//************************************************************************************* /** @class DimWriteStatistics @brief provides a statistics service telling the free space on disk and the total size written so far */ //************************************************************************************* #include "DimWriteStatistics.h" #include //for getting disk free space #include //for getting files sizes #include #include "Time.h" using namespace std; using namespace boost::posix_time; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Constructor with correct service name. The state machine using this object should give it //! its own name as a parameter //! @param serverName the name of the server which created this object // DimWriteStatistics::DimWriteStatistics(const string& server, MessageImp &log) : fLog(log), fDimService(server + "/STATS", "X:1;X:1;X:1;X:1", "Statistics about size written" "|FreeSpace[bytes]:Free space on disk" "|Written[bytes]:Bytes written in total" "|Rate[bytes]:Bytes written since last update" "|Elapsed[ms]:Milliseconds elapsed since last update"), fCurrentFolder("."), fUpdateInterval(1000), fBaseSize(0), fDebug(false) { fThread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&DimWriteStatistics::UpdateService, this)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Destructor. Stop thread by setting fUpdateInterval to 0 and join the //! thread. // DimWriteStatistics::~DimWriteStatistics() { fUpdateInterval = 0; // This blocks for fPeriod duration, but maybe canceling the thread // could be more dangerous leaving Dim in an undefined state. fThread.interrupt(); } int DimWriteStatistics::Write(const Time &t, const string &txt, int qos) { return fLog.Write(t, txt, qos); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Retrieves the free space of the current base path //! @return the available free space on disk, in bytes // int64_t DimWriteStatistics::GetFreeSpace() { struct statvfs vfs; if (statvfs(fCurrentFolder.c_str(), &vfs)) return -1; return vfs.f_bsize*vfs.f_bavail; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Retrieves the size on disk of a given file, in bytes //! @param file the filename for which the size should be retrieved //! @return the size of the file, in bytes // int64_t DimWriteStatistics::GetFileSizeOnDisk(const string& file, MessageImp &log) { errno = 0; struct stat st; if (!stat(file.c_str(), &st)) return st.st_size; //ignoring error #2: no such file or directory is not an error for new files if (errno == 0 || errno == 2) return 0; ostringstream str; str << "stat() failed for '" << file << "': " << strerror(errno) << " [errno=" << errno << "]"; log.Error(str); return -1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Check if a given path exists //! @param path the path to be checked //! @return whether or not the given path exists // bool DimWriteStatistics::DoesPathExist(string path, MessageImp &log) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; if (path.empty()) path = "."; const fs::path fullPath = fs::system_complete(fs::path(path)); if (!fs::exists(fullPath)) return false; if (!fs::is_directory(fullPath)) { log.Error("Path given for checking '" + path + "' designate a file name. Please provide a path name only"); return false; } if (access(path.c_str(), R_OK|W_OK|X_OK) != 0) { log.Error("Missing read, write or execute permissions on directory '" + path + "'"); return false; } return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Sets the current folder //! @param folder the path to the folder // bool DimWriteStatistics::SetCurrentFolder(const string& folder) { struct statvfs vfs; if (statvfs(folder.empty()?".":folder.c_str(), &vfs)) { fLog.Error("statvfs() failed for '"+folder+"'... ignoring it."); return false; } fCurrentFolder = folder.empty()?".":folder; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Updates the service. This is the function executed by the thread // void DimWriteStatistics::UpdateService() { Time previousTime; uint64_t previousSize = 0; while (1) { if (fUpdateInterval==0) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); boost::this_thread::yield(); continue; } Stats data; for (set::const_iterator it = fOpenedFiles.begin(); it != fOpenedFiles.end(); it++) data.sizeWritten += GetFileSizeOnDisk(*it); data.sizeWritten -= fBaseSize; const Time cTime = Time(); data.freeSpace = GetFreeSpace(); data.rateWritten = data.sizeWritten-previousSize; data.timeElapsed = (cTime - previousTime).total_milliseconds(); previousSize = data.sizeWritten; previousTime = cTime; fDimService.setData(data); fDimService.Update(cTime); fStats = data; if (fDebug) { ostringstream str; str << "Written: " << fStats.sizeWritten/1000 << " kB; writing rate: "; str << fStats.rateWritten/fStats.timeElapsed << " kB/s; free space: "; str << fStats.freeSpace/1000000 << " MB"; fLog.Debug(str); } boost::this_thread::sleep(milliseconds(fUpdateInterval)); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Let the object know that a new file has been opened //! @param fileName the full name of the file newly opened //! @return whether this file could be stated or not // bool DimWriteStatistics::FileOpened(const string& fileName) { if (fOpenedFiles.find(fileName) != fOpenedFiles.end()) return false; //Add a newly opened file, and remember its original size const int64_t newSize = GetFileSizeOnDisk(fileName); if (newSize == -1) return false; fBaseSize += newSize; fOpenedFiles.insert(fileName); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Set the debug mode on and off //! @param debug the new mode (true or false) // void DimWriteStatistics::SetDebugMode(bool debug) { fDebug = debug; if (fDebug) fLog.Debug("Debug mode is now on."); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //! Set the update of the service interval //! @param duration the duration between two services update, in second // void DimWriteStatistics::SetUpdateInterval(const int16_t duration) { if (!finite(duration)) { fLog.Error("Provided update interval is not a valid float... discarding."); return; } if (uint16_t(duration) == fUpdateInterval) { fLog.Warn("Statistics update interval not modified. Supplied value already in use."); return; } if (duration <= 0) fLog.Message("Statistics are now OFF."); else { ostringstream str; str << "Statistics update interval is now " << duration << " seconds"; fLog.Message(str); } fUpdateInterval = duration<0 ? 0 : duration; }