source: trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/ 17737

Last change on this file since 17737 was 17617, checked in by Daniela Dorner, 11 years ago
improved logging in case of full disk
  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 6.4 KB
3# this script has been written to run on La Palma on the machine data
4# i.e. paths are only working on this machine
6source `dirname $0`/../
7printprocesslog "INFO starting "$0
10date >> $logfile
12if ! ls /daq/raw >/dev/null 2>&1
14 printprocesslog "ERROR /daq/raw is not available."
15 finish
18# get dates
19if [ "$certaindate" != "" ]
21 getdates $certaindate
23 # get all night
24 #getdates "all"
25 # get last 3 nights if hour between 7 and 19h, else only current night
26 getdates 3 7 19
29# not needed anymore as ftools are not used anymore
30## setup to use ftools
31#source $HEADAS/
33# files younger than $delaytime are not processed
36# do rsync for rawfiles of these dates
37for date in ${dates[@]}
39 echo "" >> $logfile 2>&1
40 rawdir=/daq/raw/$date
41 echo `date`": processing files in "$rawdir >> $logfile 2>&1
42 printprocesslog "INFO processing files in "$rawdir
43 #echo "INFO processing files in "$rawdir
44 # check if data are available from that night
45 if ! [ -d $rawdir ]
46 then
47 echo `date`": no data available in "$rawdir >> $logfile 2>&1
48 printprocesslog "INFO no data available in "$rawdir
49 continue
50 fi
52 # find all fits-files starting with the oldest file
53 echo `date`": finding files to be zipped in $rawdir..." >> $logfile 2>&1
54 printprocesslog "INFO finding files to be zipped in "$rawdir"..."
55 fitsfiles=`find $rawdir -type f -regex '.*[.]fits[.]?[g]?[f]?[z]?' | sort `
57 if [ ${#fitsfiles[@]} -eq 0 ]
58 then
59 echo `date`": no files to be zipped in $rawdir..." >> $logfile 2>&1
60 printprocesslog "INFO no files to be zipped in "$rawdir"..."
61 continue
62 fi
64 zipdir=/loc_data/zipraw/$date
65 # create output directory for zip
66 makedir $zipdir >> $logfile 2>&1
68 # loop to zip files
69 echo `date`": zipping files in $rawdir..." >> $logfile 2>&1
70 printprocesslog "INFO zipping files in "$rawdir"..."
71 for file in $fitsfiles
72 do
73 # check if more than ~ 10 GB are left on /loc_data
74 diskusage=( `df -P /loc_data | grep /loc_data ` )
75 if [ ${diskusage[3]} -lt 10000000 ]
76 then
77 echo "WARN less than 10 GB left on /loc_data on data ("${diskusage[3]}")" >> $logfile 2>&1
78 printprocesslog "WARN less than 10 GB left on /loc_data on data ("${diskusage[3]}")"
79 finish
80 fi
82 # check if raw file was accessed in the last $delaytime minutes
83 isnew=`find $file -amin -$delaytime`
84 if [ "$isnew" != "" ]
85 then
86 echo $file" is not older than $delaytime min => continue" >> $logfile 2>&1
87 printprocesslog "INFO "$file" is not older than $delaytime min => continue"
88 continue
89 fi
91 iszipped=`echo $file | grep -o fz`
92 if [ "$iszipped" == "fz" ]
93 then
94 # treat already compressed files
95 printprocesslog "DEBUG treat compressed file "$file
97 # filename for file on data
98 zipfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/daq/loc_data/g' -e 's/raw/zipraw/' `
99 zipfiletmp=`echo $file | sed -e 's/daq/loc_data/g' -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits.fz/fits.fz.tmp/'`
100 # check if file on data already exists
101 if [ -e $zipfile ]
102 then
103 continue
104 fi
106 echo `date`": copying "$file" to "$zipfile" ..." >> $logfile 2>&1
107 printprocesslog "INFO copying "$file" to "$zipfile" ..."
108 #echo "INFO zipping "$file" to "$zipfile" ..."
109 # read setup again to allow for updates of variables defining transfer
110 source `dirname $0`/../
111 # zip file to stdout and pipe it to outputfile
112 echo "pv --rate-limit $limitpigz $file > $zipfiletmp" >> $logfile 2>&1
113 pv --rate-limit $limitpigz $file > $zipfiletmp
114 statuspv=$?
115 printprocesslog "DEBUG pvstatus:"$statuspv
116 echo " pvstatus:"$statuspv >> $logfile 2>&1
117 if [ $statuspv -eq 0 ]
118 then
119 # if successful, move temporary to final zipfile
120 printprocesslog "INFO move "$zipfiletmp" to "$zipfile" ..."
121 mv -v $zipfiletmp $zipfile >> $logfile 2>&1
122 else
123 # if not successful, remove temporary zipfile
124 printprocesslog "WARN pv failed (statuspv:"$statuspv")."
125 echo "WARN pv failed (PIPESTATUS:"$statuspv")." >> $logfile 2>&1
126 printprocesslog "INFO remove "$zipfiletmp"..."
127 rm -v $zipfiletmp >> $logfile 2>&1
128 finish
129 fi
130 else
131 # treat uncompressed files
132 printprocesslog "DEBUG treat uncompressed file "$file
134 # filename for temporary and final zipfile
135 zipfile=`echo $file | sed -e 's/daq/loc_data/g' -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits/fits.gz/'`
136 zipfiletmp=`echo $file | sed -e 's/daq/loc_data/g' -e 's/raw/zipraw/' -e 's/fits/fits.tmp.gz/'`
137 # check if zipped file already exists
138 if [ -e $zipfile ]
139 then
140 continue
141 fi
143 echo `date`": zipping "$file" to "$zipfile" ..." >> $logfile 2>&1
144 printprocesslog "INFO zipping "$file" to "$zipfile" ..."
145 #echo "INFO zipping "$file" to "$zipfile" ..."
146 # read setup again to allow for updates of variables defining transfer
147 source `dirname $0`/../
148 # zip file to stdout and pipe it to outputfile
149 echo "pv --rate-limit $limitpigz $file | pigz -1 -c -f -p $numprocpigz > $zipfiletmp" >> $logfile 2>&1
150 pv --rate-limit $limitpigz $file | pigz -1 -c -f -p $numprocpigz > $zipfiletmp
151 statuspigz=( `echo ${PIPESTATUS[@]}` )
152 printprocesslog "DEBUG PIPESTATUS:"${statuspigz[@]}
153 echo " PIPESTATUS:"${statuspigz[@]} >> $logfile 2>&1
154 if [ ${statuspigz[0]} -eq 0 ] && [ ${statuspigz[1]} -eq 0 ]
155 then
156 # if successful, move temporary to final zipfile
157 printprocesslog "INFO move "$zipfiletmp" to "$zipfile" ..."
158 mv -v $zipfiletmp $zipfile >> $logfile 2>&1
159 else
160 # if not successful, remove temporary zipfile
161 printprocesslog "WARN pigz or pv failed (PIPESTATUS:"${statuspigz[@]}")."
162 echo "WARN pigz or pv failed (PIPESTATUS:"${statuspigz[@]}")." >> $logfile 2>&1
163 printprocesslog "INFO remove "$zipfiletmp"..."
164 rm -v $zipfiletmp >> $logfile 2>&1
165 finish
166 fi
167 fi
168 done
170echo "finished zipping..." >> $logfile 2>&1
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