#ifndef FACT_FAD_H #define FACT_FAD_H //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // FAD internal structures // //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Other definitions // #define MAX_ADDR 0xFF // highest address in Config-RAM #define BADDR_ROI 0x00 // Baseaddress ROI-Values #define BADDR_DAC 0x24 // Baseaddress DAC-Values #define BADDR_CONT_TRIGGER_TIME 0x2C // Baseaddress for the continouus trigger timing. #define ADDR_RUNNUMBER 0x2D // #define MAX_VAL 65535 #define MAX_ROIVAL 1024 #define MAX_DACVAL 65535 #define NChannels 9 #define NBins 1024 #define NChips 4 #define NTemp 4 #define NDAC 8 // // Data structures // typedef struct{ int hardID ; //hardware ID int pos_i ; //geometrical positon row int pos_j ; // column int G_APD ; //G-APD identifier double V_op ; //operation voltage int HV_B ; //HV Board int HV_C ; //HV Channel double pos_X ; //geometrical position in pixel units double pos_Y ; // } PIX_MAP ; typedef struct { uint16_t start_package_flag; uint16_t package_length; uint16_t version_no; uint16_t PLLLCK; uint16_t trigger_crc; uint16_t trigger_type; uint32_t trigger_id; uint32_t fad_evt_counter; uint32_t REFCLK_frequency; uint16_t board_id; uint8_t zeroes; int8_t adc_clock_phase_shift; uint16_t number_of_triggers_to_generate; uint16_t trigger_generator_prescaler; uint64_t DNA; uint32_t time; uint32_t runnumber; int16_t drs_temperature[NTemp]; int16_t dac[NDAC]; } __attribute__((__packed__)) PEVNT_HEADER; typedef struct { uint16_t id; uint16_t start_cell; uint16_t roi; uint16_t filling; uint16_t adc_data[]; } __attribute__((__packed__)) PCHANNEL; typedef struct { uint16_t package_crc; uint16_t end_package_flag; } __attribute__((__packed__)) PEVNT_FOOTER; #define NBOARDS 40 // max. number of boards #define NPIX 1440 // max. number of pixels #define NTMARK 160 // max. number of timeMarker signals #define MAX_SOCK 280 // NBOARDS * 7 typedef union { uint8_t B[8] ; //8 bytes uint16_t S[4] ; //4 short uint32_t I[2] ; //2 int uint64_t L ; //1 long } L_WORD ; typedef union { uint8_t B[4] ; //4 bytes uint16_t S[2] ; //2 short uint32_t I ; //1 int } I_WORD ; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Data structures // //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { uint16_t Roi ; // #slices per pixel (same for all pixels and tmarks) uint32_t EventNum ; // EventNumber as from FTM uint16_t TriggerType ; // Trigger Type from FTM uint32_t SoftTrig ; // SoftTrigger Info (TBD) uint32_t PCTime ; // when did event start to arrive at PC uint32_t BoardTime[NBOARDS];// int16_t StartPix[NPIX]; // First Channel per Pixel (Pixels sorted according Software ID) ; -1 if not filled int16_t StartTM[NTMARK]; // First Channel for TimeMark (sorted Hardware ID) ; -1 if not filled int16_t Adc_Data[]; // final length defined by malloc .... } __attribute__((__packed__)) EVENT ; //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { uint32_t Version ; uint32_t RunType ; uint16_t NBoard ; uint16_t NPix ; uint16_t NTm ; uint16_t Nroi ; //headers of all FAD-boards for first event ==> all FAD configs PEVNT_HEADER *FADhead; // [ NBoards ] sorted Board Headers (according Hardware ID) //do we also have info about FTM config we want to add here ??? } __attribute__((__packed__)) RUN_HEAD ; //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { uint32_t nEventsOk ; //how many events were written uint32_t nEventsRej; //how many events were rejected by SW-trig uint32_t nEventsBad; //how many events were rejected by Error uint32_t PCtime0 ; //time when first event received uint32_t PCtimeX ; //time when last event received //probably more to come ... } __attribute__((__packed__)) RUN_TAIL ; //--------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_RUN 256 #define MAX_EVT 32768 //don't worry, for events is MAX_RUN*MAX_EVT typedef void* FileHandle_t ; typedef struct { uint32_t runId ; //run number uint32_t lastTime ; //time when last event written so far uint32_t closeTime ; //time when run should be closed uint32_t maxEvt ; //maximum number of events to write uint32_t actEvt ; //actual number of events written so far uint32_t lastEvt ; //last event of this run read so far uint32_t nextEvt ; //next event number to be written uint32_t waitEvt ; //event that would be ready to be written int32_t fileId ; //<0 never opened, 0=open, >0 closed FileHandle_t fileHd ; //fileHandle (NULL if not open) int16_t ctrlId[MAX_EVT] ; //index to buffId (sorted list; -1 =end) uint16_t buffId[MAX_EVT] ; //index to mBuffer(buffered raw data) } RUN_CTRL ; //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { int32_t evNum ; int32_t runNum ; int32_t fadLen ; int32_t nBoard ; int16_t board[ NBOARDS ]; int32_t nRoi ; int32_t pcTime ; int32_t evtLen ; EVENT *fEvent ; PEVNT_HEADER *FADhead; // } WRK_DATA ; //internal to eventbuilder //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { int frstPtr ; //first used index int lastPtr ; //last used index int evtBuf[MAX_EVT*MAX_RUN] ; //index of event in mBuffer int evtStat[MAX_EVT*MAX_RUN] ; //status of event: // -1=empty // 1..NBoards reading #Boards // 90-99 : end reading //128-255: processing //256- //201=start processing //299=end processing //901=start writing //999=finished writing //(TO BE REVISED) int pcTime[MAX_EVT*MAX_RUN] ; //time when last action happened } EVT_CTRL ; //internal to eventbuilder //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { struct sockaddr_in sockAddr ; int sockDef ; //<0 not defined/ ==0 not to be used/ >0 used } FACT_SOCK ; //internal to eventbuilder //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { //some info about what happened since start of program (or last 'reset') uint32_t reset ; //#if increased, reset all counters uint32_t numRead[MAX_SOCK] ; //how often succesfull read from N sockets per loop uint64_t gotByte[NBOARDS] ; //#Bytes read per Board uint32_t gotErr[NBOARDS] ; //#Communication Errors per Board uint32_t evtGet; //#new Start of Events read uint32_t evtTot; //#complete Events read uint32_t evtErr; //#Events with Errors uint32_t evtSkp; //#Events incomplete (timeout) uint32_t procTot; //#Events processed uint32_t procErr; //#Events showed problem in processing uint32_t procTrg; //#Events accepted by SW trigger uint32_t procSkp; //#Events rejected by SW trigger uint32_t feedTot; //#Events used for feedBack system uint32_t feedErr; //#Events rejected by feedBack uint32_t wrtTot; //#Events written to disk uint32_t wrtErr; //#Events with write-error uint32_t runOpen; //#Runs opened uint32_t runClose; //#Runs closed uint32_t runErr; //#Runs with open/close errors //info about current connection status uint8_t numConn[NBOARDS] ; //#Sockets succesfully open per board } __attribute__((__packed__)) EVT_STAT ; //EventBuilder Status typedef struct { //info about status of the main threads int32_t readStat ; //read thread int32_t procStat ; //processing thread(s) int32_t writStat ; //write thread //info about some rates int32_t deltaT ; //time in milli-seconds for rates int32_t readEvt ; //#events read int32_t procEvt ; //#events processed int32_t writEvt ; //#events written int32_t skipEvt ; //#events skipped //some info about current state of event buffer (snapspot) int32_t evtBuf; //#Events currently waiting in Buffer uint64_t totMem; //#Bytes available in Buffer uint64_t usdMem; //#Bytes currently used uint64_t maxMem; //max #Bytes used during past Second } __attribute__((__packed__)) GUI_STAT ; //EventBuilder Status #endif