1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # coding: utf-8
3 | """
4 | authors: Max Ahnen, Dominik Neise
5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 | "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
7 | Max Ahnen and Dominik Neise wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
8 | can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
9 | this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer.
10 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 |
12 | This script calculates the mean of the SQM magnitude for a given run
13 | (run is given by its start_ and stop_time)
14 | and the p-value for a linear fit.
15 |
16 | We hope that this will be used to separate good data, where
17 | the linear fit is perfect (p-value > 1e-3?) and bad fits,
18 | where clouds let the magnitude brightness fluctuate stronger,
19 | so the fit worsens.
20 |
21 | Returns: a string
22 | "results {mean magnitude:f} {p-value:f}"
23 | """
24 |
25 | from astropy.io import fits
26 | import numpy as np
27 | import scipy as sp
28 | import sys
29 | import ROOT
30 |
31 | import pandas as pd
32 | from sqlalchemy import create_engine
33 |
34 | import glob
35 |
36 | from calendar import timegm
37 | import time
38 |
39 | database = {
40 | 'user': 'factread',
41 | 'password': 'r3adfac!',
42 | 'host': '',
43 | 'table': 'factdata',
44 | }
45 |
46 | root_database = {
47 | 'user': 'root',
48 | 'password': '1440Gapd',
49 | 'host': 'localhost',
50 | 'table': 'factdata',
51 | }
52 |
53 |
54 | db_string = '{user}:{password}@{host}/{table}'
55 |
56 | try:
57 | factdb = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://'+ db_string.format(**database))
58 | factdb_root = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://'+ db_string.format(**root_database))
59 | except ImportError:
60 | factdb = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://'+db_string.format(**database))
61 | factdb_root = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://'+db_string.format(**root_database))
62 |
63 |
64 | def get_list_of_SQM_files(base_path='/daq/aux'):
65 | return sorted(glob.glob(base_path+'/*/*/*/*.SQM_CONTROL_DATA.fits'))
66 |
67 | def get_y_m_d(file_path):
68 | s = file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
69 | return s[0:4], s[4:6], s[6:8]
70 |
71 | def get_night(file_path):
72 | return file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
73 |
74 | def mag_mean_p_value(fits_file_path, start_time, stop_time):
75 |
76 | d = fits.open(fits_file_path)[1].data
77 | d = d[(d['Time'] > start_time) * (d['Time'] < stop_time)]
78 | if len(d)==0:
79 | return None
80 |
81 | x = d['Time'].copy() - d['Time'][0]
82 | y = d['Mag'].astype(np.float64).copy()
83 | start_time, stop_time = x[0], x[-1]
84 |
85 | sigma = 0.025 / np.sqrt(12.)
86 | g = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x), x, y, np.zeros(len(x), dtype=np.float64), np.ones(len(x), dtype=np.float64)*sigma)
87 | f = ROOT.TF1("linfit", "pol1", start_time, stop_time)
88 | g.Fit(f, "E")
89 |
90 | function = f.Eval
91 | y_fit = map(function, x)
92 |
93 | result = {
94 | 'fSqmMagMean' : d['Mag'].mean(),
95 | 'fSqmMagLinFitPValue' : f.GetProb(),
96 | 'fSqmMagLinFitChi2' : f.GetChisquare(),
97 | 'fSqmMagLinFitNdf' : f.GetNDF(),
98 | 'fSqmMagLinFitSlope' : f.GetParameters()[1],
99 | }
100 |
101 | return result
102 |
103 | def timestamp_from_string(stri):
104 | return timegm(time.strptime(stri.replace('Z', 'UTC'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z'))
105 |
106 | def update_dict_in_database(some_dict, db, primary_keys=("fNight", "fRunID")):
107 | commands = []
108 | commands.append('BEGIN;')
109 |
110 | # "UPDATE RunInfo SET weight = 160, desiredWeight = 145 WHERE id = 1;"
111 | update_string = "UPDATE RunInfo SET "
112 | first = True
113 | for k in some_dict:
114 | if k not in primary_keys:
115 | if not first:
116 | update_string += ', '
117 | else:
118 | first = False
119 |
120 | update_string += "{0} = {1}".format(k, some_dict[k])
121 | update_string += " WHERE "
122 | first = True
123 | for k in some_dict:
124 | if k in primary_keys:
125 | if not first:
126 | update_string += ' AND '
127 | else:
128 | first = False
129 | update_string += "{0} = {1}".format(k, some_dict[k])
130 | update_string += ';'
131 |
132 | commands.append(update_string)
133 | commands.append('COMMIT;')
134 |
135 | # print commands
136 | for com in commands:
137 | db.engine.execute(com)
138 |
139 |
140 | if __name__ == "__main__":
141 | aux_files = get_list_of_SQM_files()
142 | for aux_file in aux_files:
143 | night = get_night(aux_file)
144 |
145 | query = ("SELECT fRunID, fRunStart, fRunStop from RunInfo"
146 | " WHERE fNight={0}").format(night)
147 |
148 | df = pd.read_sql_query(query, factdb)
149 |
150 | for i in range(df.shape[0]):
151 | row = df.iloc[i]
152 |
153 | try:
154 | run_start = timestamp_from_string(str(row['fRunStart'])+'Z')/(24.*3600.)
155 | run_stop = timestamp_from_string(str(row['fRunStop'])+'Z')/(24.*3600.)
156 | run_id = row['fRunID']
157 | except ValueError as e:
158 | print e
159 | print row['fRunStart'], row['fRunStop']
160 | continue
161 |
162 | result= mag_mean_p_value(aux_file, run_start, run_stop)
163 | if result is None:
164 | continue
165 | result['fNight'] = int(night)
166 | result['fRunID'] = run_id
167 |
168 | update_dict_in_database(result, factdb_root)
169 |
170 | print time.asctime(), aux_file, run_start, run_stop, result
171 |