1 | #ifndef __DISHHDEFS
2 | #define __DISHHDEFS
3 | #include <assert.h>
4 | #include <stdlib.h>
5 | #include <string.h>
6 | #ifndef WIN32
7 | #include <unistd.h>
8 | #endif
9 | #ifdef __VMS
10 | #include <starlet.h>
11 | #endif
12 | #include "dim_core.hxx"
13 | #include "dim.hxx"
14 | /*
15 | #define DimSHORT "S"
16 | #define DimINT "I"
17 | #define DimLONG "L"
18 | #define DimFLOAT "F"
19 | #define DimDOUBLE "D"
20 | #define DimSTRING "C"
21 | #define DimXLONG "X"
22 | */
23 | enum DisTYPE {
25 | };
26 |
27 | class DimService;
28 | class DimCommand;
29 |
30 | class DllExp DimServiceHandler{
31 | public:
32 | DimService *itsService;
33 | DimService *getService() { return itsService; } ;
34 | virtual void serviceHandler() = 0;
35 | virtual ~DimServiceHandler() {};
36 | };
37 |
38 | class DllExp DimCommandHandler{
39 | public:
40 | DimCommand *itsCommand;
41 | DimCommand *getCommand() { return itsCommand; } ;
42 | virtual void commandHandler() = 0;
43 | virtual ~DimCommandHandler() {};
44 | };
45 |
46 | class DllExp DimClientExitHandler{
47 | public:
48 | virtual void clientExitHandler() = 0;
49 | virtual ~DimClientExitHandler() {};
50 | };
51 |
52 | class DllExp DimExitHandler{
53 | public:
54 | virtual void exitHandler(int code) = 0;
55 | virtual ~DimExitHandler() {};
56 | };
57 |
58 | class DllExp DimServerDns
59 | {
60 | public:
61 | DimServerDns(const char *node);
62 | DimServerDns(const char *node, int port);
63 | DimServerDns(const char *node, int port, char *name);
64 | ~DimServerDns();
65 | void init(const char *node, int port);
66 | long getDnsId();
67 | void setName(const char *name);
68 | char *getName();
69 | void autoStartOn();
70 | void autoStartOff();
71 | int isAutoStart();
72 | void addServiceId(int id);
73 | int *getServiceIdList();
74 | private:
75 | char *itsNode;
76 | int itsPort;
77 | long itsDnsId;
78 | char *itsName;
79 | int autoStart;
80 | int *itsServiceIdList;
81 | int itsServiceIdListSize;
82 | int itsNServiceIds;
83 | // int itsNServices;
84 | };
85 |
86 | class DllExp DimServer : public DimServiceHandler, public DimCommandHandler,
87 | public DimClientExitHandler, public DimExitHandler, public DimErrorHandler
88 | {
89 | public:
90 | static char *clientName;
91 | static char *itsName;
92 | static char *dimDnsNode;
93 | static int autoStart;
94 | static DimClientExitHandler *itsClientExit;
95 | static DimExitHandler *itsExit;
96 | static DimErrorHandler *itsSrvError;
97 | // static int itsNServices;
98 | DimServer();
99 | virtual ~DimServer();
100 | static void start(const char *name);
101 | static void start(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name);
102 | static void start();
103 | static void start(DimServerDns *dns);
104 | static void stop();
105 | static void stop(DimServerDns *dns);
106 | static void autoStartOn();
107 | static void autoStartOff();
108 | // Get Current Client Identifier
109 | static int getClientId();
110 | // Get Current Client Name
111 | static char *getClientName();
112 | static void setClientExitHandler(int clientId);
113 | static void clearClientExitHandler(int clientId);
114 | static void addClientExitHandler(DimClientExitHandler *handler);
115 | void addClientExitHandler();
116 | static void addExitHandler(DimExitHandler *handler);
117 | static void addErrorHandler(DimErrorHandler *handler);
118 | static int setDnsNode(const char *node);
119 | static int setDnsNode(const char *node, int port);
120 | static long addDns(const char *node, int port);
121 | static void stopDns(long dnsid);
122 | static char *getDnsNode();
123 | static int getDnsPort();
124 | static void setWriteTimeout(int secs);
125 | static int getWriteTimeout();
126 | void addExitHandler();
127 | void addErrorHandler();
128 | virtual void clientExitHandler() {};
129 | virtual void exitHandler(int /* code */) {};
130 | virtual void errorHandler(int /* severity */, int /* code */, char* /* msg */) {};
131 | // static char *getClientServices();
132 | // static char *getClientServices(int clientId);
133 | static char **getClientServices();
134 |
135 | virtual void serviceHandler() {};
136 | virtual void commandHandler() {};
137 | };
138 |
139 | class DllExp DimService : public DimServiceHandler {
140 |
141 | public :
142 | DimServiceHandler *itsServiceHandler;
143 |
144 | // The object contains the value to be published. Service to be updated with an argument of same type;
145 | DimService();
146 |
147 | DimService(const char *name, int &value);
148 | DimService(const char *name, float &value);
149 | DimService(const char *name, double &value);
150 | DimService(const char *name, longlong &value);
151 | DimService(const char *name, short &value);
152 | DimService(const char *name, char *string);
153 |
154 | DimService(const char *name, char *format, void *structure, int size);
155 |
156 | DimService(const char *name, char *format, DimServiceHandler *handler);
157 |
158 | DimService(const char *name, const char *format, void *structure, int size);
159 |
160 | DimService(const char *name, const char *format, DimServiceHandler *handler);
161 |
162 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, int &value);
163 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, float &value);
164 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, double &value);
165 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, longlong &value);
166 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, short &value);
167 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, char *string);
168 |
169 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, char *format, void *structure, int size);
170 |
171 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, char *format, DimServiceHandler *handler);
172 |
173 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, const char *format, void *structure, int size);
174 |
175 | DimService(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, const char *format, DimServiceHandler *handler);
176 |
177 | virtual ~DimService();
178 |
179 | // Update methods
180 | int updateService();
181 | // Update the value as well...
182 | int updateService( int &value );
183 | int updateService( float &value );
184 | int updateService( double &value ) ;
185 | int updateService( longlong &value );
186 | int updateService( short &value );
187 | int updateService( char *string );
188 |
189 | int updateService( void *structure, int size );
190 |
191 | // Selective Update methods
192 | int selectiveUpdateService(int *cids);
193 | // Update the value as well...
194 | int selectiveUpdateService( int &value, int *cids);
195 | int selectiveUpdateService( float &value, int *cids );
196 | int selectiveUpdateService( double &value, int *cids );
197 | int selectiveUpdateService( longlong &value, int *cids );
198 | int selectiveUpdateService( short &value, int *cids );
199 | int selectiveUpdateService( char *string, int *cids );
200 |
201 | int selectiveUpdateService( void *structure, int size, int *cids );
202 |
203 | void setQuality(int quality);
204 | void setTimestamp(int secs, int millisecs);
205 |
206 | void *itsData;
207 | int itsDataSize;
208 | int itsSize;
209 | DisTYPE itsType;
210 | void setData(void *data, int size);
211 | void setData(int &data);
212 | void setData(float &data);
213 | void setData(double &data);
214 | void setData(longlong &data);
215 | void setData(short &data);
216 | void setData(char *data);
217 |
218 | virtual void serviceHandler() {};
219 | // Accessors
220 | char *getName();
221 | int getTimeout(int clientId);
222 | int getNClients();
223 |
224 | private :
225 | char *itsName;
226 | int itsId;
227 | int itsTagId;
228 | void declareIt(char *name, char *format, DimServiceHandler *handler, DimServerDns *dns);
229 | void storeIt(void *data, int size);
230 | DimServerDns *itsDns;
231 | };
232 |
233 | class DllExp CmndInfo : public SLLItem {
234 | friend class DimCommand;
235 | void *itsData;
236 | int itsDataSize;
237 | int secs, millisecs;
238 | public:
239 | CmndInfo(void *data, int datasize, int tsecs, int tmillisecs);
240 | ~CmndInfo();
241 | };
242 |
243 | class DllExp DimCommand : public DimCommandHandler {
244 |
245 | public :
246 | DimCommandHandler *itsCommandHandler;
247 |
248 | DimCommand(const char *name, char *format);
249 |
250 | DimCommand(const char *name, char *format, DimCommandHandler *handler);
251 |
252 | DimCommand(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, char *format);
253 |
254 | DimCommand(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, char *format, DimCommandHandler *handler);
255 |
256 | DimCommand(const char *name, const char *format);
257 |
258 | DimCommand(const char *name, const char *format, DimCommandHandler *handler);
259 |
260 | DimCommand(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, const char *format);
261 |
262 | DimCommand(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, const char *format, DimCommandHandler *handler);
263 |
264 | int getNext();
265 | int hasNext();
266 | void *itsData;
267 | int itsSize;
268 | void *getData();
269 | int getInt();
270 | float getFloat();
271 | double getDouble();
272 | longlong getLonglong();
273 | short getShort();
274 | char *getString();
275 | int getSize();
276 | char *getFormat();
277 | int getTimestamp();
278 | int getTimestampMillisecs();
279 |
280 | virtual void commandHandler();
281 |
282 | // Accessors
283 | char *getName();
284 | virtual ~DimCommand();
285 |
286 | private :
287 | char *itsName;
288 | int itsId;
289 | int itsTagId;
290 | char *itsFormat;
291 | void declareIt(char *name, char *format, DimCommandHandler *handler, DimServerDns *dns);
292 | CmndInfo *currCmnd;
293 | SLList itsCmndList;
294 | DimServerDns *itsDns;
295 | public:
296 | int secs, millisecs;
297 | };
298 |
299 | class DllExp DimRpc
300 | {
301 | public :
302 |
303 | // The object contains the value to be published. Service to be updated with an argument of same type;
304 | DimRpc();
305 |
306 | DimRpc(const char *name, const char *formatin, const char *formatout);
307 |
308 | DimRpc(DimServerDns *dns, const char *name, const char *formatin, const char *formatout);
309 |
310 | // Desctructor
311 | virtual ~DimRpc();
312 |
313 | void *itsDataIn;
314 | int itsSizeIn;
315 | void *getData();
316 | int getInt();
317 | float getFloat();
318 | double getDouble();
319 | longlong getLonglong();
320 | short getShort();
321 | char *getString();
322 | int getSize();
323 |
324 | void *itsDataOut;
325 | int itsDataOutSize;
326 | int itsSizeOut;
327 |
328 | void setData(void *data, int size);
329 | void setData(int &data);
330 | void setData(float &data);
331 | void setData(double &data);
332 | void setData(longlong &data);
333 | void setData(short &data);
334 | void setData(char *data);
335 |
336 | virtual void rpcHandler() = 0;
337 | // Accessors
338 | char *getName();
339 | int itsIdIn;
340 | int itsIdOut;
341 | private :
342 | int itsTagId;
343 | char *itsName;
344 | char *itsNameIn;
345 | char *itsNameOut;
346 | void declareIt(char *name, char *formatin, char *formatout, DimServerDns *dns);
347 | void storeIt(void *data, int size);
348 | void timerHandler();
349 | DimServerDns *itsDns;
350 | public:
351 | int itsKilled;
352 | int itsTimeout;
353 | };
354 |
355 |
356 | #endif
357 |