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50\journal{Astroparticle Physics}
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57\title{The drive system of the\\Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescope}
62%\tnotetext[t1]{This document is collaborative effort}
63%\tnotetext[t2]{This document is collaborative effort more}
66\address[tb]{Universit\"{a}t W\"{urzburg}, Am Hubland, D-97074 W\"{u}rzburg, Germany}
68%\fntext[fn1]{My name is Thomas Bretz}
71%\address[dd]{Integral Science Data Center}
76\address[rw]{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik, F\"ohringer Ring 6, D-80805 M\"{u}nchen, Germany}
78\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author:}
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83\newcommand{\mygtrsim} {{\apprge}}
87The MAGIC telescope is an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope,
88designed to observe very high energy gamma-rays achieving a low energy
89threshold. One of the key science goals is the fast follow-up of the
90enigmatic and short lived gamma-ray bursts. The drive system for the
91telescope has to meet two basic demands: (1)~During normal
92observations, the 64-ton telescope has to be repositioned accurately,
93and has to track a given sky position with high precision at a typical
94rotational speed in the order of one revolution per day. (2)~For
95successfully observing GRB prompt emission and afterglows, it has to be
96powerful enough to reposition the telescope to an arbitrary point on
97the sky within a few ten seconds and commence normal tracking immediately
98thereafter. To meet these requirements, the implementation and
99realization of the drive system relies strongly on standard industry
100components to ensure robustness and reliability. In this paper, we
101describe the mechanical setup, the drive control and the calibration of
102the pointing, as well as present measurements of the accuracy of the
103system. We show that within the limits of the mount the drive system is
104mechanically able to operate with an accuracy even better than the
105feedback values from the axes. In the context of future projects,
106envisaging telescope arrays comprising about 100 individual
107instruments, the robustness and scalability of the concept is
112MAGIC\sep drive system\sep IACT\sep scalability\sep calibration\sep fast repositioning
121The MAGIC telescope on the Canary Island of La~Palma, located 2200\,m
122above sea level at 28\textdegree{}45'\,N and 17\textdegree{}54'\,W, is an
123imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope designed to achieve a low
124energy threshold, fast repositioning, and high tracking accuracy,
125e.g.~\cite{Lorenz:2004, Cortina:2005}. The MAGIC design, and the
126currently ongoing construction of a second telescope
127(MAGIC\,II;~\cite{Goebel:2007}), pave the way to the ground-based
128detection of gamma-ray sources at cosmological distances down to less
129than 80\,GeV. After the discovery of the distant blazars 1ES\,1218+304
130at a redshift of $z$\,=\,0.182~\citep{2006ApJ...642L.119A} and
1311ES\,1011+496 at $z$\,=\,0.212~\citep{2007ApJ...667L..21A}, the most
132recent breakthrough has been the discovery of the first quasar at very
133high energies, the flat-spectrum radio source 3C\,279 at a redshift of
134$z$\,=\,0.536~\cite{2008Sci...320.1752M}. These observational results
135were somewhat surprising, since the extragalactic background radiation
136in the mid-infrared to near-infrared wavelength range was believed to
137be strong enough to inhibit propagation of gamma-rays across
138cosmological distances~\citep{2001MNRAS.320..504S}. However, it could
139be shown that the results of deep galaxy surveys with the Hubble and
140Spitzer Space telescopes are consistent with these findings, if the
141spurious feature at one micron is attributed to a foreground effect
142resulting from an inaccurate subtraction of zodiacal
143light~\citep{Hauser:2001, 2007arXiv0707.2915K, Kneiske:2004}. The low
144level of pair attenuation of gamma-rays greatly improves the prospects
145of searching for very high energy gamma-rays from gamma-ray bursts
146(GRBs). Their remarkable similarities with blazar flares, albeit at
147much shorter timescales, presumably arise from the scaling behavior of
148relativistic jets, the common physical cause of these phenomena. Since
149most GRBs reside at large redshifts, their detection relies on the low
150level of absorption at very high energies~\citep{1996ApJ...467..532M}.
151Moreover, the cosmological absorption decreases with photon energy,
152favoring MAGIC to discover GRBs due to its low energy threshold.
154Due to the short life time of GRBs and the limited field of view of
155imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, the drive system of the MAGIC
156telescope has to meet two basic demands: during normal observations,
157the 64-ton telescope has to be repositioned accurately, and has to
158track a given sky position, i.e., counteract the apparent rotation of
159the celestial sphere, with high precision at a typical rotational speed
160in the order of one revolution per day. For catching the GRB prompt
161emission and afterglows, it has to be powerful enough to reposition the
162telescope to an arbitrary point on the sky within a very short time
163($\apprle$\,60\,s) and commence normal tracking immediately
164thereafter. To keep the system simple, i.e., robust, both requirements
165should be achieved without an indexing gear. The telescope's total
166weight of 64~tons is a comparatively low measure, reflecting the
167construction principle of using low-weight materials whenever possible.
168For example, the mount consists of a space frame of carbon-fiber
169reinforced plastic tubes, and the mirrors are made of polished
172In this paper, we describe the basic properties of the MAGIC drive
173system. In section~\ref{sec2}, the hardware components and mechanical
174setup of the drive system are outlined. The control loops and
175performance goals are described in section~\ref{sec3}, while the
176implementation of the repositioning and tracking algorithms and the
177calibration of the drive system are explained in section~\ref{sec4}.
178The system can be scaled to meet the demands of other telescope designs
179as shown in section~\ref{sec5}. Finally, in section~\ref{conclusions}
180we draw conclusions from our experience of operating the MAGIC
181telescope with this drive system for four years.
183\section{General design considerations}
185The drive system of the MAGIC telescope is quite similar to that of
186large, alt-azimuth-mounted optical telescopes. Nevertheless there are
187quite a few aspects that influenced the design of the MAGIC drive
188system in comparison to optical telescopes and small-diameter Imaging
189Atmospheric Cherenkov telescope (IACT).
191The tracking and stability requirements for IACTs are much less
192demanding than for optical telescopes. Although IACTs, like optical
193telescopes, track celestial objects, they observe quite different
194phenomena: Optical telescopes observe visible light, which originates
195at infinity and is parallel. The best-possible optical resolution is
196required and in turn, equal tracking precision due to comparably long
197integration times, i.e., seconds to hours. In ground-based astronomy at
198very high gamma-ray energies, IACTs record the Cherenkov light produced
199by an electromagnetic air-shower in the atmosphere, induced by a
200primary gamma-ray, i.e., from a close by (5\,km\,-\,20\,km) and
201extended event with a diffuse transverse extension and a typical
202extension of a few km. Due to the stochastic nature of the shower
203development, the detected light will have an inherent limitation in
204explanatory power, improving normally with the energy, i.e.,
205shower-particle multiplicity. As, in this case, the Cherenkov light is
206emitted with under a small angle off the particle tracks, these photons
207do not even point directly to the source like in optical astronomy.
208Nevertheless, the shower points towards the direction of the incoming
209gamma-ray and thus towards its source on the sky, and for this reason
210its origin can be reconstructed analyzing its image. Modern IACTs
211achieve an energy-dependent pointing resolution for individual showers
212of 0.1\textdegree\,-\,0.01\textdegree. These are the predictions from
213Monte Carlo simulations assuming, amongst other things, ideal tracking.
214This sets the limits achievable in practical cases. Consequently, the
215required tracking precision must be at least of the same order or even
216better. Although the short integration times, on the order of a few
217nanoseconds, would allow for an offline correction, this should be
218avoided since it may give rise to an additional systematic error.
220MAGIC, as other large IACTs, has no protective dome. It is constantly
221exposed to daily changing weather conditions and intense sunlight, and
222therefore suffers much more material aging than optical telescopes. A
223much simpler mechanical mount had to be used, resulting in a design of
224considerably less stiffness, long-term irreversible deformations, and
225small unpredictable deformations due to varying wind pressure. The
226tracking system does not need to be more precise than the mechanical
227structure and, consequently, can be much simpler and hence cheaper as
228compared to that of large optical telescopes.
230To meet one of the main physics goals, the observation of prompt and
231afterglow emission of GRBs, repositioning of the telescope to their
232assumed sky position is required in a time as short as possible.
233Alerts, provided by satellites, arrive at the MAGIC site typically
234within 10\,s after the outburst~\citep{2007ApJ...667..358A}. To achieve
235a positioning time to any position on the sky within less than a minute
236requires a very light-weight but sturdy telescope and a fast-acting and
237powerful drive system.
240 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure1a.eps}
241 \hfill
242 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure1b.eps}
243\caption{{\em Left}: One of the bogeys with its two railway rails. The
244motor is encapsulated in the grey box on the yellow drive unit. It drives
245the tooth double-toothed wheel gearing into the chain through a gear
246and a clutch. {\em Right}: The drive unit driving the elevation axis
247from the back side. Visible is the actuator of the safety holding brake
248and its corresponding brake disc mounted on the motor-driven axis. The
249motor is attached on the opposite side. }
254\section{Mechanical setup and hardware components}\label{sec2}
256The implementation of the drive system relies strongly on standard
257industry components to ensure robustness, reliability and proper
258support. The azimuth drive ring of 21\,m diameter is made from a normal
259railway rail, which was delivered in pre-bent sections and welded on
260site. The fixing onto the concrete foundation uses standard rail-fixing
261elements, and allows for movements caused by temperature changes. The
262maximum allowable deviation from the horizontal plane as well as
263deviation from flatness is $\pm 2$\,mm, and from the ideal circle it is
2641\,cm. Each of the six bogeys holds two standard crane wheels of 60\,cm
265diameter with a rather broad wheel tread. This allows for deviations in
266the 11.5\,m-distance to the central axis due to extreme temperature
267changes, which can even be asymmetric in case of different exposure to
268sunlight on either side. The central bearing of the azimuth axis is a
269high-quality ball bearing, while for the elevation axis, due to lower
270weight, a less expensive sliding bearing with a teflon layer was
271installed. These sliding bearings have a slightly spherical surface to
272allow for small misalignments during installation and some bending of
273the elevation axis stubs under load.
275The drive mechanism is based on duplex roller chains and sprocket
276wheels in a rack-and-pinion mounting. The chains have a breaking
277strength of 17~tons and a chain-link spacing of 2.5\,cm. The initial
278play between the chain links and the sprocket-wheel teeth is about
2793\,mm\,-\,5\,mm, according to the data sheet, corresponding to much
280less than an arcsecond on the telescope axes. The azimuth drive chain
281is fixed on a dedicated ring on the concrete foundation, but has quite
282some radial distance variation of up to 3\,cm. The elevation drive
283chain is mounted on a slightly oval ring below the mirror dish, because
284the ring forms an integral part of the camera support mast structure.
286Commercial synchronous motors (type designation Bosch Rexroth
287MHD\,112C-058) are used together with low-play planetary gears linked
288to the sprocket wheels. These motors intrinsically allow for a
289positional accuracy better than one arcsecond of the motor axis. Having
290a nominal power of 11\,kW, they can be overpowered by up to a factor
291five for a few seconds. It should be mentioned that due to the
292installation height of more than 2200\,m a.s.l., due to lower air
293pressure and consequently less efficient cooling, the nominal values
294given must be reduced by about 25\%. The azimuth motors are mounted on
295small lever arms. In order to follow the small radial irregularities of
296the azimuthal drive chain, the motors are pressed against it by
297springs. The elevation-drive motor is mounted on a nearly 1\,m long
298lever arm to be able to compensate the oval shape of the chain and the
299fact that the center of the circle defined by the drive chain is
300shifted 50\,cm away from the axis towards the camera.
302The design of the drive system control, c.f.~\citet{Bretz:2003drive},
303is based on digitally controlled industrial drive units, one for each
304motor. The two motors driving the azimuth axis are coupled to have a
305more homogeneous load transmission from the motors to the structure
306compared to a single (more powerful) motor. The modular design allows
307to increase the number of coupled devices dynamically if necessary,
310At the latitude of La Palma, the azimuth track of stars can exceed
311180\textdegree{} in one night. To allow for continuous observation of a
312given source at night without reaching one of the end positions in
313azimuth. the allowed range for movements in azimuth spans from
314$\varphi$\,=\,-90\textdegree{} to $\varphi$\,=\,+318\textdegree, where
315$\varphi$\,=\,0\textdegree{} corresponds to geographical North, and
316$\varphi$\,=\,90\textdegree{} to geographical East. To keep slewing
317distances as short as possible (particularly in case of GRB alerts),
318the range for elevational movements spans from
319$\theta$\,=\,+100\textdegree{} to $\theta$\,=\,-70\textdegree{} where
320the change of sign implies a movement {\em across the zenith}. This
321so-called {\it reverse mode} is currently not in use, as it might imply
322hysteresis effects of the active mirror control system, still under
323investigation, due to shifting of weight at zenith. The accessible
324range in both directions and on both axes is limited by software to the
325mechanically accessible range. For additional safety, hardware end
326switches are installed directly connected to the drive controller
327units, initiating a fast, controlled deceleration of the system when
328activated. To achieve an azimuthal movement range exceeding
329360\textdegree{}, one of the two azimuth end-switches needs to be
330deactivated at any time. Therefore, an additional {\em direction
331switch} is located at $\varphi$\,=\,164\textdegree{}, short-circuiting
332the end switch currently out of range.
334\section{Setup of the motion control system}\label{sec3}
336Like for the mechanical drive system, also for the motion-control system
337standard industry components were used. The drive is controlled by the
338feedback of encoders measuring the angular positions of the motors and
339the telescope axes. The encoders on the motor axes provide
340information to microcontrollers dedicated for motion control,
341initiating and monitoring every movement. Professional build-in servo
342loops take over the suppression of oscillations. The correct pointing
343position of the system is ensured by a computer program evaluating the
344feedback from the telescope axes and initiating the motion executed by
345the micro controllers. Additionally, the motor-axis encoders are also
346evaluated to increase accuracy. The details of this system, as shown in
347figure~\ref{figure2}, are discussed below.
351 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure2a.eps}
352 \hfill
353 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure2b.eps}
354\caption{Schematics of the MAGIC\,I ({\em left}) and MAGIC\,II ({\em
355right}) drive system. The sketches shows the motors, the motor-encoder
356feedback as well as the shaft-encoder feedback, and the motion-control
357units, which are themselves controlled by a superior control, receiving
358commands from the control PC, which closes the position-control loop.
359The system is described in more details in section~\ref{sec3}.}
364\subsection{Position feedback system}
366The angular telescope positions are measured by three shaft-encoders
367(Hengstler AC61/1214EQ.72OLZ). These absolute multi-turn encoders have
368a resolution of 4\,096 (10\,bit) revolutions and 16\,384 (14\,bit)
369steps per revolution, corresponding to an intrinsic angular resolution
370of 1.3\,arcmin per step. One shaft encoder is located on the azimuth
371axis, while two more encoders are fixed on either side of the elevation
372axis, increasing the resolution and allowing for measurements of the
373twisting of the dish (fig.~\ref{figure3}). All shaft encoders used are
374watertight (IP\,67) to withstand the extreme weather conditions
375occasionally encountered at the telescope site. The motor positions are
376read out at a frequency of 1\,kHz from 10\,bit relative rotary encoders
377fixed on the motor axes. Due to the gear ratio of more than one
378thousand between motor and load, the 14\,bit resolution of the shaft
379encoder system on the axes can be interpolated further using the
380position readout of the motors. For communication with the axis
381encoders, a CANbus interface with the CANopen protocol is in use
382(operated at 125\,kbps). The motor encoders are directly connected by
383an analog interface.
385\subsection{Motor control}
387The three servo motors are connected to individual motion controller
388units ({\em DKC}, type designation Bosch Rexroth,
389DKC~ECODRIVE\,03.3-200-7-FW), serving as intelligent frequency
390converters and power supplies. An input value, given either analog or
391digital, is converted to a predefined output, e.g., command position,
392velocity or torque. All command values are processed through a chain of
393build-in controllers, cf. fig.~\ref{figure4}, resulting in a final
394command current applied to the motor. This internal chain of control
395loops, maintaining the movement of the motors, works at a frequency of
3961\,kHz fed back by the rotary encoders on the corresponding motor axes.
397Several safety limits ensure damage-free operation of the system even
398under unexpected operation conditions. These safety limits are, e.g.,
399software end switches, torque limits, current limits or
400control-deviation limits.
402To synchronize the two azimuth motors, a master-slave setup is
403used. While the master is addressed by a command velocity, the
404slave is driven by the command torque output of the master. This
405operation mode ensures that both motors can apply their combined force
406to the telescope structure without oscillations.
410 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure3.eps}
411\caption{The measured difference between the two shaft-encoders fixed
412on either side of the elevation axis versus zenith angle. Negative
413zenith angles mean that the telescope has been flipped over the zenith
414position to the opposite side. The average offset from zero
415corresponds to a the twist of the two shaft encoders with respect to
416each other. Under normal conditions the torsion between both ends of
417the axis is less than the shaft-encoder resolution.}
422\subsection{Motion control}
425 \includegraphics*[width=0.6\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure4.eps}
426 \caption{The internal flow control between the individual controllers
427inside the drive control unit. Depending on the type of the command
428value, different controllers are active. The control loops are closed by
429the feedback of the rotary encoder on the motor, and a possible
430controller on the load axis, as well as the measurement of the current.}
435The master DKC for each axis is controlled by presetting a rotational
436speed defined by $\pm$10\,V on its analog input. The input voltage is
437produced by a programmable microcontroller dedicated to analog motion
438control, produced by Z\&B ({\em MACS}, type designation MACS). The
439feedback is realized through a 500-step emulation of the motor's rotary
440encoders by the DKCs for each axis seperately. Elevation and azimuth
441movement is regulated by individual MACSs. The MACS controller itself
442communicates with the control software (see below) through a CANbus
445It turned out that in particular the azimuth motor system seems to be
446limited by the large moment of inertia of the telescope
447($J_{\mathrm{az}}\approx4400$\,tm$^2$, for comparison
448$J_{\mathrm{el}}\approx850$\,tm$^2$; note that the exact numbers depend
449on the current orientation of the telescope). At the same time, the
450requirements on the elevation drive are much less demanding.\\
452\noindent {\em MAGIC\,II}\quad For the drive system currently under commissioning for
453MAGIC\,II, several improvements have been provided:\\
455\item 13\,bit absolute shaft-encoders (type designation Heidenhain
456ROQ\,425) are installed, providing an additional sine-shaped
457$\pm$1\,Vss output within each step. This allows for a more accurate
458interpolation and hence a better resolution than a simple 14\,bit
459shaft-encoder. These shaft-encoders are also water tight (IP\,64), and
460they are read out via an EnDat\,2.2 interface.
461\item All encoders are directly connected to the DKCs, providing
462additional feedback from the telescope axes itself. The DKC can control
463the load axis additionally to the motor axis providing a more accurate
464positioning, faster movement by improved oscillation suppression and a
465better motion control of the system.
466\item The analog transmission of the master's command torque to the
467slave is substituted by a direct digital bi-directional communication
468of the DKCs.
469\item A single professional programmable logic controller (PLC), in German:
470{\em Speicherprogammierbare Steuerung} (SPS, type designation Rexroth
471Bosch, IndraControl SPS L\,20) replaces the two MACSs. Connection between
472the SPS and the DKCs is now realized through a digital Profibus DP
473interface substituting the analog signals.
474\item The connection from the SPS to the control PC is realized via
475Ethernet connection. Since Ethernet is more commonly in use than
476CANbus, soft- and hardware support is much easier.
479\subsection{PC control}
481The drive system is controlled by a standard PC running a Linux
482operating system, a custom-designed software based on
483ROOT~\citep{www:root} and the positional astronomy library
484{\em slalib}~\citep{slalib}.
486Algorithms specialized for the MAGIC tracking system are imported from
487the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction Software package
488(MARS)~\citep{Bretz:2003icrc, Bretz:2005paris, Bretz:2008gamma} also
489used in the data analysis~\citep{Bretz:2005mars, Dorner:2005paris}.
493Whenever the telescope has to be repositioned, the relative distance to
494the new position is calculated in telescope coordinates and then
495converted to motor revolutions. Then, the micro-controllers are
496instructed to move the motors accordingly. Since the motion is
497controlled by the feedback of the encoders on the motor axes, not on
498the telescope axes, backlash and other non-deterministic irregularities
499cannot easily be taken into account. Thus it may happen that the final
500position is still off by a few shaft-encoder steps, although the motor
501itself has reached its desired position. In this case, the procedure is
502repeated up to ten times. After ten unsuccessful iterations, the system
503would go into error state. In almost all cases the command position is
504reached after at most two or three iterations.
506If a slewing operation is followed by a tracking operation of a
507celestial target position, tracking is started immediately after the
508first movement without further iterations. Possible small deviations,
509normally eliminated by the iteration procedure, are then corrected by
510the tracking algorithm.
513To track a given celestial target position (RA/Dec, J\,2000.0,
514FK\,5~\citep{1988VeARI..32....1F}), astrometric and misalignment
515corrections have to be taken into account. While astrometric
516corrections transform the celestial position into local coordinates as
517seen by an ideal telescope (Alt/Az), misalignment corrections convert
518them further into the coordinate system specific to the real telescope.
519In case of MAGIC, this coordinate system is defined by the position
520feedback system.
522The tracking algorithm controls the telescope by applying a command
523velocity for the revolution of the motors, which is re-calculated every
524second. It is calculated from the current feedback position and the
525command position required to point at the target five seconds ahead in
526time. The timescale of 5\,s is a compromise between optimum tracking
527accuracy and the risk of oscillations in case of a too short timescale.
529As a crosscheck, the ideal velocities for the two telescope axes are
530independently estimated using dedicated astrometric routines of slalib.
531For security reasons, the allowable deviation between the determined
532command velocities and the estimated velocities is limited. If an
533extreme deviation is encountered the command velocity is set to zero,
534i.e., the movement of the axis is stopped.
536\subsection{Fast repositioning}
538The observation of GRBs and their afterglows in very-high energy
539gamma-rays is a key science goal for the MAGIC telescope. Given that
540alerts from satellite monitors provide GRB positions a few seconds
541after their outburst via the {\em Gamma-ray Burst Coordination
542Network}~\cite{www:gcn}, typical burst durations of 10\,s to
543100\,s~\cite{Paciesas:1999} demand a fast repositioning of the
544telescope. The current best value for the acceleration has been set to
54511.7\,mrad\,s$^{-2}$. It is constrained by the maximum constant force
546which can be applied by the motors. Consequently, the maximum allowed
547velocity can be derived from the distance between the end-switch
548activation and the position at which a possible damage to the telescope
549structure, e.g.\ ruptured cables, would happen. From these constraints,
550the maximum velocity currently in use, 70.4\,mrad\,s$^{-1}$, was
551determined. Note that, as the emergency stopping distance evolves
552quadratically with the travel velocity, a possible increase of the
553maximum velocity would drastically increase the required braking
554distance. As safety procedures require, an emergency stop is completely
555controlled by the DKCs itself with the feedback of the motor encoder,
556ignoring all other control elements.
558Currently, automatic repositioning by
559$\Delta\varphi$\,=\,180\textdegree{} in azimuth to the target position
560is achieved within 45\,s. The repositioning time in elevation is not
561critical in the sense that the probability to move a longer path in
562elevation than in azimuth is negligible. Allowing the telescope drive
563to make use of the reverse mode, the requirement of reaching any
564position in the sky within 30\,s is well met, as distances in azimuth
565are substantially shortened. The motor specifications allow for a
566velocity more than four times higher. In practice, the maximum possible
567velocity is limited by the acceleration force, at slightly more than
568twice the current value. The actual limiting factor is the braking
569distance that allows a safe deceleration without risking any damage to
570the telescope structure.
572\subsection{Tracking precision}
574The intrinsic mechanical accuracy of the tracking system is determined
575by comparing the current command position of the axes with the feedback
576values from the corresponding shaft encoders. These feedback values
577represent the actual position of the axes with highest precision
578whenever they change their feedback values. At these instances, the
579control deviation is determined, representing the precision with which
580the telescope axes can be operated. In the case of an ideal mount this
581would define the tracking accuracy of the telescope.
583In figure~\ref{figure5} the control deviation measured for 10.9\,h of
584data taking in the night of 2007 July 22/23 and on the evening of July
58523 is shown, expressed as absolute deviation on the sky taking both
586axes into account. In almost all cases it is well below the resolution
587of the shaft encoders, and in 80\% of the time it does not exceed 1/8
588of this value ($sim$10\,arcsec). This means that the accuracy of the
589motion control, based on the encoder feedback, is much better than
5901\,arcmin on the sky, which is roughly a fifth of the diameter of a
591pixel in the MAGIC photomultiplier (PM) camera (0.1\textdegree{},
594In the case of a real telescope ultimate limits of the tracking
595precision are given by the precision with which the correct command
596value is known. Its calibration is discussed in the following.
600 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure5.eps}
601 \caption{Control deviation between the expected, i.e. calculated,
602position, and the feedback position of the shaft encoders in the moment
603at which one change their readout values. For simplicity, the control
604deviation is shown as absolute control deviation projected on the sky.
605The blue lines correspond to fractions of the shaft-encoder resolution.
613To calibrate the position, command value-astrometric corrections,
614(converting the celestial target position into the target position of
615an ideal telescope) and misalignment corrections (converting it further
616into the target position of a real telescope), have to be taken into
619\subsection{Astrometric corrections}
621The astrometric correction for the pointing and tracking algorithms is
622based on a library for calculations usually needed in positional
623astronomy, {\em slalib}~\cite{slalib}. Key features of this library are
624the numerical stability of the algorithms and their well-tested
625implementation. The astrometric corrections in use
626(fig.~\ref{figure6}) -- performed when converting a celestial position
627into the position as seen from Earth's center (apparent position) --
628take into account precession and nutation of the Earth and annual
629aberration, i.e., apparent displacements caused by the finite speed of
630light combined with the motion of the observer around the Sun during
631the year. Next, the apparent position is transformed to the observer's
632position, taking into account atmospheric refraction, the Earth's
633rotation, and diurnal aberration, i.e., the motion of the observer
634around the Earth's rotation axis. Some of these effects are so small
635that they are only relevant for nearby stars and optical astronomy. But
636as optical observations of such stars are used to {\em train} the
637misalignment correction, all these effects are taken into account.
640\begin{center} % Goldener Schnitt
641 \includegraphics*[width=0.185\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure6.eps}
642\caption{The transformation applied to a given set of catalog source
643coordinates to real-telescope coordinates. These corrections include
644all necessary astrometric corrections, as well as the pointing
645correction to transform from an ideal-telescope frame to the frame of a
646real telescope. A detailed description of all corrections and the
647calibration of the pointing model is given in section~\ref{sec4}.}
652\subsection{Pointing model}
654Imperfections and deformations of the mechanical construction lead to
655deviations from an ideal telescope. These deviations include the non-exact
656alignment of axes, and deformations of the telescope structure. To
657assure reliable pointing and tracking accuracy, such effects have to be
658taken into account. Therefore the tracking software employs an
659analytical pointing model based on the {\rm TPOINT}\texttrademark{}
660telescope modeling software~\cite{tpoint}, also used for
661optical telescopes. This model, called {\em pointing model},
662parameterizes deviations from the ideal telescope. Calibrating the
663pointing model by mispointing measurements of bright stars, which
664allows to determine the necessary corrections, is a standard procedure.
665Once calibrated, the model is applied online. Since an analytical model
666is used, the source of any deviation can be identified and traced back
667to components of the telescope mount.\\
669Corrections are parameterized by alt-azimuthal terms~\cite{tpoint},
670i.e., derived from vector transformations within the proper coordinate
671system. The following possible misalignments are taken into account:\\
674\item[Zero point corrections ({\em index errors})] Trivial offsets
675between the zero positions of the axes and the zero positions of the
676shaft encoders.
677\item[Azimuth axis misalignment] The misalignment of the azimuth axis
678in north-south and east-west direction, respectively. For MAGIC these
679corrections can be neglected.
680\item[Non-perpendicularity of axes] Deviations from right angles
681between any two axes in the system, namely (1) non-perpendicularity of
682azimuth and elevation axes and (2) non-perpendicularity of elevation
683and pointing axes. In the case of the MAGIC telescope these corrections
684are strongly bound to the mirror alignment defined by the active mirror
686\item[Non-centricity of axes] The once-per-revolution cyclic errors
687produced by de-centered axes. This correction is small, and thus difficult
688to measure, but the most stable correction throughout the years.
691\noindent{\bf Bending of the telescope structure}
693\item A possible constant offset of the mast bending.
694\item A zenith angle dependent correction. It describes the camera mast
695bending, which originates by MAGIC's single thin-mast camera support
696strengthened by steel cables.
697\item Elevation hysteresis: This is an offset correction introduced
698depending on the direction of movement of the elevation axis. It is
699necessary because the sliding bearing, having a stiff connection with
700the encoders, has such a high static friction that in case of reversing
701the direction of the movement, the shaft-encoder will not indicate any
702movement, even though the telescope is rotating.
706Since the primary feedback is located on the axis itself, corrections
707for irregularities of the chain mounting or sprocket wheels are
708unnecessary. Another class of deformations of the telescope-support
709frame and the mirrors are non-deterministic and, consequently, pose an
710ultimate limit of the precision of the pointing correction.
712As discussed below, the size of the total correction (excluding the
713index error) is on the order of 0.1\textdegree{}. Therefore all individual
714correction terms are smaller or of similar size.
718%\subsubsection{Calibration concept}
720To determine the coefficients of a pointing model, calibration
721data is recorded, consisting of mispointing measurements depending
722on altitude and azimuth angle. Bright stars are tracked with the
723telescope at positions uniformly distributed in local coordinates,
724i.e.\, in altitude and azimuth angle. To measure the real pointing
725position of the telescope, the reflection of a bright star on a
726screen in front of the MAGIC PM camera is determined. The center
727of the camera is defined by LEDs mounted on an ideal ($\pm$1\,mm)
728circle around the camera center, cf.~\citet{Riegel:2005icrc}.
730Having enough of these datasets available, correlating ideal and real
731pointing position, a fit of the coefficients of the model can be made,
732minimizing the pointing residual.
734\subsubsection{Hardware and installations}
736A 0.0003\,lux, 1/2\(^{\prime\prime}\) high-sensitivity standard PAL CCD
737camera (\mbox{Watec}~WAT-902\,H, technical details given in
738table~\ref{table}) equipped with a zoom lens (type: Computar) is used
739for the mispointing measurements. The camera is read out at a rate of
74025\,frames per second using a framer-grabber card in a standard PC. The
741tradeoff for the high sensitivity of the camera is its high noise level
742in each single frame recorded. Since there are no rapidly moving
743objects within the field of view, a high picture quality can be
744achieved by averaging typically 125\,frames (corresponding to 5\,s). An
745example is shown in figure~\ref{figure7}. This example also
746illustrates the high sensitivity of the camera, since both pictures of
747the telescope structure have been taken with the residual light of less
748than a half-moon. In the background individual stars can be seen.
749Depending on the installed optics, stars up to 12$^\mathrm{m}$ are
750visible. With our optics and a safe detection threshold the limiting
751magnitude is typically slightly above 9$^\mathrm{m}$ for direct
752measurements and on the order of 5$^\mathrm{m}$\dots4$^\mathrm{m}$ for
753images of stars on the screen.
759Model&Watec WAT-902H (CCIR)\\\hline\hline
760Pick-up Element&1/2" CCD image sensor\\
761&(interline transfer)\\\hline
762Number of total pixels&795(H)x596(V)\\\hline
763Minimum Illumination&0.0003\,lx. F/1.4 (AGC Hi)\\
764&0.002\,lx. F/1.4 (AGC Lo)\\\hline
765Automatic gain&High: 5\,dB\,-\,50\,dB\\
766&Low: 5\,dB\,-\,32\,dB\\\hline
767S/N&46\,dB (AGC off)\\\hline
768Shutter Speed&On: 1/50\,-\,1/100\,000\,s\\ (electronic iris)&Off: 1/50\,s\\\hline
769Backlight compensation&On\\\hline
770Power Supply&DC +10.8\,V\,-\,13.2\,V\\\hline
771Weight&Approx. 90\,g\\\hline
774\caption{Technical specifications of the CCD camera used for
775measuring of the position of the calibration stars on the PM camera lid.}
781 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure7a.eps}
782 \hfill
783 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure7b.eps}
784 \caption{A single frame (left) and an average of 125 frames (right) of
785the same field of view taken with the high sensitivity PAL CCD camera
786used for calibration of the pointing model. The frames were taken
787with half moon. }
794An example of a calibration-star measurement is shown in
795figure~\ref{figure8}. Using the seven LEDs mounted on a circle around
796the camera center, the position of the camera center is determined.
797Only the upper half of the area instrumented with PMs is visible, since
798the lower half is covered by the lower lid, holding a special
799reflecting surface in the center of the camera. The LED positions are
800evaluated by a simple cluster-finding algorithm looking at pixels more
801than three standard deviations above the noise level. The LED position
802is defined as the center of gravity of its light distribution. The
803search region is defined by the surrounding black-coloured boxes. For
804simplicity the noise level is determined just by calculating the mean
805and the root-mean-square within the individual search regions below a
806fixed threshold dominated by noise.
810 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure8.eps}
811\caption{A measurement of a star for the calibration of the pointing
812model. Visible are the seven LEDs and their determined center of
813gravity, as well as the reconstructed circle on which the LEDs are
814located. The LEDs on the bottom part are hidden by the lower lid,
815holding a screen in front of the PM camera. For calibration, the center
816of gravity of the measured star, as visible in the center, is compared
817to the center of the circle given by the LEDs, coinciding with the
818center of the PM camera. The black regions are the search regions for
819the LEDs and the calibration star. A few dead pixels in the CCD camera
820can also be recognized. }
825Since three points are enough to define a circle, from all
826possible combinations of detected spots, the corresponding circle
827is calculated. In case of misidentified LEDs, which sometimes
828occur due to light reflections from the telescope structure, the
829radius of the circle will deviate from the predefined radius.
830Thus, any such misidentified circles are discarded. The radius
831determination can be improved further by applying small offsets of
832the non-ideal LED positions. The radius distribution is Gaussian
833and its resolution is $\sigma\,\apprle$\,1\,mm
834($\mathrm{d}r/r\approx0.3$\textperthousand) on the camera plane
835corresponding to $\sim$1\,arcsec.
837The center of the LED ring is calculated as the average of all circle
838centers after quality cuts. The resolution of the center is
839$\sim$2\,arcsec. In this setup, the large number of LEDs guarantees
840operation even in case one LED is damaged or could not be detected due
841to scattered light.
843To find the spot of the reflected star itself, the same cluster-finder
844is used to determine its center of gravity. This gives reliable results
845even in case of saturation. Only very bright stars, brighter than
8461.0$^m$, are found to saturate the CCD camera asymmetrically.
848Using the position of the star, with respect to the camera center, the
849pointing position corresponding to the camera center is calculated.
850This position is stored together with the readout from the position
851feedback system. The difference between the telescope pointing
852position and the feedback position is described by the pointing model.
853Investigating the dependence of these differences on zenith and azimuth
854angle, the correction terms of the pointing model can be determined.
855Its coefficients are fit minimizing the absolute residuals on the celestial
860Figure~\ref{figure9} shows the residuals, taken between 2006 October and
8612007 July, before and after application of the fit of the pointing
862model. For convenience, offset corrections are applied to the residuals
863before correction. Thus, the red curve is a measurement of the alignment
864quality of the structure, i.e., the pointing accuracy with offset
865corrections only. By fitting a proper model, the pointing accuracy can
866be improved to a value below the intrinsic resolution of the system,
867i.e., below shaft-encoder resolution. In more than 83\% of all cases the
868tracking accuracy is better than 0.02\textdegree{} ($\sim$1.3\,arcmin)
869and it hardly ever exceeds 0.04\textdegree. The few datasets exceeding
8700.04\textdegree{} are very likely due to imperfect measurement of the
871real pointing position of the telescope, i.e.\, the center of gravity of
872the star light.
876 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure9.eps}
877 \caption{Distribution of absolute pointing residual on the sky between
878the measured position of calibration stars and their nominal position
879with only offset correction for both axes (red) and a fitted pointing
880model (blue) applied. Here in total 1162 measurements where used,
881homogeneously distributed over the local sky. After application of the
882pointing model the residuals are well below the shaft-encoder
883resolution, i.e., the knowledge of the mechanical position of the axes.
892The ultimate limit on the achievable tracking precision are effects,
893which are difficult to correlate or measure, and non-deterministic
894deformations of the structure or mirrors. For example, the azimuth
895support consists of a railway rail with some small deformations in
896height due to the load, resulting in a wavy movement difficult to
897parameterize. For the wheels on the six bogeys, simple, not precisely
898machined crane wheels were used, which may amplify horizontal
899deformations. Other deformations are caused by temperature changes and
900wind loads which are difficult to control for telescopes without dome,
901and which cannot be modelled. It should be noted that the azimuth structure
902can change its diameter by up to 3\,cm due to day-night temperature
903differences, indicating that thermal effects have a non-negligible and
904non-deterministic influence.
908With each measurement of a calibration-star also the present tracking
909uncertainty is recorded. This allows for monitoring of the tracking
910quality and for offline correction. In figure~\ref{figure10} the
911evolution of the measured residuals over the years are shown. The
912continuous monitoring has been started in March 2005 and is still
913ongoing. Quantiles are shown since the distribution can be highly
914asymmetric. The points have been grouped, where the grouping reflects
915data taken under the same conditions (pointing model, mirror alignment,
916etc.) It should be noted, that the measured residuals depend on zenith
917and azimuth angle, i.e., the distributions shown are biased due to
918inhomogeneous distributions on the sky in case of low statistics.
919Therefore the available statistics is given in table~\ref{table2}.
920%, for convenience, together with the average measured mispointing.
924 \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure10.eps}
925 \caption{The distribution of mispointing measurements, which is an
926exact measure of accuracy of the command values send to the drive
927system. The plot shows its time-evolution. Details on the separation
928and the available statistics is given in the caption of
929table~\ref{table2}. Since the distribution is highly asymmetric,
930quantiles are shown, from bottom to top, at 5\%, 13\%, 32\%, 68\%, 87\%
931and 95\%. The dark grey region belong to the region between quantiles
93232\% and 68\%.
938The mirror focusing can influence the alignment of the optical axis of
939the telescope, i.e., it can modify the pointing model. Therefore a mirror
940refocusing can worsen the tracking accuracy, later corrected by a new
941pointing model. Also the determination of the pointing model relies on
942a good statistical basis, because the measured residuals are of a
943similar magnitude as the accuracy of a single calibration-star
944measurement. The visible improvements and deterioration are mainly a
945consequence of new mirror focusing and following implementations of new
946pointing models. The improvement over the past year is explained by the
947gain in statistics.
949On average the systematic pointing uncertainty was always better than
950three shaft-encoder steps (corresponding to 4\,arcmin), most of the
951time better than 2.6\,arcmin and well below one shaft-encoder step,
952i.e.\ 1.3\,arcmin, in the past year. Except changes to the pointing
953model or the optical axis, as indicated by the bin edges, no
954degradation or change with time of the pointing model could be found.
958With the aim to reach lower energy thresholds the next generation of
959Cherenkov telescopes will become larger and heavier. Therefore more
960powerful drive systems will be needed. The scalable drive system of the
961MAGIC telescope is suited to meet this challenge. With its synchronous
962motors and their master-slave setup it can easily be extended to larger
963telescopes at moderate costs or even scaled down using less powerful
964components. A motion accuracy at least of the order of the
965shaft-encoder resolution is guaranteed. Real tracking accuracy --
966already including all possible pointing corrections -- is dominated by
967dynamic and unpredictable deformations of the mount, e.g., temperature
988\caption{Available statistics corresponding to the distributions
989shown in figure~\ref{figure10}. Especially in cases of low statistics
990the shown distribution can be influenced by inhomogeneous distribution
991of the measurement on the local sky. The dates given correspond to dates
992for which a change in the pointing accuracy, as for example a change to
993the optical axis or the application of a new pointing model, is known.}
999Currently, efforts are ongoing to implement the astrometric subroutines
1000as well as the application of the pointing model directly into the
1001Programmable Logic Controller. A first test will be carried out within
1002the DWARF project soon~\cite{DWARF}. The direct advantage is that the
1003need for a control PC is omitted. Additionally, with a more direct
1004communication between the algorithms, calculating the nominal position
1005of the telescope mechanics, and the control loop of the drive
1006controller, a real time, and thus more precise, position control can be
1007achieved. As a consequence, the position controller can directly be
1008addressed, even when tracking, and the outermost position control-loop
1009is closed internally in the drive controller. This will ensure an even
1010more accurate and stable motion. Interferences from external sources,
1011e.g. wind gusts, could be counteracted at the moment of appearance by
1012the control on very short timescales, on the order of milli-seconds. An
1013indirect advantage is that with a proper setup of the control loop
1014parameters, such a control is precise and flexible enough that a
1015cross-communication between the master and the slaves can also be
1016omitted. Since all motors act as their own master, in such a system a
1017broken motor can simply be switched off or mechanically decoupled
1018without influencing the general functionality of the system.
1022The scientific requirements demand a powerful, yet accurate drive
1023system for the MAGIC telescope. From its hardware installation and
1024software implementation, the installed drive system exceeds its design
1025specifications. At the same time the system performs reliably and
1026stably, showing no deterioration after five years of routine operation.
1027The mechanical precision of the motor movement is almost ten times
1028better than the readout on the telescope axes. The tracking accuracy is
1029dominated by random deformations and hysteresis effects of the mount,
1030but still within limits within which the position of the telescope axes
1031can be measured. The system features integrated tools, like an
1032analytical pointing model. Fast repositioning for gamma-ray bursts
1033followup is achieved on average within less than 45 seconds, or, if
1034movements {\em across the zenith} are allowed, within less than 30
1035seconds. Thus, the drive system makes MAGIC the best suited telescope
1036for observations of gamma-ray burst at very high energies.
1038For the second phase of the MAGIC project and particularly for the
1039second telescope, the system has been further improved by replacing the
1040partially analog communication with a completely digital one.
1041By design, the drive system is easily scalable from its current
1042dimensions to larger and heavier telescope installations as required
1043for future projects. The improved stability is also expected to meet
1044the stability requirements, necessary when operating a larger number of
1048The authors acknowledge the support of the MAGIC collaboration, and
1049thank the IAC for providing excellent working conditions at the Roque
1050de los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma. The MAGIC telescope project
1051is mainly supported by BMBF (Germany), MCI-NN (Spain), INFN and MUR
1052(Italy). We thank the construction department of the MPI for Physics,
1053particularly Peter Sawallisch, for their help in the design and
1054installation of the drive system. We are grateful for Eckart Lorenz's
1055help with the hardware installations and also for some important
1056comments concerning this manuscript. R.M.W.\ acknowledges financial
1057support by the Max Planck Society. His research is also supported in
1058part by the DFG Cluster of Excellence ``Origin and Structure of the
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