1 | #ifndef FACT_EventBuilderWrapper
2 | #define FACT_EventBuilderWrapper
3 |
4 | #include <sstream>
5 |
6 | #if BOOST_VERSION < 104400
7 | #if (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 4))
9 | #endif
10 | #endif
11 | #include <boost/thread.hpp>
12 | #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
13 |
14 | #include <CCfits/CCfits>
15 |
16 | #include "EventBuilder.h"
17 |
18 | extern "C" {
19 | extern void StartEvtBuild();
20 | extern int CloseRunFile(uint32_t runId, uint32_t closeTime);
21 | }
22 |
23 | namespace ba = boost::asio;
24 | namespace bs = boost::system;
25 |
26 | using ba::ip::tcp;
27 |
28 | using namespace std;
29 |
30 | class DataFileImp : public MessageImp
31 | {
32 | uint32_t fRunId;
33 |
34 | int Write(const Time &time, const std::string &txt, int qos)
35 | {
36 | return fMsg.Write(time, txt, qos);
37 | }
38 |
39 | protected:
40 | MessageImp &fMsg;
41 | string fFileName;
42 |
43 | public:
44 | DataFileImp(uint32_t id, MessageImp &imp) : fRunId(id), fMsg(imp) { }
45 | virtual ~DataFileImp() { }
46 |
47 | virtual bool OpenFile(RUN_HEAD* h) = 0;
48 | virtual bool WriteEvt(EVENT *) = 0;
49 | virtual bool Close(RUN_TAIL * = 0) = 0;
50 |
51 | const string &GetFileName() const { return fFileName; }
52 |
53 | uint32_t GetRunId() const { return fRunId; }
54 |
55 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 | //
57 | //! This creates an appropriate file name for a particular run number and type
58 | //! @param runNumber the run number for which a filename is to be created
59 | //! @param runType an int describing the kind of run. 0=Data, 1=Pedestal, 2=Calibration, 3=Calibrated data
60 | //! @param extension a string containing the extension to be appened to the file name
61 | //
62 | static string FormFileName(uint32_t runid, string extension)
63 | {
64 | ostringstream name;
65 | name << Time().NightAsInt() << '_' << setfill('0') << setw(3) << runid << '.' << extension;
66 | return name.str();
67 | }
68 | };
69 |
70 | class DataFileNone : public DataFileImp
71 | {
72 | public:
73 | DataFileNone(uint32_t id, MessageImp &imp) : DataFileImp(id, imp) { }
74 |
75 | Time fTime;
76 |
77 | bool OpenFile(RUN_HEAD* h)
78 | {
79 | fFileName = "/dev/null";
80 |
81 | ostringstream str;
82 | str << this << " - "
83 | << "OPEN_FILE #" << GetRunId() << ":"
84 | << " Ver=" << h->Version
85 | << " Typ=" << h->RunType
86 | << " Nb=" << h->NBoard
87 | << " Np=" << h->NPix
88 | << " NTm=" << h->NTm
89 | << " roi=" << h->Nroi;
90 |
91 | Debug(str);
92 |
93 | fTime = Time();
94 |
95 | return true;
96 | }
97 | bool WriteEvt(EVENT *e)
98 | {
99 | const Time now;
100 | if (now-fTime<boost::posix_time::seconds(5))
101 | return true;
102 |
103 | fTime = now;
104 |
105 | ostringstream str;
106 | str << this << " - EVENT #" << e->EventNum;
107 | Debug(str);
108 |
109 | return true;
110 | }
111 | bool Close(RUN_TAIL * = 0)
112 | {
113 | ostringstream str;
114 | str << this << " - CLOSE FILE #" << GetRunId();
115 |
116 | Debug(str);
117 |
118 | return true;
119 | }
120 | };
121 |
122 | class DataFileDebug : public DataFileNone
123 | {
124 | public:
125 | DataFileDebug(uint32_t id, MessageImp &imp) : DataFileNone(id, imp) { }
126 |
127 | bool WriteEvt(EVENT *e)
128 | {
129 | cout << "WRITE_EVENT #" << GetRunId() << " (" << e->EventNum << ")" << endl;
130 | cout << " Typ=" << e->TriggerType << endl;
131 | cout << " roi=" << e->Roi << endl;
132 | cout << " trg=" << e->SoftTrig << endl;
133 | cout << " tim=" << e->PCTime << endl;
134 |
135 | return true;
136 | }
137 | };
138 |
139 | #include "FAD.h"
140 |
141 | class DataFileRaw : public DataFileImp
142 | {
143 | ofstream fOut;
144 |
145 | off_t fPosTail;
146 |
147 | uint32_t fCounter;
148 |
149 |
150 | // WRITE uint32_t 0xFAC77e1e (FACT Tele)
151 | // ===
152 | // WRITE uint32_t TYPE(>0) == 1
153 | // WRITE uint32_t ID(>0) == 0
154 | // WRITE uint32_t VERSION(>0) == 1
155 | // WRITE uint32_t LENGTH
156 | // -
157 | // WRITE uint32_t TELESCOPE ID
158 | // WRITE uint32_t RUNID
159 | // ===
160 | // WRITE uint32_t TYPE(>0) == 2
161 | // WRITE uint32_t ID(>0) == 0
162 | // WRITE uint32_t VERSION(>0) == 1
163 | // WRITE uint32_t LENGTH
164 | // -
166 | // ===
167 | // [ 40 TIMES
168 | // WRITE uint32_t TYPE(>0) == 3
169 | // WRITE uint32_t ID(>0) == 0..39
170 | // WRITE uint32_t VERSION(>0) == 1
171 | // WRITE uint32_t LENGTH
172 | // -
174 | // ]
175 | // ===
176 | // WRITE uint32_t TYPE(>0) == 4
177 | // WRITE uint32_t ID(>0) == 0
178 | // WRITE uint32_t VERSION(>0) == 1
179 | // WRITE uint32_t LENGTH
180 | // -
181 | // WRITE FOOTER (empty)
182 | // ===
183 | // [ N times
184 | // WRITE uint32_t TYPE(>0) == 10
185 | // WRITE uint32_t ID(>0) == counter
186 | // WRITE uint32_t VERSION(>0) == 1
187 | // WRITE uint32_t LENGTH HEADER
188 | // -
190 | // ]
191 | // ===
192 | // WRITE uint32_t TYPE ==0
193 | // WRITE uint32_t VERSION==0
194 | // WRITE uint32_t LENGTH ==0
195 | // ===
196 | // Go back and write footer
197 |
198 | public:
199 | DataFileRaw(uint32_t id, MessageImp &imp) : DataFileImp(id, imp), fPosTail(0) { }
200 | ~DataFileRaw() { if (fOut.is_open()) Close(); }
201 |
202 | void WriteBlockHeader(uint32_t type, uint32_t ver, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t len)
203 | {
204 | const uint32_t val[4] = { type, ver, cnt, len };
205 |
206 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val), sizeof(val));
207 | }
208 |
209 | template<typename T>
210 | void WriteValue(const T &t)
211 | {
212 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&t), sizeof(T));
213 | }
214 |
215 | enum
216 | {
217 | kEndOfFile = 0,
218 | kIdentifier = 1,
219 | kRunHeader,
220 | kBoardHeader,
221 | kRunSummary,
222 | kEvent,
223 | };
224 |
225 | bool OpenFile(RUN_HEAD *h)
226 | {
227 | const string name = FormFileName(GetRunId(), "bin");
228 | if (access(name.c_str(), F_OK)==0)
229 | {
230 | Error("File '"+name+"' already exists.");
231 | return false;
232 | }
233 |
234 | fFileName = name;
235 |
236 | errno = 0;
237 | fOut.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
238 | if (!fOut)
239 | {
240 | ostringstream str;
241 | str << "Open file " << name << ": " << strerror(errno) << " (errno=" << errno << ")";
242 | Error(str);
243 |
244 | return false;
245 | }
246 |
247 | fCounter = 0;
248 |
249 | static uint32_t FACT = 0xFAC77e1e;
250 |
251 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&FACT), 4);
252 |
253 | WriteBlockHeader(kIdentifier, 1, 0, 8);
254 | WriteValue(uint32_t(0));
255 | WriteValue(GetRunId());
256 |
257 | WriteBlockHeader(kRunHeader, 1, 0, sizeof(RUN_HEAD)-sizeof(PEVNT_HEADER*));
258 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(h), sizeof(RUN_HEAD)-sizeof(PEVNT_HEADER*));
259 |
260 | for (int i=0; i<40; i++)
261 | {
262 | WriteBlockHeader(kBoardHeader, 1, i, sizeof(PEVNT_HEADER));
263 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(h->FADhead+i), sizeof(PEVNT_HEADER));
264 | }
265 |
266 | // FIXME: Split this
267 | const vector<char> block(sizeof(uint32_t)+sizeof(RUN_TAIL));
268 | WriteBlockHeader(kRunSummary, 1, 0, block.size());
269 |
270 | fPosTail = fOut.tellp();
271 | fOut.write(block.data(), block.size());
272 |
273 | if (!fOut)
274 | {
275 | ostringstream str;
276 | str << "Open file " << name << ": " << strerror(errno) << " (errno=" << errno << ")";
277 | Error(str);
278 |
279 | return false;
280 | }
281 |
282 | return true;
283 | }
284 | bool WriteEvt(EVENT *evt)
285 | {
286 | const int sh = sizeof(EVENT)-2 + NPIX*evt->Roi*2;
287 |
288 | WriteBlockHeader(kEvent, 1, fCounter++, sh);
289 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(evt)+2, sh);
290 | return true;
291 | }
292 | bool Close(RUN_TAIL *tail= 0)
293 | {
294 | WriteBlockHeader(kEndOfFile, 0, 0, 0);
295 |
296 | if (tail)
297 | {
298 | fOut.seekp(fPosTail);
299 |
300 | WriteValue(uint32_t(1));
301 | fOut.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(tail), sizeof(RUN_TAIL));
302 | }
303 |
304 | if (!fOut)
305 | {
306 | ostringstream str;
307 | str << " Writing footer: " << strerror(errno) << " (errno=" << errno << ")";
308 | Error(str);
309 |
310 | return false;
311 | }
312 |
313 | fOut.close();
314 |
315 | if (!fOut)
316 | {
317 | ostringstream str;
318 | str << "Closing file: " << strerror(errno) << " (errno=" << errno << ")";
319 | Error(str);
320 |
321 | return false;
322 | }
323 |
324 | return true;
325 | }
326 | };
327 |
328 | #ifdef HAVE_FITS
329 | class DataFileFits : public DataFileImp
330 | {
331 | CCfits::FITS* fFile; /// The pointer to the CCfits FITS file
332 | CCfits::Table* fTable; /// The pointer to the CCfits binary table
333 |
334 | uint64_t fNumRows; ///the number of rows that have been written already to the FITS file.
335 |
336 | Converter *fConv;
337 |
338 | public:
339 | DataFileFits(uint32_t runid, MessageImp &imp) :
340 | DataFileImp(runid, imp), fFile(0), fNumRows(0), fConv(0)
341 | {
342 | }
343 |
344 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 | //
346 | //! Default destructor
347 | //! The Fits file SHOULD have been closed already, otherwise the informations
348 | //! related to the RUN_TAIL will NOT be written to the file.
349 | //
350 | ~DataFileFits() { Close(); delete fConv; }
351 |
352 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
353 | //
354 | //! Add a new column to the vectors storing the column data.
355 | //! @param names the vector of string storing the columns names
356 | //! @param types the vector of string storing the FITS data format
357 | //! @param numElems the number of elements in this column
358 | //! @param type the char describing the FITS data format
359 | //! @param name the name of the particular column to be added.
360 | //
361 | inline void AddColumnEntry(vector<string>& names, vector<string>& types, int numElems, char type, string name)
362 | {
363 | names.push_back(name);
364 |
365 | ostringstream str;
366 | if (numElems != 1)
367 | str << numElems;
368 | str << type;
369 | types.push_back(str.str());
370 | }
371 |
372 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 | //
374 | //! Writes a single header key entry
375 | //! @param name the name of the key
376 | //! @param value its value
377 | //! @param comment the comment associated to that key
378 | //
379 | //FIXME this function is a duplicate from the class Fits. should we try to merge it ?
380 | template <typename T>
381 | void WriteKey(const string &name, const T &value, const string &comment)
382 | {
383 | try
384 | {
385 | fTable->addKey(name, value, comment);
386 | }
387 | catch (CCfits::FitsException e)
388 | {
389 | ostringstream str;
390 | str << "Could not add header key " << name;
391 | Error(str);
392 | }
393 | }
394 |
395 | template <typename T>
396 | void WriteKey(const string &name, const int idx, const T &value, const string &comment)
397 | {
398 | ostringstream str;
399 | str << name << idx;
400 |
401 | WriteKey(str.str(), value, comment);
402 | }
403 |
404 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 | //
406 | //! DataFileFits constructor. This is the one that should be used, not the default one (parameter-less)
407 | //! @param runid This parameter should probably be removed. I first thought it was the run number, but apparently it is not
408 | //! @param h a pointer to the RUN_HEAD structure that contains the informations relative to this run
409 | //
410 | bool OpenFile(RUN_HEAD* h)
411 | {
412 | //Form filename, based on runid and run-type
413 | const string fileName = FormFileName(GetRunId(), "fits");
414 | if (access(fileName.c_str(), F_OK)==0)
415 | {
416 | Error("File '"+fileName+"' already exists.");
417 | return false;
418 | }
419 |
420 | fFileName = fileName;
421 |
422 | /*
423 | out <<
424 | "SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard "
425 | "BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel "
426 | "NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes "
427 | "EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions "
428 | "COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy"
429 | "COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H "
430 | "END ";
431 | for (int i=0; i<29; i++)
432 | out << " "
433 | */
434 |
435 | //create the FITS object
436 | try
437 | {
438 | fFile = new CCfits::FITS(fileName, CCfits::RWmode::Write);
439 | }
440 | catch (CCfits::FitsException e)
441 | {
442 | ostringstream str;
443 | str << "Could not open FITS file " << fileName << ": " << e.message();
444 | Error(str);
445 | return false;
446 | }
447 |
448 | vector<string> colNames;
449 | vector<string> dataTypes;
450 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, 1, 'J', "EventNum");
451 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, 1, 'I', "TriggerType");
452 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, 1, 'J', "SoftTrig");
453 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, 1, 'J', "PCTime");
454 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, NBOARDS, 'J', "BoardTime");
455 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, NPIX, 'I', "StartPix");
456 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, NTMARK, 'I', "StartTM");
457 | AddColumnEntry(colNames, dataTypes, NPIX*h->Nroi, 'I', "Data");
458 |
459 | ostringstream fmt;
460 | fmt << "I:1;S:1;I:1;I:1";
461 | fmt << ";I:" << NBOARDS;
462 | fmt << ";S:" << NPIX;
463 | fmt << ";S:" << NTMARK;
464 | fmt << ";S:" << NPIX*h->Nroi;
465 |
466 | fConv = new Converter(fmt.str());
467 |
468 | //actually create the table
469 | try
470 | {
471 | fTable = fFile->addTable("Events", 0, colNames, dataTypes);
472 | }
473 | catch (const CCfits::FitsException &e)
474 | {
475 | ostringstream str;
476 | str << "Could not create FITS table 'Events' in file " << fileName << " reason: " << e.message();
477 | Error(str);
478 | return false;
479 | }
480 |
481 | if (fTable->rows() != 0)
482 | {
483 | Error("FITS table created on the fly looks non-empty.");
484 | return false;
485 | }
486 |
487 | //write header data
488 | //first the "standard" keys
489 | WriteKey("EXTREL", 1.0f, "Release Number");
490 | WriteKey("TELESCOP", "FACT", "Telescope that acquired this data");
491 | WriteKey("ORIGIN", "ISDC", "Institution that wrote the file");
492 | WriteKey("CREATOR", "FACT++ Event Builder", "Program that wrote this file");
493 |
494 | string stringValue;
495 | stringValue = Time().GetAsStr();
496 | stringValue[10]= 'T';
497 | WriteKey("DATE", stringValue, "File creation data");
498 | WriteKey("TIMESYS", "TT", "Time frame system");
499 | WriteKey("TIMEUNIT", "d", "Time unit");
500 | WriteKey("TIMEREF", "UTC", "Time reference frame");
501 | //FIXME should we also put the start and stop time of the received data ?
502 | //now the events header related variables
503 | WriteKey("VERSION", h->Version, "Builder version");
504 | WriteKey("NIGHT", Time().NightAsInt(), "Night as int");
505 | WriteKey("RUNID", GetRunId(), "Run number");
506 | WriteKey("RUNTYPE", h->RunType, "Type of run");
507 | WriteKey("NBOARD", h->NBoard, "Number of acquisition boards");
508 | WriteKey("NPIX", h->NPix, "Number of pixels");
509 | WriteKey("NTM", h->NTm, "Number of Time marks");
510 | WriteKey("NROI", h->Nroi, "Number of slices per pixels");
511 | WriteKey("CAMERA", "MGeomCamFact", "");
512 | /*
513 | //now the boards related keywords
514 | for (int i=0; i<h->NBoard; i++)
515 | {
516 | const PEVNT_HEADER &hh = h->FADhead[i];
517 |
518 | WriteKey("STPKGFG", i, hh.start_package_flag,
519 | "Start package flag");
520 |
521 | WriteKey("PKGLEN", i, hh.package_length,
522 | "Package length");
523 |
524 | WriteKey("VERNO", i, hh.version_no,
525 | "Version number");
526 |
527 | WriteKey("STATUS", i, hh.PLLLCK,
528 | "");
529 |
530 | // WriteKey("TRIGCRC", i, hh.trigger_crc,
531 | // "Trigger CRC");
532 |
533 | // WriteKey("TRIGTYP", i, hh.trigger_type,
534 | // "Trigger type");
535 |
536 | // WriteKey("TRIGID", i, hh.trigger_id,
537 | // "Trigger ID");
538 |
539 | // WriteKey("EVTCNTR", i, hh.fad_evt_counter,
540 | // "FAD Event Counter");
541 |
542 | // WriteKey("REFCLK", i, hh.REFCLK_frequency,
543 | // "Reference Clock Frequency");
544 |
545 | WriteKey("BOARDID", i, hh.board_id,
546 | "Board ID");
547 |
548 | WriteKey("PHASESH", i, hh.adc_clock_phase_shift,
549 | "ADC clock phase shift");
550 |
551 | WriteKey("TRGGEN", i, hh.number_of_triggers_to_generate,
552 | "Number of triggers to generate");
553 |
554 | WriteKey("PRESC", i, hh.trigger_generator_prescaler,
555 | "Trigger generator prescaler");
556 |
557 | WriteKey("DNA", i, hh.DNA, "DNA");
558 | WriteKey("TIME", i, hh.time, "Time");
559 | WriteKey("RUNNB", i, hh.runnumber, "Run number");
560 |
561 | // for (int j=0;j<NTemp;j++)
562 | // {
563 | // str.str(""); str2.str("");
564 | // str << "DRS_T" << i << j;
565 | // str2 << "DRS temperature #" << i << " " << j;
566 | // WriteKey(str.str(), h->FADhead[i].drs_temperature[j], str2.str());
567 | // }
568 | for (int j=0;j<NDAC;j++)
569 | WriteKey("DAC", i*NDAC+j, hh.dac[j], "DAC");
570 | }
571 | */
572 |
573 | //Last but not least, add header keys that will be updated when closing the file
574 | //WriteFooter(NULL);
575 |
576 | return true;
577 | }
578 |
579 |
580 | int WriteColumns(size_t &start, size_t size, const void *e)
581 | {
582 | int status = 0;
583 | fits_write_tblbytes(fFile->fitsPointer(), fNumRows, start, size,
584 | (unsigned char*)e, &status);
585 | if (status)
586 | {
587 | char text[30];//max length of cfitsio error strings (from doc)
588 | fits_get_errstatus(status, text);
589 |
590 | ostringstream str;
591 | str << "Writing FITS row " << fNumRows << ": " << text << " (file_write_tblbytes, rc=" << status << ")";
592 | Error(str);
593 | }
594 |
595 | start += size;
596 | return status;
597 | }
598 |
599 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
600 | //
601 | //! This writes one event to the file
602 | //! @param e the pointer to the EVENT
603 | //
604 | virtual bool WriteEvt(EVENT *e)
605 | {
606 | //FIXME As discussed earlier, we do not swap the bytes yet.
607 | fTable->makeThisCurrent();
608 |
609 | //insert a new row
610 | int status(0);
611 | if (fits_insert_rows(fTable->fitsPointer(), fNumRows, 1, &status))
612 | {
613 | char text[30];//max length of cfitsio error strings (from doc)
614 | fits_get_errstatus(status, text);
615 |
616 | ostringstream str;
617 | str << "Inserting row " << fNumRows << " into " << fFileName << ": " << text << " (fits_insert_rows, rc=" << status << ")";
618 | Error(str);
619 |
620 | return false;
621 | }
622 | fNumRows++;
623 |
624 | const vector<char> data = fConv->ToFits(((char*)e)+2, sizeof(EVENT)+NPIX*e->Roi*2-2);
625 |
626 | // column size pointer
627 | size_t col = 1;
628 | if (!WriteColumns(col, data.size(), data.data()))
629 | return true;
630 |
631 | //TODO output an error
632 | return false;
633 |
634 | /*
635 | //write the data, chunk by chunk
636 | //FIXME hard-coded size corresponds to current variables of the event, in bytes.
637 | //FIXME no padding was taken into account. Because smallest member is 2 bytes, I don't think that this should be a problem.
638 | const long sizeInBytesOfEventBeforePointers = 16;
639 |
640 | long col = 1;
641 | if (FitsWriteTblBytes(col, sizeInBytesOfEventBeforePointers, e))
642 | {
643 | //TODO output an error
644 | return false;
645 | }
646 | if (FitsWriteTblBytes(col, NBOARDS*2, e->BoardTime))
647 | {
648 | //TODO output an error
649 | return false;
650 | }
651 | if (FitsWriteTblBytes(col, NPIX*2, e->StartPix))
652 | {
653 | //TODO output an error
654 | return false;
655 | }
656 | if (FitsWriteTblBytes(col, NTMARK*2, e->StartTM))
657 | {
658 | //TODO output an error
659 | return false;
660 | }
661 | if (FitsWriteTblBytes(col, NPIX*fRoi*2, e->Adc_Data))
662 | {
663 | //TODO output an error
664 | return false;
665 | }
666 | return true;*/
667 | }
668 |
669 | void WriteFooter(RUN_TAIL *rt)
670 | {
671 | //write final header keys
672 | fTable->makeThisCurrent();
673 |
674 | WriteKey("NBEVTOK", rt ? rt->nEventsOk : uint32_t(0),
675 | "How many events were written");
676 |
677 | WriteKey("NBEVTREJ", rt ? rt->nEventsRej : uint32_t(0),
678 | "How many events were rejected by SW-trig");
679 |
680 | WriteKey("NBEVTBAD", rt ? rt->nEventsBad : uint32_t(0),
681 | "How many events were rejected by Error");
682 |
683 | //FIXME shouldn't we convert start and stop time to MjD first ?
684 | //FIXME shouldn't we also add an MjD reference ?
685 |
686 | WriteKey("TSTART", rt ? rt->PCtime0 : uint32_t(0),
687 | "Time when first event received");
688 |
689 | WriteKey("TSTOP", rt ? rt->PCtimeX : uint32_t(0),
690 | "Time when last event received");
691 | }
692 |
693 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 | //
695 | //! Closes the file, and before this it write the TAIL data
696 | //! @param rt the pointer to the RUN_TAIL data structure
697 | //
698 | virtual bool Close(RUN_TAIL *rt = 0)
699 | {
700 | if (!fFile)
701 | return false;
702 |
703 | //WriteFooter(rt);
704 |
705 | delete fFile;
706 | fFile = NULL;
707 |
708 | return true;
709 | }
710 |
711 | };
712 | #else
713 | #define DataFileFits DataFileRaw
714 | #endif
715 |
716 | #include "DimWriteStatistics.h"
717 |
718 | class EventBuilderWrapper
719 | {
720 | public:
721 | // FIXME
722 | static EventBuilderWrapper *This;
723 |
724 | MessageImp &fMsg;
725 |
726 | private:
727 | boost::thread fThread;
728 |
729 | enum CommandStates_t // g_runStat
730 | {
731 | kAbort = -2, // quit as soon as possible ('abort')
732 | kExit = -1, // stop reading, quit when buffered events done ('exit')
733 | kInitialize = 0, // 'initialize' (e.g. dim not yet started)
734 | kHybernate = 1, // do nothing for long time ('hybernate') [wakeup within ~1sec]
735 | kSleep = 2, // do nothing ('sleep') [wakeup within ~10msec]
736 | kModeFlush = 10, // read data from camera, but skip them ('flush')
737 | kModeTest = 20, // read data and process them, but do not write to disk ('test')
738 | kModeFlag = 30, // read data, process and write all to disk ('flag')
739 | kModeRun = 40, // read data, process and write selected to disk ('run')
740 | };
741 |
742 | enum
743 | {
744 | kCurrent = 0,
745 | kTotal = 1,
746 | kEventId = 2,
747 | kTriggerId = 3,
748 | };
749 |
750 | enum FileFormat_t
751 | {
752 | kNone = 0,
753 | kDebug,
754 | kFits,
755 | kRaw
756 | };
757 |
758 | FileFormat_t fFileFormat;
759 |
760 |
761 | uint32_t fMaxRun;
762 | uint32_t fLastOpened;
763 | uint32_t fLastClosed;
764 | uint32_t fNumEvts[4];
765 |
766 | DimWriteStatistics fDimWriteStats;
767 | DimDescribedService fDimRuns;
768 | DimDescribedService fDimEvents;
769 | DimDescribedService fDimEventData;
770 | DimDescribedService fDimFwVersion;
771 | DimDescribedService fDimRunNumber;
772 | DimDescribedService fDimStatus;
773 | DimDescribedService fDimDNA;
774 | DimDescribedService fDimTemperature;
775 | DimDescribedService fDimPrescaler;
776 | DimDescribedService fDimRefClock;
777 | DimDescribedService fDimStatistics1;
778 | DimDescribedService fDimStatistics2;
779 |
780 | bool fDebugStream;
781 | bool fDebugRead;
782 | bool fDebugLog;
783 |
784 | uint32_t fRunNumber;
785 |
786 | void InitRunNumber()
787 | {
788 | // FIXME: Add a check that we are not too close to noon!
789 | const int night = Time().NightAsInt();
790 |
791 | fRunNumber = 1000;
792 |
793 | while (--fRunNumber>0)
794 | {
795 | const string name = DataFileImp::FormFileName(fRunNumber, "");
796 |
797 | if (access((name+"bin").c_str(), F_OK) == 0)
798 | break;
799 | if (access((name+"fits").c_str(), F_OK) == 0)
800 | break;
801 | }
802 |
803 | fRunNumber++;
804 |
805 | ostringstream str;
806 | str << "Starting with run number " << fRunNumber;
807 | fMsg.Message(str);
808 |
809 | fMsg.Fatal("Run-number detection doesn't work when noon passes!");
810 | fMsg.Error("Crosscheck with database!");
811 | }
812 |
813 | public:
814 | EventBuilderWrapper(MessageImp &imp) : fMsg(imp),
815 | fFileFormat(kNone), fMaxRun(0), fLastOpened(0), fLastClosed(0),
816 | fDimWriteStats ("FAD_CONTROL", imp),
817 | fDimRuns ("FAD_CONTROL/RUNS", "I:5;C", ""),
818 | fDimEvents ("FAD_CONTROL/EVENTS", "I:4", ""),
819 | fDimEventData ("FAD_CONTROL/EVENT_DATA", "S:1;I:1;S:1;I:2;S:1;S", ""),
820 | fDimFwVersion ("FAD_CONTROL/FIRMWARE_VERSION", "F:42", ""),
821 | fDimRunNumber ("FAD_CONTROL/RUN_NUMBER", "I:42", ""),
822 | fDimStatus ("FAD_CONTROL/STATUS", "S:42", ""),
823 | fDimDNA ("FAD_CONTROL/DNA", "X:40", ""),
824 | fDimTemperature ("FAD_CONTROL/TEMPERATURE", "F:82", ""),
825 | fDimPrescaler ("FAD_CONTROL/PRESCALER", "S:42", ""),
826 | fDimRefClock ("FAD_CONTROL/REFERENCE_CLOCK", "I:42", ""),
827 | fDimStatistics1 ("FAD_CONTROL/STATISTICS1", "I:3;I:2;X:4;I:3;I:1;I:2;C:40;I:40;I:40;X:40", ""),
828 | fDimStatistics2 ("FAD_CONTROL/STATISTICS2", "I:1;I:280;X:40;I:40;I:4;I:4;I:2;I:2;I:3;C:40", ""),
829 | fDebugStream(false), fDebugRead(false), fDebugLog(false)
830 | {
831 | if (This)
832 | throw logic_error("EventBuilderWrapper cannot be instantiated twice.");
833 |
834 | This = this;
835 |
836 | memset(fNumEvts, 0, sizeof(fNumEvts));
837 |
838 | fDimEvents.Update(fNumEvts);
839 |
840 | for (size_t i=0; i<40; i++)
841 | ConnectSlot(i, tcp::endpoint());
842 |
843 | InitRunNumber();
844 | }
845 | virtual ~EventBuilderWrapper()
846 | {
847 | Abort();
848 |
849 | // FIXME: Used timed_join and abort afterwards
850 | // What's the maximum time the eb need to abort?
851 | fThread.join();
852 | //ffMsg.Info("EventBuilder stopped.");
853 |
854 | for (vector<DataFileImp*>::iterator it=fFiles.begin(); it!=fFiles.end(); it++)
855 | delete *it;
856 | }
857 |
858 | uint32_t IncreaseRunNumber()
859 | {
860 | return fRunNumber++;
861 | }
862 |
863 | uint32_t GetRunNumber() const { return fRunNumber; }
864 |
865 | bool IsThreadRunning()
866 | {
867 | return !fThread.timed_join(boost::posix_time::microseconds(0));
868 | }
869 |
870 | void SetMaxMemory(unsigned int mb) const
871 | {
872 | /*
873 | if (mb*1000000<GetUsedMemory())
874 | {
875 | // ffMsg.Warn("...");
876 | return;
877 | }*/
878 |
879 | g_maxMem = size_t(mb)*1000000;
880 | }
881 |
882 | void StartThread(const vector<tcp::endpoint> &addr)
883 | {
884 | if (IsThreadRunning())
885 | {
886 | fMsg.Warn("Start - EventBuilder still running");
887 | return;
888 | }
889 |
890 | fLastMessage.clear();
891 |
892 | for (size_t i=0; i<40; i++)
893 | ConnectSlot(i, addr[i]);
894 |
895 | g_runStat = kModeRun;
896 |
897 | fMsg.Message("Starting EventBuilder thread");
898 |
899 | fThread = boost::thread(StartEvtBuild);
900 | }
901 | void ConnectSlot(unsigned int i, const tcp::endpoint &addr)
902 | {
903 | if (i>39)
904 | return;
905 |
906 | if (addr==tcp::endpoint())
907 | {
908 | DisconnectSlot(i);
909 | return;
910 | }
911 |
912 | g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
913 | g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(addr.address().to_v4().to_ulong());
914 | g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_port = htons(addr.port());
915 | // In this order
916 | g_port[i].sockDef = 1;
917 | }
918 | void DisconnectSlot(unsigned int i)
919 | {
920 | if (i>39)
921 | return;
922 |
923 | g_port[i].sockDef = 0;
924 | // In this order
925 | g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
926 | g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
927 | g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_port = 0;
928 | }
929 | void IgnoreSlot(unsigned int i)
930 | {
931 | if (i>39)
932 | return;
933 | if (g_port[i].sockAddr.sin_port==0)
934 | return;
935 |
936 | g_port[i].sockDef = -1;
937 | }
938 |
939 |
940 | void Abort()
941 | {
942 | fMsg.Message("Signal abort to EventBuilder thread...");
943 | g_runStat = kAbort;
944 | }
945 |
946 | void ResetThread(bool soft)
947 | {
948 | /*
949 | if (g_reset > 0)
950 |
951 | * suspend reading
952 | * reset = g_reset;
953 | * g_reset=0
954 |
955 | * reset% 10
956 | == 0 leave event Buffers as they are
957 | == 1 let all buffers drain (write (incomplete) events)
958 | > 1 flush all buffers (do not write buffered events)
959 |
960 | * (reset/10)%10
961 | > 0 close all sockets and destroy them (also free the
962 | allocated read-buffers)
963 | recreate before resuming operation
964 | [ this is more than just close/open that can be
965 | triggered by e.g. close/open the base-socket ]
966 |
967 | * (reset/100)%10
968 | > 0 close all open run-files
969 |
970 | * (reset/1000)
971 | sleep so many seconds before resuming operation
972 | (does not (yet) take into account time left when waiting
973 | for buffers getting empty ...)
974 |
975 | * resume_reading
976 |
977 | */
978 | fMsg.Message("Signal reset to EventBuilder thread...");
979 | g_reset = soft ? 101 : 102;
980 | }
981 |
982 | void Exit()
983 | {
984 | fMsg.Message("Signal exit to EventBuilder thread...");
985 | g_runStat = kExit;
986 | }
987 |
988 | /*
989 | void Wait()
990 | {
991 | fThread.join();
992 | ffMsg.Message("EventBuilder stopped.");
993 | }*/
994 |
995 | void Hybernate() const { g_runStat = kHybernate; }
996 | void Sleep() const { g_runStat = kSleep; }
997 | void FlushMode() const { g_runStat = kModeFlush; }
998 | void TestMode() const { g_runStat = kModeTest; }
999 | void FlagMode() const { g_runStat = kModeFlag; }
1000 | void RunMode() const { g_runStat = kModeRun; }
1001 |
1002 | // FIXME: To be removed
1003 | void SetMode(int mode) const { g_runStat = mode; }
1004 |
1005 | bool IsConnected(int i) const { return gi_NumConnect[i]==7; }
1006 | bool IsConnecting(int i) const { return !IsConnected(i) && !IsDisconnected(i); }
1007 | bool IsDisconnected(int i) const { return gi_NumConnect[i]<=0 && g_port[i].sockDef==0; }
1008 | int GetNumConnected(int i) const { return gi_NumConnect[i]; }
1009 |
1010 | void SetIgnore(int i, bool b) const { if (g_port[i].sockDef!=0) g_port[i].sockDef=b?-1:1; }
1011 | bool IsIgnored(int i) const { return g_port[i].sockDef==-1; }
1012 |
1013 | void SetOutputFormat(FileFormat_t f) { fFileFormat = f; }
1014 |
1015 | void SetDebugLog(bool b) { fDebugLog = b; }
1016 |
1017 | void SetDebugStream(bool b)
1018 | {
1019 | fDebugStream = b;
1020 | if (b)
1021 | return;
1022 |
1023 | for (int i=0; i<40; i++)
1024 | {
1025 | if (!fDumpStream[i].is_open())
1026 | continue;
1027 |
1028 | fDumpStream[i].close();
1029 |
1030 | ostringstream name;
1031 | name << "socket_dump-" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << i << ".bin";
1032 | fMsg.Message("Closed file '"+name.str()+"'");
1033 | }
1034 | }
1035 |
1036 | void SetDebugRead(bool b)
1037 | {
1038 | fDebugRead = b;
1039 | if (b || !fDumpRead.is_open())
1040 | return;
1041 |
1042 | fDumpRead.close();
1043 | fMsg.Message("Closed file 'socket_events.txt'");
1044 | }
1045 |
1046 | // size_t GetUsedMemory() const { return gi_usedMem; }
1047 |
1048 | virtual int CloseOpenFiles() { CloseRunFile(0, 0); return 0; }
1049 |
1050 |
1051 | /*
1052 | struct OpenFileToDim
1053 | {
1054 | int code;
1055 | char fileName[FILENAME_MAX];
1056 | };
1057 |
1058 | SignalRunOpened(runid, filename);
1059 | // Send num open files
1060 | // Send runid, (more info about the run?), filename via dim
1061 |
1062 | SignalEvtWritten(runid);
1063 | // Send num events written of newest file
1064 |
1065 | SignalRunClose(runid);
1066 | // Send new num open files
1067 | // Send empty file-name if no file is open
1068 |
1069 | */
1070 |
1071 | // -------------- Mapped event builder callbacks ------------------
1072 |
1073 | void UpdateRuns(const string &fname="")
1074 | {
1075 | uint32_t values[5] =
1076 | {
1077 | static_cast<uint32_t>(fFiles.size()),
1078 | 0xffffffff,
1079 | 0,
1080 | fLastOpened,
1081 | fLastClosed
1082 | };
1083 |
1084 | for (vector<DataFileImp*>::const_iterator it=fFiles.begin();
1085 | it!=fFiles.end(); it++)
1086 | {
1087 | const DataFileImp *file = *it;
1088 |
1089 | if (file->GetRunId()<values[1])
1090 | values[1] = file->GetRunId();
1091 |
1092 | if (file->GetRunId()>values[2])
1093 | values[2] = file->GetRunId();
1094 | }
1095 |
1096 | fMaxRun = values[2];
1097 |
1098 | vector<char> data(sizeof(values)+fname.size()+1);
1099 | memcpy(data.data(), values, sizeof(values));
1100 | strcpy(data.data()+sizeof(values), fname.c_str());
1101 |
1102 | fDimRuns.Update(data);
1103 | }
1104 |
1105 | vector<DataFileImp*> fFiles;
1106 |
1107 | FileHandle_t runOpen(uint32_t runid, RUN_HEAD *h, size_t)
1108 | {
1109 | // Check if file already exists...
1110 | DataFileImp *file = 0;
1111 | switch (fFileFormat)
1112 | {
1113 | case kNone: file = new DataFileNone(runid, fMsg); break;
1114 | case kDebug: file = new DataFileDebug(runid, fMsg); break;
1115 | case kFits: file = new DataFileFits(runid, fMsg); break;
1116 | case kRaw: file = new DataFileRaw(runid, fMsg); break;
1117 | }
1118 |
1119 | try
1120 | {
1121 | if (!file->OpenFile(h))
1122 | return 0;
1123 | }
1124 | catch (const exception &e)
1125 | {
1126 | return 0;
1127 | }
1128 |
1129 | fFiles.push_back(file);
1130 |
1131 | ostringstream str;
1132 | str << "Opened: " << file->GetFileName() << " (" << file->GetRunId() << ")";
1133 | fMsg.Info(str);
1134 |
1135 | fDimWriteStats.FileOpened(file->GetFileName());
1136 |
1137 | fLastOpened = runid;
1138 | UpdateRuns(file->GetFileName());
1139 |
1140 | fNumEvts[kEventId] = 0;
1141 | fNumEvts[kTriggerId] = 0;
1142 |
1143 | fNumEvts[kCurrent] = 0;
1144 | fDimEvents.Update(fNumEvts);
1145 | // fDimCurrentEvent.Update(uint32_t(0));
1146 |
1147 | return reinterpret_cast<FileHandle_t>(file);
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | int runWrite(FileHandle_t handler, EVENT *e, size_t)
1151 | {
1152 | DataFileImp *file = reinterpret_cast<DataFileImp*>(handler);
1153 |
1154 | if (!file->WriteEvt(e))
1155 | return -1;
1156 |
1157 | if (file->GetRunId()==fMaxRun)
1158 | {
1159 | fNumEvts[kCurrent]++;
1160 | fNumEvts[kEventId] = e->EventNum;
1161 | fNumEvts[kTriggerId] = e->TriggerType;
1162 | }
1163 |
1164 | fNumEvts[kTotal]++;
1165 |
1166 | static Time oldt(boost::date_time::neg_infin);
1167 | Time newt;
1168 | if (newt>oldt+boost::posix_time::seconds(1))
1169 | {
1170 | fDimEvents.Update(fNumEvts);
1171 | oldt = newt;
1172 | }
1173 |
1174 |
1175 | // ===> SignalEvtWritten(runid);
1176 | // Send num events written of newest file
1177 |
1178 | /* close run runId (all all runs if runId=0) */
1179 | /* return: 0=close scheduled / >0 already closed / <0 does not exist */
1180 | //CloseRunFile(file->GetRunId(), time(NULL)+2) ;
1181 |
1182 | return 0;
1183 | }
1184 |
1185 | int runClose(FileHandle_t handler, RUN_TAIL *tail, size_t)
1186 | {
1187 | DataFileImp *file = reinterpret_cast<DataFileImp*>(handler);
1188 |
1189 | const vector<DataFileImp*>::iterator it = find(fFiles.begin(), fFiles.end(), file);
1190 | if (it==fFiles.end())
1191 | {
1192 | ostringstream str;
1193 | str << "File handler (" << handler << ") requested to close by event builder doesn't exist.";
1194 | fMsg.Fatal(str);
1195 | return -1;
1196 | }
1197 |
1198 | fFiles.erase(it);
1199 |
1200 | fLastClosed = file->GetRunId();
1201 | UpdateRuns();
1202 |
1203 | fDimEvents.Update(fNumEvts);
1204 |
1205 | const bool rc = file->Close(tail);
1206 | if (!rc)
1207 | {
1208 | // Error message
1209 | }
1210 |
1211 | ostringstream str;
1212 | str << "Closed: " << file->GetFileName() << " (" << file->GetRunId() << ")";
1213 | fMsg.Info(str);
1214 |
1215 | delete file;
1216 |
1217 | // ==> SignalRunClose(runid);
1218 | // Send new num open files
1219 | // Send empty file-name if no file is open
1220 |
1221 | return rc ? 0 : -1;
1222 | }
1223 |
1224 | ofstream fDumpStream[40];
1225 |
1226 | void debugStream(int isock, void *buf, int len)
1227 | {
1228 | if (!fDebugStream)
1229 | return;
1230 |
1231 | const int slot = isock/7;
1232 | if (slot<0 || slot>39)
1233 | return;
1234 |
1235 | if (!fDumpStream[slot].is_open())
1236 | {
1237 | ostringstream name;
1238 | name << "socket_dump-" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << slot << ".bin";
1239 |
1240 | fDumpStream[slot].open(name.str().c_str(), ios::app);
1241 | if (!fDumpStream[slot])
1242 | {
1243 | ostringstream str;
1244 | str << "Open file '" << name << "': " << strerror(errno) << " (errno=" << errno << ")";
1245 | fMsg.Error(str);
1246 |
1247 | return;
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | fMsg.Message("Opened file '"+name.str()+"' for writing.");
1251 | }
1252 |
1253 | fDumpStream[slot].write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len);
1254 | }
1255 |
1256 | ofstream fDumpRead; // Stream to possibly dump docket events
1257 |
1258 | void debugRead(int isock, int ibyte, uint32_t event, uint32_t ftmevt, uint32_t runno, int state, uint32_t tsec, uint32_t tusec)
1259 | {
1260 | // isock = socketID (0-279)
1261 | // ibyte = #bytes gelesen
1262 | // event = eventId (oder 0 wenn noch nicht bekannt)
1263 | // state : 1=finished reading data
1264 | // 0=reading data
1265 | // -1=start reading data (header)
1266 | // -2=start reading data,
1267 | // eventId not known yet (too little data)
1268 | // tsec, tusec = time when reading seconds, microseconds
1269 | //
1270 | if (!fDebugRead || ibyte==0)
1271 | return;
1272 |
1273 | if (!fDumpRead.is_open())
1274 | {
1275 | fDumpRead.open("socket_events.txt", ios::app);
1276 | if (!fDumpRead)
1277 | {
1278 | ostringstream str;
1279 | str << "Open file 'socket_events.txt': " << strerror(errno) << " (errno=" << errno << ")";
1280 | fMsg.Error(str);
1281 |
1282 | return;
1283 | }
1284 |
1285 | fMsg.Message("Opened file 'socket_events.txt' for writing.");
1286 |
1287 | fDumpRead << "# START: " << Time().GetAsStr() << endl;
1288 | fDumpRead << "# state time_sec time_usec socket slot runno event_id trigger_id bytes_received" << endl;
1289 | }
1290 |
1291 | fDumpRead
1292 | << setw(2) << state << " "
1293 | << setw(8) << tsec << " "
1294 | << setw(9) << tusec << " "
1295 | << setw(3) << isock << " "
1296 | << setw(2) << isock/7 << " "
1297 | << runno << " "
1298 | << event << " "
1299 | << ftmevt << " "
1300 | << ibyte << endl;
1301 | }
1302 |
1303 | struct DimEventData
1304 | {
1305 | uint16_t Roi ; // #slices per pixel (same for all pixels and tmarks)
1306 | uint32_t EventNum ; // EventNumber as from FTM
1307 | uint16_t TriggerType ; // Trigger Type from FTM
1308 |
1309 | uint32_t PCTime ; // when did event start to arrive at PC
1310 | uint32_t BoardTime; //
1311 |
1312 | int16_t StartPix; // First Channel per Pixel (Pixels sorted according Software ID) ; -1 if not filled
1313 | int16_t StartTM; // First Channel for TimeMark (sorted Hardware ID) ; -1 if not filled
1314 |
1315 | uint16_t Adc_Data[]; // final length defined by malloc ....
1316 |
1317 | } __attribute__((__packed__));;
1318 |
1319 | int eventCheck(PEVNT_HEADER *fadhd, EVENT *event)
1320 | {
1321 | /*
1322 | fadhd[i] ist ein array mit den 40 fad-headers
1323 | (falls ein board nicht gelesen wurde, ist start_package_flag =0 )
1324 |
1325 | event ist die Struktur, die auch die write routine erhaelt;
1326 | darin sind im header die 'soll-werte' fuer z.B. eventID
1327 | als auch die ADC-Werte (falls Du die brauchst)
1328 |
1329 | Wenn die routine einen negativen Wert liefert, wird das event
1330 | geloescht (nicht an die write-routine weitergeleitet [mind. im Prinzip]
1331 | */
1332 |
1333 | static Time oldt(boost::date_time::neg_infin);
1334 | Time newt;
1335 |
1336 | if (newt<oldt+boost::posix_time::seconds(1))
1337 | return 0;
1338 |
1339 | oldt = newt;
1340 |
1341 | static DimEventData *data = 0;
1342 |
1343 | const size_t sz = sizeof(DimEventData)+event->Roi*2*1440;
1344 |
1345 | if (data && data->Roi != event->Roi)
1346 | {
1347 | delete data;
1348 | data = 0;
1349 | }
1350 |
1351 | if (!data)
1352 | data = reinterpret_cast<DimEventData*>(new char[sz]);
1353 |
1354 | // cout << sizeof(DimEventData) << " " << event->Roi << " " << sz << " " << sizeof(*data) << endl;
1355 |
1356 | data->Roi = event->Roi;
1357 | data->EventNum = event->EventNum;
1358 | data->TriggerType = event->TriggerType;
1359 | data->PCTime = event->PCTime;
1360 | data->BoardTime = event->BoardTime[0];
1361 | data->StartPix = event->StartPix[0];
1362 | data->StartTM = event->StartTM[0];
1363 |
1364 | memcpy(data->Adc_Data, event->Adc_Data, event->Roi*2*1440);
1365 |
1366 | fDimEventData.setData(data, sz);
1367 | fDimEventData.updateService();
1368 |
1369 | //delete data;
1370 |
1371 | return 0;
1372 | }
1373 |
1374 | set<uint32_t> fStartedRuns;
1375 |
1376 | bool IsRunStarted(uint32_t runno) const
1377 | {
1378 | return fStartedRuns.find(runno)!=fStartedRuns.end();
1379 | }
1380 |
1381 | void gotNewRun(int runnr, PEVNT_HEADER *headers)
1382 | {
1383 | fStartedRuns.insert(runnr);
1384 | }
1385 |
1386 | map<boost::thread::id, string> fLastMessage;
1387 |
1388 | void factOut(int severity, int err, const char *message)
1389 | {
1390 | if (!fDebugLog && severity==99)
1391 | return;
1392 |
1393 | ostringstream str;
1394 | //str << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " ";
1395 | str << "EventBuilder(";
1396 | if (err<0)
1397 | str << "---";
1398 | else
1399 | str << err;
1400 | str << "): " << message;
1401 |
1402 | string &old = fLastMessage[boost::this_thread::get_id()];
1403 |
1404 | if (str.str()==old)
1405 | return;
1406 | old = str.str();
1407 |
1408 | fMsg.Update(str, severity);
1409 | }
1410 | /*
1411 | void factStat(int64_t *stat, int len)
1412 | {
1413 | if (len!=7)
1414 | {
1415 | fMsg.Warn("factStat received unknown number of values.");
1416 | return;
1417 | }
1418 |
1419 | vector<int64_t> data(1, g_maxMem);
1420 | data.insert(data.end(), stat, stat+len);
1421 |
1422 | static vector<int64_t> last(8);
1423 | if (data==last)
1424 | return;
1425 | last = data;
1426 |
1427 | fDimStatistics.Update(data);
1428 |
1429 | // len ist die Laenge des arrays.
1430 | // array[4] enthaelt wieviele bytes im Buffer aktuell belegt sind; daran
1431 | // kannst Du pruefen, ob die 100MB voll sind ....
1432 |
1433 | ostringstream str;
1434 | str
1435 | << "Wait=" << stat[0] << " "
1436 | << "Skip=" << stat[1] << " "
1437 | << "Del=" << stat[2] << " "
1438 | << "Tot=" << stat[3] << " "
1439 | << "Mem=" << stat[4] << "/" << g_maxMem << " "
1440 | << "Read=" << stat[5] << " "
1441 | << "Conn=" << stat[6];
1442 |
1443 | fMsg.Info(str);
1444 | }
1445 | */
1446 |
1447 | void factStat(const EVT_STAT &stat)
1448 | {
1449 | fDimStatistics2.Update(stat);
1450 | /*
1451 | //some info about what happened since start of program (or last 'reset')
1452 | uint32_t reset ; //#if increased, reset all counters
1453 | uint32_t numRead[MAX_SOCK] ; //how often succesfull read from N sockets per loop
1454 |
1455 | uint64_t gotByte[NBOARDS] ; //#Bytes read per Board
1456 | uint32_t gotErr[NBOARDS] ; //#Communication Errors per Board
1457 | uint32_t evtGet; //#new Start of Events read
1458 | uint32_t evtTot; //#complete Events read
1459 | uint32_t evtErr; //#Events with Errors
1460 | uint32_t evtSkp; //#Events incomplete (timeout)
1461 |
1462 | uint32_t procTot; //#Events processed
1463 | uint32_t procErr; //#Events showed problem in processing
1464 | uint32_t procTrg; //#Events accepted by SW trigger
1465 | uint32_t procSkp; //#Events rejected by SW trigger
1466 |
1467 | uint32_t feedTot; //#Events used for feedBack system
1468 | uint32_t feedErr; //#Events rejected by feedBack
1469 |
1470 | uint32_t wrtTot; //#Events written to disk
1471 | uint32_t wrtErr; //#Events with write-error
1472 |
1473 | uint32_t runOpen; //#Runs opened
1474 | uint32_t runClose; //#Runs closed
1475 | uint32_t runErr; //#Runs with open/close errors
1476 |
1477 |
1478 | //info about current connection status
1479 | uint8_t numConn[NBOARDS] ; //#Sockets succesfully open per board
1480 | */
1481 | }
1482 |
1483 | void factStat(const GUI_STAT &stat)
1484 | {
1485 | fDimStatistics1.Update(stat);
1486 | /*
1487 | //info about status of the main threads
1488 | int32_t readStat ; //read thread
1489 | int32_t procStat ; //processing thread(s)
1490 | int32_t writStat ; //write thread
1491 |
1492 | //info about some rates
1493 | int32_t deltaT ; //time in milli-seconds for rates
1494 | int32_t readEvt ; //#events read
1495 | int32_t procEvt ; //#events processed
1496 | int32_t writEvt ; //#events written
1497 | int32_t skipEvt ; //#events skipped
1498 |
1499 | //some info about current state of event buffer (snapspot)
1500 | int32_t evtBuf; //#Events currently waiting in Buffer
1501 | uint64_t totMem; //#Bytes available in Buffer
1502 | uint64_t usdMem; //#Bytes currently used
1503 | uint64_t maxMem; //max #Bytes used during past Second
1504 | */
1505 | }
1506 |
1507 |
1508 | boost::array<FAD::EventHeader, 40> fVecHeader;
1509 |
1510 | template<typename T>
1511 | boost::array<T, 42> Compare(const FAD::EventHeader *h, const T *t)
1512 | {
1513 | const int offset = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(t) - reinterpret_cast<const char *>(h);
1514 |
1515 | const T *min = NULL;
1516 | const T *val = NULL;
1517 | const T *max = NULL;
1518 |
1519 | boost::array<T, 42> vec;
1520 |
1521 | bool rc = true;
1522 | for (int i=0; i<40; i++)
1523 | {
1524 | const char *base = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&fVecHeader[i]);
1525 | const T *ref = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(base+offset);
1526 |
1527 | vec[i] = *ref;
1528 |
1529 | if (gi_NumConnect[i]!=7)
1530 | {
1531 | vec[i] = 0;
1532 | continue;
1533 | }
1534 |
1535 | if (!val)
1536 | {
1537 | min = ref;
1538 | val = ref;
1539 | max = ref;
1540 | }
1541 |
1542 | if (*val<*min)
1543 | min = val;
1544 |
1545 | if (*val>*max)
1546 | max = val;
1547 |
1548 | if (*val!=*ref)
1549 | rc = false;
1550 | }
1551 |
1552 | vec[40] = val ? *min : 0xffffffff;
1553 | vec[41] = val ? *max : 0;
1554 |
1555 | return vec;
1556 | }
1557 |
1558 | template<typename T>
1559 | boost::array<T, 42> CompareBits(const FAD::EventHeader *h, const T *t)
1560 | {
1561 | const int offset = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(t) - reinterpret_cast<const char *>(h);
1562 |
1563 | T val = 0;
1564 | T rc = 0;
1565 |
1566 | boost::array<T, 42> vec;
1567 |
1568 | bool first = true;
1569 |
1570 | for (int i=0; i<40; i++)
1571 | {
1572 | const char *base = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&fVecHeader[i]);
1573 | const T *ref = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(base+offset);
1574 |
1575 | vec[i+2] = *ref;
1576 |
1577 | if (gi_NumConnect[i]!=7)
1578 | {
1579 | vec[i+2] = 0;
1580 | continue;
1581 | }
1582 |
1583 | if (first)
1584 | {
1585 | first = false;
1586 | val = *ref;
1587 | rc = 0;
1588 | }
1589 |
1590 | rc |= val^*ref;
1591 | }
1592 |
1593 | vec[0] = rc;
1594 | vec[1] = val;
1595 |
1596 | return vec;
1597 | }
1598 |
1599 | template<typename T, size_t N>
1600 | void Update(DimDescribedService &svc, const boost::array<T, N> &data, int n=N)
1601 | {
1602 | // svc.setQuality(vec[40]<=vec[41]);
1603 | svc.setData(const_cast<T*>(data.data()), sizeof(T)*n);
1604 | svc.updateService();
1605 | }
1606 |
1607 | template<typename T>
1608 | void Print(const char *name, const pair<bool,boost::array<T, 43>> &data)
1609 | {
1610 | cout << name << "|" << data.first << "|" << data.second[1] << "|" << data.second[0] << "<x<" << data.second[1] << ":";
1611 | for (int i=0; i<40;i++)
1612 | cout << " " << data.second[i+3];
1613 | cout << endl;
1614 | }
1615 |
1616 | vector<uint> fNumConnected;
1617 |
1618 | void debugHead(int socket, const FAD::EventHeader &h)
1619 | {
1620 | const uint16_t id = h.Id();
1621 | if (id>39)
1622 | return;
1623 |
1624 | if (fNumConnected.size()!=40)
1625 | fNumConnected.resize(40);
1626 |
1627 | const vector<uint> con(gi_NumConnect, gi_NumConnect+40);
1628 |
1629 | const bool changed = con!=fNumConnected || !IsThreadRunning();
1630 |
1631 | fNumConnected = con;
1632 |
1633 | const FAD::EventHeader old = fVecHeader[id];
1634 | fVecHeader[id] = h;
1635 |
1636 | if (old.fVersion != h.fVersion || changed)
1637 | {
1638 | const boost::array<uint16_t,42> ver = Compare(&h, &h.fVersion);
1639 |
1640 | boost::array<float,42> data;
1641 | for (int i=0; i<42; i++)
1642 | {
1643 | ostringstream str;
1644 | str << (ver[i]>>8) << '.' << (ver[i]&0xff);
1645 | data[i] = atof(str.str().c_str());
1646 | }
1647 | Update(fDimFwVersion, data);
1648 | }
1649 |
1650 | if (old.fRunNumber != h.fRunNumber || changed)
1651 | {
1652 | const boost::array<uint32_t,42> run = Compare(&h, &h.fRunNumber);
1653 | fDimRunNumber.Update(run);
1654 | }
1655 |
1656 | if (old.fTriggerGeneratorPrescaler != h.fTriggerGeneratorPrescaler || changed)
1657 | {
1658 | const boost::array<uint16_t,42> pre = Compare(&h, &h.fTriggerGeneratorPrescaler);
1659 | fDimPrescaler.Update(pre);
1660 | }
1661 |
1662 | if (old.fDNA != h.fDNA || changed)
1663 | {
1664 | const boost::array<uint64_t,42> dna = Compare(&h, &h.fDNA);
1665 | Update(fDimDNA, dna, 40);
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 | if (old.fStatus != h.fStatus || changed)
1669 | {
1670 | const boost::array<uint16_t,42> sts = CompareBits(&h, &h.fStatus);
1671 | Update(fDimStatus, sts);
1672 | }
1673 |
1674 | // -----------
1675 |
1676 | static Time oldt(boost::date_time::neg_infin);
1677 | Time newt;
1678 |
1679 | if (newt>oldt+boost::posix_time::seconds(1))
1680 | {
1681 | oldt = newt;
1682 |
1683 | // --- RefClock
1684 |
1685 | const boost::array<uint32_t,42> clk = Compare(&h, &h.fFreqRefClock);
1686 | Update(fDimRefClock, clk);
1687 |
1688 | // --- Temperatures
1689 |
1690 | const boost::array<int16_t,42> tmp[4] =
1691 | {
1692 | Compare(&h, &h.fTempDrs[0]),
1693 | Compare(&h, &h.fTempDrs[1]),
1694 | Compare(&h, &h.fTempDrs[2]),
1695 | Compare(&h, &h.fTempDrs[3])
1696 | };
1697 |
1698 | vector<int16_t> data;
1699 | data.reserve(82);
1700 | data.push_back(tmp[0][0]);
1701 | data.insert(data.end(), tmp[0].data()+2, tmp[0].data()+42);
1702 | data.push_back(tmp[0][1]);
1703 | data.insert(data.end(), tmp[0].data()+2, tmp[0].data()+42);
1704 |
1705 | for (int j=0; j<=3; j++)
1706 | {
1707 | const boost::array<int16_t,42> &ref = tmp[j];
1708 |
1709 | // Gloabl min
1710 | if (ref[40]<data[0])
1711 | data[0] = ref[40];
1712 |
1713 | // Global max
1714 | if (ref[41]>data[40])
1715 | data[40] = ref[41];
1716 |
1717 | for (int i=0; i<40; i++)
1718 | {
1719 | // min per board
1720 | if (ref[i]<data[i+1])
1721 | data[i+1] = ref[i];
1722 |
1723 | // max per board
1724 | if (ref[i]>data[i+41])
1725 | data[i+41] = ref[i];
1726 | }
1727 | }
1728 |
1729 | vector<float> deg(82);
1730 | for (int i=0; i<82; i++)
1731 | deg[i] = data[i]/16.;
1732 | fDimTemperature.Update(deg);
1733 | }
1734 |
1735 | /*
1736 | uint16_t fTriggerType;
1737 | uint32_t fTriggerId;
1738 | uint32_t fEventCounter;
1739 | uint16_t fAdcClockPhaseShift;
1740 | uint16_t fNumTriggersToGenerate;
1741 | uint16_t fTriggerGeneratorPrescaler;
1742 | uint32_t fTimeStamp;
1743 | int16_t fTempDrs[kNumTemp]; // In units of 1/16 deg(?)
1744 | uint16_t fDac[kNumDac];
1745 | */
1746 | }
1747 | };
1748 |
1749 | EventBuilderWrapper *EventBuilderWrapper::This = 0;
1750 |
1751 | // ----------- Event builder callbacks implementation ---------------
1752 | extern "C"
1753 | {
1754 | FileHandle_t runOpen(uint32_t irun, RUN_HEAD *runhd, size_t len)
1755 | {
1756 | return EventBuilderWrapper::This->runOpen(irun, runhd, len);
1757 | }
1758 |
1759 | int runWrite(FileHandle_t fileId, EVENT *event, size_t len)
1760 | {
1761 | return EventBuilderWrapper::This->runWrite(fileId, event, len);
1762 | }
1763 |
1764 | int runClose(FileHandle_t fileId, RUN_TAIL *runth, size_t len)
1765 | {
1766 | return EventBuilderWrapper::This->runClose(fileId, runth, len);
1767 | }
1768 |
1769 | void factOut(int severity, int err, const char *message)
1770 | {
1771 | EventBuilderWrapper::This->factOut(severity, err, message);
1772 | }
1773 |
1774 | void factStat(GUI_STAT stat)
1775 | {
1776 | EventBuilderWrapper::This->factStat(stat);
1777 | }
1778 |
1779 | void factStatNew(EVT_STAT stat)
1780 | {
1781 | EventBuilderWrapper::This->factStat(stat);
1782 | }
1783 |
1784 | void debugHead(int socket, int/*board*/, void *buf)
1785 | {
1786 | const uint16_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(buf);
1787 |
1788 | EventBuilderWrapper::This->debugHead(socket, FAD::EventHeader(ptr));
1789 | }
1790 |
1791 | void debugStream(int isock, void *buf, int len)
1792 | {
1793 | return EventBuilderWrapper::This->debugStream(isock, buf, len);
1794 | }
1795 |
1796 | void debugRead(int isock, int ibyte, int32_t event, int32_t ftmevt, int32_t runno, int state, uint32_t tsec, uint32_t tusec)
1797 | {
1798 | EventBuilderWrapper::This->debugRead(isock, ibyte, event, ftmevt, runno, state, tsec, tusec);
1799 | }
1800 |
1801 | int eventCheck(PEVNT_HEADER *fadhd, EVENT *event)
1802 | {
1803 | return EventBuilderWrapper::This->eventCheck(fadhd, event);
1804 | }
1805 |
1806 | void gotNewRun( int runnr, PEVNT_HEADER *headers )
1807 | {
1808 | return EventBuilderWrapper::This->gotNewRun(runnr, headers);
1809 | }
1810 | }
1811 |
1812 | #endif