throw new Error("Description for built in functions. Must not be included!"); /** * @fileOverview * Documentation of the Event object returned by Subscription.get() */ /** * @class * * The object returned by Subscription.get(). It contains * all data received with the event. * */ function Event() { /** * The name of the Subscription this event belongs to. * * @type String * @constant */ = name; /** * The format string corresponding to this event. * * @see DIM for more details * @type String * @constant */ this.format = format; /** * The Quality-of-Service transmitted by this event. * * @type Integer * @constant */ this.qos = qos; /** * The size in bytes of the event received * * @type Integer * @constant */ this.size = size; /** * An counter of events received since the Subscription has * been created. The first event received is 1. 0 corresponds * to no event received yet. * * @type Integer * @constant */ this.counter = counter; /** * The time transmitted with this event, if transmitted. If nonw * was transmitted, this might just be the time the event was * received. * * @type Date * @constant */ this.time = time; /** * Array with the data received. * * The contents of the array are sorted in the order of the event format * string. The contents of the array can be all kind of objects * defined by the format string. If a format described several entries * (e.g. I:5) and array will be added.

* * In the special case that the format string contains only a single * format, e.g. "I", "F:5" or "C", data will not be an array, * but contain the object data (or the array) directly. * * If valid data was received, but the size was zero, then * null is returned as data * *

  • data===undefined: no data received (no connection) *
  • data===null: an event was received, but it was empty *
  • data.length>0: an event was received and it contains data * * @type Array * @constant * */ = [ ]; /** * Object with the data received. * * The object contains essentially the same information than the * data memeber, but the received data are added as properties * instead of enumerable lements. This allows to access * the received data by names as specified by the SERVICE_DESC * service.

    * * If an empty event was received, but names are available, * the object will be empty. Otherwise 'obj' will be undefined. * *

  • obj===undefined: no names are available *
  • obj!==undefined, length==0: names are available, but no data (no connection) *
  • obj!==undefined, length>0: names are available, data has been received * *

    * Note that to get the number of properties (length) you have to call * Object.keys(obj).length; * * @type Object * @constant * */ this.obj = { }; }