#include "png.h" #include "PngReader.h" #include #include "PixClient.h" ClassImp(PngReader); using namespace std; char *PngReader::GetImg(unsigned int frame) { char txt1[100]; frame %= 333; sprintf(txt1, "file%04d.png", frame); // cout << "Reading PNG '" << txt1 << "'" << endl; char txt2[200]; sprintf(txt2, "/home/caos/Dani/Cosy/smallleds/%s", txt1); //sprintf(txt2, "/home/caos/cosy.lp/pix/stable_1min/%s", txt1); // // open file // FILE *fd = fopen(txt2, "r"); if (!fd) { cout << "Cannot open file." << endl; return 0; } // // allocate memory // png_structp fPng = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!fPng) { cout << "Warning: Unable to create PNG structure" << endl; fclose(fd); return 0; } png_infop fInfo = png_create_info_struct(fPng); if (!fInfo) { cout << "Warning: Unable to create PNG info structure" << endl; png_destroy_read_struct (&fPng, NULL, NULL); fclose(fd); return 0; } // // set jump-back point in case of errors // if (setjmp(fPng->jmpbuf)) { cout << "longjmp Warning: PNG encounterd an error!" << endl; png_destroy_read_struct (&fPng, &fInfo, NULL); fclose(fd); return 0; } // // connect file to PNG-Structure // png_init_io(fPng, fd); // png_set_compression_level (fPng, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); png_read_png(fPng, fInfo, 0, NULL); // // Write bitmap data // for (unsigned int y=0; y<576; y++) for (unsigned int x=0; x<768; x++) *(fImg+(y*768)+x) = fInfo->row_pointers[y][x]; // // free memory // png_destroy_read_struct (&fPng, &fInfo, NULL); fclose(fd); return fImg; } PngReader::PngReader(PixClient &client) : fClient(client) { cout << "Starting thread..." << flush; RunThread(); cout << "done." << endl; } PngReader::~PngReader() { cout << "Stopping thread..." << flush; CancelThread(); cout << "done." << endl; } Int_t PngReader::Thread() { Sleep(3000000); int i=0; gettimeofday(&fTime, NULL); while (1) { // if (i<536) // { GetImg(i); TThread::CancelPoint(); fClient.ProcessFrame(i++, (byte*)fImg, &fTime); // usleep(10000); // } // else exit(); fTime.tv_sec += 1; Sleep(1000); } return 0; }