/* *+ * Name: * palRefz * Purpose: * Adjust unrefracted zenith distance * Language: * Starlink ANSI C * Type of Module: * Library routine * Invocation: * void palRefz ( double zu, double refa, double refb, double *zr ); * Arguments: * zu = double (Given) * Unrefracted zenith distance of the source (radians) * refa = double (Given) * tan Z coefficient (radians) * refb = double (Given) * tan**3 Z coefficient (radian) * zr = double * (Returned) * Refracted zenith distance (radians) * Description: * Adjust an unrefracted zenith distance to include the effect of * atmospheric refraction, using the simple A tan Z + B tan**3 Z * model (plus special handling for large ZDs). * Authors: * PTW: Patrick T. Wallace * TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii) * {enter_new_authors_here} * Notes: * - This routine applies the adjustment for refraction in the * opposite sense to the usual one - it takes an unrefracted * (in vacuo) position and produces an observed (refracted) * position, whereas the A tan Z + B tan**3 Z model strictly * applies to the case where an observed position is to have the * refraction removed. The unrefracted to refracted case is * harder, and requires an inverted form of the text-book * refraction models; the formula used here is based on the * Newton-Raphson method. For the utmost numerical consistency * with the refracted to unrefracted model, two iterations are * carried out, achieving agreement at the 1D-11 arcseconds level * for a ZD of 80 degrees. The inherent accuracy of the model * is, of course, far worse than this - see the documentation for * palRefco for more information. * * - At ZD 83 degrees, the rapidly-worsening A tan Z + B tan^3 Z * model is abandoned and an empirical formula takes over. For * optical/IR wavelengths, over a wide range of observer heights and * corresponding temperatures and pressures, the following levels of * accuracy (arcsec, worst case) are achieved, relative to numerical * integration through a model atmosphere: * * ZR error * * 80 0.7 * 81 1.3 * 82 2.4 * 83 4.7 * 84 6.2 * 85 6.4 * 86 8 * 87 10 * 88 15 * 89 30 * 90 60 * 91 150 } relevant only to * 92 400 } high-elevation sites * * For radio wavelengths the errors are typically 50% larger than * the optical figures and by ZD 85 deg are twice as bad, worsening * rapidly below that. To maintain 1 arcsec accuracy down to ZD=85 * at the Green Bank site, Condon (2004) has suggested amplifying * the amount of refraction predicted by palRefz below 10.8 deg * elevation by the factor (1+0.00195*(10.8-E_t)), where E_t is the * unrefracted elevation in degrees. * * The high-ZD model is scaled to match the normal model at the * transition point; there is no glitch. * * - Beyond 93 deg zenith distance, the refraction is held at its * 93 deg value. * * - See also the routine palRefv, which performs the adjustment in * Cartesian Az/El coordinates, and with the emphasis on speed * rather than numerical accuracy. * References: * Condon,J.J., Refraction Corrections for the GBT, PTCS/PN/35.2, * NRAO Green Bank, 2004. * History: * 2012-08-24 (TIMJ): * Initial version, ported directly from Fortran SLA * Adapted with permission from the Fortran SLALIB library. * {enter_further_changes_here} * Copyright: * Copyright (C) 2004 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory * Copyright (C) 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council. * All Rights Reserved. * Licence: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * Bugs: * {note_any_bugs_here} *- */ #include #include "pal.h" #include "palmac.h" void palRefz ( double zu, double refa, double refb, double *zr ) { /* Constants */ /* Largest usable ZD (deg) */ const double D93 = 93.0; /* ZD at which one model hands over to the other (radians) */ const double Z83 = 83.0 * PAL__DD2R; /* coefficients for high ZD model (used beyond ZD 83 deg) */ const double C1 = +0.55445; const double C2 = -0.01133; const double C3 = +0.00202; const double C4 = +0.28385; const double C5 = +0.02390; /* High-ZD-model prefiction (deg) for that point */ const double REF83 = (C1+C2*7.0+C3*49.0)/(1.0+C4*7.0+C5*49.0); double zu1,zl,s,c,t,tsq,tcu,ref,e,e2; /* perform calculations for zu or 83 deg, whichever is smaller */ zu1 = DMIN(zu,Z83); /* functions of ZD */ zl = zu1; s = sin(zl); c = cos(zl); t = s/c; tsq = t*t; tcu = t*tsq; /* refracted zd (mathematically to better than 1 mas at 70 deg) */ zl = zl-(refa*t+refb*tcu)/(1.0+(refa+3.0*refb*tsq)/(c*c)); /* further iteration */ s = sin(zl); c = cos(zl); t = s/c; tsq = t*t; tcu = t*tsq; ref = zu1-zl+ (zl-zu1+refa*t+refb*tcu)/(1.0+(refa+3.0*refb*tsq)/(c*c)); /* special handling for large zu */ if (zu > zu1) { e = 90.0-DMIN(D93,zu*PAL__DR2D); e2 = e*e; ref = (ref/REF83)*(C1+C2*e+C3*e2)/(1.0+C4*e+C5*e2); } /* return refracted zd */ *zr = zu-ref; }