1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #
3 | # This a resource file for the scripts, in which paths, variables
4 | # and setups are defined
5 | #
6 | # This setup file is for the machines on the FACT cluster at ISDC
7 | #
8 |
9 | # setup to use ftools
10 | export HEADAS=/swdev_nfs/heasoft-6.11.1/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12
11 | export HEADASPROMPT=/dev/null
12 |
13 | # setup to use fitsdump
14 | export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/swdev_nfs/FACT++/.libs
15 | export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
16 | # use new mysql version
17 | #export PATH=/swdev_nfs/mysql-8.0.12-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/bin/:$PATH
18 | export PATH=/swdev_nfs/mysql-5.7.23-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/bin/:$PATH
19 |
20 | # setup to use ROOT
21 | root=/swdev_nfs/root_v5.34.38/bin/thisroot.sh
22 | source $root
23 |
24 | # software versions
25 | export factpath=/swdev_nfs/FACT++
26 | export mars=~/Mars.svn.r19190
27 |
28 | corsikapath=/home/projects/fact_opr/corsika-75000/run
29 | corsika=corsika75000Linux_QGSJET_fluka
30 | flukapath=/home/projects/fact_opr/fluka
31 |
32 | # site
33 | processingsite=isdc
34 | sitekey=4
35 | storagesite=isdc
36 |
37 | # queuing system
38 | queuesys=sge
39 | sgepath=/usr/bin
40 |
41 | # logging and setup
42 | logpath=~/logs.automatic.processing/autologs
43 | lockpath=~/logs.automatic.processing/locks
44 | rsynctempdir=/scratch/rsync_tmp
45 |
46 | # data paths
47 | #datapath=/scratch/fact/data.2013.05.11
48 | datapath=/gpfs0/fact/processing/data.r19190
49 | datapath_for_sed=$(printf "%s\n" "$datapath" | sed 's/[][\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g')
50 | drstimepath=/gpfs0/fact/processing/drs_time_calib
51 | #seqpath=/scratch/fact/sequences
52 | seqpath=/gpfs0/fact/processing/sequences
53 | auxdata=/fact/aux
54 | auxdata_for_sed=$(printf "%s\n" "$auxdata" | sed 's/[][\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g')
55 | rawdata=/fact/raw
56 | rawdata_for_sed=$(printf "%s\n" "$rawdata" | sed 's/[][\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g')
57 | # rawdata and ziprawdata are the same
58 | # variable $ziprawdata needed for FillAuxData.sh
59 | ziprawdata=/fact/raw
60 | ziprawdata_for_sed=$(printf "%s\n" "$rawdata" | sed 's/[][\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g')
61 |
62 | # get paths for mars, macros and scripts
63 | # in case the variable is not yet set
64 | if [ "$mars" == "" ]
65 | then
66 | mars=`dirname $0 | sed -e 's/\/datacenter\/scripts//'`
67 | fi
68 | macrospath=$mars/datacenter/macros
69 | scriptspath=`dirname $0`
70 |
71 | # rcfiles
72 | # dependencies of steps
73 | steps=$scriptspath/../Setup/steps_fact_isdc.rc
74 | # file with db information
75 | sqlrc=/home/projects/fact_opr/.mysql.pw.lp-fact.operator.factdata
76 |
77 |
78 | #addresses to which information about full disks is sent
79 | deladrs="shift@fact-project.org"
80 | #addresses to which the errors are sent
81 | erradrs="dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de"
82 | #addresses to which the changes are sent
83 | adrs="dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de"
84 |
85 |
86 | #
87 | #setup for jobmanager
88 | #
89 | sleeptime=300 #600 #30
90 | sleeptimelimit=360 #360
91 | errorsleeptimedefault=60 #60
92 |
93 | algorithm=2
94 |
95 | #hour: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
96 | pnototal=( 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 )
97 | pnototalwe=( 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 )
98 |
99 | # set variables for jobmanager
100 | scripts=( "RunCallisto.sh" "RunStar.sh" )
101 | queues=( "fact_medium" "fact_short" )
102 | scriptscolname=( "Callisto" "Star" )
103 | ratio=( 0.6 0.4 )
104 | maxjobs=( 25 400 )
105 |
106 | # fact_short 1h 192 slots
107 | # fact_medium 6h 128 slots
108 | # fact_long 168h 64 slots
109 |
110 | # further wishlist: adapt ratio automatically
111 |
112 | # setup for warning/errors
113 | # print warnings/errors (eg for missing files) only after a delay of few days to account for transfer
114 | transferdelay=3 #days
115 | checknight=`date +%Y%m%d --date="-${transferdelay}day"`
116 |
117 | # setup transfer
118 | numrsyncwuelimit=4
119 |
120 | # setup for qla
121 | anapath=$datapath
122 | qlasge="yes"
123 | resulttable1="AnalysisResultsRunISDC"
124 | resulttable2="AnalysisResultsNightISDC"
125 | firstnight=20111115
126 |