DIM version 9.8 Release Notes Notes 1 and 2 for Unix Users only NOTE 1: In order to "make" DIM two environment variables should be set: OS = one of {HP-UX, AIX, OSF1, Solaris, SunOS, LynxOS, Linux} DIMDIR = the path name of DIM's top level directory The user should then go to DIM's top level directory and do: > source .setup > gmake all Or, if there is no support for C++ on the machine: > gmake CPP=no all NOTE 2: The Name Server (Dns), DID, servers and clients (if running in background) should be started whith the output redirected to a logfile ex: Dns & dns.log & NOTE 3: The Version Number service provided by servers is now set to 908 (version 9.8). Changes for version 9.0: In order to increase the compatibility between Windows and Linux and to respect CVS rules the following modifications have been done: - C++ files have been renamed from .cc to .cxx and include files from .hh to .hxx - Include files are in "./dim" directory (Source files are now in the "./src" directory) - Windows executables and libraries are in "./bin" - Linux executables and libraries are "./linux" - Windows developper studio setting are in "./Visual" - Linux Makefiles are in the top directory Changes for version 9.1: Fixed some "Harp" problems: - Fixed a bug causing a loop in the timer handling - Optimized dns connection handling for many services - Fixed a re-connection bug for clients Changes for version 9.2: - Created the static methods: DimServer::autoStartOff(); DimServer::autoStartOn(); Which prevents/allows DimServices to be declared to the Name Server as soon as they are created. if "autoStart" is set Off the user has to call DimServer::start(char *serverName) when all services have been declared. By default autoStart is On Changes for version 9.3: - Created a new Utility: DimBridge - It forwards DIM Services (and Commands) from one Name Server to another (to bypass firewalls) - Fixed a bug in tcpip.c - which prevents a DIM Server to send test messages to himself (related to the above utility). Changes for version 9.4: - Merged DID and XDID (DID should now work on all UNIX flavours) - Allow users to select the ethernet interface (or to specify a complete ipname, with the domain, when not available by default): setenv DIM_HOST_NODE Before starting up a DIM server Changes for version 9.5: - Added an environment variable DIM_DNS_PORT allowing users to specify a different port number (default is 2505) for the DNS. This allows starting more than one DIM Name Servers (DNSs) on the same machine. - Accomodated for a Solaris "feature": ioctl FIONREAD which should return the number of bytes waiting to be read on a socket sometimes returns '0' when there are bytes to read. This provoked undesired "disconnections" in BaBar. - Fixed a bug related to the padding of structures (characters following an odd number of shorts) - Fixed a bug in the retry mechanism when writting to a full socket. The problem appeared when the connection was killed while retrying. - Did (Unix/Linux version) now allows sending formatted commands (i.e. structures) to a server. Also services are now visualised in a formatted manner. Changes for version 9.6: - Fixed DID: it crashed when a server name was very big (Motif) and it didn't remove servers that died while being in error (red). - Fixed a bug in the client library: sometimes services where requested from the name server more than once unnecessarily. - Fixed a bug in the server library: Sometimes the server crashed if it was updating a service when the client was killed or died. Changes for version 9.7 - Fixed a bug introduced in version 9.6 (related to the last point). Sometimes servers would leave some connections open and started using all the CPU (involves dis.c and tcpip.c). - Upgraded DID to support very long server names. Changes for version 9.8 - Fixed a bug in DID: it crashed when a service name to be viewed was typed in by hand - Fixed a bug in dis.c: Servers would not register their services with the DNS if the number of services was a multiple of 100. Please check the Manual for more information at: http://www.cern.ch/dim