1 | void display(const char *filename="spectrum.hist.root")
2 | {
3 | gEnv->SetValue("Canvas.ShowEventStatus", 1);
4 | gEnv->SetValue("TFile.Recover", 0);
5 |
6 | // --------------------------------
7 |
8 | TFile file(filename);
9 | if (file.IsZombie())
10 | return;
11 |
12 | // --------------------------------
13 |
14 | cout << endl;
15 |
16 | file.ReadAll();
17 | file.ls();
18 |
19 | cout << endl;
20 |
21 | // --------------------------------
22 |
23 | TH1D *h1 = 0;
24 | TH2D *h2 = 0;
25 |
26 | TCanvas *c = 0;
27 |
28 | gStyle->SetErrorX(0.5);
29 |
30 | TF1 fx("fx", "x", 0, 90);
31 | fx.SetLineStyle(kDashed);
32 | fx.SetLineColor(kBlack);
33 |
34 | TF1 f0("f0", "[0]", 0, 90);
35 | f0.SetParameter(0, 0);
36 | f0.SetLineStyle(kDashed);
37 | f0.SetLineColor(kBlack);
38 |
39 | TF1 f("spectrum", "[0]*pow(pow(10, x)/1000, -[1])", 2.8, 4.5);
40 | f.SetLineColor(kBlue);
41 |
42 | // --------------------------------
43 |
44 | c = new TCanvas("Zd Weights", "Zd Weights");
45 | c->Divide(2,2);
46 | c->cd(1);
47 | file.GetObject("Zd/OnTime", h1);
48 | h1->SetTitle("OnTime (hist), Scaled excess (markers)");
49 | double time = h1->Integral();
50 | h1->DrawCopy();
51 | file.GetObject("Data/Theta/Excess", h1);
52 | h1->Scale(time/h1->Integral());
53 | h1->DrawCopy("same");
54 | c->cd(2);
55 | file.GetObject("Zd/CountN", h1);
56 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
57 | c->cd(3);
58 | file.GetObject("Zd/ZdWeight", h1);
59 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
60 |
61 | // --------------------------------
62 |
63 | c = new TCanvas("Zenith Angle", "Zenith Angle");
64 | c->Divide(2,2);
65 |
66 | c->cd(1);
67 | gPad->SetGridy();
68 | file.GetObject("MC/theta/BiasW", h1);
69 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
70 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
71 | c->cd(2);
72 | gPad->SetGridy();
73 | file.GetObject("MC/theta/ResolutionW", h1);
74 | h1->DrawCopy("][ P");
75 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
76 |
77 | c->cd(3);
78 | gPad->SetGridy();
79 | file.GetObject("MC/theta/TriggerEfficiencyW", h1);
80 | h1->SetTitle("Trigger (black) and Cut Efficiency (blue)");
81 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
82 | file.GetObject("MC/theta/CutEfficiencyW", h1);
83 | h1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
84 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
85 |
86 | c->cd(4);
87 | gPad->SetLogy();
88 | file.GetObject("Data/Theta/Spectrum", h1);
89 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
90 | file.GetObject("Data/Theta/RolkeUL", h1);
91 | h1->SetMarkerStyle(23);
92 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
93 |
94 | // --------------------------------
95 |
96 | c = new TCanvas("Impact", "Impact");
97 | c->Divide(2,2);
98 | c->cd(1);
99 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/Impact", h2);
100 | h2->DrawCopy("colz");
101 | h2->DrawCopy("same");
102 | c->cd(2);
103 | file.GetObject("MC/sparse/TrueEnergy/Impact", h2);
104 | h2->DrawCopy("colz");
105 | h2->DrawCopy("same");
106 | c->cd(3);
107 | file.GetObject("MC/theta/Impact", h2);
108 | h2->DrawCopy("colz");
109 | h2->DrawCopy("same");
110 |
111 | // --------------------------------
112 |
113 | c = new TCanvas("Migration", "Migration");
114 | c->Divide(2,1);
115 | c->cd(1);
116 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/Migration", h2);
117 | h2->DrawCopy("colz");
118 | fx.DrawCopy("same");
119 | c->cd(2);
120 | file.GetObject("MC/sparse/Migration", h2);
121 | h2->DrawCopy("colz");
122 | fx.DrawCopy("same");
123 |
124 | // --------------------------------
125 | c = new TCanvas("Resolution", "Resolution");
126 | c->Divide(2,2);
127 | c->cd(1);
128 | gPad->SetGridy();
129 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/BiasW", h1);
130 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
131 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
132 | c->cd(2);
133 | gPad->SetGridy();
134 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/EstimatedEnergy/BiasW", h1);
135 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
136 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
137 | c->cd(3);
138 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/ResolutionW", h1);
139 | h1->DrawCopy("][ P");
140 | c->cd(4);
141 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/EstimatedEnergy/ResolutionW", h1);
142 | h1->DrawCopy("][ P");
143 |
144 | // --------------------------------
145 |
146 | c = new TCanvas("Efficiency", "Efficiency");
147 | c->Divide(2,2);
148 | c->cd(1);
149 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/TriggerEfficiencyW", h1);
150 | h1->SetTitle("Trigger (black) and Cut (blue) efficiency");
151 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0");
152 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
153 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/CutEfficiencyW", h1);
154 | h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
155 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0 same");
156 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
157 |
158 | c->cd(2);
159 | gPad->SetLogy();
160 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/EffectiveAreaW", h1);
161 | h1->SetTitle("Effective Collection Area");
162 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0");
163 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
164 |
165 | c->cd(3);
166 |
167 | gPad->SetLogy();
168 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/SimFluxW", h1);
169 | h1->SetTitle("Simulated (blk), Triggered (blk), Cut (blu), Bg (blu), Reconstructed (red) spectrum");
170 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0");
171 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
172 |
173 | gPad->SetLogy();
174 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/TrigFluxW", h1);
175 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0 same");
176 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
177 |
178 | gPad->SetLogy();
179 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/ExcessFluxW", h1);
180 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0 same");
181 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
182 |
183 | TSpline3 spline(h1);
184 | spline.SetLineColor(kBlue);
185 | spline.DrawClone("same");
186 |
187 | float max = 0;
188 | float xmax = 0;
189 | for (float x=2.5; x<5; x+=0.01)
190 | {
191 | if (spline.Eval(x)>max)
192 | {
193 | xmax = x;
194 | max = spline.Eval(x);
195 | }
196 | }
197 |
198 | TMarker m;
199 | m.SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
200 | m.SetMarkerStyle(kStar);
201 | m.DrawMarker(xmax, max);
202 |
203 | cout << endl;
204 | cout << "Threshold Max: " << pow(10, xmax) << endl;
205 | cout << endl;
206 |
207 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/EstimatedEnergy/ExcessFluxW", h1);
208 | h1->SetLineColor(kRed);
209 | h1->DrawCopy("X0 P same");
210 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
211 |
212 | file.GetObject("MC/dense/TrueEnergy/BackgroundFluxW", h1);
213 | h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
214 | h1->DrawCopy("X0 P same");
215 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
216 |
217 | c->cd(4);
218 | gPad->SetLogy();
219 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/Excess", h1);
220 | h1->SetTitle("Measured Signal (blue) / Simulated Excess (black)");
221 | h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
222 | h1->DrawCopy("P X0");
223 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
224 | double scale = h1->Integral();
225 | file.GetObject("MC/sparse/EstimatedEnergy/ExcessFluxW", h1);
226 | h1->Scale(scale/h1->Integral());
227 | h1->DrawCopy("X0 P same");
228 | h1->DrawCopy("C hist same");
229 |
230 | // --------------------------------
231 | f0.SetLineColor(kRed);
232 | // --------------------------------
233 |
234 | c = new TCanvas("Integral Spectrum", "Integral Spectrum");
235 | c->Divide(2,2);
236 | c->cd(4);
237 | gPad->SetLogy();
238 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/IntegratedSpectrum", h1);
239 | h1->SetLineColor(kGray);
240 | h1->SetMarkerColor(kGray);
241 | if (h1->GetMinimum()<=0)
242 | {
243 | h1->SetMinimum(h1->GetMinimum(0)*0.1);
244 | cout << "WARNING: Integral Spectrum contains negative flux points!\n" << endl;
245 | }
246 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
247 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/Spectrum", h1);
248 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
249 |
250 | f.SetParameters(h1->GetMaximum(), 1.4);
251 | h1->Fit(&f, "N0EM", "");
252 | f.DrawCopy("same");
253 |
254 | cout << endl;
255 | cout << "ChiSq " << f.GetChisquare() << " / " << f.GetNDF() << endl;
256 | cout << "Prob. " << f.GetProb() << endl;
257 | cout << endl;
258 |
259 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/RolkeUL", h1);
260 | h1->SetMarkerStyle(23);
261 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
262 |
263 | //file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/RolkeLL", h1);
264 | //h1->SetMarkerStyle(22);
265 | //h1->DrawCopy("P same");
266 |
267 | c->cd(1);
268 | gPad->SetGridx();
269 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/SigmaFlux", h1);
270 | h1->SetMaximum(5);
271 | h1->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotLarge);
272 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
273 | f0.SetParameter(0, 1);
274 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
275 |
276 | c->cd(3);
277 | gPad->SetGridx();
278 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/BackgroundI", h1);
279 | h1->SetTitle("Integral Signal (black), Background (red) and Excess (blue)");
280 | h1->Scale(5);
281 | h1->SetMaximum(30);
282 | h1->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
283 | h1->SetLineColor(kRed);
284 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
285 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/SignalI", h1);
286 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
287 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Integral/ExcessI", h1);
288 | h1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
289 | h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
290 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
291 |
292 | f0.SetParameter(0, 10);
293 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
294 |
295 | // --------------------------------
296 |
297 | c = new TCanvas("Differential Spectrum", "Differential Spectrum");
298 | c->Divide(2,2);
299 | c->cd(4);
300 | gPad->SetLogy();
301 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/Spectrum", h1);
302 | if (h1->GetMinimum()<=0)
303 | {
304 | h1->SetMinimum(h1->GetMinimum(0)*0.1);
305 | cout << "WARNING: Differential Spectrum contains negative flux points!\n" << endl;
306 | }
307 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
308 |
309 | f.SetParameters(h1->GetMaximum(), 2.4);
310 | h1->Fit(&f, "N0EM", "");
311 | f.DrawCopy("same");
312 |
313 | cout << endl;
314 | cout << "ChiSq " << f.GetChisquare() << " / " << f.GetNDF() << endl;
315 | cout << "Prob. " << f.GetProb() << endl;
316 | cout << endl;
317 |
318 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/RolkeUL", h1);
319 | h1->SetMarkerStyle(23);
320 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
321 |
322 | //file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/RolkeLL", h1);
323 | //h1->SetMarkerStyle(22);
324 | //h1->DrawCopy("P same");
325 |
326 | //file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/FeldmanCousins", h1);
327 | //h1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
328 | //h1->SetMarkerStyle(23);
329 | //h1->DrawCopy("P same");
330 |
331 | c->cd(1);
332 | gPad->SetGridx();
333 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/SigmaFlux", h1);
334 | h1->SetMaximum(5);
335 | h1->SetMarkerStyle(kFullDotLarge);
336 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
337 | f0.SetParameter(0, 1);
338 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
339 |
340 | c->cd(3);
341 | gPad->SetGridx();
342 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/Background", h1);
343 | h1->SetTitle("Differential Signal (black), Background (red) and Excess (blue)");
344 | h1->Scale(5);
345 | h1->SetMaximum(30);
346 | h1->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
347 | h1->SetLineColor(kRed);
348 | h1->DrawCopy("P");
349 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/Signal", h1);
350 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
351 | file.GetObject("Data/Energy/Differential/Excess", h1);
352 | h1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
353 | h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
354 | h1->DrawCopy("P same");
355 |
356 | f0.SetParameter(0, 10);
357 | f0.DrawCopy("same");
358 | }