source: trunk/FACT++/pal/palUe2pv.c@ 19712

Last change on this file since 19712 was 18347, checked in by tbretz, 9 years ago
File size: 8.4 KB
3* Name:
4* palUe2pv
6* Purpose:
7* Heliocentric position and velocity of a planet, asteroid or comet, from universal elements
9* Language:
10* Starlink ANSI C
12* Type of Module:
13* Library routine
15* Invocation:
16* void palUe2pv( double date, double u[13], double pv[6], int *jstat );
18* Arguments:
19* date = double (Given)
20* TT Modified Julian date (JD-2400000.5).
21* u = double [13] (Given & Returned)
22* Universal orbital elements (updated, see note 1)
23* given (0) combined mass (M+m)
24* " (1) total energy of the orbit (alpha)
25* " (2) reference (osculating) epoch (t0)
26* " (3-5) position at reference epoch (r0)
27* " (6-8) velocity at reference epoch (v0)
28* " (9) heliocentric distance at reference epoch
29* " (10) r0.v0
30* returned (11) date (t)
31* " (12) universal eccentric anomaly (psi) of date
32* pv = double [6] (Returned)
33* Position (AU) and velocity (AU/s)
34* jstat = int * (Returned)
35* status: 0 = OK
36* -1 = radius vector zero
37* -2 = failed to converge
39* Description:
40* Heliocentric position and velocity of a planet, asteroid or comet,
41* starting from orbital elements in the "universal variables" form.
43* Authors:
44* PTW: Pat Wallace (STFC)
45* TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii)
46* {enter_new_authors_here}
48* Notes:
49* - The "universal" elements are those which define the orbit for the
50* purposes of the method of universal variables (see reference).
51* They consist of the combined mass of the two bodies, an epoch,
52* and the position and velocity vectors (arbitrary reference frame)
53* at that epoch. The parameter set used here includes also various
54* quantities that can, in fact, be derived from the other
55* information. This approach is taken to avoiding unnecessary
56* computation and loss of accuracy. The supplementary quantities
57* are (i) alpha, which is proportional to the total energy of the
58* orbit, (ii) the heliocentric distance at epoch, (iii) the
59* outwards component of the velocity at the given epoch, (iv) an
60* estimate of psi, the "universal eccentric anomaly" at a given
61* date and (v) that date.
62* - The companion routine is palEl2ue. This takes the conventional
63* orbital elements and transforms them into the set of numbers
64* needed by the present routine. A single prediction requires one
65* one call to palEl2ue followed by one call to the present routine;
66* for convenience, the two calls are packaged as the routine
67* palPlanel. Multiple predictions may be made by again
68* calling palEl2ue once, but then calling the present routine
69* multiple times, which is faster than multiple calls to palPlanel.
70* - It is not obligatory to use palEl2ue to obtain the parameters.
71* However, it should be noted that because palEl2ue performs its
72* own validation, no checks on the contents of the array U are made
73* by the present routine.
74* - DATE is the instant for which the prediction is required. It is
75* in the TT timescale (formerly Ephemeris Time, ET) and is a
76* Modified Julian Date (JD-2400000.5).
77* - The universal elements supplied in the array U are in canonical
78* units (solar masses, AU and canonical days). The position and
79* velocity are not sensitive to the choice of reference frame. The
80* palEl2ue routine in fact produces coordinates with respect to the
81* J2000 equator and equinox.
82* - The algorithm was originally adapted from the EPHSLA program of
83* D.H.P.Jones (private communication, 1996). The method is based
84* on Stumpff's Universal Variables.
85* - Reference: Everhart, E. & Pitkin, E.T., Am.J.Phys. 51, 712, 1983.
87* History:
88* 2012-03-09 (TIMJ):
89* Initial version cloned from SLA/F.
90* Adapted with permission from the Fortran SLALIB library.
91* {enter_further_changes_here}
93* Copyright:
94* Copyright (C) 2005 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
95* Copyright (C) 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council.
96* All Rights Reserved.
98* Licence:
99* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
100* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
101* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
102* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
104* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
105* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
107* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
109* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
110* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
111* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
112* MA 02110-1301, USA.
114* Bugs:
115* {note_any_bugs_here}
119#include <math.h>
121#include "pal.h"
122#include "palmac.h"
124void palUe2pv( double date, double u[13], double pv[6], int *jstat ) {
126 /* Canonical days to seconds */
127 const double CD2S = PAL__GCON / PAL__SPD;
129 /* Test value for solution and maximum number of iterations */
130 const double TEST = 1e-13;
131 const int NITMAX = 25;
133 int I, NIT, N;
134 double CM,ALPHA,T0,P0[3],V0[3],R0,SIGMA0,T,PSI,DT,W,
135 TOL,PSJ,PSJ2,BETA,S0,S1,S2,S3,
136 FF,R,F,G,FD,GD;
138 double PLAST = 0.0;
139 double FLAST = 0.0;
141 /* Unpack the parameters. */
142 CM = u[0];
143 ALPHA = u[1];
144 T0 = u[2];
145 for (I=0; I<3; I++) {
146 P0[I] = u[I+3];
147 V0[I] = u[I+6];
148 }
149 R0 = u[9];
150 SIGMA0 = u[10];
151 T = u[11];
152 PSI = u[12];
154 /* Approximately update the universal eccentric anomaly. */
155 PSI = PSI+(date-T)*PAL__GCON/R0;
157 /* Time from reference epoch to date (in Canonical Days: a canonical
158 * day is 58.1324409... days, defined as 1/PAL__GCON). */
159 DT = (date-T0)*PAL__GCON;
161 /* Refine the universal eccentric anomaly, psi. */
162 NIT = 1;
163 W = 1.0;
164 TOL = 0.0;
165 while (fabs(W) >= TOL) {
167 /* Form half angles until BETA small enough. */
168 N = 0;
169 PSJ = PSI;
170 PSJ2 = PSJ*PSJ;
172 while (fabs(BETA) > 0.7) {
173 N = N+1;
174 BETA = BETA/4.0;
175 PSJ = PSJ/2.0;
176 PSJ2 = PSJ2/4.0;
177 }
179 /* Calculate Universal Variables S0,S1,S2,S3 by nested series. */
180 S3 = PSJ*PSJ2*((((((BETA/210.0+1.0)
181 *BETA/156.0+1.0)
182 *BETA/110.0+1.0)
183 *BETA/72.0+1.0)
184 *BETA/42.0+1.0)
185 *BETA/20.0+1.0)/6.0;
186 S2 = PSJ2*((((((BETA/182.0+1.0)
187 *BETA/132.0+1.0)
188 *BETA/90.0+1.0)
189 *BETA/56.0+1.0)
190 *BETA/30.0+1.0)
191 *BETA/12.0+1.0)/2.0;
192 S1 = PSJ+ALPHA*S3;
193 S0 = 1.0+ALPHA*S2;
195 /* Undo the angle-halving. */
196 TOL = TEST;
197 while (N > 0) {
198 S3 = 2.0*(S0*S3+PSJ*S2);
199 S2 = 2.0*S1*S1;
200 S1 = 2.0*S0*S1;
201 S0 = 2.0*S0*S0-1.0;
202 PSJ = PSJ+PSJ;
203 TOL += TOL;
204 N--;
205 }
207 /* Values of F and F' corresponding to the current value of psi. */
208 FF = R0*S1+SIGMA0*S2+CM*S3-DT;
209 R = R0*S0+SIGMA0*S1+CM*S2;
211 /* If first iteration, create dummy "last F". */
212 if ( NIT == 1) FLAST = FF;
214 /* Check for sign change. */
215 if ( FF*FLAST < 0.0 ) {
217 /* Sign change: get psi adjustment using secant method. */
219 } else {
221 /* No sign change: use Newton-Raphson method instead. */
222 if (R == 0.0) {
223 /* Null radius vector */
224 *jstat = -1;
225 return;
226 }
227 W = FF/R;
228 }
230 /* Save the last psi and F values. */
231 PLAST = PSI;
232 FLAST = FF;
234 /* Apply the Newton-Raphson or secant adjustment to psi. */
235 PSI = PSI-W;
237 /* Next iteration, unless too many already. */
238 if (NIT > NITMAX) {
239 *jstat = -2; /* Failed to converge */
240 return;
241 }
242 NIT++;
243 }
245 /* Project the position and velocity vectors (scaling velocity to AU/s). */
246 W = CM*S2;
247 F = 1.0-W/R0;
248 G = DT-CM*S3;
249 FD = -CM*S1/(R0*R);
250 GD = 1.0-W/R;
251 for (I=0; I<3; I++) {
252 pv[I] = P0[I]*F+V0[I]*G;
253 pv[I+3] = CD2S*(P0[I]*FD+V0[I]*GD);
254 }
256 /* Update the parameters to allow speedy prediction of PSI next time. */
257 u[11] = date;
258 u[12] = PSI;
260 /* OK exit. */
261 *jstat = 0;
262 return;
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