1 |
2 | DIM version 20r11 Release Notes
3 |
4 | Notes 1 and 2 for Unix Users only
5 | NOTE 1: In order to "make" DIM two environment variables should be set:
6 | OS = one of {HP-UX, AIX, OSF1, Solaris, SunOS, LynxOS, Linux, Darwin}
7 | DIMDIR = the path name of DIM's top level directory
8 | The user should then go to DIM's top level directory and do:
9 | > source .setup
10 | > gmake all
11 | Or, if there is no support for C++ on the machine:
12 | > gmake CPP=no all
13 |
14 | NOTE 2: The Name Server (Dns), DID, servers and clients (if running in
15 | background) should be started whith the output redirected to a
16 | logfile ex:
17 | Dns </dev/null >& dns.log &
18 |
19 | NOTE 3: The Version Number service provided by servers is now set to 2011.
20 |
21 | 24/10/2014
22 | Changes for version 2011:
23 | - Increased the Max. num of connections for DNS and servers to 16384 (from 8192)
24 | - Increased also slightly the DNS hash table
25 |
26 |
27 | 17/09/2014
28 | Changes for version 2010:
29 | - When a client connects to a server using the IP Address, instead of IP name,
30 | a reverse lookup "validity" test is no longer performed.
31 | - Fixed the Error reporting for tcpip connections, messages like:
32 | "(ERROR) Client Connecting to XXX on YYY: Success"
33 | should no longer exist.
34 | - The "C" version can now be called directly from C++ using only dis.h or dic.h
35 | instead of dis.hxx or dic.hxx.
36 | (several const definitions and "extern "C" added in included prototypes)
37 |
38 |
39 | 17/07/2014
40 | Changes for version 2009:
41 | - Tried to fix more "Invalid Service ID" messages when creating/deleting services/commands in a server.
42 | (By protecting the service/command creation/destruction in C++)
43 | - Fixed a problem for Raspberry Pi (where "char" is "unsigned char" by default)
44 | - The feature of increasing the maximum nember of connections stopped working with glibc 2.19.
45 | Fixed.
46 |
47 |
48 | 05/04/2013
49 | Changes for version 2007:
50 | - DIM servers were allocating a lot of (possibly) unnecessary memory at startup - fixed.
51 | - Tried to fix "Invalid Service ID" messages when creating services/commands in a server.
52 | (By protecting the service/command creation in C++)
53 | - Fixed many compilation warnings when adding gcc flag -Wconvertion
54 | - DIM releases are now:
55 | - Windows:
56 | - Compiled on Windows 7 Visual Studio 10
57 | - Distributed in /bin32 for 32 bits and /bin for 64 bits
58 | - Linux:
59 | - Compiled on SLC6 with gcc 4.4
60 | - Distributed in /linux for 64 bits
61 |
62 |
63 | 17/01/2013
64 | Changes for version 2006:
65 | - Changes only affecting the Linux version of DIM:
66 | - v20r5 changes related to removing the masking of signals could cause problems in single thread
67 | applications, like smiGUI. The masking/unmasking of signals is now conditional, implemented by a
68 | global variable in the DIM shareable library.
69 | - Changed the DID makefile in order to make sure the correct libdim.so in used when linking.
70 | - Changes in DID:
71 | - When the list of nodes was long, the list was very slow to display - fixed.
72 | - If it was really very long, it crashed - fixed.
73 | - In nodes were reported by IPAdress, show servers by node didn't work - fixed.
74 |
75 |
76 | 21/12/2012
77 | Changes for version 2005:
78 | - Moved the WebDID sources to the src directory and the VS settings to the Visual directory
79 | - In the Multithreaded (the default) version of DIM, signals are not touched anymore.
80 | Before they were masked/unmasked at every dim lock/unlock occurence (Linux only).
81 | - Fixes in WebDID:
82 | - Now DIM nodes defined by an IP Address are shown properly (by IP Name)
83 | - WebDID looks for the Javascript files in the same directory where its executable is
84 | (independently of where it is started from)
85 |
86 |
87 | 21/11/2012
88 | Changes for version 2004:
89 | - WebDid did not compile under SLC5, fixed.
90 | - Removed several Compiler warnings under SLC5
91 |
92 |
93 | 20/11/2012
94 | Changes for version 2003:
95 | - Added the project settings for Visual Studio 10 in the Visual directory
96 | - Added a bin64 directory containing binaries for Windows7 (and 2008 R2) 64 bits
97 | - Added a prototype webDid. in order to use it:
98 | - In the same machine when the DIM DNS runs start <dim>/WebDid/webDid
99 | - In any machine from where the DIM DNS is reacheable on your favorite Web browser use as URL:
100 | http://<DIM DNS node name>:2500
101 |
102 |
103 | 07/11/2012
104 | Changes for version 2002:
105 | - Still problems with size=0 "no link" parameters - hopefully fixed.
106 |
107 |
108 | 07/11/2012
109 | Changes for version 2001:
110 | - First official release containing the Windows 64 bits fix.
111 | - The changes in version v19r35 specifying the behaviour when giving a null pointer and size 0 as
112 | "no link" parameters only worked well in "C", not in C++ callbacks - fixed.
113 |
114 |
115 | 04/10/2012
116 | Changes for version 19.39:
117 | - Unfortunately Windows, unlike Linux, does not use LP64 convention for 64 bits,
118 | i.e. the type long is a 32 bit variable (?!?!?!)
119 | So created a dim_long type which can always hold a pointer
120 |
121 |
122 | 09/08/2012
123 | Changes for version 19.38:
124 | - The timeout used by clients and servers to try to reconnect to a DNS was supposed to be random,
125 | to avoid all processes retrying at the same time, but it wasn't - fixed.
126 |
127 |
128 | 27/06/2012
129 | Changes for version 19.37:
130 | - DIM DNS crashed for servers with a task name bigger than 80 characters - Fixed.
131 |
132 |
133 | 22/06/2012
134 | Changes for version 19.36:
135 | - The internal "DIS_DNS/KILL_SERVERS" command can now be used to pass a user defined exit_code to
136 | the servers. The servers will get this exit_code in their exit_handler.
137 | Although the exit_code passed to the "DIS_DNS/KILL_SERVERS" command is an integer, only the lower
138 | 16 bits can be used, i.e. only these bits are passed to the servers.
139 |
140 |
141 | 24/05/2012
142 | Changes for version 19.35:
143 | - Fixed the DimInfo() default constructor, now if the default constructor is called, it doesn't cause the
144 | destructor to crash anymore.
145 | - Made available to DimInfo, DimStampedInfo, DimUpdatedInfo and DimCurrentInfo the method:
146 | - void subscribe(char *name, void *nolink, int nolinksize, int time, DimInfoHandler *handler)
147 | Like this the default constructor can be called and then this method called later to subscribe
148 | whenever needed.
149 | - The behaviour of giving a null pointer and size 0 as "no link" parameters was not completely
150 | defined. The user could get back either a null pointer or an "invalid" pointer in the callbacks.
151 | This is now well-defined:
152 | - If null pointer and size 0 is used at subscribe, the user will get null pointer and size 0 in the callback.
153 | - If a negative size is passed at subscribe the callback is not called at all.
154 |
155 |
156 | 03/05/2012
157 | Changes for version 19.34:
158 | - Changed back to dna_write_nowait() the message that the server sends to the client when removing
159 | a service. This was causing clients not to reconnect ever again when the server removed services.
160 | (because the client would get the info much before the DNS, so it would keep trying to reconnect
161 | and failing even though the service or even the server didn't exist anymore, without asking the DNS)
162 | - Changed the client in order to avoid the behaviour above, i.e. if sending the service request fails it
163 | asks the DNS again.
164 |
165 |
166 | 23/04/2012
167 | Changes for version 19.33:
168 | - A bug was introduced in v19r30. When trying to retry immediately, a dtq_start_timer(0)
169 | was used (like for dna_write). This is not possible because the callback is not protected
170 | by a DIM lock. Fixed. (in v19r32)
171 | - Small tidy up in dic.c and protecting the move_to_xxx functions.
172 | - When a server received an unsubscribe from the last subscribed service of a client it was closing the
173 | connection to the client, this is not good because there could be commands being sent. In any case
174 | it should be up to the client to close the connection - Fixed.
175 | - dim_send_command now accepts a "-i" argument to send integer data (default is string)
176 |
177 |
178 | 30/03/2012
179 | Changes for version 19.31:
180 | - changed dna_write to dna_write_nowait for servers when removing a service and for clients
181 | when releasing and subscribing to a service. Dna_write cannot be used for the same connection
182 | as dna_write_nowait as it will mingle the packets.
183 | - Removed more compiler warnings.
184 |
185 |
186 | 14/03/2012
187 | Changes for version 19.30:
188 | - Sometimes when trying to open a connection to a server the client could backoff for too
189 | long (10 seconds), now it will retry immediately and then at increasing intervals.
190 | - dim_stop() would sometimes not properly stop all threads if a new connection was received
191 | in the mean time.
192 | - The DimServerDns destructor could crash, fixed.
193 | - Removed some compiler warnings about variables set but not used.
194 | - Two new functions available:
195 | - dim_set_listen_backlog(int size)
196 | - int dim_get_listen_backlog()
197 | - The DNS will set the listen_backlog to 1024 at startup, but the OS will truncate it to
198 | a maximum limit (available in /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn, linux default=128),
199 | while for servers the constant SOMAXCONN is used.
200 |
201 |
202 | 06/02/2012
203 | Changes for version 19.28:
204 | - Added more log messages when a "Write Timeout" occurs to know where it originated.
205 | - A server could sometimes not release the connection in case of a "Write Timeout", and
206 | then keep on timing out for each message on this connection - fixed.
207 |
208 |
209 | 19/01/2012
210 | Changes for version 19.27:
211 | - Updated the DIM Makefiles for MacOSX (Darwin)
212 | - Added New possibilities to change DIM timeouts:
213 | - 2 New Environment variables:
214 | - DIM_WRITE_TMOUT (default: 5)
215 | - DIM_KEEPALIVE_TMOUT (default: 15)
216 | - Same functionality as the functions:
217 | - dim_set_write_timeout(int secs)
218 | - int dim_get_write_timeout()
219 | - dim_set_keepalive_timeout(int secs) //new
220 | - int dim_get_keepalive_timeout() //new
221 | - The functions have precedence over the environment variables.
222 | - The server per client exit_handler functionality
223 | (provided by dis_add_client_exit_handler()/dis_set_client_exit_handler())
224 | wan not always working correctly (in case of write timeouts) - fixed.
225 | - Changed the reporting of "Write Tiemout":
226 | - Used to report only:
227 | - "ERROR: Write Timeout, disconnecting from..."
228 | - Now reports:
229 | - "WARNING: Write Timeout, writing to ..."
230 | - If it disconnects: "ERROR: Write Timeout, disconnecting from ..."
231 | - If it reconnects later: "INFO: Re-connected to ..."
232 |
233 |
234 | 14/09/2011
235 | Changes for version 19.26:
236 | - In the notes for version 19.08 there is the following:
237 | - Since version v18r4 where dim_wait() was modified, dim_wait could hang in windows if
238 | the wake_up event was triggered before dim_wait was called. Could affect smi++. Fixed.
239 | - Amasingly enough this seems also to be the case for Linux, dim_wait could hang until there
240 | was some new DIM activity, normally some timer firing... Fixed.
241 | - The Linux DID now accepts an extra parameter: -dns=<dns_node_name>
242 |
243 | 01/09/2011
244 | Changes for version 19.25:
245 | - When a Client was releasing a service "at the same time" as the server was deleting the service,
246 | The Connection could be released by mistake - fixed.
247 | - The SERVICE_LIST service could be updated with an empty string if there were two consecutive
248 | dis_start_serving() - fixed.
249 |
250 |
251 | 08/08/2011
252 | Changes for version 19.24:
253 | - The funtion DimInfo::getFormat() never return the correct format of a service, if the first time
254 | it was called, the service was not available, i.e. when called inside a "no_link" callback - Fixed.
255 | - Deleting the last service of a server or stopping a server could generate "Invalid Service Id"
256 | messages from the service that updates DID - Fixed.
257 |
258 |
259 | 15/07/2011
260 | Changes for version 19.23:
261 | - The new functions:
262 | int DimClient::inCallback()
263 | int DimServer::inCallback()
264 | Can be used to find out if the function is being called in the context of a DIM callback
265 | handler (they return 1 if yes, 0 if no).
266 | - There was no way to "remove" an errorHandler or exitHandler in C++.
267 | Now the following functions accept 0 as parameter:
268 | DimClient::addErrorHandler(0)
269 | DimServer::addErrorHandler(0)
270 | DimServer::addExitHandler(0)
271 | DimServer::addClientExitHandler(0)
272 | In order to remove them.
273 | - The Windows Visual Studio Manifest file distributed since version v19r19 was wrong, so the latest
274 | DIM versions did not work on Windows machines without Visual Studio 8 installed - Fixed.
275 |
276 |
277 | 21/06/2011
278 | Changes for version 19.22:
279 | - DIM servers would hang when tring to exit due to "Services already declared", if the user
280 | exitHandler() didn't directly call exit (instead tried to exit later in the main program).
281 | Fixed.
282 | - Servers accept now also 'B' or 'V' as format, they are both equivalent to 'C'.
283 | - In Linux when a server printed "Write timeout, disconecting from XXX", it didn't always
284 | disconnect properly, so the client would not always reconnect afterwards. Fixed.
285 |
286 |
287 | 31/05/2011
288 | Changes for version 19.21:
289 | - Fixed a bug in DimRpcInfo: the timer for the timeout was started too late and sometimes the
290 | RPC data was received in the meantime, so the timer was never stopped.
291 |
292 |
293 | 04/05/2011
294 | Changes for version 19.20:
295 | - Fixed a bug added in v19r18: The <server_name>/SERVICE_LIST was no longer reporting correctly
296 | the disappearence of services (by a "-<service_name>" ). Fixed.
297 |
298 |
299 | 27/04/2011
300 | Changes for version 19.19:
301 | - Fixed a very very old (horrible) bug in dis.c and dns.c: there was a hardwired malloc(8),
302 | which was only ok for 32 bit machines. It's amazing this didn't bring more trouble...
303 |
304 |
305 | 07/04/2011
306 | Changes for version 19.18:
307 | - The standard server service <server_name>/SERVICE_LIST had problems reporting the correct
308 | information when used by several clients in paralel - fixed.
309 |
310 |
311 | 11/03/2011
312 | Changes for version 19.17:
313 | - The TCPIP "listen" backlog for a server was increased for all servers (including the DNS)
314 | from 16 to the constant SOMAXCONN (128 on Linux at the moment, 200 on Windows ?)
315 | - After a "fork" the DIM initialization sequence guided by semaphores was not correctly
316 | handled, this made the forked children hang and not respond to DIM anymore - fixed.
317 |
318 |
319 | 23/02/2011
320 | Changes for version 19.16:
321 | - DimServer::stop() did not correctly clear the ServerName - fixed.
322 | - The Linux DID now prints the DNS it is connected to in the title bar.
323 |
324 |
325 | 20/12/2010
326 | Changes for version 19.15:
327 | - Still fixing dis_stop_serving():
328 | - The DNS sometimes gets a remove service message from a server, after the server has
329 | closed the connection, this was not handled properly - fixed.
330 | - Fixed yet another detail (variable not cleared) in the thread handling at dis_stop_serving().
331 | - dtq.c now clears all timer_queues at dis_stop_serving()
332 | - Added some protections in case of closed connections.
333 |
334 |
335 | 10/12/2010
336 | Changes for version 19.14:
337 | - Still fixing dis_stop_serving():
338 | - Adedd pthread_join in linux to wait for threads to die
339 | - the following dis_start_serving() would not reconnect to the DNS if the DNS connection
340 | was pending (i.e. the DNS was stopped or restarted)
341 |
342 |
343 | 06/12/2010
344 | Changes for version 19.13:
345 | - Fixed a few compiler warnings in dis.c
346 | - Added #ifndef PXI around some Windows setPriority calls
347 | - dis_stop_serving() did not completely clean-up DIM so that another dis_start_serving()
348 | could be done properly after for example a "fork()". Fixed.
349 |
350 |
351 | 20/09/2010
352 | Changes for version 19.12:
353 | - Fixed a bug added when removing warnings in v19r10 (dis.c and dns.c).
354 |
355 |
356 | 07/06/2010
357 | Changes for version 19.11:
358 | - Added some protections in update_service() in order to try to solve a DIP issue.
359 | (related to very frequent updates of the same service in different threads)
360 | - Added the possibility of defining timeouts for:
361 | - DimBrowser::getServices
362 | - DimBrowser::getServers
363 | - DimBrowser::getServerServices
364 | - DimBrowser::getServerClients
365 | - Added the possibility of retrieving the time a command arrived:
366 | - int dis_get_timestamp(int service_id, int *secs, int *millisecs) in C
367 | - int DimCommand::getTimestamp() and int DimCommand::getTimestampMillisecs() in C++
368 | - Added a "const" keyword to the "char *format" parameter in the constructors of
369 | - DimService and DimCommand
370 | - Added a call DimCommand::hasNext(), can be used when commands are queued.
371 | - Fixed a memory leak when using DimService::setData and then dynamically deleting the
372 | DimService
373 |
374 |
375 | 17/02/2010
376 | Changes for version 19.10:
377 | - Fixed a bug in the DNS related to the latest change (browsing for a single service name)
378 | The DNS could crash when killing a server.
379 | - Removed some compilation warnings
380 |
381 |
382 | 04/01/2010
383 | Changes for version 19.09:
384 | - Created two new functions: dis_set_debug_on() and dis_set_debug_off(), these
385 | enable or disable printing a message per service update
386 | - Tried to protect against:
387 | - a service being deleted from the server while it is being updated
388 | - a client unsubscribing from a service while it is being updated.
389 | - Optimized the DNS when browsing for a service search pattern without wildcards
390 | (i.e. browsing for a single service name)
391 |
392 |
393 | 13/11/2009
394 | Changes for version 19.08:
395 | - Since version v18r4 where dim_wait() was modified, dim_wait could hang in windows if
396 | the wake_up event was triggered before dim_wait was called. Could affect smi++.
397 | Fixed.
398 | - Fixed a compilation bug in dis.c that affected some platforms.
399 |
400 |
401 | 30/10/2009
402 | Changes for version 19.07:
403 | - Some more bugs related to being able to publish to more that one DNS fixed.
404 |
405 |
406 | 28/10/2009
407 | Changes for version 19.06:
408 | - When opening DNS connections, when the DNS is not there, from a process that is at the
409 | same time a client and a server only one pending connection was used now two separate
410 | ones are created.
411 | - Tried to fix a few more problems related to dis_stop_serving...
412 |
413 |
414 | 26/10/2009
415 | Changes for version 19.05:
416 | - dis_stop_serving had stopped working in version 19.4. So all servers that undeclared
417 | all services and then tried to re-declare new ones would fail (corrupted server name).
418 | Affected in particular the DimBridge
419 |
420 |
421 | 27/08/2009
422 | Changes for version 19.04:
423 | - Added the following functions:
424 | Server part:
425 | C - dis_get_n_clients(int service_id)
426 | C++ - int DimService::getNClients()
427 | Client part (C++ only):
428 | DimClient::setNoDataCopy()
429 | This will prevent any data copy in the client and the user should make
430 | sure that the data received from DIM is not used outside the callback
431 | in order to benefir from this feature.
432 | - Fixed the Java DIM Jar file, it was wrong in the previous version.
433 |
434 |
435 | 31/07/2009
436 | Changes for version 19.03:
437 | - Removed some more compilation warnings.
438 | - Fixed a bug in the DNS. The mechanism for retrieving the "SERVER_LIST" when
439 | some server names were longer that 35 characters was very slow.
440 |
441 |
442 | 06/07/2009
443 | Changes for version 19.02:
444 | - Fixed a bug in the server part handling of RPCs, it created a memory leak.
445 | It was using a separate thread to handle timeouts and there is no safe way to
446 | kill a thread from outside. Fixed.
447 | - the function dim_stop_thread() is now obsolete.
448 | - Added the possibility to change the send and receive buffer sizes:
449 | - int dim_set_write_buffer_size(int size)
450 | - int dim_get_write_buffer_size()
451 | - int dim_set_read_buffer_size(int size)
452 | - int dim_get_read_buffer_size()
453 | The default (and minimum) is 16384 bytes.
454 | These calls should be done before any other DIM calls.
455 | - Fixed a bug in the Java DimBrowser class (the format was not returned correctly)
456 |
457 | 04/05/2009
458 | Changes for version 19.01:
459 | - A server can now publish to more than one DNS.
460 | To use an extra DNS:
461 | - in "C":
462 | long dnsid;
463 | char extra_dns[128];
464 | ...
465 | dim_get_env_var("EXTRA_DNS_NODE", extra_dns, sizeof(extra_dns));
466 | dnsid = dis_add_dns(extra_dns,0);
467 | sprintf(name1,"NewService%d",i);
468 | dis_add_service_dns(dnsid, name1, "I", &NewData, sizeof(NewData),
469 | (void *)0, 0 );
470 | dis_start_serving_dns(dnsid, "xx_new");
471 |
472 | - in C++:
473 | DimServerDns *newDns;
474 | char *extraDns = 0;
475 | DimService *new_servint;
476 | ...
477 | extraDns = DimUtil::getEnvVar("EXTRA_DNS_NODE");
478 | if(extraDns)
479 | newDns = new DimServerDns(extraDns, 0, "new_TEST");
480 | ...
481 | if(extraDns)
482 | new_servint = new DimService(newDns, "new_TEST/INTVAL",ival);
483 |
484 | - Removed all warnings from DIM sources so that it can be compiled with -Wall -Wextra on Linux
485 | - Changed the makefiles so that the default on Linux is now 64 bits.
486 | - The flag 32BITS=yes can be added in order to generate 32 bit code
487 |
488 |
489 | 26/02/2009
490 | Changes for version 18.05:
491 | - Made the callback for "DIS_DNS/SERVER_LIST" uninterruptible, so that two clients subscribing
492 | would not get mixed up answers.
493 | - The same for "<server>/SERVICE_LIST"
494 | - Tryied to fix a DNS crash, introduced in v18r4 by releasing the connection when "informing clients".
495 | - removed some "//" comments in "C"
496 |
497 |
498 | 20/02/2009
499 | Changes for version 18.04:
500 | - Changed the dim_wait() mechanism, so that it works for several threads in parallel:
501 | - On Linux it was based on POSIX semaphores now it is based on POSIX "condition
502 | variables"
503 | - On Windows it was based on "Auto Reset Events" now it uses "Manual Resel "Events"
504 | - The DNS should now correctly update the "DIS_DNS/SERVER_LIST" service. It used to report
505 | a new server, even when the services already existed and the server was killed by the DNS.
506 | (And never report it killed). It also didn't report correctly when a server went out of "ERROR"
507 | (this is reported as a "+" as for a new server).
508 |
509 |
510 | 05/02/2009
511 | Changes for version 18.03:
512 | - The list of registered services in a server could get corrupted in some rare cases
513 | making the server crash - fixed.
514 | - If the DNS couldn't talk to a client it could sometimes hang - fixed.
515 | - Java client modifications:
516 | - DimUpdatedInfo was not working correctly - fixed in dim_jni.c.
517 | - Implemented DimRpcInfo
518 | - Changed the DimBroser class to use DimRpcInfo.
519 | - Added a jdim.jar file in the jdim/classes directory of the DIM distribution
520 |
521 |
522 | 15/01/2009
523 | Changes for version 18.02:
524 | - Added the following functions:
525 | - C++ Client
526 | - int DimClient.getServerPid()
527 | - Java Client
528 | - int DimClient.getServerPid()
529 | - String[] DimBrowser.getServers()
530 | - String DimBrowser.getServerNode(String server)
531 | - int DimBrowser.getServerPid(String server)
532 |
533 |
534 | 09/01/2009
535 | Changes for version 18.01:
536 | - Added in the distribution the Visual Studio 8 dlls and manifest. Otherwise
537 | it would not work on most PCs.
538 |
539 |
540 | 03/12/2008
541 | Changes for version 18.00:
542 | - The Windows execulables and libraries are now built using Visual Studio 8
543 | - Some changes added by GSI mainly in the Java Native Interface
544 |
545 |
546 | 06/11/2008
547 | Changes for version 17.12:
548 | - Client functionality:
549 | - Added a new function dic_stop(), to close anything related to DIM
550 | for a client
551 | - Added the function dic_get_server_pid(). Similar to dic_get_server().
552 | Can be executed in a callback to retrieve the pid of the current server
553 | - DimBrowser Class:
554 | - DimBrowser::getServices() used to create and destroy the DimRpc connection
555 | to the Dns every time it was called. This was heavy if called in a loop.
556 | Now the connection is maintained until the DimBrowser itself is destroyed.
557 | - A new method DimBrowser::getNextServer(char *&server, char *&node, int *pid)
558 | has been created. similar to the previous one but returns also the server pid.
559 | - DNS
560 | - The DNS was still doing some blocking write calls to servers or clients.
561 | Now all write calls have a timeout and can not block forever.
562 | - Linux DID
563 | - The "Subscribe" button was subscribing to services with update rate of 10 seconds.
564 | This was misleading, the users could think the server was calling update_service
565 | when it wasn't.
566 | Now there are two Subscribe buttons ("on change" or "Update rate of 10 seconds").
567 | - DimDridge
568 | - Accepts an extra flag "-copy" which provokes an internal copy of the data.
569 |
570 |
571 | 08/09/2008
572 | Changes for version 17.11:
573 | - Some DIM Processes, servers or clients could enter a loop taking 100 % CPU
574 | time in some rare occasions, fixed.
575 | - Added some protections when removing services in the DimBridge.
576 |
577 |
578 | 30/08/2008
579 | Changes for version 17.10:
580 | - Some DIM Processes, servers or clients would not reconnect when the DNS was
581 | restarted. Fixed two cause:
582 | - Some processes in Linux were stuck reading from the DNS socket
583 | - Some others "forgot" to set a timer under very special conditions
584 | - Changed some of the DNS debug messages to be more explicit.
585 |
586 |
587 | 21/07/2008
588 | Changes for version 17.09:
589 | - DIM error messages were not being flushed when the output was redirected
590 | to a logfile, fixed.
591 |
592 |
593 | 18/07/2008
594 | Changes for version 17.08:
595 | - Sometimes a server or a client could do a read on a sockect that had just
596 | been closed which left them hanging forever - fixed.
597 |
598 |
599 | 01/07/2008
600 | Changes for version 17.07:
601 | - The DimTimer was sometimes not started when the constructor was called
602 | with a time argument.
603 | - Clients could not connect to more than 1024 servers - fixed.
604 | (if the machine allows more than 1024 connections)
605 |
606 |
607 | 30/06/2008
608 | Changes for version 17.06:
609 | - Corrected the makefile for Darwin, now the number of accepted connections is
610 | increased to 8192 only for Linux.
611 | - Fixed a bug in the DimTimer, it used to accept to be re-started, but then crashed
612 | at destruction time if not stopped the same number of times. Now it can not be
613 | re-started.
614 | - The Dns used to ask servers to re-register at regular intervals when they were not
615 | sending their watchdog messages (i.e. they were in "ERROR", red in DID). Now the
616 | DNS only asks once (unless they answer). This could cause the DNS to hang if
617 | servers were in ERROR for a long time.
618 | - The Dns now accepts a command line parameter: -d to print debug messages.
619 | - The clients were not handling properly the case when they could contact the DNS
620 | but then they could not contact the server that the DNS gave them (either because
621 | of a firewall or because the server run on an inaccessible network). In this case
622 | the clients would timeout trying to contact the server for each service and kept
623 | asking the DNS the server coordinates over and over again. Now the clients keep
624 | a list on unreacheable servers, so they don't try to contact the server for each
625 | service and only ask the DNS again with an increasing interval that goes from 10
626 | seconds to 2 minutes maximum.
627 | - The server now issues an error message if the format string is too long.
628 | - Linux DID
629 | - Removed the command "Kill ALL Servers", it was too dangerous
630 | - Now the list of nodes in "View Servers by Node" is in alphabetical order and
631 | in lowercase.
632 |
633 |
634 | 30/04/2008
635 | Changes for version 17.05:
636 | - In Linux in some cases a SIGPIPE was generated. Normally the DIM library sets
637 | the behaviour of SIGPIPE to ignored, but if another library or main program
638 | changes the SIGPIPE behaviour, then the application could exit when the SIGPIPE
639 | was generated. Fixed - on Linux now the function send with flag MSG_NOSIGNAL
640 | is used in oder to avoid generating SIGPIPE.
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 | 4/04/2008
645 | Changes for version 17.04:
646 | - Sometimes processes (servers or clients) would hang when the DNS was restarted.
647 | This was due to a strange (Windows?) feature, by which a connect could succeed
648 | after a connection was closed (and reported) on the other side. Fixed.
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 | 27/03/2008
653 | Changes for version 17.03:
654 | - Can now make DID for 64 bits by making DIM using:
655 | gmake X64=yes all
656 | - Increased the size of the Hash tables for the servers and the DNS.
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 | 20/02/2008
661 | Changes for version 17.02:
662 | - Fixed the Java DimTimer - stop() didn't work
663 | Required changing dim_jni.c as well as the java part
664 | - Fixed DIM for Darwin - had stopped working
665 |
666 |
667 |
668 | 20/01/2008
669 | Changes for version 17.01:
670 | - The Java API now works on 64 bit machines, Thanks to Joern Adamczewski.
671 | Please use:
672 | gmake JDIM=yes all
673 | - Linux executables are now compiled/linked on slc4 (32 bits).
674 | - Big changes in the DimRpcs both client and server part. Tere were bugs
675 | related to the handling of timeouts.
676 | Unfortunatelly all applications using RPCs need to be re-linked.
677 |
678 |
679 |
680 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
681 | Previous version history:
682 |
683 | 07/12/2007
684 | Changes for version 16.14:
685 | - Now by default All DIM processes are ready to accept up to 8192 connections, both
686 | in Linux and Windows. Although in Linux for this to be effective the machine system
687 | limits must allow more than 1024 descriptors/open files per process.
688 | - Fixed a little memory leak in tokenstring.cxx
689 | - And a little compilation bug for some platforms in tcpip.c
690 |
691 |
692 | 15/05/2007
693 | Changes for version 16.13:
694 | - If DIM_HOST_NODE is defined when starting up a server, a DIM client will now try
695 | two network interfaces in order to talk to that server and only give up if they both
696 | fail. First it will try the ip name or ip address specified by the server using
697 | DIM_HOST_NODE, if that fails it will try the ip address of the default interface
698 | retrieved by the server using gethostname (and gethostbyname).
699 | The changes basically affect the case in which the DIM_HOST_NODE given to the servers
700 | is specified as IP address instad of an IP name. Otherwise this mechanism was already
701 | working.
702 |
703 |
704 | 3/05/2007
705 | Changes for version 16.12:
706 | - The Java version did not exit properly when main() terminated - fixed.
707 |
708 |
709 | 25/04/2007
710 | Changes for version 16.11:
711 | - On Linux the timeout to detect a lost connections (unplugged ethernet cable
712 | or machine reboot) was too long, around 15 minutes - Fixed.
713 | On Linux the KEEPALIVE feature is now used instead of a regular socket write,
714 | all other platforms should work as before.
715 |
716 |
717 | 21/02/2007
718 | Changes for version 16.10:
719 | - Found a bug in dis_stop_serving: one socket connection was not closed - fixed.
720 | - Implemented a new environment variable for the DNS: DIM_DNS_ACCEPTED_NODES
721 | Can receive a list on nodes or domains separated by commas.
722 | If the DNS receives a connection from a node not in this list, it will
723 | reject it and kill the server or client requesting it.
724 | - Fixed some C++ warnings.
725 |
726 |
727 | 19/01/2007
728 | Changes for version 16.9:
729 | - The modifications done in version 16.8 have introduced a bug:
730 | - DIM servers would not behave properly (exit) when receiving a kill command
731 | from the DNS (for duplicated services, not allowed host names or manual "kill")
732 | This is now fixed.
733 |
734 |
735 | 30/10/2006
736 | Changes for version 16.8:
737 | - Modified dis_stop_serving() and DimServer::stop() to completely stop DIM:
738 | - Stop also the DIM threads.
739 | - Release all allocated memory
740 | - Allow a different port number when re-starting.
741 |
742 |
743 | 11/07/2006
744 | Changes for version 16.7:
745 | - Prepared for increasing the number of open connections per process
746 | (On Linux still requires changing some parameters and recompiling the Dns)
747 | - Fixed one error and several warnings for gcc 4.
748 |
749 |
750 | 11/05/2006
751 | Changes for version 16.6:
752 | - Sometimes a server or client would crash while exiting if the DNS was not running.
753 | Fixed.
754 | - Fixed the reporting of some ERROR messages on Windows (used to report error "0")
755 | - Allowed dim_send_command to receive instead of -dns <node_name>
756 | -dns <node_name>[:<port_number>]
757 |
758 |
759 | 01/05/2006
760 | Changes for version 16.5:
761 | - Big Spring Cleanup. Removed most warnings. Can now be compiled on
762 | Windows with Warning Level 3 and on Linux with -Wall
763 | (still not working for -ansi -pedantic...)
764 | - When trying to access a server in a different network (i.e. not reacheable)
765 | a client (for example DID) would take very very long to timeout - fixed.
766 | - Added two new sets of functions that allow setting the DIM_DNS_NODE separately
767 | for a server and a client in the same process:
768 | - int dis_set_dns_node(char *node)
769 | - int dis_get_dns_node(char *node)
770 | - int dis_set_dns_port(int port)
771 | - int dis_get_dns_port()
772 |
773 | - int dic_set_dns_node(char *node)
774 | - int dic_get_dns_node(char *node)
775 | - int dic_set_dns_port(int port)
776 | - int dic_get_dns_port()
777 | These routines should be used instead of the equivalent ones starting with "dim_"
778 | since these set the same DIM_DNS_NODE/port for both Server and client parts of a
779 | process.
780 | - Adapted the C++ equivalents (DimClient::setDnsNode, etc. and DimServer::setDnsNode,
781 | etc.) to use the new routines, so they are now independent.
782 | Adapted also the Java equivalents.
783 | - Fixed DimBridge to use the new routines.
784 | - Fixed a bug in DID that made it crash sometimes at startup (and also when the DNS
785 | restarted)!
786 | - Found some very interesting features of DIM:
787 | - In a node with two ethernet interfaces (so connected to two networks):
788 | - The DNS will answer to servers and client on both networks, only its server
789 | part - DIS_DNS (the one that answers to DID and DimBrowser requests) would
790 | in principle answer only to one of the networks (in principle the default
791 | interface* but can be changed by setting the environment variable "DIM_HOST_NODE").
792 | - But, in fact, if the DNS or any server is started with the environment variable
793 | DIM_HOST_NODE set to the interface that is not the default* one. Than both the
794 | DNS (including the server part) and the DIM servers will be accessible from both
795 | networks. For example DID will work fine on both networks.
796 | * The command "hostname" will return the name of the default network interface.
797 |
798 | Note: As a result of inserting new functions the DIM shared library entry points have
799 | changed, so all DIM Servers/Clients should be relinked (in particular in Linux).
800 |
801 |
802 | 20/04/2006
803 | Changes for version 16.4:
804 | - Optimized the DNS for providing the list or running servers dynamically
805 | by subscribing to the service "DIS_DNS/SERVER_LIST"
806 |
807 |
808 | 07/04/2006
809 | Changes for version 16.3:
810 | - Upgraded to work on LynxOS Version 4.
811 | - Updated makefile for INTEL platform
812 | - Updated some ifdefs based on the existence of __Lynx__
813 |
814 |
815 | 10/03/2006
816 | Changes for version 16.2:
817 | - Increased the listen queue. To avoid "Connection Refused" messages from servers
818 | or from the DNS.
819 |
820 |
821 | 28/02/2006
822 | Changes for version 16.1:
823 | - Fixed the NO_THREADS option for LINUX, it had stopped working.
824 | - DimInfo::getData() could return an invalid pointer if called before connecting
825 | to the server (or discovering the server did not exist). Fixed
826 | (it now returns 0 in this case).
827 |
828 |
829 | 09/11/2005
830 | Changes for version 16.0:
831 | - Consolidated the new timer handling mechanism, should be much more precise.
832 | - Fixed the RPC handling. Used to be based on timming assumptions.
833 | Now uses a safe protocol to make sure the server is connected before sending
834 | an RPC request.
835 | - Included in the distribution some performance measurements and a benchmark
836 | server and client. Sources in src/benchmark executables in /bin for windows
837 | and /linux for linux.
838 | Usage:
839 | benchServer <message_size_in_bytes> <number_of_services>
840 | benchClient
841 | benchClient will run for a while and print the measurement results.
842 |
843 | Please check the Manual for more information at:
844 | http://www.cern.ch/dim