1 | /**
2 | * @fileOverview This file has functions related to documenting JavaScript.
3 | * @author <a href="mailto:thomas.bretz@epfl.ch">Thomas Bretz</a>
4 | */
5 | 'use strict';
6 |
7 | dim.log("Start: "+__FILE__+" ["+__DATE__+"]");
8 |
9 | // This should be set in dimctrl.rc as JavaScript.schedule-database.
10 | // It is sent together with the script to the dimserver.
11 | // If started directly, it has to be set after the command:
12 | //
13 | // .js scripts/Main.js schedule-database=...
14 | //
15 | if (!$['schedule-database'])
16 | throw new Error("Environment 'schedule-database' not set!");
17 |
18 | //dimctrl.defineState(37, "TimeOutBeforeTakingData", "MCP took more than 5minutes to start TakingData");
19 |
20 | // ================================================================
21 | // Code related to the schedule
22 | // ================================================================
23 |
24 | //this is just the class implementation of 'Observation'
25 | include('scripts/Observation_class.js');
26 | include('scripts/getSchedule.js');
27 |
28 | var observations = [ ];
29 |
30 | // Get the observation scheduled for 'now' from the table and
31 | // return its index
32 | function getObservation(now)
33 | {
34 | if (now==undefined)
35 | now = new Date();
36 |
37 | if (isNaN(now.valueOf()))
38 | throw new Error("Date argument in getObservation invalid.");
39 |
40 | observations = getSchedule();
41 |
42 | for (var i=0; i<observations.length; i++)
43 | if (now<observations[i].start)
44 | return i-1;
45 |
46 | return observations.length-1;
47 | }
48 |
49 | // ================================================================
50 | // Code to check whether observation is allowed
51 | // ================================================================
52 | /*
53 | function currentEst(source)
54 | {
55 | var moon = new Moon();
56 | if (!moon.isUp)
57 | return 7.7;
58 |
59 | var dist = Sky.dist(moon, source);
60 |
61 | var alt = 90-moon.toLocal().zd;
62 |
63 | var lc = dist*alt*pow(Moon.disk(), 6)/360/360;
64 |
65 | var cur = 7.7+4942*lc;
66 |
67 | return cur;
68 | }
69 |
70 | function thresholdEst(source) // relative threshold (ratio)
71 | {
72 | // Assumption:
73 | // atmosphere is 70km, shower taks place after 60km, earth radius 6400km
74 | // just using the cosine law
75 | // This fits very well with MC results: See Roger Firpo, p.45
76 | // "Study of the MAGIC telescope sensitivity for Large Zenith Angle observations"
77 |
78 | var c = Math.cos(Math.Pi-source.zd);
79 | var ratio = (10*sqrt(409600*c*c+9009) + 6400*c - 60)/10;
80 |
81 | // assumption: Energy threshold increases linearily with current
82 | // assumption: Energy threshold increases linearily with distance
83 |
84 | return ratio*currentEst(source)/7.7;
85 | }
86 | */
87 |
88 | // ================================================================
89 | // Code to perform the DRS calib sequence
90 | // ================================================================
91 |
92 | var irq;
93 |
94 | function doDrsCalibration(where)
95 | {
96 | dim.log("Starting DRS calibration ["+where+"]");
97 |
98 | service_feedback.voltageOff();
99 |
100 | var tm = new Date();
101 |
102 | while (!irq)
103 | {
105 | if (irq || !takeRun("drs-pedestal", 1000)) // 40 / 20s (50Hz)
106 | continue;
107 |
108 | if (irq || !takeRun("drs-gain", 1000)) // 40 / 20s (50Hz)
109 | continue;
110 |
111 | if (irq || !takeRun("drs-pedestal", 1000)) // 40 / 20s (50Hz)
112 | continue;
113 |
114 | break;
115 | }
116 |
117 | dim.send("FAD_CONTROL/SET_FILE_FORMAT", 6);
118 |
119 | while (!irq && !takeRun("drs-pedestal", 1000)); // 40 / 20s (50Hz)
120 | while (!irq && !takeRun("drs-time", 1000)); // 40 / 20s (50Hz)
121 |
122 | while (!irq)
123 | {
125 | if (takeRun("pedestal", 1000)) // 40 / 10s (80Hz)
126 | break;
127 | }
128 |
129 | dim.send("FAD_CONTROL/SET_FILE_FORMAT", 6);
130 |
131 | while (!irq && !takeRun("pedestal", 1000)); // 40 / 10s (80Hz)
132 | // -----------
133 | // 4'40 / 2'00
134 |
135 | if (irq)
136 | dim.log("DRS calibration interrupted [%.1fs]".$((new Date()-tm)/1000));
137 | else
138 | dim.log("DRS calibration done [%.1fs]".$((new Date()-tm)/1000));
139 | }
140 |
141 | // ================================================================
142 | // Code related to the lid
143 | // ================================================================
144 |
145 | function OpenLid()
146 | {
147 | /*
148 | while (Sun.horizon(-13).isUp)
149 | {
150 | var now = new Date();
151 | var minutes_until_sunset = (Sun.horizon(-13).set - now)/60000;
152 | console.out(now.toUTCString()+": Sun above FACT-horizon, lid cannot be opened: sleeping 1min, remaining %.1fmin".$(minutes_until_sunset));
153 | v8.sleep(60000);
154 | }*/
155 |
156 | var isClosed = dim.state("LID_CONTROL").name=="Closed";
157 |
158 | var tm = new Date();
159 |
160 | // Wait for lid to be open
161 | if (isClosed)
162 | {
163 | dim.log("Opening lid");
164 | dim.send("LID_CONTROL/OPEN");
165 | }
166 | dim.wait("LID_CONTROL", "Open", 30000);
167 |
168 | if (isClosed)
169 | dim.log("Lid open [%.1fs]".$((new Date()-tm)/1000));
170 | }
171 |
172 | function CloseLid()
173 | {
174 | var isOpen = dim.state("LID_CONTROL").name=="Open";
175 |
176 | var tm = new Date();
177 |
178 | // Wait for lid to be open
179 | if (isOpen)
180 | {
181 | if (dim.state("FTM_CONTROL").name=="TriggerOn")
182 | {
183 | dim.send("FTM_CONTROL/STOP_TRIGGER");
184 | dim.wait("FTM_CONTROL", "Valid", 3000);
185 | }
186 |
187 | dim.log("Closing lid.");
188 | dim.send("LID_CONTROL/CLOSE");
189 | }
190 | dim.wait("LID_CONTROL", "Closed", 30000);
191 |
192 | if (isOpen)
193 | dim.log("Lid closed [%.1fs]".$((new Date()-tm)/1000));
194 | }
195 |
196 | // ================================================================
197 | // Code related to switching bias voltage on and off
198 | // ================================================================
199 |
200 | var service_feedback = new Subscription("FEEDBACK/CALIBRATED_CURRENTS");
201 |
202 | service_feedback.onchange = function(evt)
203 | {
204 | if (!evt.data)
205 | return;
206 |
207 | var Unom = evt.obj['U_nom'];
208 | var Uov = evt.obj['U_ov'];
209 | if (!Uov)
210 | return;
211 |
212 | var cnt = 0;
213 | var avg = 0;
214 | for (var i=0; i<320; i++)
215 | {
216 | var dU = Uov[i]-Unom;
217 |
218 | // 0.022 corresponds to 1 DAC count (90V/4096)
219 | if (Math.abs(dU)>0.033)
220 | cnt++;
221 |
222 | avg += dU;
223 | }
224 | avg /= 320;
225 |
226 | if (this.ok==undefined)
227 | return;
228 |
229 |
230 | this.ok = cnt<3;// || (this.last!=undefined && Math.abs(this.last-avg)<0.002);
231 |
232 | console.out(" DeltaUov=%.3f (%.3f) [N(>0.033V)=%d]".$(avg, avg-this.last, cnt));
233 |
234 | this.last = avg;
235 | }
236 |
237 | service_feedback.voltageOff = function()
238 | {
239 | var state = dim.state("BIAS_CONTROL").name;
240 |
241 | if (state=="Disconnected")
242 | {
243 | console.out(" Voltage off: bias crate disconnected!");
244 | return;
245 | }
246 |
247 | // check of feedback has to be switched on
248 | var isOn = state=="VoltageOn" || state=="Ramping";
249 | if (isOn)
250 | {
251 | dim.log("Switching voltage off.");
252 |
253 | if (dim.state("FTM_CONTROL").name=="TriggerOn")
254 | {
255 | dim.send("FTM_CONTROL/STOP_TRIGGER");
256 | dim.wait("FTM_CONTROL", "Valid", 3000);
257 | }
258 |
259 | // Supress the possibility that the bias control is
260 | // ramping and will reject the command to switch the
261 | // voltage off
262 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/STOP");
263 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "Calibrated", 3000);
264 |
265 | // Make sure we are not in Ramping anymore
266 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOn", 3000);
267 |
268 | // Switch voltage off
270 | }
271 |
272 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOff", 60000); // FIXME: 30000?
273 |
274 | // FEEDBACK stays in CurrentCtrl when Voltage is off but output enabled
275 | // dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "CurrentCtrlIdle", 1000);
276 |
277 | if (isOn)
278 | dim.log("Voltage off.");
279 | }
280 |
281 | // DN: The name of the method voltageOn() in the context of the method
282 | // voltageOff() is a little bit misleading, since when voltageOff() returns
283 | // the caller can be sure the voltage is off, but when voltageOn() return
284 | // this is not the case, in the sense, that the caller can now take data.
285 | // instead the caller of voltageOn() *must* call waitForVoltageOn() afterwards
286 | // in order to safely take good-quality data.
287 | // This could lead to nasty bugs in the sense, that the second call might
288 | // be forgotten by somebody
289 | //
290 | // so I suggest to rename voltageOn() --> prepareVoltageOn()
291 | // waitForVoltageOn() stays as it is
292 | // and one creates a third method called:voltageOn() like this
293 | /* service_feedback.voltageOn = function()
294 | * {
295 | * this.prepareVoltageOn();
296 | * this.waitForVoltageOn();
297 | * }
298 | *
299 | * */
300 | // For convenience.
301 |
302 | service_feedback.voltageOn = function(ov)
303 | {
304 | if (isNaN(ov))
305 | ov = 1.1;
306 |
307 | if (this.ov!=ov && dim.state("FEEDBACK").name=="InProgress")
308 | {
309 | dim.log("Stoping feedback.");
310 | if (dim.state("FTM_CONTROL").name=="TriggerOn")
311 | {
312 | dim.send("FTM_CONTROL/STOP_TRIGGER");
313 | dim.wait("FTM_CONTROL", "Valid", 3000);
314 | }
315 |
316 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/STOP");
317 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "Calibrated", 3000);
318 |
319 | // Make sure we are not in Ramping anymore
320 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOn", 3000);
321 | }
322 |
323 | var isOff = dim.state("FEEDBACK").name=="Calibrated";
324 | if (isOff)
325 | {
326 | dim.log("Switching voltage to Uov="+ov+"V.");
327 |
328 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/START", ov);
329 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "InProgress", 45000);
330 |
331 | this.ov = ov;
332 | }
333 |
334 | // Wait until voltage on
335 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOn", 60000); // FIXME: 30000?
336 | }
337 |
338 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn = function()
339 | {
340 | // Avoid output if condition is already fulfilled
341 | dim.log("Waiting for voltage to be stable.");
342 |
343 | function func()
344 | {
345 | if (irq || this.ok==true)
346 | return true;
347 | }
348 |
349 | var now = new Date();
350 |
351 | this.last = undefined;
352 | this.ok = false;
353 | v8.timeout(4*60000, func, this); // FIMXE: Remove 4!
354 | this.ok = undefined;
355 |
356 | if (irq)
357 | dim.log("Waiting for stable voltage interrupted.");
358 | else
359 | dim.log("Voltage stable within limits");
360 | }
361 |
362 | // ================================================================
363 | // Function to shutdown the system
364 | // ================================================================
365 |
366 | function Shutdown()
367 | {
368 | dim.log("Starting shutdown.");
369 |
370 | var now1 = new Date();
371 |
372 | var bias = dim.state("BIAS_CONTROL").name;
373 | if (bias=="VoltageOn" || bias=="Ramping")
374 | service_feedback.voltageOn(0);
375 |
376 | CloseLid();
377 |
378 | var now2 = new Date();
379 |
380 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/PARK");
381 |
382 | console.out("","Waiting for telescope to park. This may take a while.");
383 |
384 | // FIXME: This might not work is the drive is already close to park position
385 | dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "Locked", 3000);
386 |
387 | var sub = new Subscription("DRIVE_CONTROL/POINTING_POSITION");
388 | sub.get(5000); // FIXME: Proper error message in case of failure
389 |
390 | function func()
391 | {
392 | var report = sub.get();
393 |
394 | var zd = report.obj['Zd'];
395 | var az = report.obj['Az'];
396 |
397 | if (zd>100 && Math.abs(az)<1)
398 | return true;
399 |
400 | return undefined;
401 | }
402 |
403 | v8.timeout(150000, func);
404 |
405 | /*
406 | // Check if DRS calibration is necessary
407 | var diff = getTimeSinceLastDrsCalib();
408 | if (diff>30 || diff==null)
409 | {
410 | doDrsCalibration("singlepe"); // will turn voltage off
411 | if (irq)
412 | break;
413 | }*/
414 |
415 | dim.log("Taking single-pe run.");
416 |
417 | // The voltage must be on
418 | service_feedback.voltageOn();
419 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
420 |
421 | // Before we can switch to 3000 we have to make the right DRS calibration
422 | dim.log("Taking single p.e. run.");
423 | while (!irq && !takeRun("single-pe", 10000));
424 |
425 | // It is unclear what comes next, so we better switch off the voltage
426 | service_feedback.voltageOff();
427 |
428 | dim.log("Finishing shutdown.");
429 |
430 | var now3 = new Date();
431 |
432 | //dim.send("FEEDBACK/STOP");
433 | dim.send("FTM_CONTROL/STOP_TRIGGER");
434 |
435 | dim.wait("FTM_CONTROL", "Valid", 3000);
436 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "Calibrated", 3000);
437 |
438 | dim.send("BIAS_CONTROL/DISCONNECT");
439 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "Disconnected", 3000);
440 |
441 | var report = sub.get();
442 |
443 | console.out("");
444 | console.out("Shutdown procedure seems to be finished...");
445 | console.out(" "+new Date().toUTCString());
446 | console.out(" Telescope at Zd=%.1fdeg Az=%.1fdeg".$(report.obj['Zd'], report.obj['Az']));
447 | console.out(" Please make sure the park position was reached");
448 | console.out(" and the telescope is not moving anymore.");
449 | console.out(" Please check that the lid is closed and the voltage switched off.", "");
450 | console.out(" DRIVE_CONTROL: "+dim.state("DRIVE_CONTROL").name);
451 | console.out(" FEEDBACK: "+dim.state("FEEDBACK").name);
452 | console.out(" FTM_CONTROL: "+dim.state("FTM_CONTROL").name);
453 | console.out(" BIAS_CONTROL: "+dim.state("BIAS_CONTROL").name);
454 | console.out("");
455 | dim.log("Shutdown: end ["+(now2-now1)/1000+"s, "+(now3-now2)/1000+"s, "+(new Date()-now3)/1000+"s]");
456 | console.out("");
457 |
458 | sub.close();
459 | }
460 |
461 | // ================================================================
462 | // Check datalogger subscriptions
463 | // ================================================================
464 |
465 | var datalogger_subscriptions = new Subscription("DATA_LOGGER/SUBSCRIPTIONS");
466 | datalogger_subscriptions.get(3000, false);
467 |
468 | datalogger_subscriptions.check = function()
469 | {
470 | var obj = this.get();
471 | if (!obj.data)
472 | throw new Error("DATA_LOGGER/SUBSCRIPTIONS not available.");
473 |
474 | var expected =
475 | [
532 | ];
533 |
534 | function map(entry)
535 | {
536 | if (entry.length==0)
537 | return undefined;
538 |
539 | var rc = entry.split(',');
540 | if (rc.length!=2)
541 | throw new Error("Subscription list entry '"+entry+"' has wrong number of elements.");
542 | return rc;
543 | }
544 |
545 | var list = obj.data.split('\n').map(map);
546 |
547 | function check(name)
548 | {
549 | if (list.every(function(el){return el==undefined || el[0]!=name;}))
550 | throw new Error("Subscription to '"+name+"' not available.");
551 | }
552 |
553 | expected.forEach(check);
554 | }
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 | // ================================================================
559 | // Crosscheck all states
560 | // ================================================================
561 |
562 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
563 | // Do a standard startup to bring the system in into a well
564 | // defined state
565 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
566 | include('scripts/Startup.js');
567 |
568 | // ================================================================
569 | // Code to monitor clock conditioner
570 | // ================================================================
571 |
572 | var sub_counter = new Subscription("FTM_CONTROL/COUNTER");
573 | sub_counter.onchange = function(evt)
574 | {
575 | if (evt.qos>0 && evt.qos!=2 && evt.qos&0x100==0)
576 | throw new Error("FTM reports: clock conditioner not locked.");
577 | }
578 |
579 | // ================================================================
580 | // Code related to monitoring the fad system
581 | // ================================================================
582 |
583 | // This code is here, because scripts/Startup.js needs the
584 | // same subscriptions... to be revised.
585 | var sub_incomplete = new Subscription("FAD_CONTROL/INCOMPLETE");
586 | var sub_connections = new Subscription("FAD_CONTROL/CONNECTIONS");
587 | var sub_startrun = new Subscription("FAD_CONTROL/START_RUN");
588 | sub_startrun.get(5000);
589 |
590 | include('scripts/takeRun.js');
591 |
592 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
593 | // Check that everything we need is availabel to receive commands
594 | // (FIXME: Should that go to the general CheckState?)
595 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
596 | //console.out("Checking send.");
598 | //console.out("Checking send: done");
599 |
600 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
601 | // Bring feedback into the correct operational state
602 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
603 | //console.out("Feedback init: start.");
604 | service_feedback.get(5000);
605 |
606 | //v8.timeout(3000, function() { var n = dim.state("FEEDBACK").name; if (n=="CurrentCtrlIdle" || n=="CurrentControl") return true; });
607 |
608 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
609 | // Connect to the DRS_RUNS service
610 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
611 | //console.out("Drs runs init: start.");
612 |
613 | var sub_drsruns = new Subscription("FAD_CONTROL/DRS_RUNS");
614 | sub_drsruns.get(5000);
615 | // FIXME: Check if the last DRS calibration was complete?
616 |
617 | function getTimeSinceLastDrsCalib()
618 | {
619 | // ----- Time since last DRS Calibration [min] ------
620 | var runs = sub_drsruns.get(0);
621 | var diff = (new Date()-runs.time)/60000;
622 |
623 | // Warning: 'roi=300' is a number which is not intrisically fixed
624 | // but can change depending on the taste of the observers
625 | var valid = runs.obj['run'][2]>0 && runs.obj['roi']==300;
626 |
627 | if (valid)
628 | dim.log("Last DRS calibration was %.1fmin ago".$(diff));
629 | else
630 | dim.log("No valid DRS calibration available.");
631 |
632 | return valid ? diff : null;
633 | }
634 |
635 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
636 | // Install interrupt handler
637 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
638 | function handleIrq(cmd, args, time, user)
639 | {
640 | console.out("Interrupt received:");
641 | console.out(" IRQ: "+cmd);
642 | console.out(" Time: "+time);
643 | console.out(" User: "+user);
644 |
645 | irq = cmd ? cmd : "stop";
646 |
647 | // This will end a run in progress as if it where correctly stopped
648 | if (dim.state("MCP").name=="TakingData")
649 | dim.send("MCP/STOP");
650 |
651 | // This will stop a rate scan in progress
652 | if (dim.state("RATE_SCAN").name=="InProgress")
653 | dim.send("RATE_SCAN/STOP");
654 | }
655 |
656 | dimctrl.setInterruptHandler(handleIrq);
657 |
658 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
659 | // Make sure we will write files
660 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
661 | dim.send("FAD_CONTROL/SET_FILE_FORMAT", 6);
662 |
663 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
664 | // Print some information for the user about the
665 | // expected first oberservation
666 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
667 | var test = getObservation();
668 | if (test!=undefined)
669 | {
670 | var n = new Date();
671 | if (observations.length>0 && test==-1)
672 | dim.log("First observation scheduled for "+observations[0].start.toUTCString()+" [id="+observations[0].id+"]");
673 | if (test>=0 && test<observations.length)
674 | dim.log("First observation should start immediately ["+observations[test].start.toUTCString()+", id="+observations[test].id+"]");
675 | if (observations.length>0 && observations[0].start>n+12*3600*1000)
676 | dim.log("No observations scheduled for the next 12 hours!");
677 | if (observations.length==0)
678 | dim.log("No observations scheduled!");
679 | }
680 |
681 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
682 | // Start main loop
683 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
684 | dim.log("Entering main loop.");
685 | console.out("");
686 |
687 | var run = -2; // getObservation never called
688 | var sub;
689 | var lastId;
690 | var nextId;
691 | var sun = Sun.horizon(-12);
692 | var system_on; // undefined
693 |
694 | function processIrq()
695 | {
696 | if (!irq)
697 | return false;
698 |
699 | if (irq.toUpperCase()=="RESCHEDULE")
700 | return true;
701 |
702 | if (irq.toUpperCase()=="OFF")
703 | {
704 | service_feedback.voltageOff();
706 | return true;
707 | }
708 |
709 | if (irq.toUpperCase()=="SHUTDOWN")
710 | {
711 | Shutdown();
712 | return true;
713 | }
714 |
715 | console.log("IRQ "+irq+" unhandled... stopping script.");
716 | return true;
717 | }
718 |
719 | while (!processIrq())
720 | {
721 | // Check if observation position is still valid
722 | // If source position has changed, set run=0
723 | var idxObs = getObservation();
724 | if (idxObs===undefined)
725 | break;
726 |
727 | // we are still waiting for the first observation in the schedule
728 | if (idxObs==-1)
729 | {
730 | // flag that the first observation will be in the future
731 | run = -1;
732 | v8.sleep(1000);
733 | continue;
734 | }
735 |
736 | // Check if we have to take action do to sun-rise
737 | var was_up = sun.isUp;
738 | sun = Sun.horizon(-12);
739 | if (!was_up && sun.isUp)
740 | {
741 | console.out("");
742 | dim.log("Sun rise detected.... automatic shutdown initiated!");
743 | // FIXME: State check?
744 | Shutdown();
745 | system_on = false;
746 | continue;
747 | }
748 |
749 | // Current and next observation target
750 | var obs = observations[idxObs];
751 | var nextObs = observations[idxObs+1];
752 |
753 | // Check if observation target has changed
754 | if (lastId!=obs.id) // !Object.isEqual(obs, nextObs)
755 | {
756 | dim.log("Starting new observation ["+obs.start.toUTCString()+", id="+obs.id+"]");
757 |
758 | // This is the first source, but we do not come from
759 | // a scheduled 'START', so we have to check if the
760 | // telescop is operational already
761 | sub = 0;
762 | if (run<0)
763 | {
764 | //Startup(); // -> Bias On/Off?, Lid open/closed?
765 | //CloseLid();
766 | }
767 |
768 | // The first observation had a start-time in the past...
769 | // In this particular case start with the last entry
770 | // in the list of measurements
771 | if (run==-2)
772 | sub = obs.length-1;
773 |
774 | run = 0;
775 | lastId = obs.id;
776 | }
777 |
778 | if (nextObs && nextId!=nextObs.id)
779 | {
780 | dim.log("Next observation scheduled for "+nextObs.start.toUTCString()+" [id="+nextObs.id+"]");
781 | console.out("");
782 | nextId = nextObs.id;
783 | }
784 |
785 | if (!nextObs && nextId)
786 | {
787 | dim.log("No further observation scheduled.");
788 | console.out("");
789 | nextId = undefined;
790 | }
791 |
792 | //if (nextObs==undefined && obs[obs.length-1].task!="SHUTDOWN")
793 | // throw Error("Last scheduled measurement must be a shutdown.");
794 |
795 | // We are done with all measurement slots for this
796 | // observation... wait for next observation
797 | if (sub>=obs.length)
798 | {
799 | v8.sleep(1000);
800 | continue;
801 | }
802 |
803 | if (system_on===false && obs[sub].task!="STARTUP")
804 | {
805 | v8.sleep(1000);
806 | continue;
807 | }
808 |
809 | // Check if sun is still up... only DATA and RATESCAN must be suppressed
810 | if ((obs[sub].task=="DATA" || obs[sub].task=="RATESCAN") && sun.isUp)
811 | {
812 | var now = new Date();
813 | var remaining = (sun.set - now)/60000;
814 | console.out(now.toUTCString()+" - "+obs[sub].task+": Sun above FACT-horizon: sleeping 1min, remaining %.1fmin".$(remaining));
815 | v8.sleep(60000);
816 | continue;
817 | }
818 |
819 |
820 | if (obs[sub].task!="IDLE" && (obs[sub].task!="DATA" && run>0))
821 | dim.log("New task ["+obs[sub]+"]");
822 |
823 | // FIXME: Maybe print a warning if Drive is on during day time!
824 |
825 | // It is not ideal that we allow the drive to be on during day time, but
826 | // otherwise it is difficult to allow e.g. the STARTUP at the beginning of the night
827 | var power_states = sun.isUp || !system_on ? [ "DriveOff", "SystemOn" ] : [ "SystemOn" ];
828 | var drive_states = sun.isUp || !system_on ? undefined : [ "Armed", "Tracking", "OnTrack" ];
829 |
830 | // A scheduled task was found, lets check if all servers are
831 | // still only and in reasonable states. If this is not the case,
832 | // something unexpected must have happend and the script is aborted.
833 | //console.out(" Checking states [general]");
834 | var table =
835 | [
836 | [ "TNG_WEATHER" ],
837 | [ "MAGIC_WEATHER" ],
838 | [ "CHAT" ],
839 | [ "SMART_FACT" ],
840 | [ "TEMPERATURE" ],
841 | [ "DATA_LOGGER", [ "NightlyFileOpen", "WaitForRun", "Logging" ] ],
842 | [ "FSC_CONTROL", [ "Connected" ] ],
843 | [ "MCP", [ "Idle" ] ],
844 | [ "TIME_CHECK", [ "Valid" ] ],
845 | [ "PWR_CONTROL", power_states/*[ "SystemOn" ]*/ ],
846 | [ "AGILENT_CONTROL", [ "VoltageOn" ] ],
847 | [ "BIAS_CONTROL", [ "VoltageOff", "VoltageOn", "Ramping" ] ],
848 | [ "FEEDBACK", [ "Calibrated", "InProgress" ] ],
849 | [ "LID_CONTROL", [ "Open", "Closed" ] ],
850 | [ "DRIVE_CONTROL", drive_states/*[ "Armed", "Tracking", "OnTrack" ]*/ ],
851 | [ "FTM_CONTROL", [ "Valid", "TriggerOn" ] ],
852 | [ "FAD_CONTROL", [ "Connected", "RunInProgress" ] ],
853 | [ "RATE_SCAN", [ "Connected" ] ],
854 | [ "RATE_CONTROL", [ "Connected", "GlobalThresholdSet", "InProgress" ] ],
855 | [ "GPS_CONTROL", [ "Locked" ] ],
856 | ];
857 |
858 |
859 | if (!checkStates(table))
860 | {
861 | throw new Error("Something unexpected has happened. One of the servers "+
862 | "is in a state in which it should not be. Please,"+
863 | "try to find out what happened...");
864 | }
865 |
866 | datalogger_subscriptions.check();
867 |
868 | // Check if obs.task is one of the one-time-tasks
869 | switch (obs[sub].task)
870 | {
871 | case "IDLE":
872 | v8.sleep(5000);
873 | continue;
874 |
875 | case "STARTUP":
876 | CloseLid();
877 |
878 | doDrsCalibration("startup"); // will switch the voltage off
879 |
880 | if (irq)
881 | break;
882 |
883 | service_feedback.voltageOn();
884 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
885 |
886 | // Before we can switch to 3000 we have to make the right DRS calibration
887 | dim.log("Taking single p.e. run.");
888 | while (!irq && !takeRun("single-pe", 10000));
889 |
890 | // It is unclear what comes next, so we better switch off the voltage
891 | service_feedback.voltageOff();
892 |
893 | system_on = true;
894 | dim.log("Task finished [STARTUP]");
895 | console.out("");
896 | break;
897 |
898 | case "SHUTDOWN":
899 | Shutdown();
900 | system_on = false;
901 |
902 | // FIXME: Avoid new observations after a shutdown until
903 | // the next startup (set run back to -2?)
904 | sub++;
905 | dim.log("Task finished [SHUTDOWN]");
906 | console.out("");
907 | //console.out(" Waiting for next startup.", "");
908 | continue;
909 |
910 | case "DRSCALIB":
911 | doDrsCalibration("drscalib"); // will switch the voltage off
912 | dim.log("Task finished [DRSCALIB]");
913 | console.out("");
914 | break;
915 |
916 | case "SINGLEPE":
917 | // The lid must be closes
918 | CloseLid();
919 |
920 | // Check if DRS calibration is necessary
921 | var diff = getTimeSinceLastDrsCalib();
922 | if (diff>30 || diff==null)
923 | {
924 | doDrsCalibration("singlepe"); // will turn voltage off
925 | if (irq)
926 | break;
927 | }
928 |
929 | // The voltage must be on
930 | service_feedback.voltageOn();
931 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
932 |
933 | // Before we can switch to 3000 we have to make the right DRS calibration
934 | dim.log("Taking single p.e. run.");
935 | while (!irq && !takeRun("single-pe", 10000));
936 |
937 | // It is unclear what comes next, so we better switch off the voltage
938 | service_feedback.voltageOff();
939 | dim.log("Task finished [SINGLE-PE]");
940 | console.out("");
941 | break;
942 |
943 | case "OVTEST":
944 | var park = Sun.horizon(-27).isUp;
945 | if (park)
946 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/PARK");
947 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/STOP");
948 |
949 | // The lid must be closes
950 | CloseLid();
951 |
952 | if (park)
953 | {
954 | console.out("Waiting for telescope to park. This may take a while.");
955 | dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "Locked", 3000);
956 | }
957 |
958 | // Check if DRS calibration is necessary
959 | var diff = getTimeSinceLastDrsCalib();
960 | if (diff>30 || diff==null)
961 | {
962 | doDrsCalibration("ovtest"); // will turn voltage off
963 | if (irq)
964 | break;
965 | }
966 |
967 | // The voltage must be on
968 | service_feedback.voltageOn(0.4);
969 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
970 |
971 | dim.log("Taking single p.e. run (0.4V)");
972 | while (!irq && !takeRun("single-pe", 10000));
973 |
974 | for (var i=5; i<18; i++)
975 | {
976 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/STOP");
977 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "Calibrated", 3000);
978 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOn", 3000);
979 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/START", i*0.1);
980 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "InProgress", 45000);
981 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOn", 60000); // FIXME: 30000?
982 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
983 | dim.log("Taking single p.e. run ("+(i*0.1)+"V)");
984 | while (!irq && !takeRun("single-pe", 10000));
985 | }
986 |
987 | // It is unclear what comes next, so we better switch off the voltage
988 | service_feedback.voltageOff();
989 | dim.log("Task finished [OVTEST]");
990 | console.out("");
991 | break;
992 |
993 | case "RATESCAN":
994 | var tm1 = new Date();
995 |
996 | // This is a workaround to make sure that we really catch
997 | // the new OnTrack state later and not the old one
998 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/STOP");
999 | dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "Armed", 15000);
1000 |
1001 | // The lid must be open
1002 | OpenLid();
1003 |
1004 | // Switch the voltage to a reduced level (Ubd)
1005 | service_feedback.voltageOn(0);
1006 |
1007 | if (obs.source != undefined)
1008 | {
1009 | dim.log("Pointing telescope to '"+obs[cub].source+"'.");
1010 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK_ON", obs[sub].source);
1011 | }
1012 | else
1013 | {
1014 | dim.log("Pointing telescope to ra="+obs[sub].ra+" dec="+obs[sub].dec);
1015 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK", obs[sub].ra, obs[sub].dec);
1016 | }
1017 |
1018 | dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "OnTrack", 150000); // 110s for turning and 30s for stabilizing
1019 |
1020 | // Now tracking stable, switch voltage to nominal level and wait
1021 | // for stability.
1022 | service_feedback.voltageOn();
1023 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
1024 |
1025 | var tm2 = new Date();
1026 |
1027 | dim.log("Starting ratescan.");
1028 |
1029 | // Start rate scan
1030 | dim.send("RATE_SCAN/START_THRESHOLD_SCAN", 50, 1000, -10);
1031 |
1032 | // Lets wait if the ratescan really starts... this might take a few
1033 | // seconds because RATE_SCAN configures the ftm and is waiting for
1034 | // it to be configured.
1035 | dim.wait("RATE_SCAN", "InProgress", 10000);
1036 | dim.wait("RATE_SCAN", "Connected", 2700000);
1037 |
1038 | // this line is actually some kind of hack.
1039 | // after the Ratescan, no data is written to disk. I don't know why, but it happens all the time
1040 | // So I decided to put this line here as a kind of patchwork....
1041 | //dim.send("FAD_CONTROL/SET_FILE_FORMAT", 6);
1042 |
1043 | dim.log("Ratescan done [%.1fs, %.1fs]".$((tm2-tm1)/1000, (new Date()-tm2)/1000));
1044 | dim.log("Task finished [RATESCAN]");
1045 | console.out("");
1046 | break; // case "RATESCAN"
1047 |
1048 | case "DATA":
1049 |
1050 | // ========================== case "DATA" ============================
1051 | /*
1052 | if (Sun.horizon("FACT").isUp)
1053 | {
1054 | console.out(" SHUTDOWN","");
1055 | Shutdown();
1056 | console.out(" Exit forced due to broken schedule", "");
1057 | exit();
1058 | }
1059 | */
1060 | // Calculate remaining time for this observation in minutes
1061 | var remaining = nextObs==undefined ? 0 : (nextObs.start-new Date())/60000;
1062 |
1063 | // ------------------------------------------------------------
1064 |
1065 | dim.log("Run count "+run+" [remaining "+parseInt(remaining)+"min]");
1066 |
1067 | // ----- Time since last DRS Calibration [min] ------
1068 | var diff = getTimeSinceLastDrsCalib();
1069 |
1070 | // Changine pointing position and take calibration...
1071 | // ...every four runs (every ~20min)
1072 | // ...if at least ten minutes of observation time are left
1073 | // ...if this is the first run on the source
1074 | var point = (run%4==0 && remaining>10) || run==0;
1075 |
1076 | // Take DRS Calib...
1077 | // ...every four runs (every ~20min)
1078 | // ...at last every two hours
1079 | // ...when DRS temperature has changed by more than 2deg (?)
1080 | // ...when more than 15min of observation are left
1081 | // ...no drs calibration was done yet
1082 | var drscal = (run%4==0 && (remaining>15 && diff>70)) || diff==null;
1083 |
1084 | if (point)
1085 | {
1086 | // Switch the voltage to a reduced voltage level
1087 | service_feedback.voltageOn(0);
1088 |
1089 | // Change wobble position every four runs,
1090 | // start with alternating wobble positions each day
1091 | var wobble = (parseInt(run/4) + parseInt(new Date()/1000/3600/24-0.5))%2+1;
1092 |
1093 | //console.out(" Move telescope to '"+source+"' "+offset+" "+wobble);
1094 | dim.log("Pointing telescope to '"+obs[sub].source+"' [wobble="+wobble+"]");
1095 |
1096 | // This is a workaround to make sure that we really catch
1097 | // the new OnTrack state later and not the old one
1098 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/STOP");
1099 | dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "Armed", 15000);
1100 |
1101 | dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/TRACK_WOBBLE", wobble, obs[sub].source);
1102 |
1103 | // Do we have to check if the telescope is really moving?
1104 | // We can cross-check the SOURCE service later
1105 | }
1106 |
1107 | if (drscal)
1108 | {
1109 | doDrsCalibration("data"); // will turn voltage off
1110 |
1111 | // Now we switch on the voltage and a significant amount of
1112 | // time has been passed, so do the check again.
1113 | sun = Sun.horizon(-12);
1114 | if (!was_up && sun.isUp)
1115 | {
1116 | dim.log("Sun rise detected....");
1117 | continue;
1118 | }
1119 | }
1120 |
1121 | if (irq)
1122 | break;
1123 |
1124 | OpenLid();
1125 |
1126 | // This is now th right time to wait for th drive to be stable
1127 | dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "OnTrack", 150000); // 110s for turning and 30s for stabilizing
1128 |
1129 | // Now we are 'OnTrack', so we can ramp to nominal voltage
1130 | // and wait for the feedback to get stable
1131 | service_feedback.voltageOn();
1132 | service_feedback.waitForVoltageOn();
1133 |
1134 | // If pointing had changed, do calibration
1135 | if (point)
1136 | {
1137 | dim.log("Starting calibration.");
1138 |
1139 | // Calibration (2% of 20')
1140 | while (!irq)
1141 | {
1142 | if (irq || !takeRun("pedestal", 1000)) // 80 Hz -> 10s
1143 | continue;
1144 | if (irq || !takeRun("light-pulser-ext", 1000)) // 80 Hz -> 10s
1145 | continue;
1146 | break;
1147 | }
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | //console.out(" Taking data: start [5min]");
1151 |
1152 | // FIXME: What do we do if during calibration something has happened
1153 | // e.g. drive went to ERROR? Maybe we have to check all states again?
1154 |
1155 | var twilight = Sun.horizon(-16).isUp;
1156 |
1157 | if (twilight)
1158 | {
1159 | for (var i=0; i<5 && !irq; i++)
1160 | takeRun("data", -1, 60); // Take data (1min)
1161 | }
1162 | else
1163 | {
1164 | var len = 300;
1165 | while (len>15)
1166 | {
1167 | var time = new Date();
1168 | if (takeRun("data", -1, len)) // Take data (5min)
1169 | break;
1170 |
1171 | len -= parseInt((new Date()-time)/1000);
1172 | }
1173 | }
1174 |
1175 | //console.out(" Taking data: done");
1176 | run++;
1177 |
1178 | continue; // case "DATA"
1179 | }
1180 |
1181 | if (nextObs!=undefined && sub==obs.length-1)
1182 | dim.log("Next observation will start at "+nextObs.start.toUTCString()+" [id="+nextObs.id+"]");
1183 |
1184 | sub++;
1185 | }
1186 |
1187 | sub_drsruns.close();
1188 |
1189 | dim.log("Left main loop [irq="+irq+"]");
1190 |
1191 | // ================================================================
1192 | // Comments and ToDo goes here
1193 | // ================================================================
1194 |
1195 | // error handline : http://www.sitepoint.com/exceptional-exception-handling-in-javascript/
1196 | // classes: http://www.phpied.com/3-ways-to-define-a-javascript-class/