#include "DimState.h" using namespace std; using namespace boost; void DimDnsServerList::HandlerServerImp(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()==0) return; time = evt.GetTime(); msg = evt.GetString(); typedef char_separator separator; const tokenizer tok(msg, separator("|")); for (auto it=tok.begin(); it!=tok.end(); it++) { const size_t p = it->find_first_of('@'); if (p==string::npos) continue; // The first part before the first @ is the server name string server = it->substr(0, p); if (server.empty()) continue; // If it starts with a - we have to remove an entry if (server[0]=='-') { fServerList.erase(server.substr(1)); CallbackServerRemove(server.substr(1)); continue; } // If it starts with a + we have to add an entry if (server[0]=='+') server = server.substr(1); // Check if this server is already in the list. // This should never happen if Dim works reliable if (fServerList.insert(server).second) CallbackServerAdd(server); } } void DimDnsServiceList::HandlerServiceListImp(const EventImp &evt) { if (evt.GetSize()==0) return; // Get the name of the service //const string svc = getInfo()->getName(); // Get the server name from the service name //const string server = svc.substr(0, svc.find_first_of('/')); //const string service = svc.substr(svc.find_first_of('/')+1); msg = evt.GetString(); time = evt.GetTime(); // Initialize the entry with an empty list //if (msg[0]!='+' && msg[0]!='-') // return; typedef char_separator separator; const tokenizer tok(msg, separator("\n")); for (auto it=tok.begin(); it!=tok.end(); it++) { if (it->at(0)=='-') continue; // Get the type and compare it with fType const string type = it->substr(it->find_last_of('|')+1); if (type=="RPC") continue; //const bool iscmd = type=="CMD"; //if (type!=fType && fType!="*") // continue; const size_t first_pipe = it->find_first_of('|'); const size_t first_slash = it->find_first_of('/'); const size_t last_pipe = it->find_last_of('|'); // Get format, name and command name Service service; service.server = it->substr(0, first_slash); service.name = it->substr(0, first_pipe); service.service = it->substr(first_slash+1, first_pipe-first_slash-1); service.format = it->substr(first_pipe +1, last_pipe -first_pipe -1); service.iscmd = type=="CMD"; //if (it->at(0)=='+') //{ // // Check if this server is not found in the list. // // This should never happen if Dim works reliable // const TypeList::iterator v = list.find(name); // if (v!=list.end()) // { // stringstream err; // err << "DimServiceInfoList: Service '" << server << "/" << name << "' already in list not as it ought to be."; // throw runtime_error(err.str()); // } // // list[name] = make_pair(fmt, iscmd); // fList->AddService(server, name, fmt, iscmd); //} const auto v = find(fServiceList.begin(), fServiceList.end(), service.name); if (v!=fServiceList.end()) continue; CallbackServiceAdd(service); } }