1 | // **************************************************************************
2 | /** @mainpage
3 |
4 | @brief FACT++ - The FACT slow control software
5 |
6 | @author thomas.bretz@epfl.ch et al.
7 | @version 1.0
8 |
9 | @section install_sec Installation
10 |
11 | FACT++ can be downloaded from the svn by
12 |
13 | \verbatim
14 | svn checkout https://fact.isdc.unige.ch/svn/trunk/FACT++ [localdir]
15 | \endverbatim
16 |
17 | it includes a dim version which is automatically compiled.
18 |
19 | For compilation use
20 |
21 | \verbatim
22 | ./configure
23 | make
24 | \endverbatim
25 |
26 | Check the \b ./configure options with \b --help. It might look
27 | confusing, but some features like FITS or QT4 can be switched off,
28 | if the necessary library is not at hand and the feature is not needed.
29 | For example, if the GUI is not needed its compilation can be switched
30 | off by disabling QT4 support with \b --without-qt4.
31 |
32 | If you use a custom built root version on your system without QT
33 | support, but have a distribution packe (e.g. debian package) with
34 | QT support available, you can give the path to root executables,
35 | for example, with <B>--with-rootsys=/usr/bin</B>. All other paths
36 | are extracted from subsequent calls to \b root-config.
37 |
38 | Running \b ./configure will take some time. It tries to really check
39 | carefully that everything needed is available on your system, so that you
40 | get errors before you start compilation.
41 |
42 | If \b ./configure fails please and you send a bug report please attach
43 | the file config.log.
44 |
45 | If \b make fails please and you send a bug report please attach
46 | the complete output of <B>make V=1</B>.
47 |
48 | \b Reminder: These programs use shared libraries, i.e. whenever you re-compile
49 | part of the project some of them might be re-compiled as well. As a result
50 | already running programs might crash unexpectedly! This is \b not a bug.
51 |
52 | In principle configure also supports
53 |
54 | \verbatim
55 | make install
56 | \endverbatim
57 |
58 | which would install the package and the libraries in your system,
59 | although at the moment this is not recommended
60 |
61 | @subsection rootwarning ROOT warnings during compilation
62 |
63 | During compilation of the GUI you get some warning from root's TQtWidget.h.
64 | These warnings are completely harmless and can be ignored. However, it is sometimes
65 | advicable to get rid of them to get a clean compiler run which makes development
66 | easier.
67 |
68 | Therefore replace
69 | \verbatim
70 | inline void resize(const QSize &size) { QPixmap newSize(size); *(QPixmap *)this = newSize; }
71 | \endverbatim
72 | by
73 | \verbatim
74 | inline void resize(const QSize &sz) { QPixmap newSize(sz); *(QPixmap *)this = newSize; }
75 | \endverbatim
76 | in TQtWidget.h
77 |
78 |
79 | @subsection packages Required packages
80 |
81 | The following section gives a list of packages which were necessary after
82 | a fresh Ubuntu 11.04 installation. In addition to all the development
83 | packages the corresponding package with the library is needed.
84 |
85 | <i>Required</i>
86 | - subversion
87 | - gcc
88 | - g++
89 | - make
90 | - libreadline6-dev
91 | - libcfitsio3-dev
92 | - libccfits-dev
93 | - libmysqlclient-dev
94 | - libmysql++-dev
95 | - libboost-all-dev
96 | - libx11-dev
97 |
98 | <i>If you want 'did'</i>
99 | - lesstif2-dev
100 |
101 | <i>To compile the gui</i>
102 | - libqt4-dev
103 | - root (see section about root, currently recommended versions 5.18/00b-5.26/00e)
104 |
105 | <i>To create your own documentation</i>
106 | - graphviz
107 | - doxygen
108 | - help2man
109 |
110 | <i>For developers</i>
111 | - autoconf
112 | - autoconf-archive
113 | - libtool
114 | - qt4-designer
115 |
116 | <i>Some nice to have (FACT++)</i>
117 | - colorsvn
118 | - colorgcc
119 | - colordiff
120 |
121 | <i>Some nice to have (system)</i>
122 | - fte
123 | - efte
124 | - htop
125 |
126 | @section How to install root 5.26/00 on Ubuntu 11.04 (natty)
127 |
128 | - install gpp4.4, gcc4.4, g++4.4 (root does not compile with gcc4.5)
129 | - make links to hidden X11 libraries:
130 | <B><pre>
131 | cd /usr/local
132 | sudo ln -s x86_64-linux-gnu/libX* .
133 | </pre></B>
134 | - in the root source directory
135 | <B><pre>
136 | ./configure --enable-qt --with-cc=gcc-4.4 --with-cxx=g++-4.4 --with-xrootd-opts=--syslibs=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr/local
137 | </pre></B>
138 | - \b make
139 | - <b>sudo make install</b>
140 | - pray
141 | - don't forget to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly before you try to start the fact gui
142 |
143 |
144 | @section Demo Current demonstration programs
145 |
146 | - \b dserver2: A virtual board (A TCP/IP server). It is sending a
147 | "hello" message after accepting a communication and then in 3s
148 | intervals the current UTC time. The board can be set to state 1 or back
149 | to state 0 (just as a demonstration)
150 | - \b dclient5: A control program. It accesses two viratual boards (start them
151 | with 'dserver2 5000' and 'dserver2 4001') If both boards are connected the START
152 | command can be issued to get them to state 'Running'. In this state
153 | an asynchronous time stamp can be requested sending the TIME command.
154 | to get back from Running to Connected use STOP.
155 | - \b test3: a dim console which allows to control all dim servers
156 | by sending commands via the dim network.
157 | - Both, \b dclient5 and \b test3 accept the command line options -c0, -c1, -c2
158 | to switch between different console types (or no console in the case of
159 | \b dclient5). In the console you get help with 'h' and the available
160 | command with 'c' You get the avilable command-line options with --help
161 |
162 | First start the two dserver2s. Then start a dclient5 (if you want it
163 | with console use one of the -c options) and a test3 console (with one
164 | of the console options if you like) you can now control the hardware
165 | boards with the START, STOP and TIME commands or stop (Ctrl-C) and
166 | start one of the programs to see what's happening. In the test3 case
167 | you first have to \e cd to the server to which you want to talk by \b
168 | DATA_LOGGER. Don't forget to start \b dns if you want to control dclient5
169 | from test3 via Dim.
170 |
171 | @section dimremarks Remarks about Dim usage
172 |
173 | To be able to write all received data directly to the FITS files,
174 | padding has been disabled calling dic_diable_padding() and
175 | dis_disable_padding(). This is done in our own error handler
176 | DimErrorRedirecter. Since this should be one of the first
177 | objects created in any environment it is quite save. However, every
178 | Dim client or server in our network which does not use the
179 | DimErrorRedirecter \b must call these two functions as early as
180 | possible.
181 |
182 | @section exitcodes Exit Code
183 | @section newcommand How to add a new command?
184 | @section description How to add help textes to services and commands?
185 |
186 | @section addtab How to add a new tab in the gui?
187 |
188 | Do the following steps in exactly this order:
189 | - Insert the new page from the context menu of the QTabWidget
190 | - Copy the QDockWidget from one of the other tabs to the clipboard
191 | - Paste the copied QDockWidget and add it to the new tab (only the tab should be highlited)
192 | - Now click on the context menu of the region in the tab (QWidget) and change the layout to grid layout
193 |
194 |
195 | @section Documentation
196 |
197 | Each program has an extensive help text (except the examples). This help text can
198 | be displayed with the \b --help option. For each program a man-page is automatically
199 | created (from the help-output), which (at the moment) can be accessed with <B>man
200 | FILE</B>.
201 |
202 | @section References
203 |
204 | @subsection generalref General references
205 | - <A HREF="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference">The C++ reference</A>
206 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org">boost.org: The boost C++ libraries</A>
207 | - <A HREF="http://www.highscore.de/cpp/boost/titelseite.html">Boris Schäling: Die Boost C++ Bibliotheken</A>
208 | - <A HREF="http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html">GNU Readline</A>
209 | - <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses">GNU Ncurses</A>
210 | - <A HREF="http://dim.web.cern.ch/">Distributed Information Management (DIM)</A>
211 | - <A HREF="http://dim.web.cern.ch/dim/cpp_doc/DimCpp.html">Distributed Information Management (DIM) - C++ reference</A>
212 | - <A HREF="http://qt.nokia.com/">Qt homepage</A>
213 | - <A HREF="http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/">Qt downloads</A>
214 |
215 | @subsection boostref Boost references
216 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/bind/bind.html">boost::bind (V1.45.0)</A>
217 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/doc/html/boost_asio.html">boost asio (V1.45.0)</A>
218 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/doc/html/date_time.html">boost date_time (V1.45.0)</A>
219 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/doc/html/program_options.html">boost program_options (V1.45.0)</A>
220 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/filesystem/v3/doc/index.htm">boost filesystem (V1.45.0)</A>
221 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/regex/doc/html/index.html">boost regex (V1.45.0)</A>
222 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/system/doc/index.html">boost system (error codes) (V1.45.0)</A>
223 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/doc/html/thread.html">boost thread (V1.45.0)</A>
224 | - <A HREF="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/conversion/lexical_cast.htm">boost lexical_cast (V1.45.0)</A>
225 |
226 | @subsection fitsref FITS references
227 | - <A HREF="http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/fits.html">The FITS data format</A>
228 | - <A HREF="http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/">FITS homepage</A>
229 | - <A HREF="http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/CCfits/">CCfits - A C++ wrapper to cfitsio</A>
230 | - <A HREF="http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/ftools/fv/">fv - A very simple viewer to FITS file contents</A>
231 |
232 | @subsection qtroot How to integrate root in QT?
233 |
234 | - <A HREF="http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/designer-creating-custom-widgets.html">QT4: Creating custom widgets</A>
235 | - <A HREF="http://root.cern.ch/download/doc/26ROOTandQt.pdf">root: QT integration (pdf)</A>
236 |
237 |
238 | @section Available programs
239 |
240 | - dns: Dim's domain-name-server (needed for any communication between Dim servers and clients)
241 | - did: A simple graphical interface to analyse everything in a Dim network
242 |
243 | @section Examples
244 |
245 | There are a few example programs
246 | - \b ./argv: Example for usage of the class Configure (command line options, configuration file)
247 | - \b ./time: Example for the usage of the class Time (time input/output, conversion)
248 | - \b ./log, \b ./logtime: A simple Dim-Service/-Client combination using MessageDimRX/MessageDimTX
249 |
250 | **/
251 | // **************************************************************************