1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #
3 | source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh
4 | printprocesslog "INFO starting $0"
5 |
6 | # get date (before 18h there is no new data to be processed)
7 | datepath=`date --date="-19HOUR" +%Y/%m/%d`
8 | date=`date --date="-19HOUR" +%Y%m%d`
9 | # for processing by hand
10 | #datepath="2013/08/11"
11 | #date="20130811"
12 | printprocesslog "INFO processing "$datepath
13 | night=`echo $datepath | sed -e 's/\///g'`
14 |
15 | auxpathnewdaq=/newdaq/aux/$datepath
16 | # create aux directory on daq, if not yet there
17 | auxpath=/loc_data/aux/$datepath
18 | makedir $auxpath
19 | # create path for info files needed for analysis
20 | infopath=$anapath/info/$datepath
21 | makedir $infopath
22 | echo "" > $infopath/runrow.txt
23 | # create path for sequence files
24 | seqpath=$anapath/sequences/$datepath
25 | makedir $seqpath
26 | rawpathnewdaq=/newdaq/raw/$datepath
27 | rawpath=/loc_data/raw/$datepath
28 |
29 | # needed auxiliary files:
30 | # drive file with information about current source position
31 | drivefile=$auxpath/${night}.DRIVE_CONTROL_SOURCE_POSITION.fits
32 | drivefilenewdaq=$auxpathnewdaq/${night}.DRIVE_CONTROL_SOURCE_POSITION.fits
33 | # drive file with information about tracking position
34 | drivefile2=$auxpath/${night}.DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION.fits
35 | drivefilenewdaq2=$auxpathnewdaq/${night}.DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION.fits
36 | # file with magic weather information
37 | mweatherfile=$auxpath/${night}.MAGIC_WEATHER_DATA.fits
38 | mweatherfilenewdaq=$auxpathnewdaq/${night}.MAGIC_WEATHER_DATA.fits
39 | # file with trigger rates
40 | ratesfile=$auxpath/${night}.FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES.fits
41 | ratesfilenewdaq=$auxpathnewdaq/${night}.FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES.fits
42 | # file with trigger rates
43 | tempfile=$auxpath/${night}.FSC_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE.fits
44 | tempfilenewdaq=$auxpathnewdaq/${night}.FSC_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE.fits
45 | # file with trigger rates
46 | humfile=$auxpath/${night}.FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY.fits
47 | humfilenewdaq=$auxpathnewdaq/${night}.FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY.fits
48 |
49 | function rsync_aux_file()
50 | {
51 | if ls $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
52 | then
53 | printprocesslog "INFO rsync "$1
54 | # rsync
55 | # from newdaq (/newdaq = /fact on newdaq), rsync server newdaq::newdaq/
56 | # to daq (/daq = /loc_data on daq)
57 | rsyncservernewdaq=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^\//'`
58 | # old
59 | #if ! rsync -a -T $rsynctempdir $1 $2
60 | # new (workaround for problems on daq)
61 | if ! rsync -a -T $rsynctempdir $rsyncservernewdaq $2
62 | then
63 | printprocesslog "WARN rsync of "$1" failed."
64 | fi
65 | else
66 | printprocesslog "WARN "$1" missing."
67 | fi
68 | }
69 |
70 | function check_daq()
71 | {
72 | diskusage=( `df -P /raid10 | grep raid10 ` )
73 | # check if more than 700 GB are left on /loc_data
74 | if [ ${diskusage[3]} -lt $disklimitdaq ]
75 | then
76 | echo "WARN less than 700 left on /raid10 on node "$HOSTNAME
77 | printprocesslog "WARN less than 700 left on /raid10 on node "$HOSTNAME
78 | df -h /raid10
79 | finish
80 | fi
81 | }
82 |
83 | check_daq
84 |
85 | printprocesslog "INFO get lists of raw files on newdaq and daq"
86 | files=( `find $rawpathnewdaq -type f 2>/dev/null | sort` )
87 | if [ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]
88 | then
89 | printprocesslog "INFO no raw files available yet for "$datepath
90 | finish
91 | fi
92 | fileslocal=( `find $rawpath -type f | sort` )
93 | callistofiles=( `find $anapath/callisto -type f -name $date*-calibration.log | sort` )
94 | numdataruns=0
95 |
96 | # create raw directory on daq, if not yet there
97 | makedir $rawpath
98 |
99 | #echo "INFO #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
100 | printprocesslog "INFO #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
101 |
102 | while [ ${#fileslocal[@]} -ne ${#files[@]} ] || [ $numdataruns -ne ${#callistofiles[@]} ]
103 | do
104 | # only continue with script
105 | # when there is more than 10% space on daq
106 | source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh
107 | check_daq
108 |
109 | numdataruns=0
110 | #echo "INFO #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
111 | printprocesslog "INFO status beginning of while-loop #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
112 |
113 | rsync_aux_file $drivefilenewdaq $drivefile
114 |
115 | # files on newdaq
116 | for file in ${files[@]}
117 | do
118 | printprocesslog "processing "$file
119 | localfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/newdaq/loc_data/'`
120 |
121 | source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh
122 | # check if file is already transferred
123 | if ! ls $localfile >/dev/null 2>&1
124 | then
125 | # check if it is drs-file
126 | # get stop time from raw-file
127 | if [ "`echo $file | grep -o drs`" == "drs" ]
128 | then
129 | nondrsfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/[.]drs//g'`
130 | tstop=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $nondrsfile 2>/dev/null | grep TSTOPI | grep -E -o '[0-9]+'`
131 | else
132 | tstop=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $file 2>/dev/null | grep TSTOPI | grep -E -o '[0-9]+'`
133 | fi
134 | # when stop time is 0, file is not closed
135 | if [ "$tstop" == "0" ]
136 | then
137 | printprocesslog "WARN "$file" not yet closed."
138 | # if a file is not closed and not touched for 30 minutes,
139 | # it is assumed corrupted and still transferred
140 | fileaccessed=`find $file -amin -30`
141 | if ! [ "$fileaccessed" == "" ]
142 | then
143 | printprocesslog "INFO "$file" was accessed in the last 30 minutes => continue"
144 | continue
145 | else
146 | printprocesslog "WARN: "$file" has empty TSTOP but was not touched for 30 minutes"
147 | fileerror="yes"
148 | fi
149 | fi
150 |
151 | # rsync
152 | # from newdaq (/newdaq = /fact on newdaq), rsync server newdaq::newdaq/
153 | # to daq (/daq = /loc_data on daq)
154 | # to access rsync server via the dedicated network between
155 | # daq and newdaq, use
156 | filersyncserver=`echo $file | sed -e 's/^\//'`
157 | # old
158 | ##if ! rsync -av --stats --progress --bwlimit=$bwlimit $file $localfile
159 | #if ! rsync -a -T $rsynctempdir --bwlimit=$bwlimit $file $localfile
160 | # new
161 | if ! rsync -a -W -T $rsynctempdir --bwlimit=$bwlimit $filersyncserver $localfile
162 | then
163 | printprocesslog "ERROR something went wrong with rsync of "$file
164 | rm $localfile
165 | continue
166 | fi
167 | printprocesslog "INFO "$file" rsynced successfully."
168 | fi
169 |
170 |
171 | if [ "`echo $localfile | grep -o drs`" != "drs" ]
172 | then
173 | runtype=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $localfile 2>/dev/null | grep RUNTYPE | grep -E -o "['][a-z0-9._-]+[']" | sed -e "s/'//g" -e "s/_/-/g" -e "s/[.]//g"`
174 | runnum=`echo $localfile | cut -d_ -f3 | cut -d. -f1`
175 | roi=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $localfile 2>/dev/null | grep ROI | grep -v ROITM | grep -E -o "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?" | sed -e "s/'//g" -e "s/_/-/g" -e "s/[.]//g"`
176 | numevts=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $file 2>/dev/null | grep Events | grep -E -o '[0-9]+'`
177 | printprocesslog "DEBUG runnum "$runnum" runtype "$runtype" roi "$roi" numevts "$numevts
178 | if [ "$runtype" == "drs-time-upshifted" ]
179 | then
180 | printprocesslog "INFO file "$file" has runtype drs-time-upshifted -> continue "
181 | continue
182 | fi
183 | #echo $runtype" "$runnum
184 | if [ "$runtype" == "data" ]
185 | then
186 | if [ "$fileerror" = "yes" ]
187 | then
188 | printprocesslog "INFO do not further process corrupted file "$localfile
189 | fileerror=
190 | continue
191 | fi
192 | seqfile=$seqpath/${night}_${runnum}.seq
193 | printprocesslog "INFO write data-seq "$seqfile
194 | echo "# written by automatic analysis in LP" >$seqfile
195 | echo "" >> $seqfile
196 | echo "Sequence: "`echo $night | cut -c3-8`$runnum >> $seqfile
197 | echo "Night: "`echo $datepath | sed -e 's/\//-/g'` >> $seqfile
198 | echo "" >> $seqfile
199 | echo "DrsSequence: "$drsseq >> $seqfile
200 | echo "" >> $seqfile
201 | # echo $runrow" CalRuns"
202 | # echo $runrow | grep -E -o '[0-9]{3}light-pulser-ext300' | sed -e 's/light-pulser-ext300//g'
203 | echo "CalRuns: "`echo $runrow | grep -E -o '[0-9]{3}light-pulser-ext300' | sed -e 's/light-pulser-ext300//g'` >> $seqfile
204 | echo "PedRuns: "`echo $runrow | grep -E -o '[0-9]{3}pedestal300' | sed -e 's/pedestal300//g'` >> $seqfile
205 | echo "DatRuns: "$runnum >> $seqfile
206 | echo "" >> $seqfile
207 | echo "DrsFiles: "$drsfile >> $seqfile
208 | echo "" >> $seqfile
209 | echo "#DrsFile: "$drsfile >> $seqfile
210 | echo "" >> $seqfile
211 |
212 | # tstopi=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $localfile 2>/dev/null | grep TSTOPI | grep -E -o '[0-9]+'`
213 | # tstopf=`$factpath/fitsdump -h $localfile 2>/dev/null | grep TSTOPF | grep -E -o '[.][0-9]+'`
214 | # tstop=${tstopi}${tstopf}
215 | # coordinates=( `${factpath}/fitsdump ${drivefile} -c Ra_src Dec_src -r --filter='Time<'${tstop} 2>/dev/null | tail -1 2>&1` )
216 | # if [ "${coordinates[0]}" == "" ] || [ "${coordinates[1]}" == "" ]
217 | # then
218 | # printprocesslog "WARN couldn't get coordinates ("${coordinates[@]}") from "$drivefile
219 | # #echo "WARN couldn't get coordinates ("${coordinates[@]}") from "$drivefile
220 | # continue
221 | # fi
222 | # if [ "${coordinates[0]}" == "0" ] || [ "${coordinates[1]}" == "0" ]
223 | # then
224 | # printprocesslog "WARN coordinates "${coordinates[@]}
225 | # #echo "WARN coordinates "${coordinates[@]}
226 | # continue
227 | # fi
228 | # printprocesslog "DEBUG coordinates "${coordinates[@]}
229 | # query="SELECT fSourceKEY FROM scheduling.source WHERE "
230 | # query=$query" fRightAscension BETWEEN "${coordinates[0]}"-0.01 AND "${coordinates[0]}"+0.01 "
231 | # query=$query" AND fDeclination BETWEEN "${coordinates[1]}"-0.01 AND "${coordinates[1]}"+0.01 "
232 | # sourcekey=`sendquery`
233 | # if [ "$sourcekey" == "" ]
234 | # then
235 | # printprocesslog "WARN sourcekey empty - coordinates"${coordinates[@]}
236 | # fi
237 |
238 | printprocesslog "INFO counting callisto logs and data files +1."
239 | # get number of callisto logs
240 | callistocount=`ps aux | grep RunCallisto | grep -E -o '20[12][0-9][01][0-9][0-3][0-9]_[0-9][0-9][0-9]' | sort | uniq | wc -l`
241 | # count data runs
242 | numdataruns=`echo " $numdataruns + 1 " | bc -l`
243 | #echo "numdata +1"
244 |
245 | #echo "cal: "$callistocount" numdat: "$numdataruns" numcallog: "${#callistofiles[@]}
246 | printprocesslog "INFO running callistos: "$callistocount" #data-runs: "$numdataruns" #callisto-logs: "${#callistofiles[@]}
247 | # do not overload system in case of a lot of files to be processed
248 | # callistocount is set in setup.fact.lp.data
249 | if [ $callistocount -ge $numcallistos ]
250 | then
251 | printprocesslog "INFO "$callistocount" RunCallisto.sh are running -> continue"
252 | #echo "INFO "$callistocount" RunCallisto.sh are running -> continue"
253 | continue
254 | fi
255 | callistolog=`dirname $seqfile | sed -e "s/sequences/callisto/"`"/"$night"_"$runnum"-calibration.log"
256 | if ! [ -e $callistolog ]
257 | then
258 | rsync_aux_file $drivefilenewdaq2 $drivefile2
259 | rsync_aux_file $mweatherfilenewdaq $mweatherfile
260 | rsync_aux_file $ratesfilenewdaq $ratesfile
261 | rsync_aux_file $tempfilenewdaq $tempfile
262 | rsync_aux_file $humfilenewdaq $humfile
263 | #printprocesslog "INFO starting RunCallisto.sh for "$sourcekey" "$seqfile
264 | #echo "INFO starting RunCallisto.sh for "$sourcekey" "$seqfile
265 | #`dirname $0`/RunCallisto.sh $sourcekey $seqfile &
266 | printprocesslog "INFO starting RunCallisto.sh for "$seqfile
267 | #echo "INFO starting RunCallisto.sh for "$seqfile
268 | `dirname $0`/RunCallisto.sh $seqfile &
269 | fi
270 | continue
271 | else
272 | # skip a non-data run when it has not 1000 evts
273 | # as this means probably an fad-loss
274 | if [ $numevts -ne 1000 ]
275 | then
276 | printprocesslog "INFO file "$file" is a non-data file ("$runtype") and has not 1000 events ("$nmevts")"
277 | continue
278 | fi
279 | fi
280 | printprocesslog "DEBUG runrow "$runrow" (from variable) "
281 | runrow=`cat $infopath/runrow.txt`
282 | printprocesslog "DEBUG runrow "$runrow" (from file) "
283 | runrow=$runrow$runnum$runtype$roi"_"
284 | echo $runrow > $infopath/runrow.txt
285 | if echo $runrow | grep -E '[0-9]{3}drs-pedestal1024_[0-9]{3}drs-gain1024_[0-9]{3}drs-pedestal1024_[0-9]{3}drs-pedestal1024_[0-9]{3}drs-time1024_[0-9]{3}pedestal300_[0-9]{3}pedestal300_' >/dev/null
286 | then
287 | runrow2=`echo $runrow | grep -E -o '[0-9]{3}drs-pedestal1024_[0-9]{3}drs-gain1024_[0-9]{3}drs-pedestal1024_[0-9]{3}drs-pedestal1024_[0-9]{3}drs-time1024_[0-9]{3}pedestal300_[0-9]{3}pedestal300_'`
288 | run1=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f1 | sed -e 's/drs-pedestal1024//g'`
289 | run2=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f2 | sed -e 's/drs-gain1024//g'`
290 | run3=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f3 | sed -e 's/drs-pedestal1024//g'`
291 | run4=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f4 | sed -e 's/drs-pedestal1024//g'`
292 | run5=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f5 | sed -e 's/drs-time1024//g'`
293 | run6=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f6 | sed -e 's/pedestal300//g'`
294 | run7=`echo $runrow2 | cut -d_ -f7 | sed -e 's/pedestal300//g'`
295 | seqfile=$seqpath/${night}_${run1}.drs.seq
296 | printprocesslog "INFO write drs-seq "$seqfile
297 | echo "# written by automatic analysis in LP" > $seqfile
298 | echo "" >> $seqfile
299 | echo "Sequence: "`echo $night | cut -c3-8`$run1 >> $seqfile
300 | echo "Night: "`echo $datepath | sed -e 's/\//-/g'` >> $seqfile
301 | echo "" >> $seqfile
302 | echo "CalRuns: "$run2 >> $seqfile
303 | echo "PedRuns: "$run6" "$run7 >> $seqfile
304 | echo "DatRuns: "$run5 >> $seqfile
305 | echo "DrsRuns: "$run1" "$run3" "$run4 >> $seqfile
306 | echo "DrsFiles: "$run3" "$run6 >> $seqfile
307 | echo "" >> $seqfile
308 | echo "#DrsFile: "$run6 >> $seqfile
309 | echo "" >> $seqfile
310 | echo "" > $infopath/runrow.txt
311 | drsseq=$run1
312 | drsfile=$run6
313 | fi
314 | if echo $runrow | grep -E '[0-9]{3}pedestal300_[0-9]{3}light-pulser-ext300_' >/dev/null
315 | then
316 | echo "" > $infopath/runrow.txt
317 | fi
318 | fi
319 | done
320 | printprocesslog "INFO status after loop: "$callistocount" callistos running, "$numdataruns" data runs to process in total, "${#callistofiles[@]}" have already a callisto-logfile "
321 |
322 | # get new file lists
323 | printprocesslog "INFO get new file lists for "$datepath
324 | files=( `find $rawpathnewdaq -type f | sort` )
325 | fileslocal=( `find $rawpath -type f | sort` )
326 | callistofiles=( `find $anapath/callisto -type f -name $date*-calibration.log | sort` )
327 | #echo "INFO #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
328 | printprocesslog "INFO status after for-loop #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
329 |
330 | # wait and get new file lists
331 | update=
332 | if [ ${#fileslocal[@]} -eq ${#files[@]} ]
333 | then
334 | printprocesslog "INFO wait 60 seconds."
335 | sleep 60
336 | #echo "sleep 60..."
337 | printprocesslog "INFO get new file lists for "$datepath
338 | files=( `find $rawpathnewdaq -type f | sort` )
339 | fileslocal=( `find $rawpath -type f | sort` )
340 | callistofiles=( `find $anapath/callisto -type f -name $date*-calibration.log | sort` )
341 | fi
342 | #echo "INFO #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
343 | printprocesslog "INFO status after wait end of while-loop #files-daq:"${#fileslocal[@]}" #files-newdaq:"${#files[@]}" #callisto-logs:"${#callistofiles[@]}" #data-runs:"$numdataruns
344 | done
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |