1 | #include "DataProcessorImp.h"
2 |
3 | #include "FAD.h"
4 | #include "tools.h"
5 |
6 | #include "DimWriteStatistics.h" // weird dependency
7 |
8 | using namespace std;
9 |
10 |
11 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 | //
13 | //! This creates an appropriate file name for a particular run number and type
14 | //! @param runNumberq the run number for which a filename is to be created
15 | //! @param runType an int describing the kind of run. 0=Data, 1=Pedestal, 2=Calibration, 3=Calibrated data
16 | //! @param extension a string containing the extension to be appened to the file name
17 | //
18 | string DataProcessorImp::FormFileName(const string &path, uint64_t night, uint32_t runid, const string &extension)
19 | {
20 | ostringstream name;
21 |
22 | if (!path.empty())
23 | {
24 | name << path;
25 | if (path[path.length()-1] != '/')
26 | name << '/';
27 | }
28 |
29 | name << Tools::Form("%04d/%02d/%02d/", night/10000, (night/100)%100, night%100);
30 |
31 | try
32 | {
33 | DimWriteStatistics::CreateDirectory(name.str());
34 | }
35 | catch (const runtime_error &)
36 | {
37 | // File creation will fail anyway
38 | //Error(e.what());
39 | }
40 |
41 | name << night << '_' << setfill('0') << setw(3) << runid << '.' << extension;
42 | return name.str();
43 | }
44 |
45 | // =======================================================================
46 |
47 | bool DataDump::Open(const RUN_HEAD* h, const FAD::RunDescription &)
48 | {
49 | fFileName = "/dev/null";
50 |
51 | ostringstream str;
52 | str << this << " - "
53 | << "OPEN_FILE #" << GetRunId() << ":"
54 | << " Ver=" << h->Version
55 | << " Typ=" << h->RunType
56 | << " Nb=" << h->NBoard
57 | << " Np=" << h->NPix
58 | << " NTm=" << h->NTm
59 | << " roi=" << h->Nroi;
60 |
61 | Debug(str);
62 |
63 | fTime = Time();
64 |
65 | return true;
66 | }
67 |
68 | bool DataDump::WriteEvt(const EVENT *e)
69 | {
70 | const Time now;
71 | if (now-fTime<boost::posix_time::seconds(5))
72 | return true;
73 |
74 | fTime = now;
75 |
76 | ostringstream str;
77 | str << this << " - EVENT #" << e->EventNum << " / " << e->TriggerNum;
78 | Debug(str);
79 |
80 | return true;
81 | }
82 |
83 | bool DataDump::Close(const RUN_TAIL *)
84 | {
85 | ostringstream str;
86 | str << this << " - CLOSE FILE #" << GetRunId();
87 |
88 | Debug(str);
89 |
90 | return true;
91 | }
92 |
93 | // =======================================================================
94 |
95 | bool DataDebug::WriteEvt(const EVENT *e)
96 | {
97 | cout << "WRITE_EVENT #" << GetRunId() << " (" << e->EventNum << ")" << endl;
98 | cout << " Typ=" << e->TriggerType << endl;
99 | cout << " roi=" << e->Roi << endl;
100 | cout << " trg=" << e->SoftTrig << endl;
101 | cout << " tim=" << e->PCTime << endl;
102 |
103 | return true;
104 | }
105 |