#!/bin/bash # source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" # get and check variables if ! [ "$1" = "" ] then starfile=$1 fi if [ "$starfile" = "" ] then echo "ERROR variable starfile empty." printprocesslog "ERROR variable starfile empty." finish fi # getting coordinates from raw and drive or DB date=`echo $starfile | grep -o -E '20[0-9][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]'` drivefile=$auxdata"/"$date"/"`basename $starfile | cut -d_ -f1`".DRIVE_CONTROL_SOURCE_POSITION.fits" rawfile=$rawdata"/"$date"/"`basename $starfile | sed -e 's/_I.root/.fits.fz/'` if [ -e $rawfile ] then printprocesslog "INFO processing "$rawfile tstopi=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep TSTOPI | grep -E -o '[0-9]+'` tstopf=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $rawfile 2>/dev/null | grep TSTOPF | grep -E -o '[0-9][.][0-9]+([E][\-][0-9][0-9])?' | sed -e 's/[E]+*/\\*10\\^/'` tstop=`echo " $tstopi + $tstopf " | bc -l` #tstop=${tstopi}${tstopf} else printprocesslog "WARN "$rawfile" not found." fi if [ "$tstop" == "" ] then printprocesslog "WARN tstop empty "$rawfile fi if ! ls $drivefile >/dev/null 2>&1 then printprocesslog "WARN "$drivefile" missing." fi if ls $drivefile >/dev/null 2>&1 && ! [ "$tstop" == "" ] then printprocesslog "INFO getting coordinates from "$drivefile coordinates=( `${factpath}/fitsdump ${drivefile} -c Ra_src Dec_src -r --filter='Time<'${tstop} 2>/dev/null | tail -1 2>&1` ) if [ "${coordinates[0]}" == "" ] || [ "${coordinates[1]}" == "" ] then printprocesslog "WARN couldn't get coordinates ("${coordinates[@]}") from "$drivefile" @ time "$tstop echo "WARN couldn't get coordinates ("${coordinates[@]}") from "$drivefile" @ time "$tstop finish fi if [ "${coordinates[0]}" == "0" ] || [ "${coordinates[1]}" == "0" ] then printprocesslog "WARN coordinates "${coordinates[@]}" @ time "$tstop echo "WARN coordinates "${coordinates[@]}" @ time "$tstop finish fi else night=`echo $date | sed -e 's/\///g'` runid=`basename $starfile | cut -d_ -f2` printprocesslog "INFO getting coordinates from DB." query="SELECT fSourceKEY FROM RunInfo WHERE fNight="$night" AND fRunID="$runid sourcekey=`sendquery` if [ "$sourcekey" == "" ] then printprocesslog "WARN sourcekey empty for "$night"_"$runid" - coordinates"${coordinates[@]} finish fi query="SELECT Round(fRightAscension,6), Round(fDeclination,6) from Source WHERE fSourceKey="$sourcekey coordinates=( `sendquery` ) if [ "${coordinates[0]}" == "" ] || [ "${coordinates[1]}" == "" ] then printprocesslog "WARN couldn't get coordinates ("${coordinates[@]}") for "$night"_"$runid" from DB." finish fi if [ "${coordinates[0]}" == "0" ] || [ "${coordinates[1]}" == "0" ] then printprocesslog "WARN coordinates "${coordinates[@]}" for "$night"_"$runid finish fi fi ra=${coordinates[0]} dec=${coordinates[1]} outpath=`dirname $starfile | sed -e 's/star/ganymed_run/'` makedir $outpath output=$outpath/`basename $starfile | cut -d_ -f1-2` logfile=$output"-ganymed.log" ganymedfile=$output"-analysis.root" cd $mars # run ganymed printprocesslog "INFO starting ganymed.C for starfile "$starfile printprocesslog "DEBUG root -q -b fact/analysis/ganymed.C\($ra\,$dec\,"\"$starfile\""\,"\"$output\""\) | tee $logfile | intgrep" check1=`root -q -b fact/analysis/ganymed.C\($ra\,$dec\,"\"$starfile\""\,"\"$output\""\) | tee $logfile | intgrep` case $check1 in 0) printprocesslog "INFO ganymed.C was successful for starfile "$starfile" ra "$ra" dec "$dec" (check1=$check1)" echo "run numevts.C for "$ganymedfile" for table "$resulttable1 >> $logfile 2>&1 printprocesslog "INFO run numevts.C for "$ganyemdfile" for table "$resulttable1 printprocesslog "DEBUG root -q -b -l fact/processing/numevents.C+\("\"$ganymedfile"\"\,"\"$starfile"\"\,"\"$resulttable1"\"\,kFALSE\)" check1=`root -q -b -l fact/processing/numevents.C+\("\"$ganymedfile"\"\,"\"$starfile"\"\,"\"$resulttable1"\"\,kFALSE\) | tee $logfile | intgrep` case $check1 in 1) printprocesslog "INFO filling numevts.C was successfully for "$ganymedfile" and table "$resulttable1" (check1=$check1)" ;; 0) printprocesslog "WARN connection to DB failed in numevts.C (check1=$check1)" ;; *) printprocesslog "ERROR numevts.C failed for "$ganymedfile" and table "$resulttable1" (check1=$check1)" ;; esac ;; *) printprocesslog "ERROR ganymed.C failed for starfile "$starfile" ra "$ra" dec "$dec" (check1=$check1)" ;; esac finish