Magic Model TPOINT data file : ALTAZ ### 24.9.: tpoints always with the white paper screen # --- 24.09.2005 --- 01:49:05.923 # Cas-Gamma-27, mag=2.47, Zd=32.9 1.742509 57.99808 144.2056 49.02492 0.945 60.71667 0.0005732658 0.007748751 53637.075763 216.1 2.654 # Hamal, mag=2.00, Zd=5 ##139.6868 83.23968 281.6764 74.22004 2.119444 23.4625 -0.04332626 0.03920611 53637.11646 225.2 2.635 # --- 24.09.2005 --- 02:59:09.399 # Hamal, mag=2.00, Zd=5 ##161.5844 84.46453 303.3778 75.43595 2.119444 23.4625 -0.009743542 0.1953913 53637.124414 225.2 2.665 # And-51, mag=3.57, Zd=21 -21.2567 68.112 121.1535 59.26484 1.633333 48.62833 0.02363187 0.04614806 53637.142328 218.1 3.353 # Cep-Zeta-21: mag=3.35, Zd=53deg -36.88451 34.6594 105.6062 25.82603 22.18083 58.20111 0.01971609 0.02686839 53637.159295 220.6 3.205 # --- 25.09.2005 --- 03:41:32.305 # Nothing in the runbook? ##-35.99076 37.46571 106.0467 28.7287 22.48611 58.41528 0.1168588 0.4782401 53638.153846 0 6.58 -38.29146 35.14824 104.1974 26.30449 22.25056 57.04361 0.01046067 0.02796104 53638.15701 220.4 3.97 ## seems to be wrongly identified ##-22.34902 39.65296 131.1864 30.78739 23.31028 68.11167 -0.01119636 0.71293 53638.160239 232 6.755 #################################################################################### # [2005-09-26 05:43:36] # We start tpoint measurements with the curtain and the new target (lower lid). # # Aldebaran zd 17 M 0.85 # Betelgeuse zd 36 M 0.5 # Rigel zd 41 M 1.7 # Sirius zd 58 M -1.46 # Mirfak zd 25 M 1.79 # Capella zd 18 M 0.08 # Procyon zd 47 M 0.38 #################################################################################### # --- 26.09.2005 --- 04:29:52.350 129.7048 71.98601 272.0311 62.9651 4.598611 16.50917 -0.01676152 0.07499432 53639.187411 228.4 2.561 132.2278 72.72641 274.5835 63.70839 4.598611 16.50917 -0.01528536 0.04012703 53639.190514 216.9 2.559 119.6296 53.52479 262.1184 44.52801 5.919444 7.406944 -0.01396979 0.001239815 53639.195117 223.5 2.561 #121.0058 53.90859 262.8485 45.037 5.919444 7.406944 0.1161831 0.6467252 53639.196993 0 6.773 #121.0793 53.95773 262.9147 45.08934 5.919444 7.406944 0.115683 0.6499059 53639.197171 0 6.058 121.1326 54.59555 263.6369 45.57932 5.919444 7.406944 -0.02960158 -0.02035095 53639.198983 205.3 2.56 #121.8345 54.46503 263.6637 45.59709 5.919444 7.406944 0.1165873 0.6581146 53639.199041 0 6.042 #121.9302 54.52929 263.7554 45.66197 5.919444 7.406944 0.1155706 0.6592062 53639.199275 0 5.953 #122.0018 54.5756 263.8266 45.70504 5.919444 7.406944 0.1166825 0.6596926 53639.199451 0 6.008 #122.0777 54.62421 263.9001 45.75472 5.919444 7.406944 0.1159665 0.6634853 53639.199628 0 6.125 #122.2432 54.73367 264.0647 45.8649 5.919444 7.406944 0.1167734 0.6621944 53639.200037 0 5.964 151.8736 49.15098 294.3641 40.1372 5.242222 -8.201667 -0.0341364 -0.003722316 53639.20369 219.5 2.584 #153.281 49.24136 295.1759 40.37759 5.242222 -8.201667 0.1160417 0.5884191 53639.205325 0 5.815 #153.365 49.26567 295.2673 40.4031 5.242222 -8.201667 0.1170194 0.5848706 53639.2055 0 6.051 136.0424 31.47446 278.6153 22.51601 6.7525 -16.71611 0.02123375 -0.06666645 53639.211133 229.3 2.558 136.3583 31.66229 278.9309 22.73018 6.7525 -16.71611 0.05126037 -0.06394875 53639.21213 215.1 2.559 -27.25096 65.05429 115.1822 56.21487 3.405278 49.86111 0.02399089 0.03716269 53639.226126 226.5 2.706 -27.75487 64.886 114.6758 56.03895 3.405278 49.86111 0.02047308 0.03556603 53639.2273 240 2.648 19.61448 71.41727 162.1226 62.4034 5.278056 45.99806 -0.01863669 -0.06090185 53639.230958 214.8 2.56 #20.17281 71.39016 161.4029 62.50393 5.278056 45.99806 0.1124646 1.208829 53639.231951 0 5.999 18.73821 71.51239 161.2326 62.52696 5.278056 45.99806 0.01421714 -0.05669574 53639.232186 218.7 2.558 #112.7701 43.43849 254.7528 34.57488 7.655 5.225 0.1166204 0.5278731 53639.236943 0 6.192 112.2901 43.61424 254.7986 34.62602 7.655 5.225 -0.007087238 -0.00322717 53639.237121 231.6 2.572 #113.28 43.95089 255.2578 35.08633 7.655 5.225 0.1179018 0.5283429 53639.238701 0 6.141 112.775 44.12738 255.2903 35.12317 7.655 5.225 -0.02456001 -0.01070928 53639.238818 213.3 2.561 112.9061 44.22773 255.4126 35.24166 7.655 5.225 -0.005348532 0.000207558 53639.239228 215.7 2.556 #################################################################### # Private communication with Adrian: # Als wir Ende September rausfanden, dass die Laser unzuverlaessig # sind, wurde da eine Quick-and-Dirty Kalibration gemacht (da kein # Experte auf La Palma war) ####################################################################