#ifndef __DIMDEFS #define __DIMDEFS /* * DNA (Delphi Network Access) implements the network layer for the DIM * (Delphi Information Managment) System. * * Started : 10-11-91 * Last modification : 03-08-94 * Written by : C. Gaspar * Adjusted by : G.C. Ballintijn * */ #include "dim_common.h" #define DIM_VERSION_NUMBER 1920 #define MY_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0x1 #define MY_BIG_ENDIAN 0x2 #define VAX_FLOAT 0x10 #define IEEE_FLOAT 0x20 #define AXP_FLOAT 0x30 #define MY_OS9 0x100 #define IT_IS_FLOAT 0x1000 #ifdef VMS #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DIM_NOSHARE noshare #define RE_ENABLE_AST long int ast_enable = sys$setast(1); #define RE_DISABLE_AST if (ast_enable != SS$_WASSET) sys$setast(0); #define vtohl(l) (l) #define htovl(l) (l) #ifdef __alpha #define MY_FORMAT MY_LITTLE_ENDIAN+AXP_FLOAT #else #define MY_FORMAT MY_LITTLE_ENDIAN+VAX_FLOAT #endif #endif #ifdef __unix__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VxWorks #include #endif #define DIM_NOSHARE #define RE_ENABLE_AST sigset_t set, oset;sigemptyset(&set);sigaddset(&set,SIGIO);sigaddset(&set,SIGALRM);sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&set,&oset); #define RE_DISABLE_AST sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,&oset,0); #ifdef MIPSEL #define vtohl(l) (l) #define htovl(l) (l) #define MY_FORMAT MY_LITTLE_ENDIAN+IEEE_FLOAT #endif #ifdef MIPSEB #define vtohl(l) _swapl(l) #define htovl(l) _swapl(l) #define vtohs(s) _swaps(s) #define htovs(s) _swaps(s) #define MY_FORMAT MY_BIG_ENDIAN+IEEE_FLOAT #endif _DIM_PROTO( int _swapl, (int l) ); _DIM_PROTO( short _swaps, (short s) ); #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DIM_NOSHARE #define RE_ENABLE_AST #define RE_DISABLE_AST #ifdef MIPSEL #define vtohl(l) (l) #define htovl(l) (l) #define MY_FORMAT MY_LITTLE_ENDIAN+IEEE_FLOAT #endif #ifdef MIPSEB #define vtohl(l) _swapl(l) #define htovl(l) _swapl(l) #define vtohs(s) _swaps(s) #define htovs(s) _swaps(s) #define MY_FORMAT MY_BIG_ENDIAN+IEEE_FLOAT #endif _DIM_PROTO( int _swapl, (int l) ); _DIM_PROTO( short _swaps, (short s) ); #endif #ifdef OSK #include #ifndef _UCC #include #else #define register #endif #include #include #include #include #define DIM_NOSHARE #define RE_ENABLE_AST sigmask(DEC_LEVEL); #define RE_DISABLE_AST sigmask(INC_LEVEL); #define vtohl(l) _swapl(l) #define htovl(l) _swapl(l) #define vtohs(s) _swaps(s) #define htovs(s) _swaps(s) #define MY_FORMAT MY_BIG_ENDIAN+IEEE_FLOAT+MY_OS9 typedef unsigned short ushort; _DIM_PROTO( char *getenv, (char *name) ); _DIM_PROTO( void *malloc, (unsigned size) ); _DIM_PROTO( void *realloc, (void *ptr, unsigned size) ); _DIM_PROTO( int _swapl, (int l) ); _DIM_PROTO( short _swaps, (short s) ); #endif #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define DNS_TASK "DIM_DNS" #define DNS_PORT 2505 /* Name server port */ #define SEEK_PORT 0 /* server should seek a port */ #define MIN_BIOCNT 50 #ifdef OSK #define DIS_DNS_TMOUT_MIN 5 #define DIS_DNS_TMOUT_MAX 10 #define DIC_DNS_TMOUT_MIN 5 #define DIC_DNS_TMOUT_MAX 10 #define MAX_SERVICE_UNIT 32 #define MAX_REGISTRATION_UNIT 100 #define CONN_BLOCK 32 #define MAX_CONNS 32 #define ID_BLOCK 64 #define TCP_RCV_BUF_SIZE 4096 #define TCP_SND_BUF_SIZE 4096 #else #define DIS_DNS_TMOUT_MIN 5 #define DIS_DNS_TMOUT_MAX 10 #define DIC_DNS_TMOUT_MIN 5 #define DIC_DNS_TMOUT_MAX 10 #define MAX_SERVICE_UNIT 100 #define MAX_REGISTRATION_UNIT 100 #define CONN_BLOCK 256 #define MAX_CONNS 1024 #define ID_BLOCK 512 #define TCP_RCV_BUF_SIZE 16384/*32768*//*65536*/ #define TCP_SND_BUF_SIZE 16384/*32768*//*65536*/ #endif #define DID_DNS_TMOUT_MIN 5 #define DID_DNS_TMOUT_MAX 10 /* #define WATCHDOG_TMOUT_MIN 120 #define WATCHDOG_TMOUT_MAX 180 */ #define WATCHDOG_TMOUT_MIN 60 #define WATCHDOG_TMOUT_MAX 90 /* #define WATCHDOG_TMOUT_MIN 15 #define WATCHDOG_TMOUT_MAX 25 */ #define MAX_NODE_NAME 40 #define MAX_TASK_NAME 40 #define MAX_NAME 132 /* #define MAX_CMND 16384 #define MAX_IO_DATA 65535 #define MAX_IO_DATA (TCP_SND_BUF_SIZE - 16) */ typedef enum { DNS_DIS_REGISTER, DNS_DIS_KILL, DNS_DIS_STOP, DNS_DIS_EXIT } DNS_DIS_TYPES; typedef enum { RD_HDR, RD_DATA, RD_DUMMY } CONN_STATE; typedef enum { NOSWAP, SWAPS, SWAPL, SWAPD} SWAP_TYPE; #define DECNET 0 /* Decnet as transport layer */ #define TCPIP 1 /* Tcpip as transport layer */ #define BOTH 2 /* Both protocols allowed */ #define STA_DISC (-1) /* Connection lost */ #define STA_DATA 0 /* Data received */ #define STA_CONN 1 /* Connection made */ #define START_PORT_RANGE 5100 /* Lowest port to use */ #define STOP_PORT_RANGE 10000 /* Highest port to use */ #define TEST_TIME_OSK 15 /* Interval to test conn. */ #define TEST_TIME_VMS 30 /* Interval to test conn. */ #define TEST_WRITE_TAG 25 /* DTQ tag for test writes */ #define OPN_MAGIC 0xc0dec0de /* Magic value 1st packet */ #define HDR_MAGIC 0xfeadfead /* Magic value in header */ #define LONG_HDR_MAGIC 0xfeadc0de /* Magic value in long header*/ #define TST_MAGIC 0x11131517 /* Magic value, test write */ #define TRP_MAGIC 0x71513111 /* Magic value, test reply */ /* String Format */ typedef struct{ int par_num; short par_bytes; short flags; /* bits 0-1 is type of swap, bit 4 id float conversion */ }FORMAT_STR; /* Packet sent by the client to the server inside DNA */ typedef struct{ int code; char node[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task[MAX_TASK_NAME]; } DNA_NET; /* Packet sent by the client to the server */ typedef struct{ int size; char service_name[MAX_NAME]; int service_id; int type; int timeout; int format; int buffer[1]; } DIC_PACKET; #define DIC_HEADER (MAX_NAME + 20) /* Packets sent by the server to the client */ typedef struct{ int size; int service_id; int buffer[1]; } DIS_PACKET; #define DIS_HEADER 8 typedef struct{ int size; int service_id; int time_stamp[2]; int quality; int reserved[3]; int buffer[1]; } DIS_STAMPED_PACKET; #define DIS_STAMPED_HEADER 32 /* Packet sent by the server to the name_server */ typedef struct{ char service_name[MAX_NAME]; int service_id; char service_def[MAX_NAME]; } SERVICE_REG; typedef struct{ int size; SRC_TYPES src_type; char node_name[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task_name[MAX_TASK_NAME-4]; char node_addr[4]; int pid; int port; int protocol; int format; int n_services; SERVICE_REG services[MAX_SERVICE_UNIT]; } DIS_DNS_PACKET; #define DIS_DNS_HEADER (MAX_NODE_NAME + MAX_TASK_NAME + 28) /* Packet sent by the name_server to the server */ typedef struct { int size; int type; } DNS_DIS_PACKET; #define DNS_DIS_HEADER 8 /* Packet sent by the client to the name_server */ typedef struct{ char service_name[MAX_NAME]; int service_id; } SERVICE_REQ; typedef struct{ int size; SRC_TYPES src_type; SERVICE_REQ service; } DIC_DNS_PACKET; /* Packet sent by the name_server to the client */ typedef struct { int size; int service_id; char service_def[MAX_NAME]; char node_name[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task_name[MAX_TASK_NAME-4]; char node_addr[4]; int pid; int port; int protocol; int format; } DNS_DIC_PACKET; #define DNS_DIC_HEADER (MAX_NODE_NAME + MAX_TASK_NAME + MAX_NAME + 24) typedef struct { char name[MAX_NAME]; char node[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task[MAX_TASK_NAME]; int type; int status; int n_clients; } DNS_SERV_INFO; typedef struct { char name[MAX_NAME]; int type; int status; int n_clients; } DNS_SERVICE_INFO; typedef struct { char node[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task[MAX_TASK_NAME]; int pid; int n_services; } DNS_SERVER_INFO; typedef struct { DNS_SERVER_INFO server; DNS_SERVICE_INFO services[1]; } DNS_DID; typedef struct { char node[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task[MAX_TASK_NAME]; } DNS_CLIENT_INFO; typedef struct { int header_size; int data_size; int header_magic; } DNA_HEADER; typedef struct { int header_size; int data_size; int header_magic; int time_stamp[2]; int quality; } DNA_LONG_HEADER; /* Connection handling */ typedef struct timer_entry{ struct timer_entry *next; struct timer_entry *prev; struct timer_entry *next_done; int time; int time_left; void (*user_routine)(); long tag; } TIMR_ENT; typedef struct { int busy; void (*read_ast)(); void (*error_ast)(); int *buffer; int buffer_size; char *curr_buffer; int curr_size; int full_size; int protocol; CONN_STATE state; int writing; int saw_init; } DNA_CONNECTION; extern DllExp DIM_NOSHARE DNA_CONNECTION *Dna_conns; typedef struct { int channel; int mbx_channel; void (*read_rout)(); char *buffer; int size; unsigned short *iosb_r; unsigned short *iosb_w; char node[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task[MAX_TASK_NAME]; int port; int reading; int timeout; TIMR_ENT *timr_ent; time_t last_used; } NET_CONNECTION; extern DllExp DIM_NOSHARE NET_CONNECTION *Net_conns; typedef struct { char node_name[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task_name[MAX_TASK_NAME]; int port; int pid; char *service_head; } DIC_CONNECTION; extern DIM_NOSHARE DIC_CONNECTION *Dic_conns; typedef struct { SRC_TYPES src_type; char node_name[MAX_NODE_NAME]; char task_name[MAX_TASK_NAME-4]; char node_addr[4]; int pid; int port; char *service_head; char *node_head; int protocol; int validity; int n_services; int old_n_services; TIMR_ENT *timr_ent; int already; char long_task_name[MAX_TASK_NAME*2]; } DNS_CONNECTION; extern DllExp DIM_NOSHARE DNS_CONNECTION *Dns_conns; extern DllExp DIM_NOSHARE int Curr_N_Conns; /* Client definitions needed by dim_jni.c (from H.Essel GSI) */ typedef enum { NOT_PENDING, WAITING_DNS_UP, WAITING_DNS_ANSWER, WAITING_SERVER_UP, WAITING_CMND_ANSWER, DELETED } PENDING_STATES; typedef struct dic_serv { struct dic_serv *next; struct dic_serv *prev; char serv_name[MAX_NAME]; int serv_id; FORMAT_STR format_data[MAX_NAME/4]; char def[MAX_NAME]; int format; int type; int timeout; int curr_timeout; int *serv_address; int serv_size; int *fill_address; int fill_size; void (*user_routine)(); long tag; TIMR_ENT *timer_ent; int conn_id; PENDING_STATES pending; int tmout_done; int stamped; int time_stamp[2]; int quality; int tid; } DIC_SERVICE; /* PROTOTYPES */ /* DNA */ _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_start_read, (int conn_id, int size) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void dna_test_write, (int conn_id) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_write, (int conn_id, void *buffer, int size) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_write_nowait, (int conn_id, void *buffer, int size) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_open_server, (char *task, void (*read_ast)(), int *protocol, int *port, void (*error_ast)()) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_get_node_task, (int conn_id, char *node, char *task) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_open_client, (char *server_node, char *server_task, int port, int server_protocol, void (*read_ast)(), void (*error_ast)(), SRC_TYPES src_type )); _DIM_PROTOE( int dna_close, (int conn_id) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void dna_report_error, (int conn_id, int code, char *routine_name) ); /* TCPIP */ _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_open_client, (int conn_id, char *node, char *task, int port) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_open_server, (int conn_id, char *task, int *port) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_open_connection, (int conn_id, int channel) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_start_read, (int conn_id, char *buffer, int size, void (*ast_routine)()) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_start_listen, (int conn_id, void (*ast_routine)()) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_write, (int conn_id, char *buffer, int size) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void tcpip_get_node_task, (int conn_id, char *node, char *task) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_close, (int conn_id) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int tcpip_failure, (int code) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void tcpip_report_error, (int code) ); /* DTQ */ _DIM_PROTOE( int dtq_create, (void) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dtq_delete, (int queue_id) ); _DIM_PROTOE( TIMR_ENT *dtq_add_entry, (int queue_id, int time, void (*user_routine)(), long tag) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dtq_clear_entry, (TIMR_ENT *entry) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dtq_rem_entry, (int queue_id, TIMR_ENT *entry) ); /* UTIL */ typedef struct dll { struct dll *next; struct dll *prev; char user_info[1]; } DLL; typedef struct sll { struct sll *next; char user_info[1]; } SLL; _DIM_PROTO( void DimDummy, () ); _DIM_PROTOE( void conn_arr_create, (SRC_TYPES type) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int conn_get, (void) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void conn_free, (int conn_id) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void *arr_increase, (void *conn_ptr, int conn_size, int n_conns) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void id_arr_create, () ); _DIM_PROTOE( void *id_arr_increase,(void *id_ptr, int id_size, int n_ids) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void dll_init, ( DLL *head ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void dll_insert_queue, ( DLL *head, DLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void dll_insert_after, ( DLL *after, DLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( DLL *dll_search, ( DLL *head, char *data, int size ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( DLL *dll_get_next, ( DLL *head, DLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( DLL *dll_get_prev, ( DLL *head, DLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int dll_empty, ( DLL *head ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void dll_remove, ( DLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( void sll_init, ( SLL *head ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int sll_insert_queue, ( SLL *head, SLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( SLL *sll_search, ( SLL *head, char *data, int size ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( SLL *sll_get_next, ( SLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int sll_empty, ( SLL *head ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int sll_remove, ( SLL *head, SLL *item ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( SLL *sll_remove_head, ( SLL *head ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( SLL *sll_search_next_remove, ( SLL *item, int offset, char *data, int size ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( SLL *sll_get_head, ( SLL *head ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int HashFunction, ( char *name, int max ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int copy_swap_buffer_out, (int format, FORMAT_STR *format_data, void *buff_out, void *buff_in, int size) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int copy_swap_buffer_in, (FORMAT_STR *format_data, void *buff_out, void *buff_in, int size) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int get_node_name, (char *node_name) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int get_dns_port_number, () ); _DIM_PROTOE( int get_dns_node_name, ( char *node_name ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int get_dns_accepted_domains, ( char *domains ) ); _DIM_PROTOE( int get_dns_accepted_nodes, ( char *nodes ) ); _DIM_PROTO( double _swapd_by_addr, (double *d) ); _DIM_PROTO( int _swapl_by_addr, (int *l) ); _DIM_PROTO( short _swaps_by_addr, (short *s) ); _DIM_PROTO( void _swapd_buffer, (double *dout, double *din, int n) ); _DIM_PROTO( void _swapl_buffer, (int *lout, int *lin, int n) ); _DIM_PROTO( void _swaps_buffer, (short *sout, short *sin, int n) ); #define SIZEOF_CHAR 1 #define SIZEOF_SHORT 2 #define SIZEOF_LONG 4 #define SIZEOF_FLOAT 4 #define SIZEOF_DOUBLE 8 #if defined(OSK) && !defined(_UCC) # define inc_pter(p,i) (char *)p += (i) #else # define inc_pter(p,i) p = (void *)((char *)p + (i)) #endif #endif