#!/usr/bin/env python2 # coding: utf-8 """ authors: Max Ahnen, Dominik Neise ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): Max Ahnen and Dominik Neise wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script calculates the mean of the SQM magnitude for a given run (run is given by its start_ and stop_time) and the p-value for a linear fit. We hope that this will be used to separate good data, where the linear fit is perfect (p-value > 1e-3?) and bad fits, where clouds let the magnitude brightness fluctuate stronger, so the fit worsens. Returns: a string "results {mean magnitude:f} {p-value:f}" """ from astropy.io import fits import numpy as np import scipy as sp import sys import ROOT import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine import glob from calendar import timegm import time database = { 'user': 'factread', 'password': 'r3adfac!', 'host': '', 'table': 'factdata', } root_database = { 'user': 'root', 'password': '1440Gapd', 'host': 'localhost', 'table': 'factdata', } db_string = '{user}:{password}@{host}/{table}' try: factdb = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://'+ db_string.format(**database)) factdb_root = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://'+ db_string.format(**root_database)) except ImportError: factdb = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://'+db_string.format(**database)) factdb_root = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://'+db_string.format(**root_database)) def get_list_of_SQM_files(base_path='/daq/aux'): return sorted(glob.glob(base_path+'/*/*/*/*.SQM_CONTROL_DATA.fits')) def get_y_m_d(file_path): s = file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] return s[0:4], s[4:6], s[6:8] def get_night(file_path): return file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] def mag_mean_p_value(fits_file_path, start_time, stop_time): d = fits.open(fits_file_path)[1].data d = d[(d['Time'] > start_time) * (d['Time'] < stop_time)] if len(d)==0: return None x = d['Time'].copy() - d['Time'][0] y = d['Mag'].astype(np.float64).copy() start_time, stop_time = x[0], x[-1] sigma = 0.025 / np.sqrt(12.) g = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x), x, y, np.zeros(len(x), dtype=np.float64), np.ones(len(x), dtype=np.float64)*sigma) f = ROOT.TF1("linfit", "pol1", start_time, stop_time) g.Fit(f, "E") function = f.Eval y_fit = map(function, x) result = { 'fSqmMagMean' : d['Mag'].mean(), 'fSqmMagLinFitPValue' : f.GetProb(), 'fSqmMagLinFitChi2' : f.GetChisquare(), 'fSqmMagLinFitNdf' : f.GetNDF(), 'fSqmMagLinFitSlope' : f.GetParameters()[1], } return result def timestamp_from_string(stri): return timegm(time.strptime(stri.replace('Z', 'UTC'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z')) def update_dict_in_database(some_dict, db, primary_keys=("fNight", "fRunID")): commands = [] commands.append('BEGIN;') # "UPDATE RunInfo SET weight = 160, desiredWeight = 145 WHERE id = 1;" update_string = "UPDATE RunInfo SET " first = True for k in some_dict: if k not in primary_keys: if not first: update_string += ', ' else: first = False update_string += "{0} = {1}".format(k, some_dict[k]) update_string += " WHERE " first = True for k in some_dict: if k in primary_keys: if not first: update_string += ' AND ' else: first = False update_string += "{0} = {1}".format(k, some_dict[k]) update_string += ';' commands.append(update_string) commands.append('COMMIT;') # print commands for com in commands: db.engine.execute(com) if __name__ == "__main__": aux_files = get_list_of_SQM_files() for aux_file in aux_files: night = get_night(aux_file) query = ("SELECT fRunID, fRunStart, fRunStop from RunInfo" " WHERE fNight={0}").format(night) df = pd.read_sql_query(query, factdb) for i in range(df.shape[0]): row = df.iloc[i] try: run_start = timestamp_from_string(str(row['fRunStart'])+'Z')/(24.*3600.) run_stop = timestamp_from_string(str(row['fRunStop'])+'Z')/(24.*3600.) run_id = row['fRunID'] except ValueError as e: print e print row['fRunStart'], row['fRunStop'] continue result= mag_mean_p_value(aux_file, run_start, run_stop) if result is None: continue result['fNight'] = int(night) result['fRunID'] = run_id update_dict_in_database(result, factdb_root) print time.asctime(), aux_file, run_start, run_stop, result