#ifndef FACT_FAD_H #define FACT_FAD_H //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // FAD internal structures // //--------------------------------------------------------------- #define NTemp 4 #define NDAC 8 typedef struct { uint16_t start_package_flag; uint16_t package_length; uint16_t version_no; uint16_t PLLLCK; uint16_t trigger_crc; uint16_t trigger_type; uint32_t trigger_id; uint32_t fad_evt_counter; uint32_t REFCLK_frequency; uint16_t board_id; uint8_t zeroes; int8_t adc_clock_phase_shift; uint16_t number_of_triggers_to_generate; uint16_t trigger_generator_prescaler; uint64_t DNA; uint32_t time; uint32_t runnumber; int16_t drs_temperature[NTemp]; uint16_t dac[NDAC]; } __attribute__((__packed__)) PEVNT_HEADER; typedef struct { uint16_t id; uint16_t start_cell; uint16_t roi; uint16_t filling; int16_t adc_data[]; } __attribute__((__packed__)) PCHANNEL; typedef struct { uint16_t package_crc; uint16_t end_package_flag; } __attribute__((__packed__)) PEVNT_FOOTER; #define NBOARDS 40 // max. number of boards #define NPIX 1440 // max. number of pixels #define NTMARK 160 // max. number of timeMarker signals //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // Data structures // //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _EVENT { uint16_t Roi ; // #slices per pixel (same for all pixels) uint16_t RoiTM ; // #slices per pixel (same for all tmarks) [ 0 or Roi ] uint32_t EventNum ; // EventNumber as from FADs uint32_t TriggerNum ; // EventNumber as from FTM uint16_t TriggerType ; // Trigger Type from FTM uint32_t NumBoards ; // number of active boards included uint8_t Errors[4] ; // indicator for mismatches uint32_t SoftTrig ; // SoftTrigger Info (TBD) uint32_t PCTime ; // epoch uint32_t PCUsec ; // micro-seconds uint32_t BoardTime[NBOARDS];// int16_t StartPix[NPIX]; // First Channel per Pixel (Pixels sorted according Software ID) ; -1 if not filled int16_t StartTM[NTMARK]; // First Channel for TimeMark (sorted Hardware ID) ; -1 if not filled int16_t Adc_Data[]; // final length defined by malloc .... } __attribute__((__packed__)) EVENT ; //--------------------------------------------------------------- struct RUN_HEAD { uint32_t Version ; uint32_t RunType ; uint32_t RunTime ; //unix epoch for first event uint32_t RunUsec ; //microseconds uint16_t NBoard ; //#boards (always 40) uint16_t NPix ; //#pixels (always 1440) uint16_t NTm ; //#TM (always 160) uint16_t Nroi ; //roi for pixels uint16_t NroiTM ; //roi for TM <=0 if TM is empty //headers of all FAD-boards for first event ==> all FAD configs PEVNT_HEADER FADhead[NBOARDS]; // [ NBoards ] sorted Board Headers (according Hardware ID) RUN_HEAD() : Version(1), RunType(-1), NBoard(NBOARDS), NPix(NPIX), NTm(NTMARK) { } //do we also have info about FTM config we want to add here ??? } __attribute__((__packed__)); //--------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: This doesn't neet to be here... it is inlcuded in all // data processors #include typedef struct { struct sockaddr_in sockAddr ; int sockDef ; //<0 not defined/ ==0 not to be used/ >0 used } FACT_SOCK ; //internal to eventbuilder //--------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { //info about (current state of) the buffer uint32_t bufNew ; //# incomplete events in buffer (evtCtrl) uint32_t bufEvt ; //# complete events in buffer (primaryQueue) uint32_t bufWrite ; //# events in write queue (secondaryQueue) uint32_t bufProc ; //# events in processing queue (processingQueue1) uint32_t bufTot ; //# total events currently in buffer (this corresponds to totMem) uint64_t totMem; //# Bytes available in Buffer uint64_t usdMem; //# Bytes currently used uint64_t maxMem; //max # Bytes used during past cycle //rates int32_t deltaT ; //time in milli-seconds for rates int32_t rateNew ; //#New start events recieved int32_t rateWrite ; //#Complete events written (or flushed) //connections int8_t numConn[NBOARDS] ; //#connections per board (at the moment) int32_t rateBytes[NBOARDS]; //#Bytes read this cycle ** int64_t totBytes[NBOARDS]; //#Bytes read (counter) // ** // if counter and rates exist, do only update the rates in // ** // real time; // ** // counters will be updated only once per cycle based on rates } __attribute__((__packed__)) GUI_STAT ; //EventBuilder Status #endif