1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # to treat aliases in bash-script correctly
4 | shopt -s expand_aliases
5 |
6 | # check if script has been started with absolute path
7 | if ! dirname $0 | grep -E '^/' >/dev/null 2>&1
8 | then
9 | echo "Please start your script with an absolute path."
10 | exit
11 | fi
12 |
13 | if [ "$AUTOMATIONSETUP" = "" ]
14 | then
15 | echo "Please set the environment variable \$AUTOMATIONSETUP."
16 | exit
17 | fi
18 |
19 | if [ "$SOURCEFILEPATH" = "" ]
20 | then
21 | export SOURCEFILEPATH=`dirname $0`
22 | fi
23 | if [ "$SCRIPTNAME" = "" ]
24 | then
25 | SCRIPTNAME=`basename $0`
26 | fi
27 |
29 |
30 | if [ "$mars" = "" ]
31 | then
32 | echo "Please set the path for MARS."
33 | exit
34 | fi
35 |
36 | datetime=`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`
37 |
38 |
39 | # function to make sure that a directory is made
40 | function makedir()
41 | {
42 | if [ ! -d $@ ]
43 | then
44 | if [ "$processlog" = "" ] || [ "$logfile" = "" ]
45 | then
46 | mkdir -p $@
47 | else
48 | mkdir -pv $@
49 | fi
50 | if [ ! -d $@ ]
51 | then
52 | if ! [ "$processlog" = "" ]
53 | then
54 | echo `date +%F\ %T`" "`whoami`"@"$HOSTNAME" "$SCRIPTNAME"["$$"] ERROR could not make dir "$@ >> $processlog
55 | else
56 | echo "could not make dir "$@
57 | fi
58 | if ls $lockfile >/dev/null 2>&1
59 | then
60 | rm -v $lockfile
61 | fi
62 | exit
63 | fi
64 | fi
65 | }
66 |
67 | # logging paths for runlogs and processlog
68 | runlogpath=$logpath/run/`date +%Y/%m/%d`
69 | processlogpath=$logpath/processlog
70 | makedir $runlogpath
71 | makedir $processlogpath
72 | processlog=$processlogpath/process`date +%F`.log
73 |
74 | makedir $lockpath
75 |
76 |
77 | # function to provide proper logging in a single logfile ($processlog)
78 | function printprocesslog
79 | {
80 | makedir $processlogpath
81 | echo `date +%F\ %T`" "`whoami`"@"$HOSTNAME" "$SCRIPTNAME"["$$"] "$@ >> $processlog
82 | }
83 |
84 | # function to exit a script properly
85 | function finish()
86 | {
87 | if ! [ "$lockfile" = "" ] && ls $lockfile >/dev/null 2>&1
88 | then
89 | printprocesslog "DEBUG " `rm -v $lockfile`
90 | fi
91 | printprocesslog "DEBUG finished "$SOURCEFILEPATH"/"$SCRIPTNAME
92 | exit
93 | }
94 |
95 |
96 | # set checkvalue to ok at the beginning of the scripts
97 | check="ok"
98 |
99 | # setup for jobmanager:
100 | # log files (can't be defined in script itself, as script can run longer
101 | # than one day
102 | jmerrorlog=$runlogpath/jobmanager-`whoami`-$HOSTNAME-$AUTOMATIONSETUP-`date +%F`-error.log
103 | jmscriptlog=$runlogpath/jobmanager-`whoami`-$HOSTNAME-$AUTOMATIONSETUP-`date +%F`.log
104 |
105 | # check if rc-files are available
106 | if ! ls $steps >/dev/null
107 | then
108 | echo "Can't find steps.rc ($steps)"
109 | finish
110 | fi
111 | if ! ls $sqlrc >/dev/null
112 | then
113 | echo "Can't find sql.rc ($sqlrc)"
114 | finish
115 | fi
116 |
117 | # resetting values for jobmanager
118 | pno=0
119 | totalpno=0
120 | running=0
121 | queued=0
122 | runningscript=0
123 | queuedscript=0
124 | stillinqueue=0
125 |
126 |
127 | # alias (we cannot check the beginning of the line due to
128 | # color codes in filldotraw.C)
129 | alias 'intgrep'='grep -E -o \\\(int\\\)[0-9]+$ | grep -E -o [0-9]+'
130 |
131 |
132 | # in the following the functions, which are needed by several scripts, are
133 | # defined
134 |
135 | # function to check if a process is already locked
136 | # command line option can be used to execute something, e.g. 'continue'
137 | function checklock()
138 | {
139 | if ! echo `date +%F\ %T`" "`whoami`"@"$HOSTNAME" "$SCRIPTNAME"["$$"] "`uname -a` > $lockfile 2>/dev/null
140 | then
141 | if find $lockfile -amin -5
142 | then
143 | printprocesslog "INFO lockfile $lockfile exists"
144 | else
145 | printprocesslog "WARN lockfile $lockfile exists"
146 | fi
147 | $@
148 | exit
149 | else
150 | printprocesslog "DEBUG created lockfile $lockfile"
151 | fi
152 | }
153 |
154 | # print the current status values
155 | function printstatusvalues()
156 | {
157 | echo "the current values are:"
158 | echo " starttime=$starttime"
159 | echo " stoptime=$stoptime"
160 | echo " availtime=$availtime"
161 | echo " returncode=$returncode"
162 | echo "-- check: -$check-"
163 | echo ""
164 | }
165 |
166 | # get the db-setup from the sql.rc
167 | function getdbsetup()
168 | {
169 | db=`grep Database $sqlrc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/Database: //' -e 's/ //g'`
170 | pw=`grep Password $sqlrc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/Password: //' -e 's/ //g'`
171 | us=`grep User $sqlrc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/User: //' -e 's/ //g'`
172 | ho=`grep URL $sqlrc | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/URL:mysql:\/\///'`
173 | # echo "setup: "
174 | # echo " db: "$db
175 | # echo " pw: "$pw
176 | # echo " us: "$us
177 | # echo " ho: "$ho
178 | }
179 |
180 | # function to send a mysql query
181 | function sendquery()
182 | {
183 | getdbsetup
184 | printprocesslog "DEBUG sendquery QUERY: "$query
185 | if ! val=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $query "`
186 | then
187 | printprocesslog "ERROR could not query DB "$db" on host "$ho" with user "$us
188 | #printprocesslog "ERROR could not query db (program: $program, function sendquery)"
189 | #return 1 #why???
190 | finish
191 | fi
192 | if [ "$val" = "NULL" ]
193 | then
194 | val=
195 | fi
196 | echo $val
197 | return 0
198 | }
199 |
200 | # function to get information from the setupfile $steps
201 | function getfromsetup()
202 | {
203 | grep $1"[.]"$2":" $steps | grep -v '#' | sed -e "s/$1[.]$2://"
204 | }
205 |
206 | # function to get the needed information from the dependencies-file steps.rc
207 | function getstepinfo()
208 | {
209 | getdbsetup
210 | needs=( `getfromsetup $step "Needs"` )
211 | noderestricted=`getfromsetup $step "NodeRestricted"`
212 | prims=( `getfromsetup $step "Primaries"` )
213 | maintable=`getfromsetup $step "MainTable" | sed -e "s/\ //g"`
214 | sort=`getfromsetup $step "SortDirection" | sed -e "s/\ //g"`
215 | # echo " maintable: "$maintable
216 | # echo " needs: "${needs[@]}
217 | # echo " noderestricted: "$noderestricted
218 | # echo " prims: "${prims[@]}
219 | }
220 |
221 | # function to get the joins needed for the get/set status queries
222 | function getalljoins()
223 | {
224 | # add table
225 | query=$query" "$maintable"Status"
226 | # add special join
227 | query=$query" "`getfromsetup $maintable "SpecialJoin"`
228 | # add join for step unless step is the same as maintable
229 | if ! [ "$step" = "$maintable" ]
230 | then
231 | query=$query" LEFT JOIN "$step"Status USING("${prims[@]}") "
232 | fi
233 | # add joins for influences or needs
234 | for otherstep in ${othersteps[@]}
235 | do
236 | if ! [ "$otherstep" = "$maintable" ]
237 | then
238 | query=$query" LEFT JOIN "$otherstep"Status USING("`getfromsetup $otherstep "Primaries"`") "
239 | fi
240 | done
241 | }
242 |
243 | # function to create the middle part of a query
244 | # which is identical for the functions getstatus() and gettodo()
245 | function getstatusquery()
246 | {
247 | # add from which table the information is queried
248 | query=$query" FROM "
249 | othersteps=${needs[@]}
250 | getalljoins
251 | # add condition
252 | query=$query" WHERE "
253 | # add condition for step, i.e. step is not yet done
254 | query=$query" ISNULL("$step"Status.fStartTime) "
255 | query=$query" AND ISNULL("$step"Status.fStopTime) "
256 | query=$query" AND ISNULL("$step"Status.fAvailable) "
257 | query=$query" AND ISNULL("$step"Status.fReturnCode) "
258 | # add requirement for production host in case it is needed
259 | if [ "$1 " != " " ]
260 | then
261 | query=$query" AND fProductionHostKEY=$2 "
262 | fi
263 | if ! echo $query | grep UPDATE >/dev/null 2>&1
264 | then
265 | query=$query" GROUP BY "${prims[@]}
266 | fi
267 | # add condition for needs, i.e. that step is done
268 | for (( k=0 ; k < ${#needs[@]} ; k++ ))
269 | do
270 | if [ $k -eq 0 ]
271 | then
272 | query=$query" HAVING "
273 | else
274 | query=$query" AND "
275 | fi
276 | query=$query" COUNT(*)=COUNT(IF("
277 | query=$query" NOT ISNULL("${needs[$k]}"Status.fStartTime) "
278 | query=$query" AND NOT ISNULL("${needs[$k]}"Status.fStopTime) "
279 | query=$query" AND NOT ISNULL("${needs[$k]}"Status.fAvailable) "
280 | query=$query" AND ISNULL("${needs[$k]}"Status.fReturnCode) "
281 | query=$query" , 1, NULL)) "
282 | done
283 | }
284 |
285 | # function to get todolist
286 | # returns the next or the list of next steps
287 | function gettodo()
288 | {
289 | # reset the variable for the number of the next step
290 | process=
291 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getting todo for step $step..."
292 | getstepinfo
293 | # get query
294 | query=" SELECT "${prims[@]}
295 | getstatusquery $2
296 | # order by priority to the the number of the next step to be done
297 | query=$query" ORDER BY "$step"Status.fPriority "
298 | if [ "$sort" = "" ]
299 | then
300 | query=$query" DESC "
301 | else
302 | query=$query" "$sort
303 | fi
304 | # add limitation in case only one or a limited number of
305 | # processes should be executed
306 | if [ "$1 " != " " ]
307 | then
308 | query=$query" limit 0, $1 "
309 | fi
310 | # print query
311 | printprocesslog "DEBUG gettodo for step $step QUERY: "$query
312 | # execute query
313 | process=`sendquery`
314 | #if ! process=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $query "`
315 | #then
316 | # printprocesslog "ERROR could not query processes from db (program: $program, function gettodo)"
317 | # finish
318 | #fi
319 | # get numbers of next step from mysql result
320 | if [ "$process" = "" ]
321 | then
322 | printprocesslog "DEBUG => nothing to do"
323 | finish
324 | else
325 | primaries=( $process )
326 | num=`expr ${#primaries[@]} / ${#prims[@]} `
327 | fi
328 | }
329 |
330 | # function to get the number of processes which still have to be done
331 | function getstatus()
332 | {
333 | # reset the variable for the number of steps to be done
334 | numproc=0
335 | getstepinfo
336 | # get query
337 | query=" SELECT "${prims[@]}
338 | getstatusquery $1
339 | # print query
340 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getstatus for step $step QUERY: "$query
341 | # execute query
342 | #numproc=`sendquery `#cannot be done with sendquery, because of row counting
343 | if ! numproc=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $query " | wc -l`
344 | then
345 | printprocesslog "ERROR could not query number of processes from db (program: $program, function getstatus)"
346 | echo `date +%F\ %T`" ERROR could not query number of processes from db (program: $program, function getstatus)"
347 | continue
348 | fi
349 | }
350 |
351 | # function to set status of a process in the db
352 | function setstatus()
353 | {
354 | # remark:
355 | # this function does not include the 'Default' flag
356 | # for resetting steps
357 |
358 | # for dowebplots (there are steps which have no entry in the DB)
359 | if [ "$step" = "no" ]
360 | then
361 | return
362 | fi
363 |
364 | # reset status values
365 | starttime=NULL
366 | stoptime=NULL
367 | availtime=NULL
368 | returncode=NULL
369 | # evaluate the status values
370 | case $@ in
371 | start) printprocesslog "DEBUG setstatus start"
372 | starttime="Now()"
373 | ;;
374 | stop) case $check in
375 | ok) printprocesslog "DEBUB setstatus stop - ok"
376 | starttime=noreset
377 | stoptime="Now()"
378 | if [ "$processingsite" = "$storagesite" ]
379 | then
380 | availtime="Now()"
381 | fi
382 | ;;
383 | no) printprocesslog "DEBUG setstatus stop - nothing new"
384 | check="ok"
385 | ;;
386 | *) printprocesslog "DEBUG setstatus stop - failed"
387 | starttime=noreset
388 | stoptime="Now()"
389 | if [ "$processingsite" = "$storagesite" ]
390 | then
391 | availtime="Now()"
392 | fi
393 | if [ "$check" == "" ]
394 | then
395 | returncode=1
396 | else
397 | returncode=$check
398 | fi
399 | check="ok"
400 | ;;
401 | esac
402 | ;;
403 | *) printprocesslog "ERROR function setstatus got wrong variable"
404 | finish
405 | ;;
406 | esac
407 |
408 | # get
409 | getstepinfo
410 |
411 | # get the influences from the steps.rc by evaluating the needs of all steps
412 | othersteps=`grep $step $steps | grep -v '#' | grep "Needs" | grep -v "$step[.]Needs" | cut -d'.' -f1`
413 |
414 | # get query
415 | query=" UPDATE "
416 | getalljoins
417 | # set the status values according to the new status of the step
418 | query=$query" SET "
419 | if ! [ "$starttime" = "noreset" ]
420 | then
421 | query=$query" "$step"Status.fStartTime=$starttime, "
422 | fi
423 | query=$query" "$step"Status.fStopTime=$stoptime, "$step"Status.fAvailable=$availtime"
424 | query=$query", "$step"Status.fReturnCode=$returncode , "$step"Status.fProcessingSiteKEY=$sitekey "
425 | # set also the status values of the influenced steps
426 | for otherstep in $othersteps
427 | do
428 | query=$query", "$otherstep"Status.fStartTime=NULL "
429 | query=$query", "$otherstep"Status.fStopTime=NULL "
430 | query=$query", "$otherstep"Status.fAvailable=NULL "
431 | query=$query", "$otherstep"Status.fReturnCode=NULL "
432 | query=$query", "$otherstep"Status.fProcessingSiteKEY=NULL "
433 | done
434 | # give the condition for which step the status values have to be set
435 | query=$query" WHERE "
436 | if [ "$s" = "" ]
437 | then
438 | s=0
439 | fi
440 | query=$query" "$step"Status."`echo ${prims[0]} | sed -e 's/,//g'`"='${primaries[$s*${#prims[@]}]}'"
441 | for (( j=1 ; j < ${#prims[@]} ; j++ ))
442 | do
443 | query=$query" AND "$step"Status."`echo ${prims[$j]} | sed -e 's/,//g'`"='${primaries[$s*${#prims[@]}+$j]}' "
444 | done
445 | # add additional query to allow for locking in db
446 | if [ "$1" = "start" ]
447 | then
448 | query=$query" AND ISNULL("$step"Status.fStartTime) "
449 | fi
450 | # add row count to know how many rows have been changed
451 | query=$query"; SELECT ROW_COUNT();"
452 | # print query
453 | printprocesslog "DEBUG setstatus for step $step QUERY: "$query
454 | #echo "DEBUG setstatus for step $step QUERY: "$query
455 | # execute query
456 | numchanged=`sendquery`
457 | #echo "numchanged: "$numchanged
458 | #if ! numchanged=`mysql -s -u $us --password=$pw --host=$ho $db -e " $query "`
459 | #then
460 | # printprocesslog "ERROR could not set status in db (program: $program, function setstatus)"
461 | # finish
462 | #fi
463 | if [ $numchanged -gt 0 ]
464 | then
465 | printprocesslog "INFO successful set of status in DB."
466 | #echo "INFO successful set of status in DB."
467 | else
468 | # action may be taken in script using $numchanged
469 | printprocesslog "ERROR status in DB was already set by another process "
470 | #echo "ERROR status in DB was already set by another process "
471 | fi
472 | }
473 |
474 | function getdates()
475 | {
476 | case $1 in
477 | # all dates
478 | all)
479 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates case 'all'"
480 | dates=( `find $auxdata -mindepth 3 -type d | sort -r | sed "s/\${auxdata_for_sed}//g" | sed -e 's/^\///'` )
481 | ;;
482 | # certain date
483 | [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9])
484 | d=`echo $1 | grep -o '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]'`
485 | range=`echo $1 | grep -o '[0-9][0-9][0-9]$'`
486 | range=`echo $range | sed -e 's/^0//' -e 's/^0//'`
487 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates - certain date "$d"."
488 | dates=( $d )
489 | if [ "$range" != "" ]
490 | then
491 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates - add the last "$range" days."
492 | yy=`echo $d | cut -c 1-4`
493 | mm=`echo $d | cut -c 6-7`
494 | dd=`echo $d | cut -c 9-10`
495 | for (( numdates=1 ; numdates <= $range ; numdates++ ))
496 | do
497 | numhours=`echo " 12 + ( $numdates - 1 ) * 24 " | bc -l`
498 | dates=( ${dates[@]} `date +%Y/%m/%d --date=$yy/$mm/$dd"-"$numhours"hour"` )
499 | done
500 | fi
501 | ;;
502 | # certain number of dates (between 0 and 9999)
503 | [1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9])
504 | # get last n nights
505 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates - get the last "$1" days."
506 | for (( numdates=1 ; numdates <= $1 ; numdates++ ))
507 | do
508 | numhours=`echo " 12 + ( $numdates - 1 ) * 24 " | bc -l`
509 | dates=( ${dates[@]} `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-"$numhours"hour"` )
510 | done
511 | # hour-dependent number of dates
512 | if [ "$2" != "" ] && [ "$3" != "" ]
513 | then
514 | # get current hour
515 | hour=`date +%k`
516 | if [ $hour -le $2 ] || [ $hour -ge $3 ]
517 | then
518 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates - get the current night."
519 | dates=( `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-12hour"` )
520 | fi
521 | fi
522 | ;;
523 | # certain number of dates in the future (between 0 and 9)
524 | +[1-9])
525 | # get next n nights
526 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates - get the next "$1" days (incl today)."
527 | for (( numdates=1 ; numdates <= $1 ; numdates++ ))
528 | do
529 | numhours=`echo " 0 + ( $numdates - 1 ) * 24 " | bc -l`
530 | dates=( ${dates[@]} `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="+"$numhours"hour"` )
531 | done
532 | # hour-dependent number of dates
533 | if [ "$2" != "" ] && [ "$3" != "" ]
534 | then
535 | # get current hour
536 | hour=`date +%k`
537 | if [ $hour -le $2 ] || [ $hour -ge $3 ]
538 | then
539 | printprocesslog "DEBUG getdates - get the current night."
540 | dates=( `date +%Y/%m/%d --date="-12hour"` )
541 | fi
542 | fi
543 | ;;
544 | *) # nothing valid given
545 | echo "Please give valid option (YYYY/MM/DD[-RRR] or 1-9999 or +0-9)"
546 | finish
547 | ;;
548 | esac
549 | }
550 |