#!dimctrl --exec # Data taking and tracking script for 1ES 1218+304 > > ---------------------------------------------------- > Data taking and tracking script for 1ES 1218+304 > starting up... > ---------------------------------------------------- # Stop tracking .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/StopTracking.dim # changing tracking to 1ES 1218+304 Wobble 1 .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/Track1218Wobble1.dim # Wait for drivectrl to reply that its tracking the given source .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/WaitForTracking.dim # starting data taking of 1ES 1218+304 Wobble 1 .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking1.dim # Stop tracking .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/StopTracking.dim #==================================================================== # Label for processing only Wobble position 2 # call like this .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/Take1218.dim:2 :2 # changing tracking to 1ES 1218+304 Wobble 2 .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/Track1218Wobble2.dim # Wait for drivectrl to reply that its tracking the given source .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/ServiceScripts/WaitForTracking.dim # data taking to 1ES 1218+304 Wobble 2 .x ScriptsForDimCtrl/DataTaking2.dim > ---------------------------------------------------- > Data taking and tracking script for 1ES 1218+304 > finnished > ---------------------------------------------------- >