#!/bin/bash # todo # - update function for correction # - update CU for QLA # - add CU for ISDC analysis # - add zd, th for internal # - add < 20121212 data for QLA # - check crab flux # - add E2dNdE? function get_results() { # some basic query parts # data check based on artificial trigger rate #dch=" AND fR750Cor/fR750Ref >0.93 " dch=" AND fR750Cor/fR750Ref BETWEEN 0.93 AND 1.3 " # ontime ontime1=" TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn " ontime2=" fOnTimeAfterCuts " ontimeif=" IF(ISNULL(fEffectiveOn), "$ontime2", "$ontime1") " from=" FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN "$table" USING (fNight, fRunID) " # time range and source where=" WHERE fSourceKey="$source" AND fNight BETWEEN "$nightmin" AND "$nightmax where=$where" AND NOT ISNULL(fNumExcEvts) " # some sanity checks where=$where" AND fRunTypeKey=1 " # zd cut where=$where" AND fZenithDistanceMax < "$zdmax # th cut where=$where" AND fThresholdMedian < "$thmax where=$where" "$dch cufactor=" Avg(25.2) " crabflux="3.37e-11" fluxprec=13 crabflux="3.37" fluxprec=2 case $timeunit in mjd) start=" Mjd(Min(fRunStart)) " stop=" Mjd(MAX(fRunStop)) " deltat=" (Mjd(MAX(fRunStop))-Mjd(Min(fRunStart)))/2 " time=" Mjd(Min(fRunStart))+"$deltat start2=" Mjd(MIN(o.start)) " stop2=" Mjd(MAX(o.stop)) " deltat2=" (Mjd(MAX(o.stop))-Mjd(MIN(o.start)))/2 " time2=" Mjd(MIN(o.start))+"$deltat2 ;; unix) start="Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) " stop="Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(fRunStop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) " deltat=" (Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(fRunStop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) - Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')))/2 " time=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(fRunStart), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM'))+"$deltat startstop2=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(MIN(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS start, " startstop2=$starstop2" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(MAX(o.stop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) AS stop, " time2=" (Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Max(o.stop), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')) - Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM')))/2 " time2=" Unix_timestamp(CONVERT_TZ(Min(o.start), '+00:00', 'SYSTEM'))+"$deltat2 ;; *) start=" MIN(fRunStart) " stop=" MAX(fRunStop) " deltat=" sec_to_time(time_to_sec(timediff(MAX(fRunStop), Min(fRunStart)))/2) " time=" addtime(Min(fRunStart), "$deltat") " start2=" MIN(o.start) " stop2=" MAX(o.stop) " deltat2=" sec_to_time(time_to_sec(timediff(MAX(o.stop), Min(o.start)))/2) " time2=" addtime(Min(o.start), "$deltat2") " ;; esac ontime=" SUM("$ontimeif")/60." ontime2=" SUM(o.ot)/60. " excrate=" SUM(fNumExcEvts)/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 " excerr="ExcErr(Sum(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))" significance="LiMa(Sum(fNumSigEvts), SUM(fNumBgEvts))" numexc="Sum(fNumExcEvts)" numsig="Sum(fNumSigEvts)" numbg="Sum(fNumBgEvts)" excrateerr=" "$excerr"/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 " # thomas correction factor correvts=" fNumExcEvts*(pow(cos(fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),3)+14.8/21.9*pow(sin(2*fZenithDistanceMean*PI()/180),5))/((1-0.00124/1.21*(if(isnull(fThresholdMinSet),fThresholdMedian,fThresholdMinSet)-500)*(if(isnull(fThresholdMinSet),fThresholdMedian,fThresholdMinSet)>=500))) " correxcrate=" SUM("$correvts")/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 " # corerr = MMath::ErrorExc(excevtssum+bgevtssum, bgevtssum*5, 0.2)/ontimesum*3600.*corrate/excrate; correxcrateerr=" "$excerr"/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600*SUM("$correvts")/SUM(fNumExcEvts) " # correction on run basis (not relevant for hess) #cu=$correxcrate"/"$cufactor cu=" SUM("$correvts"/CUQLA(fNight))/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600 " #cuerr=$correxcrateerr"/"$cufactor cuerr=" "$excerr"/SUM("$ontimeif")*3600*SUM("$correvts"/CUQLA(fNight))/SUM(fNumExcEvts) " flux=$cu" * "$crabflux fluxerr=$cuerr" * "$crabflux excrate2=" (SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts))/SUM(o.ot)*3600 " excerr2="ExcErr(SUM(o.sigevts),SUM(o.bgevts))" significance2="LiMa(SUM(o.sigevts),SUM(o.bgevts))" numexc2="Sum(o.sigevts-o.bgevts)" numsig2="Sum(o.sigevts)" numbg2="Sum(o.bgevts)" excrateerr2=" "$excerr2"/SUM(o.ot)*3600 " correxcrate2=" SUM(o.corevts)/SUM(o.ot)*3600 " correxcrateerr2=" "$excerr2"/SUM(o.ot)*3600*SUM(o.corevts)/(SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts)) " #cu2=$correxcrate2"/"$cufactor cu2=" SUM(o.corevts/o.cu)/SUM(o.ot)*3600 " #cuerr2=$correxcrateerr2"/"$cufactor cuerr2=" "$excerr2"/SUM(o.ot)*3600*SUM(o.corevts/o.cu)/(SUM(o.sigevts)-SUM(o.bgevts)) " flux2="$cu2*"$crabflux fluxerr2="$cuerr2*"$crabflux # internal # -------- # timeselect: # mjdstar, mjdstop, mjdmean, ontime # excselect: # excrate, excerr # corrected: excrate, excerr # CU CUerr # flux, fluxerr # addselect: # signif # num exc, num sig, num bg # other info: zd? th? # # # external # -------- # time, delta time, start, stop # corr-excrate, corr-excerr # flux, flux-err if [ $bin -le 0 ] then queryint="SELECT " if [ $bin -eq 0 ] then queryint=$queryint" fPeriod as num, " else queryint=$queryint" FLOOR((Mjd(fRunStart)-Mjd("$nightmin")-0.5)/"`echo $bin | sed -e 's/-//'`".) as num, " fi queryint=$queryint" "$time" as time, "$start" as start, "$stop" as stop, " queryint=$queryint" round("$excrate", 1) as excrate, round("$correxcrate", 1) as correxcrate, " queryint=$queryint" round("$cu", 2) as cu, "$flux" as flux, " queryint=$queryint" "$deltat" as deltat, round("$ontime", 1) as ontime, " queryint=$queryint" round("$excrateerr", 1) as excrateerr, round("$correxcrateerr", 1) as correxcrateerr, " queryint=$queryint" round("$cuerr", 2) as cuerr, "$fluxerr" as fluxerr, " queryint=$queryint" round("$significance", 1) as significance, " queryint=$queryint" Min(fNight) as nightmin, " queryint=$queryint" Max(fNight) as nightmax, " queryint=$queryint" "$numexc" as numexc, " queryint=$queryint" "$numsig" as numsig, " queryint=$queryint" "$numbg" as numbg " queryext="SELECT " if [ $bin -eq 0 ] then queryext=$queryext" fPeriod as num, " else queryext=$queryext" FLOOR((Mjd(fRunStart)-Mjd("$nightmin")-0.5)/"`echo $bin | sed -e 's/-//'`".) as num, " fi queryext=$queryext" "$time" as time, "$start" as start, "$stop" as stop, " queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrate", 1) as correxcrate, round("$flux", "$fluxprec") as flux, " queryext=$queryext" "$deltat" as deltat, round("$ontime", 1) as ontime, " queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrateerr", 1) as correxcrateerr, round("$fluxerr", "$fluxprec") as fluxerr, " queryext=$queryext" round("$significance", 1) as significance " querybase=$from$where querybase=$querybase" GROUP BY num " if [ "$ontimelimit" = "" ] then querybase=$querybase" HAVING SUM("$ontimeif")>1200 ORDER BY num " # 20 min else querybase=$querybase" HAVING SUM("$ontimeif")>"$ontimelimit" ORDER BY num " fi queryint=$queryint" "$querybase queryext=$queryext" "$querybase else queryint="SELECT " queryint=$queryint" "$time2" as time, "$start2" as start, "$stop2" as stop, " queryint=$queryint" round("$excrate2", 1) as excrate, round("$correxcrate2", 1) as correxcrate, " queryint=$queryint" round("$cu2", 1) as cu, round("$flux2", "$fluxprec") as flux, " queryint=$queryint" round("$excrateerr2", 1) as excrateerr, round("$correxcrateerr2", 1) as correxcrateerr, " queryint=$queryint" "$deltat2" as deltat, round("$ontime2", 1) as ontime, " queryint=$queryint" round("$cuerr2", 1) as cuerr, round("$fluxerr2", "$fluxprec") as fluxerr, " queryint=$queryint" round("$significance2", 1) as significance, " queryint=$queryint" avg(o.night) as night, " queryint=$queryint" "$numexc2" as numexc, " queryint=$queryint" "$numsig2" as numsig, " queryint=$queryint" "$numbg2" as numbg " queryext="SELECT " queryext=$queryext" "$time2" as time, "$start2" as start, "$stop2" as stop, " queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrate2", 1) as correxcrate, round("$flux2", "$fluxprec") as flux, " queryext=$queryext" "$deltat2" as deltat, round("$ontime2", 1) as ontime, " queryext=$queryext" round("$correxcrateerr2", 1) as correxcrateerr, round("$fluxerr2", "$fluxprec") as fluxerr, " queryext=$queryext" round("$significance2", 1) as significance " querybase=" FROM (SELECT fNight, @ot:="$ontimeif" AS ot, fRunStart AS start, fRunStop AS stop, fNumSigEvts AS sigevts, fNumBgEvts AS bgevts, " querybase=$querybase" "$correvts" AS corevts, CUQLA(fNight) AS cu, " querybase=$querybase" IF (@night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+@ot)/"$bin"./60.)<1, @bl, @bl := @bl + 1) AS block, " querybase=$querybase" IF (@night=fNight AND FLOOR((@os+@ot)/"$bin"./60.)<1, @os:=@os + @ot, @os := @ot) AS os, @night :=fNight AS night " querybase=$querybase$from" CROSS JOIN (SELECT @night :=0, @ot :=0, @os :=0, @bl:=0) PARAMS " querybase=$querybase$where" ORDER BY fRunStart) o GROUP BY block HAVING ontime>0.75*"$bin queryint=$queryint" "$querybase" order by 'time'" queryext=$queryext" "$querybase" order by 'time'" fi fileint=$datapath"/FACT_preliminary_"$name"_internal.dat" if [ "$overwrite" = "yes" ] then echo "internal: "$fileint echo "# this file was created at "`date` > $fileint fi if [ $bin -le 0 ] then echo "# numbin time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] excrate[evts/h] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[CU] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] excrate_err[evts/h] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[CU] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance nightmin, nightmax num_exc num_sig num_bg " >> $fileint else echo "# time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] excrate[evts/h] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[CU] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] excrate_err[evts/h] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[CU] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance nightmin, nightmax num_exc num_sig num_bg " >> $fileint fi #echo "$queryint" mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u factread --host=$host $dbname -s -e "$queryint" >> $fileint #mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u factread --host=$host $dbname -e "$queryint" fileext=$datapath"/FACT_preliminary_"$name".dat" if [ "$overwrite" = "yes" ] then echo "external: "$fileext echo "# this file was created at "`date` > $fileext fi if [ $bin -lt 0 ] then echo "# numbin time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance " >> $fileext else echo "# time[mjd] start[mjd] stop[mjd] corr.excrate[evts/h] flux[e-11/cm2/s] delta_time[mjd] ontime[min] corr.excrate_err[evts/h] flux_err[e-11/cm2/s] significance " >> $fileext fi #echo "$queryext" mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u factread --host=$host $dbname -s -e "$queryext" >> $fileext #mysql --defaults-file=$sqlpw -u factread --host=$host $dbname -e "$queryext" } # setup # db sqlpw=/home/$USER/.mysql.pw # file with mysql credentials #host=lp-fact host= #host=localhost dbname=factdata # name of database # defaults for zd and threshold zdmax=90 # all data thmax=1500 # all data # output path path=`dirname $0` datapath=$path"/data" if ! [ -e $datapath ] then mkdir $datapath fi # time unit #timeunit=timestamp # default #timeunit=unix timeunit=mjd # time binning # positive values: minutes # negative values: days # special case 0: period # for season binning choose -365 and according start date #bin=20 # minutes #bin=0 # period bin=-1 # nightly #bin=-365 # yearly # choose analysis #table="AnalysisResultsAllQLA" # N/A table="AnalysisResultsRunLP" # QLA #table="AnalysisResultsRunISDC" # ISDC # time range nightmin=20111115 nightmax=20171231 # overwrite dataset file? # (useful to combine different binnings in one file -> set to "no") overwrite="yes" # example (adapt to your needs) # 501 MAGIC source=2 name="Mrk501_2014JulAug" bin=-1 nightmin=20140714 nightmax=20140805 get_results # end script here exit # # more examples # # Mrk 421 source=1 name="Mrk421_nightly" bin=-1 get_results name="Mrk421_20min" bin=20 get_results name="Mrk421_3d" bin=-3 get_results name="Mrk421_10d" bin=-10 get_results name="Mrk421_period" bin=0 get_results # Mrk 501 source=2 name="Mrk501_nightly" bin=-1 get_results name="Mrk501_20min" bin=20 get_results name="Mrk501_3d" bin=-3 get_results name="Mrk501_10d" bin=-10 get_results name="Mrk501_period" bin=0 get_results # 2344 source=3 name="2344_nightly" bin=-1 get_results name="2344_20min" bin=20 get_results name="2344_period" bin=0 get_results # 1959 source=7 name="1959_nightly" bin=-1 get_results name="1959_20min" bin=20 get_results name="1959_period" bin=0 get_results # 0323 source=12 name="0323_nightly" bin=-1 get_results name="0323_20min" bin=20 get_results name="0323_period" bin=0 get_results # crab source=5 name="Crab_nightly" bin=-1 get_results name="Crab_20min" bin=20 get_results name="Crab_period" bin=0 get_results name="Crab_season" bin=-365 nightmin=20110716 nightmax=20180716 get_results name="1959_2016" source=7 bin=-1 nightmin=20160201 nightmax=20161105 get_results name="1959_all_variable" overwrite="no" source=7 bin=-365 nightmin=20120201 nightmax=20130131 get_results nightmin=20130201 nightmax=20140131 get_results nightmin=20140201 nightmax=20150131 get_results bin=0 nightmin=20150201 nightmax=20160131 get_results bin=-1 nightmin=20160201 nightmax=20170131 get_results bin=0 nightmin=20170201 nightmax=20180131 get_results overwrite="yes" name="1959_all_variable2" overwrite="no" source=7 bin=-365 nightmin=20120201 nightmax=20130131 get_results nightmin=20130201 nightmax=20140131 get_results nightmin=20140201 nightmax=20150131 get_results bin=0 nightmin=20150201 nightmax=20160131 get_results bin=-1 nightmin=20160201 nightmax=20160817 get_results bin=0 nightmin=20160818 nightmax=20180131 get_results overwrite="yes" bin=0 source=3 name="2344period" get_results # flare night (HESS) name="Mrk501_10min_flarenight" source=2 bin=10 nightmin=20140623 nightmax=20140623 get_results # flare night (HESS) name="Mrk501_5min_flarenight" source=2 bin=5 nightmin=20140623 nightmax=20140623 get_results # full sample name="Mrk421_all_nightly" source=1 get_results name="Mrk501_all_nightly" source=2 get_results name="1959_all_nightly" source=7 get_results name="2344_all_nightly" source=3 get_results name="HESE20160427" source=19 nightmin=20160425 bin=-10 get_results name="AMON20160731" source=21 nightmin=20160730 bin=-10 get_results