#!/bin/sh function usage() { echo echo "Usage: $0 starg|tpoint yyyy mm" echo echo " starg|tpoint which kind of file you are going to join." echo " yyyy year you want to join in four digit notation." echo " mm month you want to join in two digit notation." echo } if ! [ `echo $@ | wc -w` -eq 3 ] then usage echo ERROR: Wrong number of commandline argument. echo exit fi if ! [ `echo $2 | wc -c` -eq 5 ] then usage echo ERROR: Year must have four digits. echo exit fi if [ `echo $3 | wc -c` -gt 3 ] then usage echo ERROR: Month must not exceed 2 digits. echo exit fi year=$2 month=`printf %02d $3` type=$1 output=$1$year$month.txt path=/magic/subsystemdata/drive/$year/$month echo echo Processing $path. files=(`find $path -name $1_$year$month*.txt -printf %P\\\n`) if [ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ] then echo WARNING: No $1 files found. echo exit fi #if [ -e $output ] #then # echo # echo File exists #fi rm -f $output echo Writing $output. head -n 3 $path/${files[0]} >> $output for file in ${files[@]} do echo Reading $file... echo >> $output echo -n "# " >> $output head -n 3 $path/$file | tail -n 1 | cut -d\ -f 4- >> $output tac $path/$file | head -n -3 | tac >> $output done echo Done. echo