#!dimctrl --exec # ========================================================================== # bring Feedback to state CurrentContro Idle and switch on Bias # ========================================================================== > switching on current controll feedback FEEDBACK/STOP > ... starting current control feedback FEEDBACK/START_CURRENT_CONTROL 0.0 FEEDBACK/ENABLE_OUTPUT yes # the feedback should be in state 'CurrentCtrlIdle'(9) now since 30.05.12 > ...waiting for FEEDBACK to be in state 9: CurrentCtrlIdle .s FEEDBACK 9 > ... done, feedback running > > switching bias on, sending one DAC globally # now we give the feedback a hint, that it may ramp ... BIAS_CONTROL/SET_GLOBAL_DAC 1 # after this command the bias_ctrl should be in state 'VoltageOn'(9) after a second or so > ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 9: VoltageOn .s BIAS_CONTROL 9 > ...1 DAC globally set # then usually it takes some time until the feedback has enough information to really start controlling the voltage # when the feedback actually kicks in, the bias is first in state 'Ramping'(5) for some seconds and finally in 'VoltageOn'(9) # again > ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 5: Ramping .s BIAS_CONTROL 5 > ...ramping to nominal voltage > ...waiting for BIAS to be in state 9: VoltageOn .s BIAS_CONTROL 9 > ...bias on # here we should wait 45 sec in order for the current control to get enough current readings and temp readings to stabilize.. > waiting 45sec for the current control to stabilize... .w 45000 > ... done, bias on