngle(0) { } MPositionOffsetCalc(Double_t offset, Double_t angle) : fCosOffset(offset==0 ? 0 : TMath::Cos(offset)), fSinOffset(offset==0 ? 0 : TMath::Sin(offset)), fCosAngle(TMath::Cos(angle*TMath::DegToRad())), fSinAngle(TMath::Sin(angle*TMath::DegToRad())) { } MPositionOffsetCalc(Double_t offset, Double_t cos, Double_t sin) : fCosOffset(offset==0 ? 0 : TMath::Cos(offset)), fSinOffset(offset==0 ? 0 : TMath::Sin(offset)), fCosAngle(cos), fSinAngle(sin) { } void SetAngle(Double_t c, Double_t s) { fCosAngle=c; fSinAngle=s; } void SetAngle(Double_t a) { fCosAngle=TMath::Cos(a*TMath::DegToRad()); fSinAngle=TMath::Sin(a*TMath::DegToRad()); } ZdAz Calc(const ZdAz &pos, Double_t *sn=0, Double_t *cs=0) const { // This is to avoid unnecessary calculations // in case the offset is zero if (fCosOffset==0 && fSinOffset==0) { if (sn) *sn = -fCosAngle; if (cs) *cs = fSinAngle; return pos; } const Double_t coszd = TMath::Cos(pos.Zd()); const Double_t sinzd = TMath::Sin(pos.Zd()); if (sinzd<=0) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - |Zd|>=90�" << endl; return ZdAz(); } const Double_t costheta = coszd*fCosOffset + sinzd*fSinOffset*fCosAngle; if (costheta >= 1) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - cos(Zd) > 1." << endl; return ZdAz(); } const Double_t sintheta = TMath::Sqrt(1 - costheta*costheta); const Double_t cosdeltaaz = (fCosOffset - coszd*costheta)/(sinzd*sintheta); const Double_t sindeltaaz = fSinAngle*fSinOffset/sintheta; if (sn) *sn = fSinAngle*coszd*sindeltaaz - cosdeltaaz*fCosAngle; if (cs) *cs = fSinAngle*sinzd/sintheta; return ZdAz(TMath::ACos(costheta), TMath::ATan2(sindeltaaz, cosdeltaaz) + pos.Az()); } ZdAz GetOffset(const ZdAz &pos, Double_t *sn=0, Double_t *cs=0) const { return Calc(pos, sn, cs) - pos; } }; MMoonPointing::MMoonPointing(const char *filename) : fOffsetShadow(-1), fOffsetWobble(-1) { if (TString(filename).IsNull()) { MakeZombie(); return; } TFile f(filename); if (f.IsZombie()) { MakeZombie(); gLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading of " << filename << " failed." << endl; return; } if (fCos.Read("cosAngle")<=0) { MakeZombie(); gLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading of TGraph2D 'cosAngle' from " << filename << " failed." << endl; return; } if (fSin.Read("sinAngle")<=0) { MakeZombie(); gLog << warn << "WARNING - Reading of TGraph2D 'sinAngle' from " << filename << " failed." << endl; return; } fCos.SetDirectory(0); fSin.SetDirectory(0); } // position of the moon [rad] // position of the Moon Shadow [rad] // position of telescope pointing [rad] Bool_t MMoonPointing::CalcPosition(const ZdAz &moon, ZdAz &srcpos, ZdAz &pointpos) const { const Double_t az = fmod(moon.Az()+TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::TwoPi()); const Double_t fcos = const_cast(fCos).Interpolate(az, moon.Zd()); const Double_t fsin = const_cast(fSin).Interpolate(az, moon.Zd()); // This is a sanity check for the case the Interpolation failed const Double_t norm = TMath::Hypot(fcos, fsin); if (norm<0.996 || norm>1.001) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Local moon position Zd/Az="; gLog << moon.Zd()*TMath::RadToDeg() << "/" << moon.Az()*TMath::RadToDeg(); gLog << " out of range of table for interpolation." << endl; gLog << " fcos=" << fcos << endl; gLog << " fsin=" << fsin << endl; gLog << " norm=" << norm << endl; return kFALSE; } // Apply a small numerical improvement Double_t sn=fsin/norm; Double_t cs=fcos/norm; // Calculate moon shadow position const MPositionOffsetCalc calc1(fOffsetShadow, fcos, fsin); srcpos = calc1.Calc(moon, &sn, &cs); if (srcpos.Zd()==0) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Calculation of moon shadow position failed." << endl; return kFALSE; } // Calaculate Telescope pointing position: const MPositionOffsetCalc calc2(fOffsetWobble, cs, sn); pointpos = calc2.Calc(srcpos); if (pointpos.Zd()==0) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Calculation of moon shadow's wobble position failed." << endl; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; }