1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # add:
4 | # - fkt f dch value?
5 | # - function for correction factor
6 | # - x-day binning
7 | # < 20121212 data
8 | # zd, th for internal
9 |
10 | # todo: check cu-factor for <20121212)
11 |
12 | # comparison:
13 | # function with select/table: 18.4 sec
14 | # function with if: 5.7 sec
15 | # function with if:
16 | # vorteil: schneller
17 | # nachteil: keine history
18 | # nachteil: es braucht 2 fkt (qla, isdc)
19 |
20 | # create function CU(night int, ana tinyint) returns double(4,1) deterministic begin declare cu double; set cu=0; select fCU into cu from CU where fValid=1 and fAnalysis=ana and fNight<night order by fNight desc limit 0,1; return cu; end $$
21 |
22 | # floor((mjd(timestamp)-mjd(startnight)+0.5)/numdays)
23 | # floor((mjd(timestamp)-mjd(startnight)-0.5)/numdays)
24 |
25 |
26 | function get_results()
27 | {
28 | # some basic query parts
29 |
30 | # DataCheck (old)
31 | ##data with old feedback and/or different bias voltage
32 | #query=$query" AND fNight>20120420 AND NOT fNight IN (20120406,20120410,20120503) AND"
33 | ## broken bias channel
34 | #query=$query" NOT fNight BETWEEN 20121206 AND 20130110"
35 | # bg-rate cut
36 | zdparam=" pow(0.753833*cos(Radians(fZenithDistanceMean)), 7.647435)*exp(-5.753686*pow(Radians(fZenithDistanceMean),2.089609))"
37 | thparam=" pow((if(isnull(fThresholdMinSet),fThresholdMedian,fThresholdMinSet)-329.4203),2)*(-0.0000002044803) "
38 | param=" (fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/5-fNumSigEvts)/fOnTimeAfterCuts - "$zdparam" - "$thparam" "
39 | dchold=" -0.085 < ("$param") "
40 | dchold=$dchold" AND 0.25 > ("$param") "
41 | # Datacheck (new) -> combine
42 | dchval=" fNumEvtsAfterBgCuts/(1.41*POW(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180,2)+0.975)/(-7.53e-12*POW(10, LOG10(fThresholdMinSet)*3.69)+1.035)/TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))/fEffectiveOn "
43 | # some semi-automatic datacheck
44 | dch=" AND (("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.8 AND 1.7 AND fNight BETWEEN 20140520 AND 20150131) " #A
45 | dch=$dch" OR ("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.4 AND 1.6 AND fNight BETWEEN 20150201 AND 20150715) " #B
46 | dch=$dch" OR ("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.7 AND 1.4 AND fNight BETWEEN 20150716 AND 20160218) " #C
47 | dch=$dch" OR ("$dchval" BETWEEN 0.5 AND 1.0 AND fNight > 20160220) " #D
48 | dch=$dch" OR ("$dchold" AND fNight<20140520)) " #old
49 |
50 | ontime1=" TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn "
51 | ontime2=" fOnTimeAfterCuts "
52 | ontimeif=" IF(ISNULL(fEffectiveOn), "$ontime2", "$ontime1") "
53 | from=" FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN "$table" USING (fNight, fRunID) "
54 | # time range and source
55 | where=" WHERE fSourceKey="$source" AND fNight BETWEEN "$nightmin" AND "$nightmax
56 | # some sanity checks
57 | where=$where" AND fRunTypeKey=1 "
58 | # where=$where" AND NOT ISNULL(fNumSigEvts) AND NOT ISNULL(fNumBgEvts) "
59 | # where=$where" AND NOT fRunStart='0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND NOT fRunStop='0000-00-00 00:00:00' "
60 | # zd cut
61 | where=$where" AND fZenithDistanceMax < "$zdmax
62 | # th cut
63 | where=$where" AND fThresholdMedian < "$thmax
64 | where=$where" "$dch
65 |
66 | cufactor=" Avg(25.2) "
67 | crabflux="3.37e-11"
68 | fluxprec=13
69 | crabflux="3.37"
70 | fluxprec=2
71 | # crabflux="2.8e-11"
72 | # crabflux="3.9e-11"
73 | # range of crab fluxes:
74 | # Dortmund: 2.8e-11
75 | # HESS: 3.37e-11
76 | # HAWC: 3.01e-11
77 | # Wue: 3.39e-11 - 3.9e-11 (ISDC analysis)
78 | # 15-20% difference
79 |
80 | case $timeunit in
81 | mjd) start=" Mjd(Min(fRunStart)) "
82 | stop=" Mjd(MAX(fRunStop)) "
83 | deltat=" (Mjd(MAX(fRunStop))-Mjd(Min(fRunStart)))/2 "
84 | time=" Mjd(Min(fRunStart))+"$deltat
85 | start2=" Mjd(MIN(o.start)) "
86 | stop2=" Mjd(MAX(o.stop)) "
87 | deltat2=" (Mjd(MAX(o.stop))-Mjd(MIN(o.start)))/2 "
88 | time2=" Mjd(MIN(o.start))+"$deltat2
89 | ;;
90 | unix) start="Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) "
91 | stop="Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(fRunStop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) "
92 | deltat=" (Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(fRunStop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) - Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')))/2 "
93 | time=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM'))+"$deltat
94 | startstop2=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(MIN(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS start, "
95 | startstop2=$starstop2" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(MAX(o.stop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS stop, "
96 | time2=" (Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(o.stop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) - Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')))/2 "
97 | time2=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM'))+"$deltat2
98 | ;;
99 | *) start=" MIN(fRunStart) "
100 | stop=" MAX(fRunStop) "
101 | deltat=" sec_to_time(time_to_sec(timediff(MAX(fRunStop), Min(fRunStart)))/2) "
102 | time=" addtime(Min(fRunStart), "$deltat") "
103 | start2=" MIN(o.start) "
104 | stop2=" MAX(o.stop) "
105 | deltat2=" sec_to_time(time_to_sec(timediff(MAX(o.stop), Min(o.start)))/2) "
106 | time2=" addtime(Min(o.start), "$deltat2") "
107 | ;;
108 | esac
109 | ontime=" SUM("$ontimeif")/60."
110 | ontime2=" SUM(o.ot)/60. "
111 |
112 | excrate=" SUM(fNumExcEvts)/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 "
113 | excerr="ExcErr(Sum(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))"
114 | significance="LiMa(Sum(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))"
115 | numexc="Sum(fNumExcEvts)"
116 | numsig="Sum(fNumSigEvts)"
117 | numbg="Sum(fNumBgEvts)"
118 | excrateerr=" "$excerr"/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 "
119 | # thomas correction factor
120 | correvts=" fNumExcEvts*(pow(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),3)+14.8/21.9*pow(sin(2*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/((1-0.00124/1.21*(if(isnull(fThresholdMinSet),fThresholdMedian,fThresholdMinSet)-500)*(if(isnull(fThresholdMinSet),fThresholdMedian,fThresholdMinSet)>=500))) "
121 | correxcrate=" SUM("$correvts")/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 "
122 | # corerr = MMath::ErrorExc(excevtssum+bgevtssum, bgevtssum*5, 0.2)/ontimesum*3600.*corrate/excrate;
123 | correxcrateerr=" "$excerr"/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600*SUM("$correvts")/SUM(fNumExcEvts) "
124 | # correction on run basis (not relevant for hess)
125 | #cu=$correxcrate"/"$cufactor
126 | cu=" SUM("$correvts"/CUQLA(fNight))/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 "
127 | #cuerr=$correxcrateerr"/"$cufactor
128 | cuerr=" "$excerr"/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600*SUM("$correvts"/CUQLA(fNight))/SUM(fNumExcEvts) "
129 | flux=$cu" * "$crabflux
130 | fluxerr=$cuerr" * "$crabflux
131 |
132 |
133 | excrate2=" (SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts))/SUM(o.ot)*3600 "
134 | excerr2="ExcErr(SUM(o.sigevts),SUM(o.bgevts))"
135 | significance2="LiMa(SUM(o.sigevts),SUM(o.bgevts))"
136 | numexc2="Sum(o.sigevts-o.bgevts)"
137 | numsig2="Sum(o.sigevts)"
138 | numbg2="Sum(o.bgevts)"
139 | excrateerr2=" "$excerr2"/SUM(o.ot)*3600 "
140 | correxcrate2=" SUM(o.corevts)/SUM(o.ot)*3600 "
141 | correxcrateerr2=" "$excerr2"/SUM(o.ot)*3600*SUM(o.corevts)/(SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts)) "
142 | #cu2=$correxcrate2"/"$cufactor
143 | cu2=" SUM(o.corevts/o.cu)/SUM(o.ot)*3600 "
144 | #cuerr2=$correxcrateerr2"/"$cufactor
145 | cuerr2=" "$excerr2"/SUM(o.ot)*3600*SUM(o.corevts/o.cu)/(SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts)) "
146 | flux2="$cu2*"$crabflux
147 | fluxerr2="$cuerr2*"$crabflux
148 |
149 | # order information such that it is easily readable by tgraph
150 | # tgraph: X, Y
151 | # tgraph errors: X, Y, EX, EY
152 |
153 | # internal
154 | # --------
155 | # timeselect:
156 | # mjdstar, mjdstop, mjdmean, ontime
157 | # excselect:
158 | # excrate, excerr
159 | # corrected: excrate, excerr
160 | # CU CUerr
161 | # flux, fluxerr
162 | # addselect:
163 | # signif
164 | # num exc, num sig, num bg
165 | # other info: zd? th?
166 | #
167 | #
168 | # exter nal
169 | # --------
170 | # time, delta time, start, stop
171 | # corr-excrate, corr-excerr
172 | # flux, flux-err
173 |
174 | if [ $bin -le 0 ]
175 | then
176 | queryint="SELECT "
177 | if [ $bin -eq 0 ]
178 | then
179 | queryint=$queryint" fPeriod as num, "
180 | else
181 | queryint=$queryint" FLOOR((Mjd(fRunStart)-Mjd("$nightmin")-0.5)/"`echo $bin | sed -e 's/-//'`".) as num, "
182 | fi
183 | queryint=$queryint" "$time" as time, "$start" as start, "$stop" as stop, "
184 | queryint=$queryint" round("$excrate", 1) as excrate, round("$correxcrate", 1) as correxcrate, "
185 | queryint=$queryint" round($cu, 1) as cu, $flux as flux, "
186 | queryint=$queryint" "$deltat" as deltat, round("$ontime", 1) as ontime, "
187 | queryint=$queryint" round("$excrateerr", 1) as excrateerr, round("$correxcrateerr", 1) as correxcrateerr, "
188 | queryint=$queryint" round($cuerr, 1) as cuerr, $fluxerr as fluxerr, "
189 | queryint=$queryint" round("$significance", 1) as significance, "
190 | queryint=$queryint" Min(fNight) as nightmin, "
191 | queryint=$queryint" Max(fNight) as nightmax, "
192 | queryint=$queryint" "$numexc" as numexc, "
193 | queryint=$queryint" "$numsig" as numsig, "
194 | queryint=$queryint" "$numbg" as numbg "
195 | #queryint=$queryint" now() as now "
196 |
197 | queryext="SELECT "
198 | if [ $bin -eq 0 ]
199 | then
200 | queryext=$queryext" fPeriod as num, "
201 | else
202 | queryext=$queryext" FLOOR((Mjd(fRunStart)-Mjd("$nightmin")-0.5)/"`echo $bin | sed -e 's/-//'`".) as num, "
203 | fi
204 | queryext=$queryext" "$time" as time, "$start" as start, "$stop" as stop, "
205 | queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrate", 1) as correxcrate, round($flux, "$fluxprec") as flux, "
206 | queryext=$queryext" "$deltat" as deltat, round("$ontime", 1) as ontime, "
207 | queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrateerr", 1) as correxcrateerr, round($fluxerr, "$fluxprec") as fluxerr, "
208 | queryext=$queryext" round("$significance", 1) as significance "
209 | #queryext=$queryext" now() as now "
210 |
211 | querybase=$from$where
212 | #if [ $bin -eq -1 ]
213 | #then
214 | # querybase=$querybase" GROUP BY fNight "
215 | #fi
216 | #querybase=$querybase" GROUP BY FLOOR((Mjd(fRunStart)-Mjd("$nightmin")-0.5)/"`echo $bin | sed -e 's/-//'`".)"
217 | querybase=$querybase" GROUP BY num "
218 | #echo "-----------------"$querybase
219 | if [ "$ontimelimit" = "" ]
220 | then
221 | querybase=$querybase" HAVING SUM("$ontimeif")>1200 AND NOT SUM(fNumBgEvts)=SUM(fNumSigEvts) ORDER BY num " # 20 min
222 | else
223 | querybase=$querybase" HAVING SUM("$ontimeif")>"$ontimelimit" AND NOT SUM(fNumBgEvts)=SUM(fNumSigEvts) ORDER BY num "
224 | fi
225 |
226 | queryint=$queryint" "$querybase
227 | queryext=$queryext" "$querybase
228 | else
229 | queryint="SELECT "
230 | queryint=$queryint" "$time2" as time, "$start2" as start, "$stop2" as stop, "
231 | queryint=$queryint" round("$excrate2", 1) as excrate, round("$correxcrate2", 1) as correxcrate, "
232 | queryint=$queryint" round("$cu2", 1) as cu, round("$flux2", "$fluxprec") as flux, "
233 | queryint=$queryint" round("$excrateerr2", 1) as excrateerr, round("$correxcrateerr2", 1) as correxcrateerr, "
234 | queryint=$queryint" "$deltat2" as deltat, round("$ontime2", 1) as ontime, "
235 | queryint=$queryint" round("$cuerr2", 1) as cuerr, round("$fluxerr2", "$fluxprec") as fluxerr, "
236 | queryint=$queryint" round("$significance2", 1) as significance, "
237 | queryint=$queryint" avg(o.night) as night, "
238 | queryint=$queryint" "$numexc2" as numexc, "
239 | queryint=$queryint" "$numsig2" as numsig, "
240 | queryint=$queryint" "$numbg2" as numbg "
241 | #queryint=$queryint" now() as now "
242 |
243 | queryext="SELECT "
244 | queryext=$queryext" "$time2" as time, "$start2" as start, "$stop2" as stop, "
245 | queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrate2", 1) as correxcrate, round("$flux2", "$fluxprec") as flux, "
246 | queryext=$queryext" "$deltat2" as deltat, round("$ontime2", 1) as ontime, "
247 | queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrateerr2", 1) as correxcrateerr, round("$fluxerr2", "$fluxprec") as fluxerr, "
248 | queryext=$queryext" round("$significance2", 1) as significance "
249 | #queryext=$queryext" now() as now "
250 |
251 | querybase=" FROM (SELECT fNight, @ot:="$ontimeif" AS ot, fRunStart AS start, fRunStop AS stop, fNumSigEvts AS sigevts, fNumBgEvts AS bgevts, "
252 | querybase=$querybase" "$correvts" AS corevts, CUQLA(fNight) AS cu, "
253 | querybase=$querybase" IF (@night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+@ot)/"$bin"./60.)<1, @bl, @bl := @bl + 1) AS block, "
254 | querybase=$querybase" IF (@night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+@ot)/"$bin"./60.)<1, @os:=@os + @ot, @os := @ot) AS os, @night :=fNight AS night "
255 | querybase=$querybase$from" CROSS JOIN (SELECT @night :=0, @ot :=0, @os :=0, @bl:=0) PARAMS "
256 | querybase=$querybase$where" ORDER BY fRunStart) o GROUP BY block HAVING NOT sum(o.bgevts)=sum(o.sigevts) AND ontime>0.75*"$bin
257 | # AND NOT SUM(fNumBgEvts)=SUM(fNumSigEvts)
258 |
259 | queryint=$queryint" "$querybase
260 | queryext=$queryext" "$querybase
261 | fi
262 |
263 |
264 | fileint=$path"/data/FACT_preliminary_"$name"_internal.dat"
265 | if [ "$overwrite" = "yes" ]
266 | then
267 | echo "internal: "$fileint
268 | echo "# this file was created at "`date` > $fileint
269 | fi
270 | if [ $bin -le 0 ]
271 | then
272 | echo "# numbin time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] excrate[evts/h] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[CU] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] excrate_err[evts/h] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[CU] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance nightmin, nightmax num_exc num_sig num_bg " >> $fileint
273 | else
274 | echo "# time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] excrate[evts/h] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[CU] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] excrate_err[evts/h] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[CU] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance nightmin, nightmax num_exc num_sig num_bg " >> $fileint
275 | fi
276 | #echo "$queryint"
277 | mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u root $dbname -s -e "$queryint" >> $fileint
278 | #mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u root $dbname -e "$queryint"
279 |
280 |
281 | fileext=$path"/data/FACT_preliminary_"$name".dat"
282 | if [ "$overwrite" = "yes" ]
283 | then
284 | echo "external: "$fileext
285 | echo "# this file was created at "`date` > $fileext
286 | fi
287 | if [ $bin -lt 0 ]
288 | then
289 | echo "# numbin time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance " >> $fileext
290 | else
291 | echo "# time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance " >> $fileext
292 | fi
293 | #echo "$queryext"
294 | mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u root $dbname -s -e "$queryext" >> $fileext
295 | #mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u root $dbname -e "$queryext"
296 | }
297 |
298 | # setup
299 | # db
300 | sqlpw=/home/$USER/.mysql.pw
301 | dbname=factdata20170804
302 | # selection
303 | timeunit=mjd
304 | #bin=20 # min
305 | #bin=0 # period
306 | #bin=-365 # yearly
307 | bin=-1 # nightly
308 | zdmax=90
309 | thmax=1500
310 | path=`dirname $0`
311 | table="AnalysisResultsRunLP"
312 | table="AnalysisResultsAllQLA"
313 | overwrite="yes"
314 | bin=-1 # nightly
315 | nightmin=20111115
316 | nightmax=20171231
317 |
318 |
319 | # Mrk 421
320 | source=1
321 | name="Mrk421_nightly"
322 | bin=-1
323 | get_results
324 | name="Mrk421_20min"
325 | bin=20
326 | get_results
327 | name="Mrk421_3d"
328 | bin=-3
329 | get_results
330 | name="Mrk421_10d"
331 | bin=-10
332 | get_results
333 | name="Mrk421_period"
334 | bin=0
335 | get_results
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 | # Mrk 501
340 | source=2
341 | name="Mrk501_nightly"
342 | bin=-1
343 | get_results
344 | name="Mrk501_20min"
345 | bin=20
346 | get_results
347 | name="Mrk501_3d"
348 | bin=-3
349 | get_results
350 | name="Mrk501_10d"
351 | bin=-10
352 | get_results
353 | name="Mrk501_period"
354 | bin=0
355 | get_results
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 | # 2344
360 | source=3
361 | name="2344_nightly"
362 | bin=-1
363 | get_results
364 | name="2344_20min"
365 | bin=20
366 | get_results
367 | name="2344_period"
368 | bin=0
369 | get_results
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 | # 1959
374 | source=7
375 | name="1959_nightly"
376 | bin=-1
377 | get_results
378 | name="1959_20min"
379 | bin=20
380 | get_results
381 | name="1959_period"
382 | bin=0
383 | get_results
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 | # 0323
388 | source=12
389 | name="0323_nightly"
390 | bin=-1
391 | get_results
392 | name="0323_20min"
393 | bin=20
394 | get_results
395 | name="0323_period"
396 | bin=0
397 | get_results
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 | # crab
402 | source=5
403 | name="Crab_nightly"
404 | bin=-1
405 | get_results
406 | name="Crab_20min"
407 | bin=20
408 | get_results
409 | name="Crab_period"
410 | bin=0
411 | get_results
412 | name="Crab_season"
413 | bin=-365
414 | nightmin=20110716
415 | nightmax=20180716
416 | get_results
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 | exit
421 |
422 | # more examples
423 |
424 | name="1959_2016"
425 | source=7
426 | bin=-1
427 | nightmin=20160201
428 | nightmax=20161105
429 | get_results
430 |
431 | name="1959_all_variable"
432 | overwrite="no"
433 | source=7
434 | bin=-365
435 | nightmin=20120201
436 | nightmax=20130131
437 | get_results
438 | nightmin=20130201
439 | nightmax=20140131
440 | get_results
441 | nightmin=20140201
442 | nightmax=20150131
443 | get_results
444 | bin=0
445 | nightmin=20150201
446 | nightmax=20160131
447 | get_results
448 | bin=-1
449 | nightmin=20160201
450 | nightmax=20170131
451 | get_results
452 | bin=0
453 | nightmin=20170201
454 | nightmax=20180131
455 | get_results
456 |
457 |
458 |
459 | overwrite="yes"
460 | name="1959_all_variable2"
461 | overwrite="no"
462 | source=7
463 | bin=-365
464 | nightmin=20120201
465 | nightmax=20130131
466 | get_results
467 | nightmin=20130201
468 | nightmax=20140131
469 | get_results
470 | nightmin=20140201
471 | nightmax=20150131
472 | get_results
473 | bin=0
474 | nightmin=20150201
475 | nightmax=20160131
476 | get_results
477 | bin=-1
478 | nightmin=20160201
479 | nightmax=20160817
480 | get_results
481 | bin=0
482 | nightmin=20160818
483 | nightmax=20180131
484 | get_results
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 | exit
489 |
490 | overwrite="yes"
491 |
492 | bin=0
493 | source=3
494 | name="2344period"
495 | get_results
496 |
497 | exit
498 |
499 | # flare night (HESS)
500 | name="Mrk501_10min_flarenight"
501 | source=2
502 | bin=10
503 | nightmin=20140623
504 | nightmax=20140623
505 | get_results
506 |
507 |
508 | exit
509 |
510 | # flare night (HESS)
511 | name="Mrk501_5min_flarenight"
512 | source=2
513 | bin=5
514 | nightmin=20140623
515 | nightmax=20140623
516 | get_results
517 |
518 |
519 | exit
520 |
521 |
522 | # full sample
523 | name="Mrk421_all_nightly"
524 | source=1
525 | get_results
526 |
527 | name="Mrk501_all_nightly"
528 | source=2
529 | get_results
530 |
531 | name="1959_all_nightly"
532 | source=7
533 | get_results
534 |
535 | name="2344_all_nightly"
536 | source=3
537 | get_results
538 |
539 | exit
540 |
541 |
542 | name="HESE20160427"
543 | source=19
544 | nightmin=20160425
545 | bin=-10
546 | get_results
547 |
548 | name="AMON20160731"
549 | source=21
550 | nightmin=20160730
551 | bin=-10
552 | get_results
553 |
554 |
555 | # full sample
556 | name="Mrk501_all_3d"
557 | source=2
558 | bin=-3
559 | get_results
560 |
561 | exit
562 |
563 | # full sample
564 | name="Mrk421_all_3d"
565 | source=1
566 | bin=-3
567 | get_results
568 |
569 | name="1959_2016_nightly"
570 | source=7
571 | nightmin=20160301
572 | nightmax=20160831
573 | get_results
574 |
575 | # full sample
576 | name="Mrk421_all_nightly"
577 | source=1
578 | get_results
579 |
580 | name="Mrk501_all_nightly"
581 | source=2
582 | get_results
583 |
584 | name="1959_all_nightly"
585 | source=7
586 | get_results
587 |
588 | bin=20 # min
589 |
590 | # full sample
591 | name="Mrk421_all_20min"
592 | source=1
593 | get_results
594 |
595 | name="Mrk501_all_20min"
596 | source=2
597 | get_results
598 |
599 | name="1959_all_20min"
600 | source=7
601 | get_results
602 |
603 | exit
604 |
605 | name="Mrk501_all_weekly"
606 | nightmin=20140524
607 | nightmax=20140930
608 | source=2
609 | bin=-7
610 | get_results
611 |
612 | exit
613 |
614 |