1 | /*
2 | * QtGl.h
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jul 20, 2011
5 | * Author: lyard
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef QTGL_H_
9 | #define QTGL_H_
10 |
11 | #define NBOARDS 40 // max. number of boards
12 | #define NPIX 1440 // max. number of pixels
13 | #define NTMARK 160 // max. number of timeMarker signals
14 |
15 | //#define LOAD_RAW
16 |
17 | #include <QObject>
18 | #include <QTimer>
19 | #include <QLabel>
20 | #include <QListWidget>
21 | #include <QMainWindow>
22 | #include <QPushButton>
23 |
24 | //#include <QtOpenGL/QGLWidget>
25 | #include "../BasicGlCamera.h"
26 |
27 | #include <QMouseEvent>
28 | #include <QColorDialog>
29 | #include <QApplication>
30 | #include <QSpinBox>
31 | #include <QDoubleSpinBox>
32 | #include <QRadioButton>
33 | #include <QCheckBox>
34 | #include <iostream>
35 | #include <GL/gl.h>
36 |
37 | #include <qwt_plot.h>
38 | //#include "qwt_plot_histogram.h"
39 | #include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
40 | #include <qwt_plot_grid.h>
41 | #include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
42 |
43 | #include <valarray>
44 |
45 | #include <string>
46 |
47 | #include "../../src/DataCalib.h"
48 |
49 |
50 | namespace std
51 | {
52 | class fits;
53 | }
54 |
55 | /*************************************************
56 | * Class Raw Data Viewer. FACT raw data diplayer
57 | *************************************************/
58 | class RawDataViewer : public BasicGlCamera//QGLWidget
59 | {
61 |
62 | friend class UIConnector;
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 | public:
67 | DrsCalibration fDrsCalib;
68 |
69 | bool fIsDrsCalibration;
70 |
71 | RawDataViewer(QWidget *parent = 0);
72 | ~RawDataViewer();
73 | void openFile(std::string& file);
74 | void openCalibFile(std::string& file);
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | public Q_SLOTS:
79 | void plusEvent();
80 | void minusEvent();
81 | void setEventStep(int step);
82 | void nextSlice();
83 | void previousSlice();
84 | void setCurrentPixel(int);
85 |
87 | void signalCurrentEvent(int event);
88 | void signalCurrentSlice(int slice);
89 | void newFileLoaded();
90 | void signalCurrentPixel(int pixel);
91 | void signalAutoScaleNeeded();
92 |
93 | protected:
94 | // void initializeGL();
95 | // void resizeGL(int width, int height);
96 | void paintGL();
97 | void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
98 | void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
99 | void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
100 | void drawCamera(bool alsoWire);
101 | // void drawPatches();
102 | // int PixelAtPosition(const QPoint &pos);
103 | // void drawHexagon(int index, bool solid);
104 | int selectedPixel;
105 | float *eventData;
106 | float *rmsData;
107 | int16_t* rawEventData;
108 | int16_t* waveLetArray;
109 | valarray<double> RMSvalues;//(1440);
110 | valarray<double> Meanvalues;
111 | valarray<double> Maxvalues;
112 | valarray<double> PosOfMaxvalues;
113 |
114 | private:
115 | void drawPixelCurve();
116 | // void updateNeighbors(int currentPixel);
117 | // void skipPixels(int start, int howMany);
118 | // void calculatePixelsCoords();
119 | bool setCorrectSlice(QMouseEvent* event);
120 | void eventStepping(bool plus);
121 | // void buildVerticesList();
122 | // void buildPatchesIndices();
123 | void calcBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex);
124 | void calcMidBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex);
125 | void drawBlurryHexagon(int index);
126 | int whichSlice;
127 | // float shownSizex;
128 | // float shownSizey;
129 | bool drawPatch;
130 | bool drawImpulse;
131 | bool drawBlur;
132 | bool loopCurrentEvent;
133 | //allocate the maximum size for one event
134 | uint32_t boardTime[NBOARDS];
135 | int16_t startPix[NPIX];
136 | int16_t startTM[NTMARK];
137 | int32_t pcTime[2];
138 | uint32_t softTrig;
139 | uint16_t triggerType;
140 | int nRows;
141 | int rowNum;
142 | int eventNum;
143 | int nRoi;
144 | int nRoiTM;
145 | int offSetRoi;
146 | int runNumber;
147 | int nTM;
148 | int runType;
149 | int firstDataTime;
150 | int lastDataTime;
151 | int revision;
152 | int builderVersion;
153 | int nBoards;
154 | int nPixels;
155 | std::string timeSystem;
156 | std::string creationDate;
157 | int nightInt;
158 | std::string camera;
159 | std::string daq;
160 | float adcCount;
161 | int nbOk;
162 | int nbRej;
163 | int nbBad;
164 |
165 | int eventStep;
166 |
167 | // int hardwareMapping[1440];
168 | // int softwareMapping[1440];
169 | //// int patches[160][9];
170 | GLfloat patchesColor[160][3];
171 | // vector<edge> patchesIndices[160];
172 | std::fits* inputFile;
173 | // std::fits* calibInputFile;
174 | // float baseLineMean[1440*1024];
175 | // float gainMean[1440*1024];
176 | // float triggerOffsetMean[1440*1024];
177 | // bool calibrationLoaded;
178 | bool drawCalibrationLoaded;
179 |
180 | QPoint lastPos;
181 |
182 | void doMyWaveletTestPlease();
183 | void doWaveLetOnCurrentEventPlease();
184 | bool doWaveLetsPlease(int givenSpan, int16_t* orig, int16_t* wavelets, bool verifyResult);
185 | public:
186 | void computePulsesStatistics();
187 | double aMeas[1024];
188 | double n1mean[1024];
189 | double n2mean[1024];
190 | double vCorr[1024];
191 |
192 | void ApplyCalibration();
193 |
194 | // GLfloat pixelsCoords[MAX_NUM_PIXELS][3];
195 | // PixelsNeighbors neighbors[MAX_NUM_PIXELS];
196 | // GLfloat pixelsColor[ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS][3];
197 | // GLfloat verticesList[ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS*6][2];
198 | // int verticesIndices[ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS][6];
199 | // int numVertices;
200 | };
201 |
202 | /*************************************************
203 | * Class UIConnector. used to connect the interface to the raw data displayer
204 | *************************************************/
205 | #include "viewer.h"
206 |
207 | class Configuration;
208 |
209 | class UIConnector : public QMainWindow, protected Ui::MainWindow
210 | {
211 | Q_OBJECT
212 | private:
213 | QTimer timer;
214 | std::string currentFile;
215 | std::string currentCalibFile;
216 |
217 | QRectF scaleBoundingRectangle(QRectF rectangle, float scale);
218 |
219 | bool updateSpinnerDisplay;
220 | bool updating;
221 |
222 | void initHistograms();
223 |
224 | public:
225 | UIConnector(QWidget *parent = 0);
226 | ~UIConnector();
227 |
228 | public Q_SLOTS:
229 | void fileSelected(QString file);
230 | void calibFileSelected(QString file);
231 |
232 | void newFileLoaded();
233 | void slicesPerSecondChanged(double value);
234 | void nextSlicePlease();
235 | void currentSliceHasChanged(int slice);
236 | void currentEventHasChanged(int event);
237 |
238 | void on_playPauseButton_clicked();
239 | void on_loadNewFileButton_clicked();
240 | void on_loadDRSCalibButton_clicked();
241 |
242 | void on_drawPatchCheckBox_stateChanged(int);
243 | void on_drawImpulseCheckBox_stateChanged(int);
244 | void on_drawBlurCheckBox_stateChanged(int);
245 | void on_loopOverCurrentEventBox_stateChanged(int);
246 |
247 | void on_colorRange0_valueChanged(double);
248 | void on_colorRange1_valueChanged(double);
249 | void on_colorRange2_valueChanged(double);
250 | void on_colorRange3_valueChanged(double);
251 | void on_colorRange4_valueChanged(double);
252 | void on_redValue0_valueChanged(double);
253 | void on_redValue1_valueChanged(double);
254 | void on_redValue2_valueChanged(double);
255 | void on_redValue3_valueChanged(double);
256 | void on_redValue4_valueChanged(double);
257 | void on_greenValue0_valueChanged(double);
258 | void on_greenValue1_valueChanged(double);
259 | void on_greenValue2_valueChanged(double);
260 | void on_greenValue3_valueChanged(double);
261 | void on_greenValue4_valueChanged(double);
262 | void on_blueValue0_valueChanged(double);
263 | void on_blueValue1_valueChanged(double);
264 | void on_blueValue2_valueChanged(double);
265 | void on_blueValue3_valueChanged(double);
266 | void on_blueValue4_valueChanged(double);
267 |
268 | void on_slicesPerSecValue_valueChanged(double);
269 |
270 | void pixelChanged(int);
271 |
272 | void cbpxChanged();
273 |
274 | void on_HwIDBox_valueChanged(int = 0);
275 | void on_SwIDBox_valueChanged(int);
276 | void on_crateIDBox_valueChanged(int) { cbpxChanged(); }
277 | void on_boardIDBox_valueChanged(int) { cbpxChanged(); }
278 | void on_patchIDBox_valueChanged(int) { cbpxChanged(); }
279 | void on_pixelIDBox_valueChanged(int) { cbpxChanged(); }
280 |
281 | void on_autoScaleColor_clicked();
282 | void on_entireCameraScale_toggled(bool) { on_autoScaleColor_clicked(); }
283 | void on_currentPixelScale_toggled(bool) { on_autoScaleColor_clicked(); }
284 |
285 | void slicesPlusPlus();
286 | void slicesMinusMinus();
287 |
288 | void on_calibratedCheckBox_stateChanged(int state);
289 | void on_displayingSliceBox_valueChanged(int);
290 | void on_displayingEventBox_valueChanged(int);
291 |
292 | void displaySliceValue();
293 |
294 | int SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf);
295 |
296 | private:
297 | QwtPlotCurve boardsTimeHistoItem;
298 | QwtPlotCurve startCellHistoItem;
299 | QwtPlotCurve startTimeMarkHistoItem;
300 | QwtPlotCurve pixelValueCurveItem;
301 | QwtPlotCurve pixelAverageCurveItem;
302 | QwtPlotCurve aMeanCurveItem;
303 | QwtPlotCurve vCorrCurveItem;
304 | QwtPlotCurve meanCurveItem;
305 | QwtPlotCurve triggerDelayHistoItem;
306 |
307 | QwtPlotZoomer* curveZoom;
308 | QwtPlotZoomer* averageCurveZoom;
309 | QwtPlotZoomer* boardsTimeHistoZoom;
310 | QwtPlotZoomer* startCellHistoZoom;
311 | QwtPlotZoomer* startTimeMarkHistoZoom;
312 | QwtPlotZoomer* triggerDelayHistoZoom;
313 |
314 | //declare the grids here, because I must have access to them to detach them properly at destruction time (bug and crash with "bad" versions of qwt)
315 | QwtPlotGrid* grid1;
316 | QwtPlotGrid* grid2;
317 | QwtPlotGrid* grid3;
318 | QwtPlotGrid* grid4;
319 | QwtPlotGrid* grid5;
320 | QwtPlotGrid* grid6;
321 | };
322 |
323 | #endif /* QTGL_H_ */