// ************************************************************************** /** @mainpage @brief FACT++ - The FACT slow control software @author thomas.bretz@epfl.ch et al. @version 1.0 @section install_sec Installation FACT++ can be downloaded from the svn by \verbatim svn checkout https://fact.isdc.unige.ch/svn/trunk/FACT++ [localdir] \endverbatim it includes a dim version which is automatically compiled. For compilation use \verbatim ./configure make \endverbatim In principle configure also supports \verbatim make install \endverbatim which would install the package and the libraries in your system, although at the moment this is not recommended @subsection packages Required packages If you find a new package needed for installation please don't hesitate to report it, so that it can be added to the list below. Packages known to be needed to configure and compile FACT++ Dim: - lesstif2, lesstif2-dev (Xm.h) Libraries: - boost-dev (>=V1.40, all) - mysql++-dev Documentation: - doxygen - graphviz - [global] optional (if htags should be used in Doxyfile) Only for maintainers: - autoconf (automake, autotools-dev, m4) - autoconf-archive - libtool (contains libtoolize @section Demo Current demonstration programs - \b dserver2: A virtual board (A TCP/IP server). It is sending a "hello" message after accepting a communication and then in 3s intervals the current UTC time. The board can be set to state 1 or back to state 0 (just as a demonstration) - \b dclient5: A control program. It accesses two viratual boards (start them with 'dserver2 5000' and 'dserver2 4001') If both boards are connected the START command can be issued to get them to state 'Running'. In this state an asynchronous time stamp can be requested sending the TIME command. to get back from Running to Connected use STOP. - \b test3: a dim console which allows to control all dim servers by sending commands via the dim network. - Both, \b dclient5 and \b test3 accept the command line options -c0, -c1, -c2 to switch between different console types (or no console in the case of \b dclient5). In the console you get help with 'h' and the available command with 'c' You get the avilable command-line options with --help First start the two dserver2s. Then start a dclient5 (if you want it with console use one of the -c options) and a test3 console (with one of the console options if you like) you can now control the hardware boards with the START, STOP and TIME commands or stop (Ctrl-C) and start one of the programs to see what's happening. In the test3 case you first have to \e cd to the server to which you want to talk by \b DATA_LOGGER. Don't forget to start \b dns if you want to control dclient5 from test3 via Dim. @section References @subsection generalref General references - The C++ reference - boost.org: The boost C++ libraries - Boris Schäling: Die Boost C++ Bibliotheken - GNU Readline - GNU Ncurses - Distributed Information Management (DIM) - Distributed Information Management (DIM) - C++ reference @subsection boostref Boost references - boost::bind (V1.45.0) - boost asio (V1.45.0) - boost date_time (V1.45.0) - boost program_options (V1.45.0) - boost filesystem (V1.45.0) - boost regex (V1.45.0) - boost system (error codes) (V1.45.0) - boost thread (V1.45.0) - boost lexical_cast (V1.45.0) @section Available programs - dns: Dim's domain-name-server (needed for any communication between Dim servers and clients) - did: A simple graphical interface to analyse everything in a Dim network @section Examples There are a few example programs - \b ./argv: Example for usage of the class Configure (command line options, configuration file) - \b ./time: Example for the usage of the class Time (time input/output, conversion) - \b ./log, \b ./logtime: A simple Dim-Service/-Client combination using MessageDimRX/MessageDimTX **/ // **************************************************************************