1 | #ifndef FACT_EventImp
2 | #define FACT_EventImp
3 |
4 | #include <string>
5 | #include <vector>
6 |
7 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
8 |
9 | #include "Time.h"
10 |
11 | class EventImp
12 | { int fTargetState; /// Target state of an event
13 | std::vector<int> fAllowedStates; /// List of states in which this event is allowed
14 |
15 | /// http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/bind/bind.html
16 | boost::function<int(const EventImp &)> fFunction;
17 |
18 | public:
19 | /// Constructor. Stores the target state given.
20 | EventImp(int target=-1) : fTargetState(target) { }
21 | /// Copy constructor
22 | EventImp(const EventImp &cmd);
23 |
24 | // Description
25 | virtual void SetDescription(const std::string &) { }
26 | virtual std::string GetDescription() const { return ""; }
27 |
28 | // Function handling
29 | EventImp &AssignFunction(const boost::function<int(const EventImp &)> &func) { fFunction = func; return *this; }
30 | bool HasFunc() const { return !fFunction.empty(); }
31 | int ExecFunc() const { return HasFunc() ? fFunction(*this) : -1; }
32 |
33 | // Configuration helper
34 | EventImp &operator()(const boost::function<int(const EventImp &)> &func) { return AssignFunction(func); }
35 | EventImp &operator()(const std::string str) { SetDescription(str); return *this; }
36 | EventImp &operator()(const char *str) { SetDescription(str); return *this; }
37 | EventImp &operator()(int state) { fAllowedStates.push_back(state); return *this; }
38 |
39 | // Print contents
40 | virtual void Print(std::ostream &out, bool strip=false) const;
41 | virtual void Print(bool strip=false) const;
42 |
43 | // Handling of the states
44 | void AddAllowedState(int state);
45 | void AddAllowedStates(const char *states);
46 |
47 | bool IsStateAllowed(int state) const;
48 |
49 | int GetTargetState() const { return fTargetState; }
50 |
51 | // virtual function to return the data as stored in the derived classes
52 | virtual std::string GetName() const { return ""; }
53 | virtual std::string GetFormat() const { return ""; }
54 |
55 | virtual const void *GetData() const { return 0; }
56 | virtual int GetSize() const { return 0; }
57 |
58 | virtual Time GetTime() const { return Time::None; }
59 |
60 | // Getter for all the data contained (name, format, data and time)
61 | short GetShort() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const short*>(GetData()); }
62 | unsigned short GetUShort() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(GetData()); }
63 | int GetInt() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const int*>(GetData()); }
64 | unsigned int GetUInt() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int*>(GetData()); }
65 | float GetFloat() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(GetData()); }
66 | double GetDouble() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const double*>(GetData()); }
67 | const char *GetText() const { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(GetData()); }
68 | std::vector<char> GetVector() const { return std::vector<char>(GetText(), GetText()+GetSize()); }
69 | std::string GetString() const;
70 | };
71 |
72 | #endif