DIM version 13.10 Release Notes Notes 1 and 2 for Unix Users only NOTE 1: In order to "make" DIM two environment variables should be set: OS = one of {HP-UX, AIX, OSF1, Solaris, SunOS, LynxOS, Linux} DIMDIR = the path name of DIM's top level directory The user should then go to DIM's top level directory and do: > source .setup > gmake all Or, if there is no support for C++ on the machine: > gmake CPP=no all NOTE 2: The Name Server (Dns), DID, servers and clients (if running in background) should be started whith the output redirected to a logfile ex: Dns & dns.log & NOTE 3: The Version Number service provided by servers is now set to 1310 (version 13.10). 06/10/2003 Changes for version 13.0: - Fixed all know bugs resulting from: - A modification done since v12 which allowed tcpip writes to proceed in parallel with reads (in a different thread). This created a few problems with the timming of connections and disconnections. - Extensive tests of the Java interface to DIM due to the DIP implementation tests. 14/10/2003 Changes for version 13.1: - Fixed an extra bug related to having servers and clients within the same process. 13/11/2003 Changes for version 13.2: - Fixed a bug in the RPC client - the size of the message was sometimes wrong. - When the number of DIM services declared by a server was a multiple of 100 the clients would not get updated on server restart - Fixed. - If a client exited immediately after a command with callback The server would sometimes not get the command - hopefully fixed. Note: This is still the case for a command without callback (this is a feature of the asynchronous method). 2/12/2003 Changes for version 13.3: - Fixed the linux makefile (realclean). - the C++ version of stop timer now returns the number of seconds left to sleep (used to be void). 13/01/2004 Changes for version 13.4: - The DNS now accepts an environment variable "DIM_DNS_ACCEPTED_DOMAINS". It will refuse connections from servers running outside these domains (actually, at the moment it will kill the servers -> to be modified). Ex.: DIM_DNS_NODE=cern.ch,slac.stanford.edu - the Java version now implements a DimBrowser class, similar to the C++ one. And the complex data types are better handled. 27/01/2004 Changes for version 13.5: - A socket close modification since v12r8 for Linux was causing problems, put back as it was. - dim_send_command had a limitation to 80 characters for a DIM service name for no reason. DIM service names are limited to 128 characters. 28/01/2004 Changes for version 13.6: - When sending an EXIT command to a server the client wouldn't behave properly on Linux - fixed 30/01/2004 Changes for version 13.7: - Commands would sometimes be remembered by a client and sent later when the server started up - fixed! 06/02/2004 Changes for version 13.8 - The Name server would only remember server names up to 40 characters, so when asked for the list of servers known it would truncate the names. Fixed. - The handling of disconnections/reconnections for very "fast" servers was causing problems to the client: callback not called or reconnection failed. fixed. 27/02/2004 Changes for version 13.9 - Replaced "ctime()" in dim_print_date_time() by its reentrant version ctime_r for the Linux version. - Added selectiveUpdateService() to the methods in the Java class DimService. - The user set server timestamp was being reset (and replaced by the current time) if the service was sent to several clients - Fixed. - Sometimes DIM commands could go out of order if a client was sending the same command (different data) out very fast - fixed. 16/03/2004 Changes for version 13.10 - Fixed the DimBrowser Java class - The timer thread was sometimes not counting time properly when interrupted every second -> fixed. - The Client sometimes forgot to call the command callback when the DNS died while sending a command with callback -> fixed. Please check the Manual for more information at: http://www.cern.ch/dim