#!/bin/bash # source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" program=CalcSource step=CalcSource # for refilling DB from scratch several processes are useful # therefore two commandline options have been implemented: # numjobs: number of process that are started from FillEvent.sh # numjob: number of the current process [0 to numjobs-1] if [ "$1" != "" ] then numjobs=$1 if [ "$2" == "" ] then echo "missing second argument" finish else numjob=$2 fi if [ $2 -gt $(($1 - 1)) ] then echo "you cannot start a job with a number larger than the number of jobs you specified" finish fi else numjobs=1 numjob=0 fi set -C # check if script is already running lockfile=$lockpath/lock-$numjob-$program.txt checklock # get todo list gettodo logfile=$runlogpath"/CalcSource-"$numjob"-"$datetime".log" date >> $logfile # setup file for calcsource rc=`ls \`dirname $0\`/../Setup/calcsource.rc` for (( s=0 ; s < $num ; s++ )) do night=${primaries[$s+$s]} runid=${primaries[$s+$s+1]} if [ $(($runid % $numjobs)) -ne $numjob ] then printprocesslog "INFO processing only part of the data (runid "$runid", numjobs "$numjobs", "$numjob") -> continue" continue fi setstatus "start" if [ $numchanged -eq 0 ] then printprocesslog "INFO "$numchanged" rows were changed in DB => "$night"_"$runid" is already processed => continue." echo "continue" continue fi query="SELECT FileID FROM CalcSourceStatus WHERE fNight="$night" AND fRunID="$runid fileid=`sendquery` echo "INFO calculating source position for "$fileid printprocesslog "INFO calculating source position for "$fileid echo "INFO filling star events for "$fileid >> $logfile # fill star files to DB printprocesslog "INFO /swdev_nfs/FACT++.r19193-bin/calcsource -C $rc $fileid" /swdev_nfs/FACT++.r19193-bin/calcsource -C $rc $fileid >> $logfile 2>&1 check1=$? case $check1 in 0) printprocesslog "INFO successfully calculated source for "$fileid ;; *) printprocesslog "ERROR could not calc source for "$fileid check=$check1 ;; esac setstatus "stop" done finish