1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #
3 | source `dirname $0`/../Sourcefile.sh
4 | printprocesslog "INFO starting $0"
5 |
6 | echo $certaindate
7 |
8 | # get dates
9 | if [ "$certaindate" != "" ]
10 | then
11 | getdates $certaindate
12 | else
13 | if [ "$1" = "" ]
14 | then
15 | # get all night
16 | #getdates "all"
17 | # get last 6 nights if hour between 7 and 19h, else only current night
18 | getdates 6 7 19
19 | else
20 | getdates $1
21 | fi
22 | fi
23 |
24 | echo ${dates[@]}
25 |
26 |
27 | for date in ${dates[@]}
28 | do
29 | printprocesslog "INFO processing "$date
30 | echo "INFO processing "$date
31 | night=`echo $date | sed -e 's/\///g'`
32 |
33 | numganymeds=0
34 | # getting all image files for this night
35 | printprocesslog "INFO get file list for night "$date
36 | files=( `find $anapath/star/$date -type f -name '*_I.root' 2>/dev/null | sort` )
37 | if [ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]
38 | then
39 | printprocesslog "INFO no image files available for night "$date
40 | continue
41 | fi
42 |
43 | for file in ${files[@]}
44 | do
45 | night=`basename $file | cut -d_ -f1`
46 | run=`basename $file | cut -d_ -f2`
47 | printprocesslog "INFO processing run "$run
48 | # process only if merpp-log is available to make sure that star-file is complete
49 | # at ISDC seq# != run# -> get seq#
50 | if echo $resulttable1 | grep ISDC >/dev/null 2>&1
51 | then
52 | query="SELECT LPAD(fSequenceID, 3, 0) FROM RunInfo WHERE fNight="$night" AND fRunID="$run
53 | seq=`sendquery`
54 | merpplog=`dirname $file`"/"$night"_"$seq"-merpp.log"
55 | else
56 | merpplog=`echo $file | sed -e 's/_I.root/-merpp.log/'`
57 | fi
58 | # check if merpp is finished
59 | stillrunning=`find $merpplog -mmin -1 2>/dev/null`
60 | if ! [ -e $merpplog ] || [ "$stillrunning" != "" ]
61 | then
62 | printprocesslog "INFO merpp still running - wait with file "$file
63 | continue
64 | fi
65 | # process only if ganymedlogfiles is not yet there
66 | logfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/star/ganymed_run/' -e 's/_I[.]root/-ganymed[.]log/'`
67 | if ! ls $logfile >/dev/null 2>&1
68 | then
69 | printprocesslog "DEBUG `dirname $0`/RunGanymed.sh "$file
70 | if [ "$qlasge" = "yes" ]
71 | then
72 | printprocesslog "$sgepath/qsub -b y -q fact_short -v AUTOMATIONSETUP=$AUTOMATIONSETUP -v starfile=$file -e bla.txt -o bla.txt `dirname $0`/RunGanymed.sh"
73 | $sgepath/qsub -b y -q fact_short -v AUTOMATIONSETUP=$AUTOMATIONSETUP -v starfile=$file -e bla.txt -o bla.txt `dirname $0`/RunGanymed.sh
74 | else
75 | printprocesslog " INFO `dirname $0`/RunGanymed.sh $file"
76 | `dirname $0`/RunGanymed.sh $file
77 | echo "ganymed for "$file
78 | fi
79 | numganymeds=`echo " $numganymeds + 1 " | bc -l`
80 | fi
81 | done
82 | printprocesslog "INFO found "$numganymeds" ganymeds."
83 | done
84 |
85 | finish
86 |