1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | // To de done:
4 | // - CheckLID status (should be open or closed)
5 | // - Is it necessary to switch the bias-voltage off?
6 | // - Get reasonable timeouts for all steps (wait, get, run)
7 | // - Improve order to accelerate execution
8 | //
9 | // =================================================================
10 |
11 | /*
12 | var table =
13 | [
15 | [ "BIAS_CONTROL" ],
16 | [ "CHAT" ],
17 | [ "DATA_LOGGER" ],
18 | [ "DRIVE_CONTROL" ],
19 | [ "FEEDBACK" ],
20 | [ "FAD_CONTROL" ],
21 | [ "FSC_CONTROL" ],
22 | [ "FTM_CONTROL" ],
23 | [ "LID_CONTROL" ],
24 | [ "MAGIC_WEATHER" ],
25 | [ "MCP" ],
26 | [ "PWR_CONTROL" ],
27 | [ "RATE_CONTROL" ],
28 | [ "RATE_SCAN" ],
29 | [ "SMART_FACT" ],
30 | [ "TIME_CHECK" ],
31 | [ "TNG_WEATHER" ],
32 | ];
33 |
34 | if (dim.state("DRIVE_CONTROL").name=="Locked")
35 | {
36 | throw new Error("Drivectrl still locked... needs UNLOCK first.");
37 | //while (!dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL"))
38 | // v8.sleep();
39 | //dim.send("DRIVE_CONTROL/UNLOCK");
40 | //dim.wait("DRIVE_CONTROL", "Armed", 1000);
41 | }
42 |
43 | */
44 |
45 | console.out("");
46 | dim.alarm();
47 |
48 | var loop;
49 | include("scripts/Handler.js");
50 | include("scripts/CheckStates.js");
51 |
52 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
53 | // Make sure camera electronics is switched on and has power
54 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
55 |
56 | include("scripts/handleAgilentPowerOn24V.js");
57 | include("scripts/handleAgilentPowerOn50V.js");
58 | include("scripts/handleAgilentPowerOn80V.js");
59 | include("scripts/handlePwrCameraOn.js");
60 |
62 |
63 | loop = new Handler("PowerOn");
64 | //loop.add(handleAgilentPowerOn24V);
65 | //loop.add(handleAgilentPowerOn50V);
66 | //loop.add(handleAgilentPowerOn80V);
67 | loop.add(handlePwrCameraOn);
68 | loop.run(30000);
69 | console.out("");
70 |
71 | // If power was switched on: wait for a few seconds
72 |
73 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
74 | // Now take care that the bias control, the ftm and the fsc are
75 | // properly connected and are in a reasonable state (e.g. the
76 | // trigger is switched off)
77 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
78 |
79 | include("scripts/handleBiasVoltageOff.js");
80 | include("scripts/handleFtmIdle.js");
81 | include("scripts/handleFscConnected.js");
82 | include("scripts/handleFeedbackConnected.js");
83 | include("scripts/handleRatectrlConnected.js");
84 | include("scripts/handleLidClosed.js");
85 | include("scripts/handleFadConnected.js");
86 |
88 |
89 | dim.send("MCP/RESET");
90 |
91 | loop = new Handler("SystemSetup");
92 | loop.add(handleBiasVoltageOff);
93 | loop.add(handleFtmIdle);
94 | loop.add(handleFscConnected);
95 | loop.add(handleFadConnected);
96 | loop.add(handleFeedbackConnected); // Feedback needs FAD to be Connected
97 | loop.add(handleRatectrlConnected);
98 | loop.add(handleLidClosed);
99 | loop.run(30000);
100 |
101 | console.out("biasctrl: "+dim.state("BIAS_CONTROL").name);
102 | console.out("ftmctrl: "+dim.state("FTM_CONTROL").name);
103 | console.out("fscctrl: "+dim.state("FSC_CONTROL").name);
104 | console.out("feedback: "+dim.state("FEEDBACK").name);
105 | console.out("ratecontrol: "+dim.state("RATE_CONTROL").name);
106 | console.out("fadctrl: "+dim.state("FAD_CONTROL").name);
107 | console.out("mcp: "+dim.state("MCP").name);
108 | console.out("");
109 |
110 | console.out("Enable all FTU");
111 | dim.send("FTM_CONTROL/ENABLE_FTU", -1, true);
112 |
113 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
114 | // Now we check the FTU connection
115 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
116 |
117 | /*
118 | include("scripts/handleFtuCheck.js");
119 |
120 | loop = new Handler("FtuCheck");
121 | loop.ftuList = new Subscription("FTM_CONTROL/FTU_LIST");
122 | loop.add(handleFtuCheck);
123 | loop.run();
124 | loop.ftuList.close();
125 |
126 | dim.log("All FTUs are enabled and without error.");
127 | */
128 |
129 | console.out("Checking FTU: start");
130 | include("scripts/CheckFTU.js");
131 | console.out("Checking FTU: done");
132 | console.out("");
133 |
134 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
135 | // Now we check the clock conditioner
136 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
137 |
138 | var sub_counter = new Subscription("FTM_CONTROL/COUNTER");
139 | var counter = sub_counter.get(3000, false).counter;
141 | v8.timeout(3000, function() { if (sub_counter.get(0, false).counter>counter) return true; });
142 | if (sub_counter.get(0, false).qos&0x100==0)
143 | throw new Error("Clock conditioner not locked.");
144 | sub_counter.close();
145 |
146 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
147 | // Now we can safely try to connect the FAD boards.
148 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
149 | /*
150 | include("scripts/handleFadConnected.js");
151 |
152 | // If FADs already connected
153 |
154 | checkSend(["FAD_CONTROL"]);
155 |
156 | loop = new Handler("ConnectFad");
157 | loop.add(handleFadConnected);
158 | loop.run();
159 |
160 | var failed = false;
161 | dim.onchange["FAD_CONTROL"] = function(arg)
162 | {
163 | if (this.rc && arg.name!="Connected")
164 | failed = true;
165 | }
166 |
167 | console.out("FADs connected.");
168 | console.out("");
169 |
170 | console.out(dim.state("FAD_CONTROL").name);
171 | console.out(dim.state("MCP").name);
172 | */
173 |
174 | // ================================================================
175 | // Underflow check
176 | // ================================================================
177 | // Is it necessary to check for the so called 'underflow-problem'?
178 | // (This is necessary after each power cycle)
179 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------
180 |
181 | include('scripts/CheckUnderflow.js');
182 |
183 | // Now it is time to check the connection of the FADs
184 | // it might hav thrown an exception already anyway
185 |
186 |
187 | // ================================================================
188 | // Power on drive system if power is off (do it hre to make sure not
189 | // everything is switchd on at the same time)
190 | // ================================================================
191 |
192 | //console.out("PWR: "+(dim.state("PWR_CONTROL").index&16));
193 |
194 | if ((dim.state("PWR_CONTROL").index&16)==0)
195 | {
196 | console.out("Drive cabinet not powered... Switching on.");
197 | dim.send("PWR_CONTROL/TOGGLE_DRIVE");
198 | v8.timeout(5000, function() { if (dim.state("PWR_CONTROL").index&16) return true; });
199 | }
200 |
201 | include("scripts/handleDriveArmed.js");
202 |
203 | checkSend(["DRIVE_CONTROL"]);
204 |
205 | loop = new Handler("ArmDrive");
206 | loop.add(handleDriveArmed);
207 | loop.run(30000);
208 |
209 |
210 | // ================================================================
211 | // Bias crate calibration
212 | // ================================================================
213 | // Bias crate calibration if necessary (it is aftr 4pm (local tome)
214 | // and the last calibration was more than eight hours ago.
215 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------
216 |
217 | // At this point we know that:
218 | // 1) The lid is closed
219 | // 2) The feedback is stopped
220 | // 3) The voltage is off
221 | function makeCurrentCalibration()
222 | {
224 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOff", 30000); // waS: 15000
225 |
226 | var now = new Date();
227 | dim.send("FEEDBACK/CALIBRATE");
228 |
229 | console.out("Wait for calibration to start");
230 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "Calibrating", 5000);
231 |
232 | console.out("Wait for calibration to end");
233 | dim.wait("FEEDBACK", "Calibrated", 90000);
234 |
235 | console.out("Calibration finished ["+(new Date()-now)+"ms]");
236 |
237 | console.out("Wait for voltage to be off");
238 | dim.wait("BIAS_CONTROL", "VoltageOff", 30000); // was: 15000
239 | }
240 |
241 | // Check age of calibration
242 | var service_calibration = new Subscription("FEEDBACK/CALIBRATION");
243 |
244 | var data_calibration = service_calibration.get(3000, false);
245 |
246 | var age = data_calibration.time;
247 | var now = new Date();
248 |
249 | var diff = (now-age)/3600000;
250 |
251 | var fb_state = dim.state("FEEDBACK").index;
252 |
253 | // !data_calibration.data: FEEDBACK might just be freshly
254 | // started and will not yet serve this service.
255 | if (fb_state<5 || (diff>8 && now.getHours()>16))
256 | {
257 | if (fb_state<5)
258 | console.out("No BIAS crate calibration available: New calibration needed.");
259 | else
260 | console.out("Last BIAS crate calibration taken at "+age.toUTCString()+": New calibration needed.");
261 |
262 | makeCurrentCalibration();
263 | }
264 |
265 | service_calibration.close();
266 |
267 | // ================================================================
268 | // Setup GPS control and wait for the satellites to be locked
269 | // ================================================================
270 |
271 | checkSend(["GPS_CONTROL"]);
272 |
273 | if (dim.state("GPS_CONTROL").name=="Disconnected")
274 | dim.send("GPS_CONTROL/RECONNECT");
275 |
276 | // Wait for being connectes
277 | v8.timeout(5000, function() { if (dim.state("GPS_CONTROL").name!="Disconnected") return true; });
278 |
279 | // Wait for status available
280 | v8.timeout(5000, function() { if (dim.state("GPS_CONTROL").name!="Connected") return true; });
281 |
282 | if (dim.state("GPS_CONTROL").name=="Disabled")
283 | dim.send("GPS_CONTROL/ENABLE");
284 |
285 | // Wait for gps to be enabled and locked
286 | dim.wait("GPS_CONTROL", "Locked", 15000);
287 |
288 | // ================================================================
289 | // Crosscheck all states
290 | // ================================================================
291 |
292 | // FIXME: Check if there is a startup scheduled, if not do not force
293 | // drive to be switched on
294 |
295 | var table =
296 | [
297 | [ "TNG_WEATHER" ],
298 | [ "MAGIC_WEATHER" ],
299 | [ "CHAT" ],
300 | [ "SMART_FACT" ],
301 | [ "TEMPERATURE" ],
302 | [ "EVENT_SERVER", [ "Running", "Standby" ] ],
303 | [ "DATA_LOGGER", [ "NightlyFileOpen", "WaitForRun", "Logging" ] ],
304 | [ "FSC_CONTROL", [ "Connected" ] ],
305 | [ "MCP", [ "Idle" ] ],
306 | [ "TIME_CHECK", [ "Valid" ] ],
307 | [ "PWR_CONTROL", [ "SystemOn" ] ],
308 | [ "AGILENT_CONTROL_24V", [ "VoltageOn" ] ],
309 | [ "AGILENT_CONTROL_50V", [ "VoltageOn" ] ],
310 | [ "AGILENT_CONTROL_80V", [ "VoltageOn", "Disconnected" ] ], //hack to allow for data taking while agilent not available
311 | [ "BIAS_CONTROL", [ "VoltageOff" ] ],
312 | [ "FEEDBACK", [ "Calibrated" ] ],
313 | [ "RATE_SCAN", [ "Connected" ] ],
314 | [ "RATE_CONTROL", [ "Connected" ] ],
315 | [ "DRIVE_CONTROL", [ "Initialized", "Tracking", "OnTrack", "Locked" ] ],
316 | [ "LID_CONTROL", [ "Open", "Closed" ] ],
317 | [ "FTM_CONTROL", [ "Valid", "TriggerOn" ] ],
318 | [ "FAD_CONTROL", [ "Connected", "WritingData" ] ],
319 | [ "GPS_CONTROL", [ "Locked" ] ],
320 | // [ "SQM_CONTROL", [ "Valid" ] ],
321 | [ "PFMINI_CONTROL", [ "Receiving" ] ],
322 | [ "BIAS_TEMP", [ "Valid" ] ],
323 | ];
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 | if (!checkStates(table))
328 | {
329 | throw new Error("Something unexpected has happened. Although the startup-"+
330 | "procedure has finished, not all servers are in the state "+
331 | "in which they ought to be. Please, try to find out what "+
332 | "happened...");
333 | }