1 | /*
2 | * QtGl.h
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jul 20, 2011
5 | * Author: lyard
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef QTGL_H_
9 | #define QTGL_H_
10 |
11 | #define NBOARDS 40 // max. number of boards
12 | #define NPIX 1440 // max. number of pixels
13 | #define NTMARK 160 // max. number of timeMarker signals
14 |
15 | //#define LOAD_RAW
16 |
17 | #include <QtCore/QObject>
18 | #include <QtCore/QTimer>
19 | #include <QtGui/QLabel>
20 | #include <QtGui/QListWidget>
21 | #include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
22 | #include <QtOpenGL/QGLWidget>
23 | #include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
24 | #include <QtGui/QColorDialog>
25 | #include <QtGui/QApplication>
26 | #include <iostream>
27 | #include <GL/gl.h>
28 |
29 | #define __MARS__
30 | #include <MFits.h>
31 | #include <string>
32 | using namespace std;
33 |
34 |
35 | #define NUM_STORED_EVENTS 5
36 | #define MAX_NUM_PIXELS 1600
37 | #define ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS 1440
38 |
39 | ///structure for storing edges of hexagons (for blurry display)
40 | struct edge
41 | {
42 | int first;
43 | int second;
44 | };
45 |
46 | ///structure for storing neighbors of pixels. For camera position calculation and blurry display
47 | struct PixelsNeighbors
48 | {
49 | //neighbors. clockwise, starting from top
50 | int neighbors[6];
51 | PixelsNeighbors()
52 | {
53 | for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
54 | neighbors[i] = -1;
55 | }
56 | int& operator[](int index){return neighbors[index];}
57 | };
58 |
59 | /*************************************************
60 | * Class Raw Data Viewer. FACT raw data diplayer
61 | *************************************************/
62 | class RawDataViewer : public QGLWidget
63 | {
65 |
66 | friend class UIConnector;
67 | public:
68 | RawDataViewer(QWidget *parent = 0);
69 | ~RawDataViewer();
70 | void openFile(string& filename);
71 |
72 | public Q_SLOTS:
73 | void plusEvent();
74 | void minusEvent();
75 | void setEventStep(int step);
76 | void nextSlice();
77 |
79 | void signalCurrentEvent(int event);
80 | void signalCurrentSlice(int slice);
81 | void newFileLoaded();
82 |
83 | protected:
84 | void initializeGL();
85 | void resizeGL(int width, int height);
86 | void paintGL();
87 | void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
88 | void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
89 | void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
90 |
91 | private:
92 | void drawCamera(bool alsoWire);
93 | void drawPixelCurve();
94 | void drawPatches();
95 | int PixelAtPosition(const QPoint &pos);
96 | void updateNeighbors(int currentPixel);
97 | void skipPixels(int start, int howMany);
98 | void calculatePixelsCoords();
99 | void drawHexagon(int index, bool solid);
100 | void setCorrectSlice(QMouseEvent* event);
101 | bool IsFits(const char* name);
102 | void eventStepping(bool plus);
103 | void buildVerticesList();
104 | void buildPatchesIndices();
105 | void calcBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex);
106 | void drawBlurryHexagon(int index);
107 | float hexRadius;
108 | float hexTolerance;
109 | float viewSize;
110 | int whichSlice;
111 | int selectedPixel;
112 | float pixelSize;
113 | float shownSizex;
114 | float shownSizey;
115 | bool drawPatch;
116 | bool drawImpulse;
117 | bool drawBlur;
118 | //allocate the maximum size for one event
119 | int16_t *eventData;
120 | uint32_t boardTime[NBOARDS];
121 | int16_t startPix[NPIX];
122 | int16_t startTM[NTMARK];
123 | uint32_t pcTime;
124 | uint32_t softTrig;
125 | uint16_t triggerType;
126 | int nRows;
127 | int rowNum;
128 | int eventNum;
129 | int nRoi;
130 | int runNumber;
131 | int nTM;
132 | int runType;
133 | int firstDataTime;
134 | int lastDataTime;
135 | int eventStep;
136 |
137 | int hardwareMapping[1440];
138 | int patches[160][9];
139 | GLfloat patchesColor[160][3];
140 | vector<edge> patchesIndices[160];
141 | MFits* inputFile;
142 |
143 | QPoint lastPos;
144 |
145 | GLfloat pixelsCoords[MAX_NUM_PIXELS][3];
146 | PixelsNeighbors neighbors[MAX_NUM_PIXELS];
147 | GLfloat pixelsColor[ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS][3];
148 | GLfloat verticesList[ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS*6][2];
149 | int verticesIndices[ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS][6];
150 | int numVertices;
151 | };
152 | /*************************************************
153 | * Class UIConnector. used to connect the interface to the raw data displayer
154 | *************************************************/
155 | class UIConnector : public QObject
156 | {
157 | Q_OBJECT
158 | public:
159 | UIConnector(QWidget *parent = 0);
160 | void setViewer(RawDataViewer* v);
161 |
162 | public Q_SLOTS:
163 | void loadNewFileClicked();
164 | void fileSelected(QString file);
165 | void drawPatchesCheckChange(int state);
166 | void drawImpulseCheckChange(int state);
167 | void drawBlurCheckChange(int state);
168 | void newFileLoaded();
169 | void playPauseClicked();
170 | void slicesPerSecondChanged(double value);
171 | void nextSlicePlease();
172 | void currentSliceHasChanged(int slice);
173 | void currentEventHasChanged(int event);
174 | void rangeChanged0(double value);
175 | void rangeChanged1(double value);
176 | void rangeChanged2(double value);
177 | void rangeChanged3(double value);
178 | void rangeChanged4(double value);
179 | void redChanged0(double value);
180 | void redChanged1(double value);
181 | void redChanged2(double value);
182 | void redChanged3(double value);
183 | void redChanged4(double value);
184 | void greenChanged0(double value);
185 | void greenChanged1(double value);
186 | void greenChanged2(double value);
187 | void greenChanged3(double value);
188 | void greenChanged4(double value);
189 | void blueChanged0(double value);
190 | void blueChanged1(double value);
191 | void blueChanged2(double value);
192 | void blueChanged3(double value);
193 | void blueChanged4(double value);
194 |
195 | Q_SIGNALS:
196 | void updateCurrentSliceDisplay(QString);
197 | void updateCurrentEventDisplay(QString);
198 | void updateCurrentPCTime(QString);
199 | void updateCurrentSoftTrigger(QString);
200 | void updateCurrentTriggerType(QString);
201 |
202 |
203 | private:
204 | RawDataViewer* viewer;
205 | QTimer timer;
206 | string currentFile;
207 | public:
208 | QListWidget *boardsTimeList;
209 | QListWidget* startPixelsList;
210 | QListWidget* startTimeMarksList;
211 | QLabel* fileLoadedLabel;
212 | QLabel* runNumberLabel;
213 | QLabel* numberOfSlicesLabel;
214 | QLabel* numberOfTimeMarksLabel;
215 | QLabel* runTypeLabel;
216 | QLabel* firstTimeLabel;
217 | QLabel* lastTimeLabel;
218 |
219 | };
220 |
221 | #endif /* QTGL_H_ */