1 | #ifndef FACT_EventBuilder
2 | #define FACT_EventBuilder
3 |
4 | #ifdef __cplusplus
5 | extern "C" {
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #include "FAD.h"
9 |
10 | /* global variables;
11 | to avoid race canoditions, only one thread is allowed to write
12 | the name of the variable defines which process shall write it:
13 |
14 | g_XXX : main control thread
15 | gi_XX : input thread (reading from camera)
16 | gw_XX : write thread (writing to disk)
17 | qp_XX : processing thread(s) (processing data, eg. soft-trig)
18 |
19 | */
20 | extern uint g_actTime ; //actual time, to be updated regularily
21 | extern int g_runStat ; //main steering variable
22 | extern int g_actBoards ; //number of boards that should exist at the moment
23 | extern int g_reset ; //>0 = reset different levels of eventbuilder
24 | extern int g_maxProc ;
25 | extern size_t g_maxMem ; //maximum memory allowed for buffer
26 |
27 | extern PIX_MAP g_pixMap[NPIX] ;
28 |
29 | extern int g_maxBoards ; //maximum number of boards to be initialized
30 | extern FACT_SOCK g_port[NBOARDS] ; // .port = baseport, .addr=string of IP-addr in dotted-decimal "ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd"
31 |
32 | extern uint gi_SecRate[MAX_SOCK] ; //MAX_SOCK defined in FACTEvent.h
33 | extern uint gi_S10Rate[MAX_SOCK] ;
34 | extern uint gi_MinRate[MAX_SOCK] ;
35 | extern uint gi_ErrCnt[MAX_SOCK] ;
36 | extern uint gi_NumConnect[NBOARDS]; //4 crates * 10 boards
37 | extern uint gi_SecTime, gi_S10Time, gi_MinTime ;
38 | extern uint gi_EvtStart ;
39 | extern uint gi_EvtRead ;
40 | extern uint gi_EvtBad ;
41 | extern uint gi_EvtTot ;
42 | extern int gi_maxSocks ; //maximum sockets that will be tried
43 | extern int gi_runStat ;
44 |
45 | extern uint gp_EvtTot ;
46 | extern int gp_runStat ;
47 | extern uint gw_EvtTot ;
48 | extern int gw_runStat ;
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 | #ifdef __cplusplus
54 | }
55 | #endif
56 |
57 | #endif