// ************************************************************************** /** @class DimServiceInfoList @brief Maintains a list of all services available in the Dim network The idea of this class is to maintain a list of services available in the Dim network as well as state descriptions if available. Therefore, it subscribes to the SERVICE_LIST, SERVICE_DESC and STATE_LIST services of all servers. To maintain the list it derives from DimServerList which maintains a list of all servers. To maintain the subscriptions it overwrites: - void DimServerList::AddServer(const std::string &s) - void DimServerList::RemoveServer(const std::string &s) - void DimServerList::RemoveAllServers() If a derived class also overwrites these functions it must be ensured that the member functions of DimServiceInfoList are still called properly. Whenever a service is added or removed, or all services of one server is removed the following virtual functions are called: - virtual void AddService(const std::string &server, const std::string &service, const std::string &fmt, bool iscmd) - virtual void RemoveService(const std::string &server, const std::string &service, bool iscmd) - virtual void RemoveAllServices(const std::string &server) Note, that these functions are not called from the RemoveServer() and RemoveAllServer() functions. It might be a difference whether all services were removed but the server is still online or the server went offline. If a description or a state was added, this is signaled though: - virtual void AddDescription(const std::string &server, const std::string &service, const std::vector &vec) - virtual void AddStates(const std::string &server, const std::vector &vec) Note, that Descriptions and States are never removed except a service or server goes offline. It is expected that if a service comes online also the list of descritions is sent again. */ // ************************************************************************** #include "DimServiceInfoList.h" #include #include "WindowLog.h" #include "Converter.h" #include "tools.h" #include "Time.h" using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! A helper to shorten the call to create a DimInfo. //! //! @param str //! name of the server to which we want to subscribe //! //! @param svc //! name of the servic on the server to which we want to subscribe //! //! @returns //! a pointer to the newly created DimInfo //! DimInfo *DimServiceInfoList::CreateDimInfo(const string &str, const string &svc) const { return new DimInfo((str+'/'+svc).c_str(), const_cast(""), const_cast(this)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Adds the service subscription for SERVICE_LIST, SERVICE_DESC and //! STATE_LIST for the given server. Don't forget to call this function //! if it is overwritten in a derived class. //! //! @param s //! server which should be added //! //! @throws //! a runtime_error is the server is already in the list // void DimServiceInfoList::AddServer(const string &s) { // Check if this server is already in the list. // This should never happen if Dim works reliable const ServiceInfoList::iterator v = fServiceInfoList.find(s); if (v!=fServiceInfoList.end()) { stringstream err; err << "DimServiceInfoList: Server '" << s << "' in list not as it ought to be."; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } fServiceInfoList[s].push_back(CreateSL(s)); fServiceInfoList[s].push_back(CreateFMT(s)); fServiceInfoList[s].push_back(CreateDS(s)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Removes the service subscription for SERVICE_LIST, SERVICE_DESC and //! STATE_LIST for the given server, as well as the stored informations. //! Don't forget to call this function if it is overwritten in a derived //! class. //! //! @param s //! server which should be removed. We need to make a copy, otherwise //! RemoveServer will destroy the staring the reference is pointing to //! //! @throws //! a runtime_error is the server to be removed is not in the list // void DimServiceInfoList::RemoveServer(const string s) { fList->RemoveAllServices(s); const ServiceInfoList::iterator v = fServiceInfoList.find(s); if (v==fServiceInfoList.end()) return; /* { stringstream err; err << "DimServiceInfoList: Server '" << s << "' not in list as it ought to be."; throw runtime_error(err.str()); }*/ // Remove the server from the server list delete v->second[0]; delete v->second[1]; delete v->second[2]; fServiceInfoList.erase(v); fServiceList.erase(s); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Removes the service subscription for SERVICE_LIST, SERVICE_DESC and //! STATE_LIST for all servers, as well as all stored informations. //! Don't forget to call this function if it is overwritten in a derived //! class. //! void DimServiceInfoList::RemoveAllServers() { while (!fServiceInfoList.empty()) RemoveServer(fServiceInfoList.begin()->first); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! This function processes the update of the SERVICE_LIST, SERVICE_DESC, //! and STATE_LIST updates. //! //! Whenever a service is added or removed or all services of a server are //! removed (the list is newly sent completely) the virtual functions //! AddService(), RemoveService() and RemoveAllServices() aee called. //! //! If a new description or a new state is added, the virtual functions //! AddDescription() and AddStates() respectively are called. // void DimServiceInfoList::infoHandler() { // Get the name of the service const string svc = getInfo()->getName(); // Get the server name from the service name const string server = svc.substr(0, svc.find_first_of('/')); const string service = svc.substr(svc.find_first_of('/')+1); if (service=="SERVICE_LIST") { // For easy and fast access get the corresponding reference TypeList &list = fServiceList[server].first; const string str = getInfo()->getString(); // WHAT's THIS??? if (str.length()==0) return; // Initialize the entry with an empty list if (str[0]!='+' && str[0]!='-') { fList->RemoveAllServices(server); list.clear(); } string buffer; // Tokenize the stream into lines stringstream stream(str); while (getline(stream, buffer, '\n')) { if (buffer.empty()) continue; // Get the type and compare it with fType const string type = buffer.substr(buffer.find_last_of('|')+1); if (type=="RPC") continue; /* const bool iscmd = type=="CMD"; if (type!=fType && fType!="*") continue; */ // Get format, name and command name const string fmt = buffer.substr(buffer.find_first_of('|')+1, buffer.find_last_of('|')-buffer.find_first_of('|')-1); const string name = buffer.substr(buffer.find_first_of('/')+1, buffer.find_first_of('|')-buffer.find_first_of('/')-1); //const string cmd = buffer.substr(0, buffer.find_first_of('|')); const bool iscmd = type=="CMD"; // FIXME: Do we need to check that the buffer starts with SERVER ? if (buffer[0]=='-') { // Check if this server is not found in the list. // This should never happen if Dim works reliable const TypeList::iterator v = list.find(name); /* if (v==list.end()) { stringstream err; err << "DimServiceInfoList: Service '" << server << "/" << name << "' not in list as it ought to be."; // Seems to happen why more than one client is subscribed // and e.g. the datalogger is immediately quit throw runtime_error(err.str()); }*/ fList->RemoveService(server, name, iscmd); if (v!=list.end()) list.erase(v); continue; } if (buffer[0]=='+') { // Check if this server is not found in the list. // This should never happen if Dim works reliable const TypeList::iterator v = list.find(name); if (v!=list.end()) { stringstream err; err << "DimServiceInfoList: Service '" << server << "/" << name << "' already in list not as it ought to be."; throw runtime_error(err.str()); } list[name] = make_pair(fmt, iscmd); fList->AddService(server, name, fmt, iscmd); continue; } // Add name the the list list[name] = make_pair(fmt, iscmd); fList->AddService(server, name, fmt, iscmd); } return; } if (service=="SERVICE_DESC") { // For easy and fast access get the corresponding reference DescriptionList &list = fServiceList[server].second; list.clear(); string buffer; stringstream stream(getInfo()->getString()); while (getline(stream, buffer, '\n')) { if (buffer.empty()) continue; const vector v = Description::SplitDescription(buffer); const string name = v[0].name.substr(v[0].name.find_first_of('/')+1); const string comment = v[0].comment; list[name] = make_pair(comment, vector(v.begin()+1, v.end())); fList->AddDescription(server, name, v); } return; } if (service=="STATE_LIST") { vector &vec = fServiceList[server].third; vec = State::SplitStates(getInfo()->getString()); fList->AddStates(server, vec); return; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Returns a list of all services available for the given server. //! Depending on iscmd either only services or only commands are returned. //! //! @param server //! server for which the list should be returned //! //! @param iscmd //! true if only commands should be returned, false for services //! //! @returns //! a vector which contains all the service or command names for //! the given server. The names returned are always SERVER/SERVICE //! If the server was not fund an empty vector is returned. // vector DimServiceInfoList::GetServiceList(const std::string &server, bool iscmd) const { const ServiceList::const_iterator m = fServiceList.find(server); if (m==fServiceList.end()) return vector(); const TypeList &list = m->second.first; vector vec; for (TypeList::const_iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); i++) if (i->second.second==iscmd) vec.push_back(server+'/'+i->first); return vec; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Returns a list of all services available in the network. //! Depending on iscmd either only services or only commands are returned. //! //! @param iscmd //! true if only commands should be returned, false for services //! //! @returns //! a vector which contains all the service or command names in //! the network. The names returned are always SERVER/SERVICE // vector DimServiceInfoList::GetServiceList(bool iscmd) const { vector vec; for (ServiceList::const_iterator m=fServiceList.begin(); m!=fServiceList.end(); m++) { const TypeList &list = m->second.first; for (TypeList::const_iterator i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); i++) if (i->second.second==iscmd) vec.push_back(m->first+'/'+i->first); } return vec; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Returns a list of all descriptions for the given service on the //! given server. Service in this context can also be a command. //! //! @param server //! Server name to look for //! //! @param service //! Service/command name to look for //! //! @returns //! a vector which contains all argument descriptions for //! the given service or command. The first entry contains the name //! and the general description for the given service. If the server //! or service was not found an empty vector is returned. // std::vector DimServiceInfoList::GetDescription(const std::string &server, const std::string &service) const { const ServiceList::const_iterator s = fServiceList.find(server); if (s==fServiceList.end()) return vector(); const DescriptionList &descs = s->second.second; const DescriptionList::const_iterator d = descs.find(service); if (d==descs.end()) return vector(); vector vec; vec.push_back(Description(service, d->second.first)); vec.insert(vec.end(), d->second.second.begin(), d->second.second.end()); return vec; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Returns a list of all states associated with the given server. //! //! @param server //! Server name to look for //! //! @returns //! a vector which contains all state descriptions for //! the given server. If the server or service was not found an //! empty vector is returned. // vector DimServiceInfoList::GetStates(const std::string &server) const { const ServiceList::const_iterator s = fServiceList.find(server); if (s==fServiceList.end()) return vector(); return s->second.third; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Returns the Description of the state as defined by the arguments. //! given server. Service in this context can also be a command. //! //! @param server //! Server name to look for //! //! @param state //! The state index to look for (e.g. 1) //! //! @returns //! The State object containing the description. If the server was //! not found the State object will contain the index -3, if the //! state was not found -2. // State DimServiceInfoList::GetState(const std::string &server, int state) const { const ServiceList::const_iterator s = fServiceList.find(server); if (s==fServiceList.end()) { stringstream str; str << "DimServiceInfoList::GetState: Searching for state #" << state << " server " << server << " not found."; return State(-3, "Server not found", str.str()); } const std::vector &v = s->second.third; for (vector::const_iterator i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i++) if (i->index==state) return *i; stringstream str; str << "DimServiceInfoList::GetState: State #" << state << " not found on server " << server << "."; return State(-2, "State not found", str.str()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Returns whether the given service on the given server is a command //! or not. //! //! @param server //! Server name to look for //! //! @param service //! The service name to look for //! //! @returns //! 1 if it is a command, 0 if it is a service, -1 if the service //! was not found on the server, -2 if the server was not found. // int DimServiceInfoList::IsCommand(const std::string &server, const std::string &service) const { const ServiceList::const_iterator s = fServiceList.find(server); if (s==fServiceList.end()) return -2; const TypeList &list = s->second.first; const TypeList::const_iterator t = list.find(service); if (t==list.end()) return -1; return t->second.second; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Print the full available documentation (description) of all available //! services or comments to the the given stream. //! //! @param out //! ostream to which the output is send. //! //! @param iscmd //! true if all commands should be printed, false for services. //! //! @param serv //! if a server is given, only the information for this server is printed //! //! @param service //! if a service is given, only information for this service is printed //! //! @returns //! the number of descriptions found // int DimServiceInfoList::PrintDescription(std::ostream &out, bool iscmd, const string &serv, const string &service) const { int rc = 0; for (ServiceList::const_iterator i=fServiceList.begin(); i!=fServiceList.end(); i++) { const string &server = i->first; if (!serv.empty() && server!=serv) continue; out << kRed << "----- " << server << " -----" << endl; const TypeList &types = i->second.first; const DescriptionList &descs = i->second.second; for (TypeList::const_iterator t=types.begin(); t!=types.end(); t++) { if (!service.empty() && t->first!=service) continue; if (t->second.second!=iscmd) continue; rc++; out << " " << t->first; // Check t->second->first for command or service const string fmt = t->second.first; if (!fmt.empty()) out << '[' << fmt << ']'; const DescriptionList::const_iterator d = descs.find(t->first); if (d==descs.end()) { out << endl; continue; } const string comment = d->second.first; const vector &v = d->second.second; for (vector::const_iterator j=v.begin(); j!=v.end(); j++) out << " <" << j->name << ">"; out << endl; if (!comment.empty()) out << " " << comment << endl; for (vector::const_iterator j=v.begin(); j!=v.end(); j++) { out << " " << kGreen << j->name; if (!j->comment.empty()) out << kReset << ": " << kBlue << j->comment; if (!j->unit.empty()) out << kYellow << " [" << j->unit << "]"; out << endl; } } out << endl; } return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Print the full list of stated for the given server. //! //! @param out //! ostream to which the output is send. //! //! @param serv //! if a server is given, only the information for this server is printed //! //! @returns //! the number of states found // int DimServiceInfoList::PrintStates(std::ostream &out, const string &serv) const { int rc = 0; for (ServiceList::const_iterator i=fServiceList.begin(); i!=fServiceList.end(); i++) { const string &server = i->first; if (!serv.empty() && server!=serv) continue; out << kRed << "----- " << server << " -----" << endl; const vector &v = i->second.third; if (v.empty()) out << " " << endl; else rc++; for (vector::const_iterator s=v.begin(); s!=v.end(); s++) { out << kBold << setw(5) << s->index << kReset << ": "; out << kYellow << s->name; out << kBlue << " (" << s->comment << ")" << endl; } out << endl; } return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Tries to send a dim command according to the arguments. //! The command given is evaluated according to the available format string. //! //! @param server //! The name of the server to which the command should be send, e.g. DRIVE //! //! @param str //! Command and data, eg "TRACK 12.5 13.8" //! //! @param lout //! the ostream to which errors and debug output is redirected //! //! @throws //! runtime_error if the server or command was not found, or if the //! format associated with the command could not be properly parsed, //! or if the command could not successfully be emitted. //! void DimServiceInfoList::SendDimCommand(const string &server, string str, ostream &lout) const { str = Tools::Trim(str); // Find the delimiter between the command name and the data size_t p0 = str.find_first_of(' '); if (p0==string::npos) p0 = str.length(); // Get just the command name separated from the data const string name = str.substr(0, p0); // Compile the command which will be sent to the state-machine const string cmd = server + '/' + name; const ServiceList::const_iterator m = fServiceList.find(server); if (m==fServiceList.end()) throw runtime_error("Unkown server '"+server+"'"); const TypeList &services = m->second.first; const TypeList::const_iterator t = services.find(name); if (t==services.end()) throw runtime_error("Command '"+name+"' not known on server '"+server+"'"); if (!t->second.second) throw runtime_error("'"+server+"/"+name+" not a command."); // Get the format of the event data const string fmt = t->second.first; // Avoid compiler warning of unused parameter lout << flush; // Convert the user entered data according to the format string // into a data block which will be attached to the event #ifndef DEBUG ostringstream sout; const Converter conv(sout, fmt, false); #else const Converter conv(lout, fmt, false); #endif if (!conv) throw runtime_error("Couldn't properly parse the format... ignored."); #ifdef DEBUG lout << kBlue << cmd; #endif const vector v = conv.GetVector(str.substr(p0)); #ifdef DEBUG lout << kBlue << " [" << v.size() << "]" << endl; #endif const int rc = DimClient::sendCommand(cmd.c_str(), (void*)v.data(), v.size()); if (!rc) throw runtime_error("ERROR - Sending command "+cmd+" failed."); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Catches the runtime_erros thrown by //! SendDimCommand(const string &, string, ostream &) //! and redirects the error message to the output stream. //! //! @param lout //! the ostream to which errors and debug output is redirected //! //! @param server //! The name of the server to which the command should be send, e.g. DRIVE //! //! @param str //! Command and data, eg "TRACK 12.5 13.8" //! //! @returns //! true if SendDimComment didn't throw an exception, false otherwise //! bool DimServiceInfoList::SendDimCommand(ostream &lout, const string &server, const string &str) const { try { SendDimCommand(server, str, lout); //lout << kGreen << "Command emitted successfully to " << server << "." << endl; return true; } catch (const runtime_error &e) { lout << kRed << e.what() << endl; return false; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Calls SendDimCommand(const string &, string, ostream &) and dumps //! the output. //! //! @param server //! The name of the server to which the command should be send, e.g. DRIVE //! //! @param str //! Command and data, eg "TRACK 12.5 13.8" //! //! @throws //! see SendDimCommand(const string &, string, ostream &) // void DimServiceInfoList::SendDimCommand(const std::string &server, const std::string &str) const { ostringstream dummy; SendDimCommand(server, str, dummy); } DimServiceInfoList::DimServiceInfoList(DimServiceInfoListImp *list) : DimServerList(list), fList(list) { }