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50 | \journal{Astroparticle Physics}
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52 | \begin{document}
53 | \begin{frontmatter}
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57 | \title{The drive system of the\\Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescope}
58 |
59 | %\newcommand{\corref}{\thanksref}
60 | %\newcommand{\cortext}{\thanks}
61 | \author[tb]{T.~Bretz\corref{cor1}}
62 | \author[tb]{D.~Dorner}
63 | \author[rw]{R.~M.~Wagner}
64 | \author[rw]{P.~Sawallisch}
65 | \address[tb]{Universit\"{a}t W\"{u}rzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 W\"{u}rzburg, Germany}
66 | \address[rw]{Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik, F\"ohringer Ring 6, 80805 M\"{u}nchen, Germany}
67 | \cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author: tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de}
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75 | \begin{abstract}
76 | The MAGIC telescope is an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope,
77 | designed to observe very high energy gamma-rays while achieving a low
78 | energy threshold. One of the key science goals is fast follow-up of the
79 | enigmatic and short lived gamma-ray bursts. The drive system for the
80 | telescope has to meet two basic demands: (1)~During normal
81 | observations, the 72-ton telescope has to be positioned accurately, and
82 | has to track a given sky position with high precision at a typical
83 | rotational speed in the order of one revolution per day. (2)~For
84 | successfully observing GRB prompt emission and afterglows, it has to be
85 | powerful enough to position to an arbitrary point on the sky within a
86 | few ten seconds and commence normal tracking immediately thereafter. To
87 | meet these requirements, the implementation and realization of the
88 | drive system relies strongly on standard industry components to ensure
89 | robustness and reliability. In this paper, we describe the mechanical
90 | setup, the drive control and the calibration of the pointing, as well
91 | as present measurements of the accuracy of the system. We show that the
92 | drive system is mechanically able to operate the motors with an
93 | accuracy even better than the feedback values from the axes. In the
94 | context of future projects, envisaging telescope arrays comprising
95 | about 100 individual instruments, the robustness and scalability of the
96 | concept is emphasized.
97 | \end{abstract}
98 |
99 | \begin{keyword}
100 | MAGIC\sep drive system\sep IACT\sep scalability\sep calibration\sep fast positioning
101 | \end{keyword}
102 |
103 | \end{frontmatter}
104 |
105 | %\maketitle
106 |
107 | \section{Introduction}
108 |
109 | The MAGIC telescope on the Canary Island of La~Palma, located 2200\,m
110 | above sea level at 28\textdegree{}45$^\prime$\,N and 17\textdegree{}54$^\prime$\,W, is
111 | an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope designed to achieve a low
112 | energy threshold, fast positioning, and high tracking
113 | accuracy~\cite{Lorenz:2004, Cortina:2005}. The MAGIC design, and the
114 | currently ongoing construction of a second telescope
115 | (MAGIC\,II;~\cite{Goebel:2007}), pave the way for ground-based
116 | detection of gamma-ray sources at cosmological distances down to less
117 | than 25\,GeV~\cite{Sci}. After the discovery of the distant blazars 1ES\,1218+304
118 | at a redshift of $z$\,=\,0.182~\citep{2006ApJ...642L.119A} and
119 | 1ES\,1011+496 at $z$\,=\,0.212~\citep{2007ApJ...667L..21A}, the most
120 | recent breakthrough has been the discovery of the first quasar at very
121 | high energies, the flat-spectrum radio source 3C\,279 at a redshift of
122 | $z$\,=\,0.536~\cite{2008Sci...320.1752M}. These observational results
123 | were somewhat surprising, since the extragalactic background radiation
124 | in the mid-infrared to near-infrared wavelength range was believed to
125 | be strong enough to inhibit propagation of gamma-rays across
126 | cosmological distances~\citep{2001MNRAS.320..504S, 2007arXiv0707.2915K, Hauser:2001}.
127 | %However, it could
128 | %be shown that the results of deep galaxy surveys with the Hubble and
129 | %Spitzer Space telescopes are consistent with these findings, if the
130 | %spurious feature at one micron is attributed to a foreground effect
131 | %resulting from an inaccurate subtraction of zodiacal
132 | %light~\citep{Hauser:2001, 2007arXiv0707.2915K, Kneiske:2004}.
133 | The
134 | apparent low level of pair attenuation of gamma-rays greatly improves
135 | the prospects of searching for very high energy gamma-rays from
136 | gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), cf.~\citep{Kneiske:2004}. Their remarkable similarities with blazar
137 | flares, albeit at much shorter timescales, presumably arise from the
138 | scaling behavior of relativistic jets, the common physical cause of
139 | these phenomena. Since most GRBs reside at large redshifts, their
140 | detection at very high energies relies on the low level of
141 | absorption~\citep{1996ApJ...467..532M}. Moreover, the cosmological
142 | absorption decreases with photon energy, favoring MAGIC to discover
143 | GRBs due to its low energy threshold.
144 |
145 | Due to the short life times of GRBs and the limited field of view of
146 | imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, the drive system of the MAGIC
147 | telescope has to meet two basic demands: during normal observations,
148 | the 72-ton telescope has to be positioned accurately, and has to
149 | track a given sky position, i.e., counteract the apparent rotation of
150 | the celestial sphere, with high precision at a typical rotational speed
151 | in the order of one revolution per day. For catching the GRB prompt
152 | emission and afterglows, it has to be powerful enough to position the
153 | telescope to an arbitrary point on the sky within a very short time
154 | %($\apprle$\,60\,s)
155 | and commence normal tracking immediately
156 | thereafter. To keep the system simple, i.e., robust, both requirements
157 | should be achieved without an indexing gear. The telescope's total
158 | weight of 72~tons is comparatively low, reflecting the
159 | use of low-weight materials whenever possible.
160 | For example, the mount consists of a space frame of carbon-fiber
161 | reinforced plastic tubes, and the mirrors are made of polished
162 | aluminum.
163 |
164 | In this paper, we describe the basic properties of the MAGIC drive
165 | system. In section~\ref{sec2}, the hardware components and mechanical
166 | setup of the drive system are outlined. The control loops and
167 | performance goals are described in section~\ref{sec3}, while the
168 | implementation of the positioning and tracking algorithms and the
169 | calibration of the drive system are explained in section~\ref{sec4}.
170 | The system can be scaled to meet the demands of other telescope designs
171 | as shown in section~\ref{sec5}. Finally, in section~\ref{outlook} and
172 | section~\ref{conclusions} we draw conclusions from our experience of
173 | operating the MAGIC telescope with this drive system for four years.
174 |
175 | \section{General design considerations}\label{design}
176 |
177 | The drive system of the MAGIC telescope is quite similar to that of
178 | large, alt-azimuth-mounted optical telescopes. Nevertheless there are
179 | quite a few aspects that influenced the design of the MAGIC drive
180 | system in comparison to optical telescopes and small-diameter Imaging
181 | Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACT).
182 |
183 | Although IACTs have optical components, the tracking and stability
184 | requirements for IACTs are much less demanding than for optical
185 | telescopes. Like optical telescopes, IACTs track celestial
186 | objects, but observe quite different phenomena: Optical telescopes
187 | observe visible light, which originates at infinity and is parallel.
188 | Consequently, the best-possible optical resolution is required and in
189 | turn, equal tracking precision due to comparably long integration
190 | times, i.e., seconds to hours. In contrast, IACTs record the Cherenkov
191 | light produced by an electromagnetic air-shower in the atmosphere,
192 | induced by a primary gamma-ray, i.e., from a close by
193 | (5\,km\,-\,20\,km) and extended event with a diffuse transverse
194 | extension and a typical extension of a few hundred meters. Due to the
195 | stochastic nature of the shower development, the detected light will
196 | have an inherent limitation in explanatory power, improving normally
197 | with the energy, i.e., shower-particle multiplicity. As
198 | the Cherenkov light is emitted under a small angle off the particle
199 | tracks, these photons do not even point directly to the source like in
200 | optical astronomy. Nevertheless, the shower points towards the
201 | direction of the incoming gamma-ray and thus towards its source on the
202 | sky. For this reason its origin can be reconstructed analyzing its
203 | image. Modern IACTs achieve an energy-dependent pointing resolution for
204 | individual showers of 6$^\prime$\,-\,0.6$^\prime$. These are the
205 | predictions from Monte Carlo simulations assuming, amongst other
206 | things, ideal tracking. This sets the limits achievable in practical
207 | cases. Consequently, the required tracking precision must be at least
208 | of the same order or even better. Although the short integration times,
209 | on the order of a few nanoseconds, would allow for an offline
210 | correction, this should be avoided since it may give rise to
211 | additional statistical and systematic errors.
212 |
213 | %MAGIC, as other large IACTs, has no protective dome. It is constantly
214 | %exposed to daily changing weather conditions and intense sunlight, and
215 | %therefore suffers much more material aging than optical telescopes. A
216 | %much simpler mechanical mount had to be used, resulting in a design of
217 | %considerably less stiffness, long-term irreversible deformations, and
218 | %small unpredictable deformations due to varying wind pressure. The
219 | %tracking system does not need to be more precise than the mechanical
220 | %structure and, consequently, can be much simpler and hence cheaper as
221 | %compared to that of large optical telescopes.
222 |
223 | To meet one of the main physics goals, the observation of prompt and
224 | afterglow emission of GRBs, positioning of the telescope to their
225 | assumed sky position is required in a time as short as possible.
226 | Alerts, provided by satellites, arrive at the MAGIC site typically
227 | within 10\,s after the outburst~\citep{2007ApJ...667..358A}.
228 | Since the life times of GRBs show a bimodal distribution~\cite{Paciesas:1999}
229 | with a peak between 10\,s and 100\,s. To achieve
230 | a positioning time to any position on the sky within a reasonable
231 | time inside this window, i.e. less than a minute,
232 | a very light-weight but sturdy telescope and a fast-acting and
233 | powerful drive system is required.
234 | \begin{figure*}[htbp]
235 | \begin{center}
236 | \includegraphics*[width=0.91\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure1.eps}
237 | \caption{The top picture shows the MAGIC\,I telescope with the major
238 | components of the drive system. The elevation drive unit, from its back
239 | side, is enlarged in the bottom left picture. Visible is the actuator
240 | of the safety holding brake and its corresponding brake disk mounted on
241 | the motor-driven axis. The motor is attached on the opposite side. The
242 | picture on the bottom right shows one of the azimuth bogeys with its
243 | two railway rails. The motor is housed in the grey box on the
244 | yellow drive unit. It drives the tooth double-toothed wheel gearing
245 | into the chain through a gear and a clutch.}
246 | % \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure1a.eps}
247 | % \hfill
248 | % \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure1b.eps}
249 | %\caption{{\em Left}: One of the bogeys with its two railway rails. The
250 | %motor is encapsulated in the grey box on the yellow drive unit. It drives
251 | %%the tooth double-toothed wheel gearing into the chain through a gear
252 | %and a clutch. {\em Right}: The drive unit driving the elevation axis
253 | %from the back side. Visible is the actuator of the safety holding brake
254 | %and its corresponding brake disk mounted on the motor-driven axis. The
255 | %motor is attached on the opposite side. }
256 | \label{figure1}
257 | \end{center}
258 | \end{figure*}
259 |
260 | \section{Mechanical setup and hardware components}\label{sec2}
261 |
262 | The implementation of the drive system relies strongly on standard
263 | industry components to ensure robustness, reliability and proper
264 | technical support. Its major drive components, described hereafter, are
265 | shown on the pictures in fig.~\ref{figure1}.
266 |
267 | The azimuth drive ring of 20\,m diameter is made from a normal railway
268 | rail, which was delivered in pre-bent sections and welded on site. Its
269 | head is only about 74\,mm broad and has a bent profile. The fixing onto
270 | the concrete foundation uses standard rail-fixing elements, and allows
271 | for movements caused by temperature changes. The maximum allowable
272 | deviation from the horizontal plane as well as deviation from flatness
273 | is $\pm 2$\,mm, and from the ideal circle it is $\Delta$r\,=\,8\,mm.
274 | The rail support was leveled with a theodolite every 60\,cm
275 | with an overall tolerance of $\pm 1.5$\,mm every 60\,cm. In between the
276 | deviation is negligible. Each of the six bogeys holds two standard
277 | crane wheels of 60\,cm diameter with a rather broad wheel tread of
278 | 110\,mm. This allows for deviations in the 11.5\,m-distance to the
279 | central axis due to extreme temperature changes, which can even be
280 | asymmetric in case of different exposure to sunlight on either side.
281 | For the central bearing of the azimuth axis, a high-quality ball
282 | bearing was installed fairly assuming that the axis is vertically
283 | stable. For the elevation axis, due to lower weight, a less expensive
284 | sliding bearing with a teflon layer was used. These sliding bearings
285 | have a slightly spherical surface to allow for small misalignments
286 | during installation and some bending of the elevation axis stubs under
287 | load.
288 |
289 | The drive mechanism is based on duplex roller chains and sprocket
290 | wheels in a rack-and-pinion mounting. The chains have a breaking
291 | strength of 19~tons and a chain-link spacing of 2.5\,cm. The initial
292 | play between the chain links and the sprocket-wheel teeth is about
293 | 3\,mm\,-\,5\,mm, according to the data sheet, corresponding to much
294 | less than an arcsecond on the telescope axes. The azimuth drive chain
295 | is fixed on a dedicated ring on the concrete foundation, but has quite
296 | some radial distance variation of up to 5\,mm. The elevation drive
297 | chain is mounted on a slightly oval ring below the mirror dish, because
298 | the ring forms an integral part of the camera support mast structure.
299 |
300 | % Bosch Rexroth AG, 970816 Lohr am Main, Germany
301 | % www.boschrexroth.de
302 |
303 | % Wittenstein alpha GmbH, Walter-Wittenstein-Stra"se 1, D-97999 Igersheim
304 | % www.wittenstein-alpha.de
305 |
306 | % updated
307 | Commercial synchronous motors (type designation Bosch
308 | Rexroth\footnote{\url{http://www.boschrexroth.de}\\Bosch Rexroth AG,
309 | 97816 Lohr am Main, Germany} MHD\,112C-058) are used together with
310 | low-play planetary gears (type designation
311 | alpha\footnote{\url{http://www.wittenstein-alpha.de}\\Wittenstein alpha
312 | GmbH, 97999 Igersheim, Germany} GTS\,210-M02-020\,B09, ratio 20) linked
313 | to the sprocket wheels. These motors intrinsically allow for a
314 | positional accuracy better than one arcsecond of the motor axis. Having
315 | a nominal power of 11\,kW, they can be overpowered by up to a factor
316 | five for a few seconds. It should be mentioned that due to the
317 | installation height of more than 2200\,m a.s.l., due to lower air
318 | pressure and consequently less efficient cooling, the nominal values
319 | given must be reduced by about 20\%. Deceleration is done operating the
320 | motors as generator which is as powerful as acceleration. The motors
321 | contain 70\,Nm holding brakes which are not meant to be used as driving
322 | brakes. The azimuth motors are mounted on small lever arms. In order to
323 | follow the small irregularities of the azimuthal drive chain, the units
324 | are forced to follow the drive chain, horizontally and vertically, by
325 | guide rolls. The elevation-drive motor is mounted on a nearly 1\,m long
326 | lever arm to be able to compensate the oval shape of the chain and the
327 | fact that the center of the circle defined by the drive chain is
328 | shifted 356\,mm away from the axis towards the camera. The elevation
329 | drive is also equipped with an additional brake, operated only as
330 | holding brake, for safety reasons in case of extremely strong wind
331 | pressure. No further brake are installed on the telescope.
332 |
333 | The design of the drive system control, c.f.~\citet{Bretz:2003drive},
334 | is based on digitally controlled industrial drive units, one for each
335 | motor. The two motors driving the azimuth axis are coupled to have a
336 | more homogeneous load transmission from the motors to the structure
337 | compared to a single (more powerful) motor. The modular design allows
338 | to increase the number of coupled devices dynamically if necessary,
339 | c.f.~\citet{Bretz:2005drive}.
340 |
341 | At the latitude of La Palma, the azimuth track of stars can exceed
342 | 180\textdegree{} in one night. To allow for continuous observation of a
343 | given source at night without reaching one of the end positions in
344 | azimuth. the allowed range for movements in azimuth spans from
345 | $\varphi$\,=\,-90\textdegree{} to $\varphi$\,=\,+318\textdegree, where
346 | $\varphi$\,=\,0\textdegree{} corresponds to geographical North, and
347 | $\varphi$\,=\,90\textdegree{} to geographical East. To keep slewing
348 | distances as short as possible (particularly in case of GRB alerts),
349 | the range for elevational movements spans from
350 | $\theta$\,=\,+100\textdegree{} to $\theta$\,=\,-70\textdegree{} where
351 | the change of sign implies a movement {\em across the zenith}. This
352 | so-called {\it reverse mode} is currently not in use, as it might result
353 | in hysteresis effects of the active mirror control system, still under
354 | investigation, due to shifting of weight at zenith. The accessible
355 | range in both directions and on both axes is limited by software to the
356 | mechanically accessible range. For additional safety, hardware end
357 | switches are installed directly connected to the drive controller
358 | units, initiating a fast, controlled deceleration of the system when
359 | activated. To achieve an azimuthal movement range exceeding
360 | 360\textdegree{}, one of the two azimuth end-switches needs to be
361 | deactivated at any time. Therefore, an additional {\em direction
362 | switch} is located at $\varphi$\,=\,164\textdegree{}, short-circuiting
363 | the end switch currently out of range.
364 |
365 | \section{Setup of the motion control system}\label{sec3}
366 |
367 | The motion control system similarly uses standard industry components.
368 | The drive is controlled by the feedback of encoders measuring the
369 | angular positions of the motors and the telescope axes. The encoders on
370 | the motor axes provide information to micro controllers dedicated for
371 | motion control, initiating and monitoring every movement. Professional
372 | built-in servo loops take over the suppression of oscillations. The
373 | correct pointing position of the system is ensured by a computer
374 | program evaluating the feedback from the telescope axes and initiating
375 | the motion executed by the micro controllers. Additionally, the
376 | motor-axis encoders are also evaluated to increase accuracy. The
377 | details of this system, as shown in figure~\ref{figure2}, are discussed
378 | below.
379 |
380 | \begin{figure*}[htb]
381 | \begin{center}
382 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure2a.eps}
383 | \hfill
384 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure2b.eps}
385 | \caption{Schematics of the MAGIC\,I ({\em left}) and MAGIC\,II ({\em
386 | right}) drive system. The sketches shows the motors, the motor-encoder
387 | feedback as well as the shaft-encoder feedback, and the motion-control
388 | units, which are themselves controlled by a superior control, receiving
389 | commands from the control PC, which closes the position-control loop.
390 | The system is described in more details in section~\ref{sec3}.}
391 | \label{figure2}
392 | \end{center}
393 | \end{figure*}
394 |
395 | \subsection{Position feedback system}
396 |
397 | The angular telescope positions are measured by three shaft-encoders
398 | (type designation Hengstler\footnote{\url{http://www.hengstler.de}\\Hengstler GmbH,
399 | 78554 Aldingen, Germany} AC61/1214EQ.72OLZ). These absolute multi-turn
400 | encoders have a resolution of 4\,096 (10\,bit) revolutions and 16\,384
401 | (14\,bit) steps per revolution, corresponding to an intrinsic angular
402 | resolution of 1.3$^\prime$ per step. One shaft encoder is located on
403 | the azimuth axis, while two more encoders are fixed on either side of
404 | the elevation axis, increasing the resolution and allowing for
405 | measurements of the twisting of the dish (fig.~\ref{figure3}). All
406 | shaft encoders used are watertight (IP\,67) to withstand the extreme
407 | weather conditions occasionally encountered at the telescope site. The
408 | motor positions are read out at a frequency of 1\,kHz from 10\,bit
409 | relative rotary encoders fixed on the motor axes. Due to the gear ratio
410 | of more than one thousand between motor and load, the 14\,bit
411 | resolution of the shaft encoder system on the axes can be interpolated
412 | further using the position readout of the motors. For communication
413 | with the axis encoders, a CANbus interface with the CANopen protocol is
414 | in use (operated at 125\,kbps). The motor encoders are directly
415 | connected by an analog interface.
416 |
417 | \subsection{Motor control}
418 |
419 | The three servo motors are connected to individual motion controller
420 | units ({\em DKC}, type designation Bosch Rexroth,
421 | DKC~ECODRIVE\,03.3-200-7-FW), serving as intelligent frequency
422 | converters. An input value, given either analog or
423 | digital, is converted to a predefined output, e.g., command position,
424 | velocity or torque. All command values are processed through a chain of
425 | built-in controllers, cf. fig.~\ref{figure4}, resulting in a final
426 | command current applied to the motor. This internal chain of control
427 | loops, maintaining the movement of the motors at a frequency of
428 | 1\,kHz, fed back by the rotary encoders on the corresponding motor axes.
429 | Several safety limits ensure damage-free operation of the system even
430 | under unexpected operation conditions. These safety limits are, e.g.,
431 | software end switches, torque limits, current limits or
432 | control-deviation limits.
433 |
434 | To synchronize the two azimuth motors, a master-slave setup is
435 | used. While the master is addressed by a command velocity, the
436 | slave is driven by the command torque output of the master. This
437 | operation mode ensures that both motors can apply their combined force
438 | to the telescope structure without oscillations. In principle it is
439 | possible to use a bias torque to eliminate play. This feature
440 | was not used because the play is negligible anyhow.
441 |
442 | \begin{figure}[htb]
443 | \begin{center}
444 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure3.eps}
445 | \caption{The measured difference between the two shaft-encoders fixed
446 | on either side of the elevation axis versus zenith angle. Negative
447 | zenith angles mean that the telescope has been flipped over the zenith
448 | position to the opposite side. The average offset from zero
449 | corresponds to a the twist of the two shaft encoders with respect to
450 | each other. The error bars denote the spread of several measurements.
451 | Under normal conditions the torsion between both ends of
452 | the axis is less than the shaft-encoder resolution.}
453 | \label{figure3}
454 | \end{center}
455 | \end{figure}
456 |
457 | \subsection{Motion control}
458 | \begin{figure*}[htb]
459 | \begin{center}
460 | \includegraphics*[width=0.78\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure4.eps}
461 | \caption{The internal flow control between the individual controllers
462 | inside the drive control unit. Depending on the type of the command
463 | value, different controllers are active. The control loops are closed by
464 | the feedback of the rotary encoder on the motor, and a possible
465 | controller on the load axis, as well as the measurement of the current.}
466 | \label{figure4}
467 | \end{center}
468 | \end{figure*}
469 |
470 | % zub machine control AG, Kastaniensteif 7, CH-6047 Kastanienbaum
471 | % www.zub.de
472 |
473 | The master for each axis is controlled by presetting a rotational
474 | speed defined by $\pm$10\,V on its analog input. The input voltage is
475 | produced by a programmable micro controller dedicated to analog motion
476 | control, produced by Z\&B\footnote{\url{http://www.zub.de}\\zub machine control AG, 6074
477 | Kastanienbaum, Switzerland} ({\em MACS}, type
478 | designation MACS). The feedback is realized through a 500-step
479 | emulation of the motor's rotary encoders by the DKCs. Elevation and azimuth movement is regulated by individual
480 | MACSs. The MACS controller itself communicates with the control
481 | software (see below) through a CANbus connection.
482 |
483 | It turned out that in particular the azimuth motor system seems to be
484 | limited by the large moment of inertia of the telescope
485 | ($J_{\mathrm{az}}$\,$\approx$\,4400\,tm$^2$, for comparison
486 | $J_{\mathrm{el}}$\,$\approx$\,850\,tm$^2$; note that the exact numbers depend
487 | on the current orientation of the telescope). At the same time, the
488 | requirements on the elevation drive are much less demanding.\\
489 |
490 | \noindent {\em MAGIC\,II}\quad For the drive system
491 | several improvements have been provided:\\\vspace{-2ex}
492 | \begin{itemize}
493 | \item 13\,bit absolute shaft-encoders (type designation Heidenhain\footnote{\url{http://www.heidenhain.de}\\Dr.~Johannes Heidenhain GmbH, 83301 Traunreut, Germany}
494 | ROQ\,425) are installed, providing an additional sine-shaped
495 | $\pm$1\,Vss output within each step. This allows for a more accurate
496 | interpolation and hence a better resolution than a simple 14\,bit
497 | shaft-encoder. These shaft-encoders are also water tight (IP\,64), and
498 | they are read out via an EnDat\,2.2 interface.
499 | \item All encoders are directly connected to the DKCs, providing
500 | additional feedback from the telescope axes itself. The DKC can control
501 | the load axis additionally to the motor axis providing a more accurate
502 | positioning, faster movement by improved oscillation suppression and a
503 | better motion control of the system.
504 | \item The analog transmission of the master's command torque to the
505 | slave is replaced by a direct digital communication (EcoX)
506 | of the DKCs. This allows for more robust and precise slave control.
507 | Furthermore the motors could be coupled with relative angular synchronism
508 | allowing to suppress deformations of the structure by keeping the
509 | axis connecting both motors stable.
510 | \item A single professional programmable logic controller (PLC), in German:
511 | {\em Speicherprogammierbare Steuerung} (SPS, type designation Rexroth
512 | Bosch, IndraControl SPS L\,20) replaces the two MACSs. Connection between
513 | the SPS and the DKCs is now realized through a digital Profibus DP
514 | interface substituting the analog signals.
515 | \item The connection from the SPS to the control PC is realized via
516 | Ethernet connection. Since Ethernet is more commonly in use than
517 | CANbus, soft- and hardware support is much easier.
518 | \end{itemize}
519 |
520 | \subsection{PC control}
521 |
522 | The drive system is controlled by a standard PC running a Linux
523 | operating system, a custom-designed software based on
524 | ROOT~\citep{www:root} and the positional astronomy library
525 | {\em slalib}~\citep{slalib}.
526 |
527 | Algorithms specialized for the MAGIC tracking system are imported from
528 | the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction Software package
529 | (MARS)~\citep{Bretz:2003icrc, Bretz:2005paris, Bretz:2008gamma} also
530 | used in the data analysis~\citep{Bretz:2005mars, Dorner:2005paris}.
531 |
532 | \subsubsection{Positioning}
533 |
534 | Whenever the telescope has to be positioned, the relative distance to
535 | the new position is calculated in telescope coordinates and then
536 | converted to motor revolutions. Then, the micro controllers are
537 | instructed to move the motors accordingly. Since the motion is
538 | controlled by the feedback of the encoders on the motor axes, not on
539 | the telescope axes, backlash and other non-deterministic irregularities
540 | cannot easily be taken into account. Thus it may happen that the final
541 | position is still off by a few shaft-encoder steps, although the motor
542 | itself has reached its desired position. In this case, the procedure is
543 | repeated up to ten times. After ten unsuccessful iterations, the system
544 | would go into error state. In almost all cases the command position is
545 | reached after at most two or three iterations.
546 |
547 | If a slewing operation is followed by a tracking operation of a
548 | celestial target position, tracking is started immediately after the
549 | first movement without further iterations. Possible small deviations,
550 | normally eliminated by the iteration procedure, are then corrected by
551 | the tracking algorithm.
552 |
553 | \subsubsection{Tracking}
554 | To track a given celestial target position (RA/Dec, J\,2000.0,
555 | FK\,5~\citep{1988VeARI..32....1F}), astrometric and misalignment
556 | corrections have to be taken into account. While astrometric
557 | corrections transform the celestial position into local coordinates as
558 | seen by an ideal telescope (Alt/Az), misalignment corrections convert
559 | them further into the coordinate system specific to the real telescope.
560 | In case of MAGIC, this coordinate system is defined by the position
561 | feedback system.
562 |
563 | The tracking algorithm controls the telescope by applying a command
564 | velocity for the revolution of the motors, which is re-calculated every
565 | second. It is calculated from the current feedback position and the
566 | command position required to point at the target five seconds ahead in
567 | time. The timescale of 5\,s is a compromise between optimum tracking
568 | accuracy and the risk of oscillations in case of a too short timescale.
569 |
570 | As a crosscheck, the ideal velocities for the two telescope axes are
571 | independently estimated using dedicated astrometric routines of slalib.
572 | For security reasons, the allowable deviation between the determined
573 | command velocities and the estimated velocities is limited. If an
574 | extreme deviation is encountered the command velocity is set to zero,
575 | i.e., the movement of the axis is stopped.
576 |
577 | \subsection{Fast positioning}
578 |
579 | The observation of GRBs and their afterglows in very-high energy
580 | gamma-rays is a key science goal for the MAGIC telescope. Given that
581 | alerts from satellite monitors provide GRB positions a few seconds
582 | after their outburst via the {\em Gamma-ray Burst Coordination
583 | Network}~\cite{www:gcn}, typical burst durations of 10\,s to
584 | 100\,s~\cite{Paciesas:1999} demand a fast positioning of the
585 | telescope. The current best value for the acceleration has been set to
586 | 11.7\,mrad\,s$^{-2}$. It is constrained by the maximum constant force
587 | which can be applied by the motors. Consequently, the maximum allowed
588 | velocity can be derived from the distance between the end-switch
589 | activation and the position at which a possible damage to the telescope
590 | structure, e.g.\ ruptured cables, would happen. From these constraints,
591 | the maximum velocity currently in use, 70.4\,mrad\,s$^{-1}$, was
592 | determined. Note that, as the emergency stopping distance evolves
593 | quadratically with the travel velocity, a possible increase of the
594 | maximum velocity would drastically increase the required braking
595 | distance. As safety procedures require, an emergency stop is completely
596 | controlled by the DKCs itself with the feedback of the motor encoder,
597 | ignoring all other control elements.
598 |
599 | Currently, automatic positioning by
600 | $\Delta\varphi$\,=\,180\textdegree{} in azimuth to the target position
601 | is achieved within 45\,s. The positioning time in elevation is not
602 | critical in the sense that the probability to move a longer path in
603 | elevation than in azimuth is negligible. Allowing the telescope drive
604 | to make use of the reverse mode, the requirement of reaching any
605 | position in the sky within 30\,s is well met, as distances in azimuth
606 | are substantially shortened. The motor specifications allow for a
607 | velocity more than four times higher. In practice, the maximum possible
608 | velocity is limited by the acceleration force, at slightly more than
609 | twice the current value. The actual limiting factor is the braking
610 | distance that allows a safe deceleration without risking any damage to
611 | the telescope structure.
612 |
613 | With the upgraded MAGIC\,II drive system, during commissioning in 2008 August, a
614 | maximum acceleration and deceleration of $a_{az}$\,=\,30\,mrad\,s$^{-2}$
615 | and $a_{zd}$\,=\,90\,mrad/s$^{-2}$ and a maximum velocity of
616 | $v_{az}$\,=\,290\,mrad\,s$^{-1}$ and $v_{zd}$\,=\,330\,mrad\,s$^{-1}$
617 | could be reached. With these values the limits of the motor power are
618 | exhausted. This allowed a movement of
619 | $\Delta\varphi$\,=\,180\textdegree/360\textdegree{} in azimuth within 20\,s\,/\,33\,s.
620 |
621 | \subsection{Tracking precision}
622 |
623 | The intrinsic mechanical accuracy of the tracking system is determined
624 | by comparing the current command position of the axes with the feedback
625 | values from the corresponding shaft encoders. These feedback values
626 | represent the actual position of the axes with highest precision
627 | whenever they change their feedback values. At these instances, the
628 | control deviation is determined, representing the precision with which
629 | the telescope axes can be operated. In the case of an ideal mount this
630 | would define the tracking accuracy of the telescope.
631 |
632 | In figure~\ref{figure5} the control deviation measured for 10.9\,h of
633 | data taking in the night of 2007 July 22/23 and on the evening of July
634 | 23 is shown, expressed as absolute deviation on the sky taking both
635 | axes into account. In almost all cases it is well below the resolution
636 | of the shaft encoders, and in 80\% of the time it does not exceed 1/8
637 | of this value ($\sim$10$^{\prime\prime}$). This means that the accuracy of the
638 | motion control, based on the encoder feedback, is much better than
639 | 1$^\prime$ on the sky, which is roughly a fifth of the diameter of a
640 | pixel in the MAGIC camera (6$^\prime$, c.f.~\cite{Beixeras:2005}).
641 | \begin{figure}[htb]
642 | \begin{center}
643 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure5.eps}
644 | \caption{Control deviation between the expected, i.e. calculated,
645 | position, and the feedback position of the shaft encoders in the moment
646 | at which one change their readout values. For simplicity, the control
647 | deviation is shown as absolute control deviation projected on the sky.
648 | The blue lines correspond to fractions of the shaft-encoder resolution.
649 | The peak at half of the shaft-encoder resolution results from cases
650 | in which one of the two averaged elevation encoders is off by one step.
651 | }
652 | \label{figure5}
653 | \end{center}
654 | \end{figure}
655 |
656 | In the case of a real telescope ultimate limits of the tracking
657 | precision are given by the precision with which the correct command
658 | value is known. Its calibration is discussed hereafter.
659 |
660 | \section{Calibration}\label{sec4}
661 |
662 | To calibrate the position command value, astrometric corrections
663 | (converting the celestial target position into the target position of
664 | an ideal telescope) and misalignment corrections (converting it further
665 | into the target position of a real telescope), have to be taken into
666 | account.
667 |
668 | \subsection{Astrometric corrections}
669 |
670 | The astrometric correction for the pointing and tracking algorithms is
671 | based on a library for calculations usually needed in positional
672 | astronomy, {\em slalib}~\cite{slalib}. Key features of this library are
673 | the numerical stability of the algorithms and their well-tested
674 | implementation. The astrometric corrections in use
675 | (fig.~\ref{figure6}) -- performed when converting a celestial position
676 | into the position as seen from Earth's center (apparent position) --
677 | take into account precession and nutation of the Earth and annual
678 | \begin{figure}[htb]
679 | \begin{center} % Goldener Schnitt
680 | \includegraphics*[width=0.185\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure6.eps}
681 | \caption{The transformation applied to a given set of catalog source
682 | coordinates to real-telescope coordinates. These corrections include
683 | all necessary astrometric corrections, as well as the pointing
684 | correction to transform from an ideal-telescope frame to the frame of a
685 | real telescope.
686 | %A detailed description of all corrections and the
687 | %calibration of the pointing model is given in section~\ref{sec4}.
688 | }
689 | \label{figure6}
690 | \end{center}
691 | \end{figure}
692 | aberration, i.e., apparent displacements caused by the finite speed of
693 | light combined with the motion of the observer around the Sun during
694 | the year. Next, the apparent position is transformed to the observer's
695 | position, taking into account atmospheric refraction, the Earth's
696 | rotation, and diurnal aberration, i.e., the motion of the observer
697 | around the Earth's rotation axis. Some of these effects are so small
698 | that they are only relevant for nearby stars and optical astronomy. But
699 | as optical observations of such stars are used to {\em train} the
700 | misalignment correction, all these effects are taken into account.
701 |
702 | \subsection{Pointing model}
703 |
704 | Imperfections and deformations of the mechanical construction lead to
705 | deviations from an ideal telescope, including the non-exact
706 | alignment of axes, and deformations of the telescope structure.
707 |
708 | %new
709 | In the case of the MAGIC telescopes the optical axis of the mirror is
710 | defined by an automatic alignment system. This active mirror control
711 | is programmed not to change the optical axis once defined, but only
712 | controls the optical point spread function of the mirror, i.e., it does
713 | not change the center of gravity of the light distribution.
714 | This procedure is applied whenever the telescope is observing including
715 | any kind of calibration measurement for the drive system. The precision
716 | of the axis alignment of the mirrors is better than 0.2$^\prime$ and can
717 | therefor be neglected.
718 | %new
719 |
720 | %To assure reliable pointing and tracking accuracy, such effects have to
721 | %be taken into account.
722 | Consequently, to assure reliable pointing and tracking accuracy,
723 | mainly the mechanical effects have to be taken into account.
724 | Therefore the tracking software employs an analytical pointing model
725 | based on the {\rm TPOINT}\texttrademark{} telescope modeling
726 | software~\cite{tpoint}, also used for optical telescopes. This model,
727 | called {\em pointing model}, parameterizes deviations from the ideal
728 | telescope. Calibrating the pointing model by mispointing measurements
729 | of bright stars, which allows to determine the necessary corrections,
730 | is a standard procedure. Once calibrated, the model is applied online.
731 | Since an analytical model is used, the source of any deviation can be
732 | identified and traced back to components of the telescope mount.\\
733 |
734 | Corrections are parameterized by alt-azimuthal terms~\cite{tpoint},
735 | i.e., derived from vector transformations within the proper coordinate
736 | system. The following possible misalignments are taken into account:\\\vspace{-2ex}
737 | \begin{description}
738 | \item[Zero point corrections ({\em index errors})] Trivial offsets
739 | between the zero positions of the axes and the zero positions of the
740 | shaft encoders.
741 | \item[Azimuth axis misalignment] The misalignment of the azimuth axis
742 | in north-south and east-west direction, respectively. For MAGIC these
743 | corrections can be neglected.
744 | \item[Non-perpendicularity of axes] Deviations from right angles
745 | between any two axes in the system, namely (1) non-perpendicularity of
746 | azimuth and elevation axes and (2) non-perpendicularity of elevation
747 | and pointing axes. In the case of the MAGIC telescope these corrections
748 | are strongly bound to the mirror alignment defined by the active mirror
749 | control.
750 | \item[Non-centricity of axes] The once-per-revolution cyclic errors
751 | produced by de-centered axes. This correction is small, and thus difficult
752 | to measure, but the most stable correction throughout the years.
753 | \end{description}
754 |
755 | \noindent{\bf Bending of the telescope structure}
756 | \begin{itemize}
757 | \item A possible constant offset of the mast bending.
758 | \item A zenith angle dependent correction. It describes the camera mast
759 | bending, which originates by MAGIC's single thin-mast camera support
760 | strengthened by steel cables.
761 | \item Elevation hysteresis: This is an offset correction introduced
762 | depending on the direction of movement of the elevation axis. It is
763 | necessary because the sliding bearing, having a stiff connection with
764 | the encoders, has such a high static friction that in case of reversing
765 | the direction of the movement, the shaft-encoder will not indicate any
766 | movement for a small and stable rotation angle, even though the
767 | telescope is rotating. Since this offset is stable, it can easily
768 | be corrected after it is fully passed. The passage of the hysteresis
769 | is currently corrected offline only.
770 | \end{itemize}
771 | \vspace{1em}
772 |
773 | Since the primary feedback is located on the axis itself, corrections
774 | for irregularities of the chain mounting or sprocket wheels are
775 | unnecessary. Another class of deformations of the telescope-support
776 | frame and the mirrors are non-deterministic and, consequently, pose an
777 | ultimate limit of the precision of the pointing.
778 |
779 | % Moved to results
780 |
781 | \subsection{Determination}
782 |
783 | %\subsubsection{Calibration concept}
784 | \begin{figure*}[htb]
785 | \begin{center}
786 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure7a.eps}
787 | \hfill
788 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure7b.eps}
789 | \caption{A single frame (left) and an average of 125 frames (right) of
790 | the same field of view taken with the high sensitivity PAL CCD camera
791 | used for calibration of the pointing model. The frames were taken
792 | with half moon. }
793 | \label{figure7}
794 | \end{center}
795 | \end{figure*}
796 |
797 | To determine the coefficients of a pointing model, calibration
798 | data is recorded. It consists of mispointing measurements depending
799 | on altitude and azimuth angle. Bright stars are tracked with the
800 | telescope at positions uniformly distributed in local coordinates,
801 | i.e., in altitude and azimuth angle. The real pointing
802 | position is derived from the position of the reflection of a bright
803 | star on a screen in front of the MAGIC camera. The center
804 | of the camera is defined by LEDs mounted on an ideal ($\pm$1\,mm)
805 | circle around the camera center, cf.~\citet{Riegel:2005icrc}.
806 |
807 | Having enough of these datasets available, correlating ideal and real
808 | pointing position, a fit of the coefficients of the model can be made,
809 | minimizing the pointing residual.
810 |
811 | \subsubsection{Hardware and installations}
812 |
813 | A 0.0003\,lux, 1/2\(^{\prime\prime}\) high-sensitivity standard PAL CCD
814 | camera (type designation \mbox{Watec}~WAT-902\,H) equipped with a zoom lens (type: Computar) is used
815 | for the mispointing measurements. The camera is read out at a rate of
816 | 25\,frames per second using a standard frame-grabber card in a standard
817 | PC. The camera has been chosen providing adequate performance and
818 | easy readout, due to the use of standard components, for a very cheap price
819 | ($<$\,500\,Euro). The tradeoff for the high sensitivity of the camera is its high
820 | noise level in each single frame recorded. Since there are no rapidly
821 | moving objects within the field of view, a high picture quality can be
822 | achieved by averaging typically 125\,frames (corresponding to 5\,s). An
823 | example is shown in figure~\ref{figure7}. This example also illustrates
824 | the high sensitivity of the camera, since both pictures of the
825 | telescope structure have been taken with the residual light of less
826 | than a half-moon. In the background individual stars can be seen.
827 | Depending on the installed optics, stars up to 12$^\mathrm{m}$ are
828 | visible. With our optics and a safe detection threshold the limiting
829 | magnitude is typically slightly above 9$^\mathrm{m}$ for direct
830 | measurements and on the order of 5$^\mathrm{m}$\dots4$^\mathrm{m}$ for
831 | images of stars on the screen.
832 |
833 | %\begin{table}[htb]
834 | %\begin{center}
835 | %\small
836 | %\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
837 | %Model&Watec WAT-902H (CCIR)\\\hline\hline
838 | %Pick-up Element&1/2" CCD image sensor\\
839 | %&(interline transfer)\\\hline
840 | %Number of total pixels&795(H)x596(V)\\\hline
841 | %Minimum Illumination&0.0003\,lx. F/1.4 (AGC Hi)\\
842 | %&0.002\,lx. F/1.4 (AGC Lo)\\\hline
843 | %Automatic gain&High: 5\,dB\,-\,50\,dB\\
844 | %&Low: 5\,dB\,-\,32\,dB\\\hline
845 | %S/N&46\,dB (AGC off)\\\hline
846 | %Shutter Speed&On: 1/50\,-\,1/100\,000\,s\\ (electronic iris)&Off: 1/50\,s\\\hline
847 | %Backlight compensation&On\\\hline
848 | %Power Supply&DC +10.8\,V\,-\,13.2\,V\\\hline
849 | %Weight&Approx. 90\,g\\\hline
850 | %\end{tabular}
851 | %\end{center}
852 | %\caption{Technical specifications of the CCD camera used for
853 | %measuring of the position of the calibration stars on the PM camera lid.}
854 | %\label{table}
855 | %\end{table}
856 |
857 | \subsubsection{Algorithms}
858 |
859 | An example of a calibration-star measurement is shown in
860 | figure~\ref{figure8}. Using the seven LEDs mounted on a circle around
861 | the camera center, the position of the camera center is determined.
862 | Only the upper half of the area instrumented is visible, since
863 | the lower half is covered by the lower lid, holding a special
864 | reflecting surface in the center of the camera. The LED positions are
865 | evaluated by a simple cluster-finding algorithm looking at pixels more
866 | than three standard deviations above the noise level. The LED position
867 | is defined as the center of gravity of its light distribution, its
868 | search region by the surrounding black-colored boxes. For
869 | simplicity the noise level is determined just by calculating the mean
870 | and the root-mean-square within the individual search regions below a
871 | fixed threshold dominated by noise.
872 |
873 | \begin{figure}[htb]
874 | \begin{center}
875 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure8.eps}
876 | \caption{A measurement of a star for the calibration of the pointing
877 | model. Visible are the seven LEDs and their determined center of
878 | gravity, as well as the reconstructed circle on which the LEDs are
879 | located. The LEDs on the bottom part are hidden by the lower lid,
880 | holding a screen in front of the camera.
881 | %For calibration, the center
882 | %of gravity of the measured star, as visible in the center, is compared
883 | %to the center of the circle given by the LEDs, coinciding with the
884 | %center of the PM camera.
885 | The black regions are the search regions for
886 | the LEDs and the calibration star. A few dead pixels in the CCD camera
887 | can also be recognized.}
888 | \label{figure8}
889 | \end{center}
890 | \end{figure}
891 |
892 | Since three points are enough to define a circle, from all
893 | possible combinations of detected spots, the corresponding circle
894 | is calculated. In case of misidentified LEDs, which sometimes
895 | occur due to light reflections from the telescope structure, the
896 | radius of the circle will deviate from the predefined radius.
897 | Thus, any such misidentified circles are discarded. The radius
898 | determination can be improved further by applying small offsets of
899 | the non-ideal LED positions. The radius distribution is Gaussian
900 | and its resolution is $\sigma$\,$\apprle$\,1\,mm
901 | ($\mathrm{d}r/r\approx0.3$\textperthousand) on the camera plane
902 | corresponding to $\sim$1$^{\prime\prime}$.
903 |
904 | The center of the ring is calculated as the average of all circle
905 | centers after quality cuts. Its resolution is
906 | $\sim$2$^{\prime\prime}$. In this setup, the large number of LEDs guarantees
907 | operation even in case one LED could not be detected due to damage or
908 | scattered light.
909 |
910 | To find the spot of the reflected star itself, the same cluster-finder
911 | is used to determine its center of gravity. This gives reliable results
912 | even in case of saturation. Only very bright stars, brighter than
913 | 1.0$^m$, are found to saturate the CCD camera asymmetrically.
914 |
915 | Using the position of the star, with respect to the camera center, the
916 | pointing position corresponding to the camera center is calculated.
917 | This position is stored together with the readout from the position
918 | feedback system. The difference between the telescope pointing
919 | position and the feedback position is described by the pointing model.
920 | Investigating the dependence of these differences on zenith and azimuth
921 | angle, the correction terms of the pointing model can be determined.
922 | Its coefficients are fit minimizing the absolute residuals on the celestial
923 | sphere.
924 |
925 | \subsection{Results}
926 |
927 | Figure~\ref{figure9} shows the residuals, taken between 2006 October and
928 | 2007 July, before and after application of the fit of the pointing
929 | model. For convenience, offset corrections are applied to the residuals
930 | before correction. Thus, the red curve is a measurement of the alignment
931 | quality of the structure, i.e., the pointing accuracy with offset
932 | corrections only. By fitting a proper model, the pointing accuracy can
933 | be improved to a value below the intrinsic resolution of the system,
934 | i.e., below shaft-encoder resolution. In more than 83\% of all cases the
935 | tracking accuracy is better than 1.3$^\prime$
936 | and it hardly ever exceeds 2.5$^\prime$. The few datasets exceeding
937 | 2.5$^\prime$ are very likely due to imperfect measurement of the
938 | real pointing position of the telescope, i.e., the center of gravity of
939 | the star light.
940 |
941 | The average absolute correction applied (excluding the index error) is on
942 | the order of 4$^\prime$. Given the size, weight and structure of
943 | the telescope this proves a very good alignment and low sagging of the
944 | structure. The elevation hysteresis, which is intrinsic to the
945 | structure, the non-perpendicularity and non-centricity of the axes are
946 | all in the order of 3$^\prime$, while the azimuth axis
947 | misalignment is $<$\,0.6$^\prime$. These numbers are well in agreement
948 | with the design tolerances of the telescope.
949 |
950 | \begin{figure}[htb]
951 | \begin{center}
952 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure9.eps}
953 | \caption{Distribution of absolute pointing residual on the sky between
954 | the measured position of calibration stars and their nominal position
955 | with only offset correction for both axes (red) and a fitted pointing
956 | model (blue) applied. Here in total 1162 measurements where used,
957 | homogeneously distributed over the local sky. After application of the
958 | pointing model the residuals are well below the shaft-encoder
959 | resolution, i.e., the knowledge of the mechanical position of the axes.
960 | \label{figure9}
961 | }
962 |
963 | \end{center}
964 | \end{figure}
965 |
966 | \subsubsection{Limitations}
967 |
968 | The ultimate limit on the achievable pointing precision are effects,
969 | which are difficult to correlate or measure, and non-deterministic
970 | deformations of the structure or mirrors. For example, the azimuth
971 | support consists of a railway rail with some small deformations in
972 | height due to the load, resulting in a wavy movement difficult to
973 | parameterize. For the wheels on the six bogeys, simple, not precisely
974 | machined crane wheels were used, which may amplify horizontal
975 | deformations. Other deformations are caused by temperature changes and
976 | wind loads which are difficult to control for telescopes without dome,
977 | and which cannot be modeled. It should be noted that the azimuth structure
978 | can change its diameter by up to 3\,cm due to day-night temperature
979 | differences, indicating that thermal effects have a non-negligible and
980 | non-deterministic influence.
981 |
982 | Like every two axis mount, also an alt-azimuth mount has a blind spot
983 | near its upward position resulting from misalignments of the axis which
984 | are impossible to correct by moving one axis or the other. From the
985 | size of the applied correction it can be derived that the blind spot
986 | must be on the order of $\lesssim$\,6$^\prime$ around zenith.
987 | Although the MAGIC drive system is powerful enough to keep on track
988 | pointing about 6$^\prime$ away from zenith, for safety reasons, i.e.,
989 | to avoid fast movment under normal observation conditions, the observation
990 | limit has been set to $\theta$\,$<$\,30$^\prime$. Such fast movements
991 | are necessary to change the azimuth position from moving the telescope
992 | upwards in the East to downwards in the South. In the case of an ideal
993 | telescope, pointing at zenith, even an infinitely fast movement would
994 | be required.
995 |
996 | \subsubsection{Stability}
997 |
998 | With each measurement of a calibration-star also the present pointing
999 | uncertainty is recorded. This allows for monitoring of the pointing
1000 | quality and for offline correction. In figure~\ref{figure10} the
1001 | \begin{figure}[htb]
1002 | \begin{center}
1003 | \includegraphics*[width=0.48\textwidth,angle=0,clip]{figure10.eps}
1004 | \caption{The distribution of mispointing measurements. The
1005 | measurement is a direct measurement of the pointing accuracy. The plot
1006 | shows its time-evolution. Details on the bin edges and the available
1007 | statistics is given in the caption of table~\ref{table2}. Since the
1008 | distribution is asymmetric, quantiles are shown, from bottom to top, at
1009 | 5\%, 13\%, 32\%, 68\%, 87\% and 95\%. The dark grey region belong to
1010 | the region between quantiles 32\% and 68\%. }
1011 | \label{figure10}
1012 | \end{center}
1013 | \end{figure}
1014 | evolution of the measured residuals over the years are shown. The
1015 | continuous monitoring has been started in March 2005 and is still
1016 | ongoing. Quantiles are shown since the distribution can be
1017 | asymmetric depending on how the residuals are distributed on the sky. The
1018 | points have been grouped, where the grouping reflects data taken under
1019 | the same conditions (pointing model, mirror alignment, etc.). It should
1020 | be noted, that the measured residuals depend on zenith and azimuth
1021 | angle, i.e., the distributions shown are biased due to inhomogeneous
1022 | distributions on the sky in case of low statistics. Therefore the
1023 | available statistics is given in table~\ref{table2}.
1024 | \begin{table}[htb]
1025 | \begin{center}
1026 | \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\hline
1027 | Begin&Counts\\\hline\hline
1028 | 2005/03/20&29\\%& 2005/11/24&38\\
1029 | 2005/04/29&43\\%& 2006/03/19&502\\
1030 | 2005/05/25&30\\%& 2006/10/17&827\\
1031 | 2005/06/08&26\\%& 2007/07/31&87\\
1032 | 2005/08/15&160\\%& 2008/01/14&542\\
1033 | 2005/09/12&22\\\hline%& 2008/06/18&128\\\hline
1034 | \end{tabular}
1035 | \hfill
1036 | \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}\hline
1037 | Begin&Counts\\\hline\hline
1038 | 2005/11/24&38\\
1039 | 2006/03/19&502\\
1040 | 2006/10/17&827\\
1041 | 2007/07/31&87\\
1042 | 2008/01/14&542\\
1043 | 2008/06/18&128\\\hline
1044 | \end{tabular}\hfill
1045 | \end{center}
1046 | \caption{Available statistics corresponding to the distributions
1047 | shown in figure~\ref{figure10}. Especially in cases of low statistics
1048 | the shown distribution can be influenced by inhomogeneous distribution
1049 | of the measurement on the local sky. The dates given correspond to dates
1050 | for which a change in the pointing accuracy, as for example a change to
1051 | the optical axis or the application of a new pointing model, is known.}
1052 | \label{table2}
1053 | \end{table}
1054 |
1055 | The mirror focusing can influence the alignment of the optical axis of
1056 | the telescope, i.e., it can modify the pointing model. Therefore a
1057 | calibration of the mirror refocusing can worsen the tracking accuracy,
1058 | later corrected by a new pointing model. Although the automatic mirror
1059 | control is programmed such that a new calibration should not change the
1060 | center of gravity of the light distribution, it happened sometimes in
1061 | the past due to software errors.
1062 |
1063 | The determination of the pointing model also relies on a good
1064 | statistical basis, because the measured residuals are of a similar
1065 | magnitude as the accuracy of a single calibration-star measurement. The
1066 | visible improvements and deterioration are mainly a consequence of new
1067 | mirror focusing and following implementations of new pointing models.
1068 | The improvement over the past year is explained by the gain in
1069 | statistics.
1070 |
1071 | On average the systematic pointing uncertainty was always better than
1072 | three shaft-encoder steps (corresponding to 4$^\prime$), most of the
1073 | time better than 2.6$^\prime$ and well below one shaft-encoder step,
1074 | i.e.\ 1.3$^\prime$, in the past year. Except changes to the pointing
1075 | model or the optical axis, as indicated by the bin edges, no
1076 | degradation or change with time of the pointing model or
1077 | a worsening of the limit given by the telescope mechanics could be found.
1078 |
1079 | \section{Scalability}\label{sec5}
1080 |
1081 | With the aim to reach lower energy thresholds, the next generation of
1082 | Cherenkov telescopes will also include larger and heavier ones.
1083 | Therefore more powerful drive systems will be needed. The scalable
1084 | drive system of the MAGIC telescope is suited to meet this challenge.
1085 | With its synchronous motors and their master-slave setup, it can easily
1086 | be extended to larger telescopes at moderate costs, or even scaled down
1087 | to smaller ones using less powerful components. Consequently,
1088 | telescopes in future projects, with presumably different sizes, can be
1089 | driven by similar components resulting in a major
1090 | simplification of maintenance. With the current setup, a tracking
1091 | accuracy at least of the order of the shaft-encoder resolution is
1092 | guaranteed. Pointing accuracy -- already including all possible
1093 | pointing corrections -- is dominated by dynamic and unpredictable
1094 | deformations of the mount, e.g., temperature expansion.
1095 |
1096 | \section{Outlook}\label{outlook}
1097 |
1098 | Currently, efforts are ongoing to implement the astrometric subroutines
1099 | as well as the application of the pointing model directly into the
1100 | Programmable Logic Controller. A first test will be carried out within
1101 | the DWARF project soon~\cite{DWARF}. The direct advantage is that the
1102 | need for a control PC is omitted. Additionally, with a more direct
1103 | communication between the algorithms, calculating the nominal position
1104 | of the telescope mechanics, and the control loop of the drive
1105 | controller, a real time, and thus more precise, position control can be
1106 | achieved. As a consequence, the position controller can directly be
1107 | addressed, even when tracking, and the outermost position control-loop
1108 | is closed internally in the drive controller. This will ensure an even
1109 | more accurate and stable motion. Interferences from external sources,
1110 | e.g. wind gusts, could be counteracted at the moment of appearance by
1111 | the control on very short timescales, on the order of milli-seconds. An
1112 | indirect advantage is that with a proper setup of the control loop
1113 | parameters, such a control is precise and flexible enough that a
1114 | cross-communication between the master and the slaves can also be
1115 | omitted. Since all motors act as their own master, in such a system a
1116 | broken motor can simply be switched off or mechanically decoupled
1117 | without influencing the general functionality of the system.
1118 |
1119 | An upgrade of the MAGIC\,I drive system according to the improvements
1120 | applied for MAGIC\,II is ongoing.
1121 |
1122 | \section{Conclusions}\label{conclusions}
1123 |
1124 | The scientific requirements demand a powerful, yet accurate drive
1125 | system for the MAGIC telescope. From its hardware installation and
1126 | software implementation, the installed drive system exceeds its design
1127 | specifications as given in section~\ref{design}. At the same time the
1128 | system performs reliably and stably, showing no deterioration after
1129 | five years of routine operation. The mechanical precision of the motor
1130 | movement is almost ten times better than the readout on the telescope
1131 | axes. The tracking accuracy is dominated by random deformations and
1132 | hysteresis effects of the mount, but still negligible
1133 | compared to the measurement of the position of the telescope axes. The
1134 | system features integrated tools, like an analytical pointing model.
1135 | Fast positioning for gamma-ray burst followup is achieved on average
1136 | within less than 45 seconds, or, if movements {\em across the zenith}
1137 | are allowed, 30 seconds. Thus, the drive system makes
1138 | MAGIC the best suited telescope for observations of these phenomena at
1139 | very high energies.
1140 |
1141 | For the second phase of the MAGIC project and particularly for the
1142 | second telescope, the drive system has been further improved.
1143 | By design, the drive system is easily scalable from its current
1144 | dimensions to larger and heavier telescope installations as required
1145 | for future projects. The improved stability is also expected to meet
1146 | the stability requirements, necessary when operating a larger number of
1147 | telescopes.
1148 |
1149 | \section[]{Acknowledgments}
1150 | The authors acknowledge the support of the MAGIC collaboration, and
1151 | thank the IAC for providing excellent working conditions at the
1152 | Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. The MAGIC project is mainly
1153 | supported by BMBF (Germany), MCI (Spain), INFN (Italy). We thank the
1154 | construction department of the MPI for Physics, for their help in the
1155 | design and installation of the drive system as well as Eckart Lorenz,
1156 | for some important comments concerning this manuscript. R.M.W.\
1157 | acknowledges financial support by the MPG. His research is also
1158 | supported by the DFG Cluster of Excellence ``Origin and Structure of
1159 | the Universe''.
1160 |
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