#!/bin/bash # source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" echo "Sent data" start=$1 stop=$2 source=$3 bin=$4 email=$5 table=$6 time=$7 expert=$8 dch=$9 zdcut=${10} thcut=${11} dark=${12} dust=${13} query="SELECT fSourceName FROM Source WHERE fSourceKey="$source sourcename=`sendquery` function printinfo() { echo "# " echo "# Please cite the FACT design paper and the QLA webpage when using these data." echo "# FACT design paper: H. Anderhub et al. JINST 8 (2013) P6008 " echo "# http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-0221/8/06/P06008 " echo "# QLA webpage: http://www.fact-project.org/monitoring" echo "# If you intent to use the data, please let us know for reference. " echo "# " echo "# Remarks:" echo "# * These are the results of a fast quick look analyis " echo "# on site, i.e. they are preliminary. " echo "# * The quick look analysis includes all data, " echo "# i.e. no data selection done." echo "# * The given values are not fluxes but excess rates " echo "# (number of excess events per effective ontime), " echo "# i.e. there is a dependence on trigger threshold and " echo "# zenith distance of the observation (with the current " echo "# analysis for zenith distance > 40 degree and trigger " echo "# threshold > 500 DAC counts)." echo "# * Nights with less than 20 minutes of data are neglected " echo "# for nightly binning. " echo "# * The QLA results are not reprocessed when a new software " echo "# version is introduced. " echo "# * In case, you need further details about the data or a" echo "# different binning, please do not hesitate to contact us." echo "# * The QLA contains all data since 12.12.2012. " echo "# For older data, please contact us. " echo "# " echo "# Contact: Daniela Dorner dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de " echo "# " echo "# This file was created at "`date` echo "# Source: "$sourcename echo "# Timerange: "$start" - "$stop echo "# Table: "$table echo "# Zdcut: "$zdcut echo "# thcut: "$thcut echo "# moon zd: "$dark echo "# dust: "$dust if [ $dch -eq 0 ] then echo "# no datacheck" else echo "# some rough automatic datacheck applied" fi if [ $bin -lt 0 ] then echo "# Binning: nightly " else echo "# Binning: "$bin" min " fi echo "# " echo "# start("$time") stop("$time") excess-rate(evts/h) error-excess-rate(evts/h) ontime(min) significance[if Nsig>10 and Nbg>10 (or Nexc>10)] significance zdmean thmean sigrate[evts/h] bgrate[evts/h] corr-factor bg-corr-factor" #echo "# start("$time") stop("$time") excess-rate(evts/h) error-excess-rate(evts/h) " echo " # QUERY: "$query getdbsetup printprocesslog "DEBUG sendquery QUERY: "$query echo "DEBUG sendquery QUERY: "$query mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $query " if [ "$table" == "AnalysisResultsRunLP" ] then query2=`echo $query | sed -e 's/AnalysisResultsRunLP/AnalysisResultsRunISDC/g'` echo "# QUERY: "$query2 mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=$ho factdata_cp20150811 -e " $query2 " fi } ontime1=" TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn " ontime2=" fOnTimeAfterCuts " ontimeif=" IF(ISNULL(fEffectiveOn), fOnTimeAfterCuts, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn) " from=" FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN "$table" USING (fNight, fRunID) " # time range and source where=" WHERE fSourceKey="$source" AND fNight BETWEEN "$start" AND "$stop # some sanity checks where=$where" AND fRunTypeKey=1 AND NOT ISNULL(fNumSigEvts) AND NOT ISNULL(fNumBgEvts) AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00' " where=$where" AND fZenithDistanceMax<"$zdcut" AND fThresholdMedian<"$thcut" AND fMoonZenithDistance>"$dark where=$where" AND (fTNGDust < "$dust" OR isnull(fTNGDust)) " # DataCheck (old) ##data with old feedback and/or different bias voltage #query=$query" AND fNight>20120420 AND NOT fNight IN (20120406,20120410,20120503) AND" ## broken bias channel #query=$query" NOT fNight BETWEEN 20121206 AND 20130110" # bg-rate cut zdparam=" pow(0.753833*cos(Radians(fZenithDistanceMean)), 7.647435)*exp(-5.753686*pow(Radians(fZenithDistanceMean),2.089609))" thparam=" pow((if(isnull(fThresholdMinSet),fThresholdMedian,fThresholdMinSet)-329.4203),2)*(-0.0000002044803) " param=" (fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/5-fNumSigEvts)/fOnTimeAfterCuts - "$zdparam" - "$thparam" " dchold=" -0.085 < ("$param") " dchold=$dchold" AND 0.25 > ("$param") " # Datacheck (new) -> combine dchval=" fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/(1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035)/TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))/fEffectiveOn " # some semi-automatic datacheck datacheck=" AND (("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.8 AND 1.7 AND fNight BETWEEN 20140520 AND 20150131) " #A datacheck=$datacheck" OR ("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.4 AND 1.6 AND fNight BETWEEN 20150201 AND 20150715) " #B datacheck=$datacheck" OR ("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.7 AND 1.4 AND fNight BETWEEN 20150716 AND 20160218) " #C datacheck=$datacheck" OR ("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.5 AND 1.0 AND fNight > 20160220) " #D datacheck=$datacheck" OR ("$dchold" AND fNight<20140520)) " #old if [ $dch -eq 0 ] then datacheck="" fi case $time in mjd) timeselect="Mjd(Min(fRunStart)) AS start, Mjd(MAX(fRunStop)) AS stop, " timeselect2=" Mjd(MIN(o.start)) AS start, Mjd(MAX(o.stop)) AS stop, " break;; unix) timeselect="Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS start, Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(fRunStop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS stop, " timeselect2=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(MIN(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS start, Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(MAX(o.stop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS stop, " break;; *) timeselect="MIN(fRunStart) AS start, MAX(fRunStop) AS stop, " timeselect2=" MIN(o.start) AS start, MAX(o.stop) as stop, " break;; esac # todo: # implement login # implement for internal use # table # more binnings (insert box for minutes? period, 10d?, weekly?) # zd limit # threshold limit # datacheck if [ $bin -eq -1 ] then #query="SELECT Min(fRunStart), Max(fRunStop), Sum(fNumExcEvts)/Sum(fOnTimeAfterCuts)*3600, if ((Sum(fNumSigEvts) + 0.2*0.2*Sum(fNumBgEvts))<0, 0, Sqrt(Sum(fNumSigEvts) + 0.2*0.2*Sum(fNumBgEvts))) FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN "$table" USING (fNight, fRunID) WHERE fSourceKey="$source" AND fNight BETWEEN "$start" AND "$stop" GROUP BY fNight HAVING SUM(fOnTimeAfterCuts)*60>20" query="SELECT "$timeselect" SUM(fNumExcEvts)/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 AS excrate, " query=$query" ExcErr(Sum(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 AS excerr, " query=$query" IF (SUM(fNumSigEvts)>10 AND SUM(fNumBgEvts)>10, LiMa(SUM(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts)), IF (SUM(fNumSigEvts)-SUM(fNumBgEvts)>10, concat('(', LiMa(SUM(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts)), ')'), '-')) AS significance, " query=$query" LiMa(SUM(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts)) AS significance2, " query=$query" Avg(fZenithDistanceMean) as zd, " query=$query" Avg(fThresholdMedian) as th, " query=$query" SUM(fNumSigEvts)/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 AS sigrate, " query=$query" SUM(fNumBgEvts)/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 AS bgrate, " #query=$query" ((1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035) ) AS factor " query=$query" (SUM(fNumExcEvts)/SUM(fNumExcEvts/((1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035) ))) AS factor, " query=$query" SUM(fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/(1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035) )/SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn) AS bgfactor " query=$query$from$where$datacheck" GROUP BY fNight HAVING SUM("$ontimeif")/60>20 ORDER BY fNight " else # query to get excess rate and significance from DB query="SELECT "$timeselect2" ROUND((SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts))/SUM(o.ot)*3600, 2) AS excrate, " query=$query" ROUND(ExcErr(SUM(o.sigevts),SUM(o.bgevts))/SUM(o.ot)*3600,2) AS err " #query=$query" ROUND(SUM(o.ot)/60.,1) AS 'ontime [min]' " #query=$query" IF (SUM(o.sigevts)>10 AND SUM(o.bgevts)>10, LiMa(SUM(o.sigevts), SUM(o.bgevts)), IF (SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts)>10, CONCAT('(', LiMa(SUM(o.sigevts), SUM(o.bgevts)), ')'), '-')) AS significance " query=$query" FROM (SELECT fNight, @ot:="$ontimeif" AS ot, fRunStart AS start, fRunStop AS stop, fNumSigEvts AS sigevts, fNumBgEvts AS bgevts, " query=$query" IF (@night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+@ot)/"$bin"./60.)<1, @bl, @bl := @bl + 1) AS block, " query=$query" IF (@night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+@ot)/"$bin"./60.)<1, @os:=@os + @ot, @os := @ot) AS os, @night :=fNight AS night " query=$query$from" CROSS JOIN (SELECT @night :=0, @ot :=0, @os :=0, @bl:=0) PARAMS " query=$query$where$datacheck" ORDER BY fRunStart) o GROUP BY block ORDER BY start" fi #echo $query printinfo | mail -s 'test internal downloading data ' -c dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de -r dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de $email #printinfo finish