1 | #include "DataCalib.h"
2 |
3 | #include "FAD.h"
4 | #include "FitsFile.h"
5 | #include "DimDescriptionService.h"
6 |
7 | #include "externals/fits.h"
8 |
9 | using namespace std;
10 |
11 | DrsCalibration DataCalib::fData;
12 | bool DataCalib::fProcessing = false;
13 | vector<float> DataCalib::fStats(1440*1024*6+160*1024*2+4);
14 |
15 | void DataCalib::Restart()
16 | {
17 | fData.Clear();
18 |
19 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[0] = 0;
20 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[1] = 0;
21 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[2] = 0;
22 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[3] = 0;
23 |
24 | int i=0;
25 | while (i<1024*1440*2+4) // Set mean and RMS to 0
26 | fStats[i++] = 0;
27 | while (i<1024*1440*3+4)
28 | fStats[i++] = 2000./4096; // Set mean to 0.5
29 | while (i<1440*1024*6+160*1024*2+4)
30 | fStats[i++] = 0; // Set everything else to 0
31 |
32 | fProcessing = false;
33 | }
34 |
35 | bool DataCalib::ResetTrgOff(DimDescribedService &dim, DimDescribedService &runs)
36 | {
37 | if (fData.fStep!=3)
38 | return false;
39 |
40 | for (int i=1024*1440*4+4; i<1440*1024*6+160*1024*2+4; i++)
41 | fStats[i] = 0;
42 |
43 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[0] = 0;
44 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[3] = 0;
45 |
46 | fData.fStep = 1;
47 | Update(dim, runs);
48 | fData.fStep = 2;
49 |
50 | return true;
51 | }
52 |
53 | void DataCalib::Update(DimDescribedService &dim, DimDescribedService &runs)
54 | {
55 | const uint16_t roi = fData.fRoi;
56 | const uint16_t ntm = fData.fNumTm;
57 |
58 | vector<float> buf(1440*1024*6+160*1024*2+4);
59 |
60 | memcpy(buf.data(), fStats.data(), (4*1024*1440+4)*sizeof(float));
61 |
62 | for (int i=0; i<1440; i++)
63 | {
64 | memcpy(buf.data()+4+1440*1024*4 + i*1024, fStats.data()+4 + 4*1024*1440 + roi*i, roi*sizeof(float));
65 | memcpy(buf.data()+4+1440*1024*5 + i*1024, fStats.data()+4 + 4*1024*1440 + roi*1440 + roi*i, roi*sizeof(float));
66 | }
67 |
68 | /*
69 | for (int i=0; i<ntm; i++)
70 | {
71 | memcpy(buf.data()+4+1440*1024*6 + i*1024, fStats.data()+4 + 4*1024*1440 + 2*roi*1440, roi*sizeof(float));
72 | memcpy(buf.data()+4+1440*1024*6+160*1024 + i*1024, fStats.data()+4 + 4*1024*1440 + 2*roi*1440+i*roi, roi*sizeof(float));
73 | }*/
74 |
75 | #warning Time marker channels not sent
76 |
77 | dim.Update(buf);
78 |
79 | runs.setData(buf.data(), 4*sizeof(uint32_t));
80 | runs.Update();
81 | }
82 |
83 | bool DataCalib::Open(const RUN_HEAD* h, const FAD::RunDescription &d)
84 | {
85 | if (h->NPix != 1440)
86 | {
87 | Error("Number of pixels in header for run "+to_string(GetRunId())+" not 1440.");
88 | return false;
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (fProcessing)
92 | {
93 | Warn("Previous DRS calibration run not yet finished (current run "+to_string(GetRunId())+")");
94 | return false;
95 | }
96 |
97 | if (fData.fStep==3)
98 | {
99 | Warn("DRS Calibration already finished before current run "+to_string(GetRunId())+"... please restart!");
100 | return false;
101 | }
102 |
103 | if (fData.fStep!=2 && h->Nroi != 1024)
104 | {
105 | ostringstream msg;
106 | msg << "Region of interest of run " << GetRunId() << " not 1024, but " << h->Nroi << " in step " << fData.fStep << " ... as it ought to be.";
107 | Error(msg);
108 | return false;
109 | }
110 |
111 | vector<uint16_t> dac(8);
112 | /*
113 | // We don't check consistency over several boards because this is done
114 | // by the eventCheck routine already
115 | for (int i=0; i<h->NBoard; i++)
116 | {
117 | const PEVNT_HEADER &hh = h->FADhead[i];
118 |
119 | if (hh.start_package_flag==0)
120 | continue;
121 |
122 | for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
123 | dac[j] = hh.dac[j];
124 |
125 | break;
126 | }
127 |
128 | for (int i=1; i<7; i++)
129 | {
130 | if (i==3 || dac[i]==dac[i+1])
131 | continue;
132 |
133 | ostringstream msg;
134 | msg << "Values of DAC" << i << " (" << dac[i] << ") and DAC" << i+1 <<" (" << dac[i+1] << ") do not match... cannot take DRS calibration!";
135 | fMsg.Error(msg);
136 | return false;
137 | }
138 |
139 | if (fData.fStep>0)
140 | {
141 | for (int j=0; j<8; j++)
142 | {
143 | if (fData.fDAC[j]==dac[j])
144 | continue;
145 |
146 | ostringstream msg;
147 | msg << "DAC value from previous run (DAC" << j << "=" << fData.fDAC[j] << ") and current run ";
148 | msg << "(DAC" << j << "=" << dac[j] << ") inconsistent... cannot take DRS calibration!";
149 | fMsg.Error(msg);
150 | return false;
151 | }
152 | }
153 |
154 | memcpy(fData.fDAC, dac.data(), 8*sizeof(uint16_t));
155 | */
156 | fProcessing = true;
157 |
158 | const bool hastm = h->Nroi<=512 && h->NroiTM>=2*h->Nroi;
159 |
160 | Reset();
161 | InitSize(hastm ? 1600 : 1440, h->Nroi);
162 |
163 | fData.fRoi = fNumSamples;
164 | fData.fNumTm = hastm ? 160 : 0;
165 |
166 | return DataWriteFits2::Open(h, d);
167 | }
168 |
169 | bool DataCalib::WriteEvt(EVENT *e)
170 | {
171 | // FIXME: SET StartPix to 0 if StartPix is -1
172 |
173 | if (fData.fStep==0)
174 | {
175 | AddRel(e->Adc_Data, e->StartPix);
176 | }
177 | if (fData.fStep==1)
178 | {
179 | AddRel(e->Adc_Data, e->StartPix, fData.fOffset.data(), fData.fNumOffset);
180 | }
181 | if (fData.fStep==2)
182 | {
183 | AddAbs(e->Adc_Data, e->StartPix, fData.fOffset.data(), fData.fNumOffset);
184 | }
185 |
186 | return DataWriteFits2::WriteEvt(e);
187 | }
188 |
189 | bool DataCalib::ReadFits(const string &str, MessageImp &msg)
190 | {
191 | if (fProcessing)
192 | {
193 | msg.Error("Reading "+str+" failed: DRS calibration in process.");
194 | return false;
195 | }
196 |
197 | try
198 | {
199 | const string txt = fData.ReadFitsImp(str, fStats);
200 | if (txt.empty())
201 | return true;
202 |
203 | msg.Error(txt);
204 | return false;
205 | }
206 | catch (const runtime_error &e)
207 | {
208 | msg.Error("Exception reading "+str+": "+e.what());
209 | return false;
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | void DataCalib::WriteFitsImp(const string &filename, const vector<float> &vec) const
214 | {
215 | const uint16_t roi = fData.fRoi;
216 | const uint16_t ntm = fData.fNumTm;
217 |
218 | const size_t n = 1440*1024*4 + 1440*roi*2 + ntm*roi*2 + 3;
219 |
220 | // The vector has a fixed size
221 | //if (vec.size()!=n+1)
222 | // throw runtime_error("Size of vector does not match region-of-interest");
223 |
224 | ofits file(filename.c_str());
225 |
226 | file.AddColumnInt("RunNumberBaseline");
227 | file.AddColumnInt("RunNumberGain");
228 | file.AddColumnInt("RunNumberTriggerOffset");
229 |
230 | file.AddColumnFloat(1024*1440, "BaselineMean", "mV");
231 | file.AddColumnFloat(1024*1440, "BaselineRms", "mV");
232 | file.AddColumnFloat(1024*1440, "GainMean", "mV");
233 | file.AddColumnFloat(1024*1440, "GainRms", "mV");
234 | file.AddColumnFloat( roi*1440, "TriggerOffsetMean", "mV");
235 | file.AddColumnFloat( roi*1440, "TriggerOffsetRms", "mV");
236 | file.AddColumnFloat( roi*ntm, "TriggerOffsetTMMean", "mV");
237 | file.AddColumnFloat( roi*ntm, "TriggerOffsetTMRms", "mV");
238 |
239 | DataWriteFits2::WriteDefaultKeys(file);
240 |
241 | file.SetInt("STEP", fData.fStep, "");
242 |
243 | file.SetInt("ADCRANGE", 2000, "Dynamic range of the ADC in mV");
244 | file.SetInt("DACRANGE", 2500, "Dynamic range of the DAC in mV");
245 | file.SetInt("ADC", 12, "Resolution of ADC in bits");
246 | file.SetInt("DAC", 16, "Resolution of DAC in bits");
247 | file.SetInt("NPIX", 1440, "Number of channels in the camera");
248 | file.SetInt("NTM", ntm, "Number of time marker channels");
249 | file.SetInt("NROI", roi, "Region of interest");
250 |
251 | file.SetInt("NBOFFSET", fData.fNumOffset, "Number of entries for offset calibration");
252 | file.SetInt("NBGAIN", fData.fNumGain/1953125, "Number of entries for gain calibration");
253 | file.SetInt("NBTRGOFF", fData.fNumTrgOff, "Number of entries for trigger offset calibration");
254 |
255 | // file.WriteKeyNT("DAC_A", fData.fDAC[0], "Level of DAC 0 in DAC counts") ||
256 | // file.WriteKeyNT("DAC_B", fData.fDAC[1], "Leval of DAC 1-3 in DAC counts") ||
257 | // file.WriteKeyNT("DAC_C", fData.fDAC[4], "Leval of DAC 4-7 in DAC counts") ||
258 |
259 | file.WriteTableHeader("DrsCalibration");
260 | file.WriteRow(vec.data()+1, n*sizeof(float));
261 | }
262 |
263 | bool DataCalib::Close(RUN_TAIL *tail)
264 | {
265 | if (fNumEntries==0)
266 | {
267 | ostringstream str;
268 | str << "DRS calibration run (run=" << GetRunId() << ", step=" << fData.fStep << ", roi=" << fData.fRoi << ") has 0 events.";
269 | Warn(str);
270 | }
271 |
272 | if (fData.fStep==0)
273 | {
274 | fData.fOffset.assign(fSum.begin(), fSum.end());
275 | fData.fNumOffset = fNumEntries;
276 |
277 | for (int i=0; i<1024*1440; i++)
278 | fData.fGain[i] = 4096*fNumEntries;
279 |
280 | // Scale ADC data from 12bit to 2000mV
281 | GetSampleStats(fStats.data()+4, 2000./4096);
282 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[1] = GetRunId();;
283 | }
284 | if (fData.fStep==1)
285 | {
286 | fData.fGain.assign(fSum.begin(), fSum.end());
287 | fData.fNumGain = fNumEntries;
288 |
289 | // DAC: 0..2.5V == 0..65535 2500*50000 625*50000 625*3125
290 | // V-mV: 1000 ---------- --------- --------
291 | //fNumGain *= 2500*50000; 65536 16384 1024
292 | //for (int i=0; i<1024*1440; i++)
293 | // fGain[i] *= 65536;
294 | fData.fNumGain *= 1953125;
295 | for (int i=0; i<1024*1440; i++)
296 | fData.fGain[i] *= 1024;
297 |
298 | // Scale ADC data from 12bit to 2000mV
299 | GetSampleStats(fStats.data()+1024*1440*2+4, 2000./4096/fData.fNumOffset);//0.5);
300 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[2] = GetRunId();;
301 | }
302 | if (fData.fStep==2)
303 | {
304 | fData.fTrgOff.assign(fSum.begin(), fSum.end());
305 | fData.fNumTrgOff = fNumEntries;
306 |
307 | // Scale ADC data from 12bit to 2000mV
308 | GetSampleStats(fStats.data()+1024*1440*4+4, 2000./4096/fData.fNumOffset);//0.5);
309 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[0] = fNumSamples;
310 | reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(fStats.data())[3] = GetRunId();
311 | }
312 |
313 | if (fData.fStep<=2)
314 | {
315 | const string filename = FormFileName("drs.fits");
316 | try
317 | {
318 | WriteFitsImp(filename, fStats);
319 |
320 | ostringstream str;
321 | str << "Wrote DRS calibration data (run=" << GetRunId() << ", step=" << fData.fStep << ", roi=" << fData.fRoi << ") to '" << filename << "'";
322 | Info(str);
323 | }
324 | catch (const exception &e)
325 | {
326 | Error("Exception writing run "+to_string(GetRunId())+" '"+filename+"': "+e.what());
327 | }
328 | }
329 |
330 | Update(fDim, fDimRuns);
331 |
332 | fData.fStep++;
333 |
334 | fProcessing = false;
335 |
336 | return DataWriteFits2::Close(tail);
337 | }