1 | // **************************************************************************
2 | /** @class FactFits
3 |
4 | @brief FITS writter for the FACT project.
5 |
6 | The FactFits class is able to open, manage and update FITS files.
7 |
8 | The file columns should be given to the class before the file is openned. Once
9 | a file has been created, the structure of its columns cannot be changed. Only
10 | row can be added.
11 |
12 | This class relies on the CCfits and CFitsIO packages.
13 |
14 | */
15 | // **************************************************************************
16 | #include "Fits.h"
17 |
18 | #include "Time.h"
19 | #include "Converter.h"
20 | #include "MessageImp.h"
21 |
22 | //for file stats
23 | #include <sys/stat.h>
24 |
25 | using namespace std;
26 | using namespace CCfits;
27 |
28 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | //
30 | //! This gives a standard variable to the file writter.
31 | //! This variable should not be related to the DIM service being logged.
32 | //! @param desc the description of the variable to add
33 | //! @param dataFormat the FITS data format corresponding to the variable to add.
34 | //! @param dataPointer the memory location where the variable is stored
35 | //! @param numDataBytes the number of bytes taken by the variable
36 | //
37 | void Fits::AddStandardColumn(const Description& desc, const string &dataFormat, void* dataPointer, long unsigned int numDataBytes)
38 | {
39 | //check if entry already exist
40 | for (vector<Description>::const_iterator it=fStandardColDesc.begin(); it != fStandardColDesc.end(); it++)
41 | if (it->name == desc.name)
42 | return;
43 | fStandardColDesc.push_back(desc);
44 | fStandardFormats.push_back(dataFormat);
45 | fStandardPointers.push_back(dataPointer);
46 | fStandardNumBytes.push_back(numDataBytes);
47 | }
48 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 | //
50 | //! This gives the file writter access to the DIM data
51 | //! @param desc a vector containing the description of all the columns to log
52 | //! @param dataFormat a vector containing the FITS data format of all the columsn to log
53 | //! @param dataPointer the memory location where the DIM data starts
54 | //! @param numDataBytes the number of bytes taken by the DIM data.
55 | //
56 | void Fits::InitDataColumns(const vector<Description> &desc, vector<string>& dataFormat, void* dataPointer, int numDataBytes)
57 | {//we will copy this information here. It duplicates the data, which is not great, but it is the easiest way of doing it right now
58 | if (desc.size() == dataFormat.size())
59 | {
60 | fDataColDesc = desc;
61 | }
62 | else
63 | {
64 | fDataColDesc.clear();
65 | for (unsigned int i=0;i<dataFormat.size();i++)
66 | {
67 | ostringstream stt;
68 | stt << "Data" << i;
69 | fDataColDesc.push_back(Description(stt.str(), "comment", "unit"));
70 | }
71 | }
72 | fDataFormats = dataFormat;
73 | fDataPointer = dataPointer;
74 | fDataNumBytes = numDataBytes;
75 | }
76 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 | //
78 | //! This looks for a suitable table in the fits file, i.e. that corresponds to the name and column names. (no format check yet)
79 | //! @param tableName. the base table name to be obtained. If not suitable, numbers are appened to the name
80 | //! @param allNames. the name of all columns
81 | //! @param allDataTypes. the data types of all columns
82 | //! @param allUnits. the units of the columns
83 | //! @return a pointer to the newly retrieved/created table
84 | //
85 | CCfits::Table* Fits::findSuitableTableInFitsFile(const string& tableName,const vector<string>& allNames, const vector<string>& allDataTypes, const vector<string>& allUnits)
86 | {
87 | const multimap< string, CCfits::ExtHDU * >& extMap = fFile->extension();
88 | for (int i=0;i<100;i++)
89 | {
90 | if (i==10)
91 | fMess->Error("Already 10 different tables with different formats exist in this file. Please consider re-creating the file entirely (i.e. delete it please)");
92 | ostringstream cTableName;
93 | cTableName << tableName;
94 | if (i != 0)
95 | cTableName << "-" << i;
96 | //current table name does not exist yet. return its associated fits table newly created
97 | if (extMap.find(cTableName.str()) == extMap.end())
98 | {
99 | for (multimap<string, CCfits::ExtHDU*>::const_iterator it=extMap.begin(); it!= extMap.end(); it++)
100 | fMess->Debug(it->first);
101 | return fFile->addTable(cTableName.str(), 0, allNames, allDataTypes, allUnits);
102 | }
103 | CCfits::Table* cTable;
104 | cTable = dynamic_cast<CCfits::Table*>(extMap.find(cTableName.str())->second);
105 |
106 | if (!cTable)
107 | return NULL;//something wrong happened while getting the table pointer
108 |
109 | //now check that the table columns are the same as the service columns
110 | cTable->makeThisCurrent();
111 | const map<string, Column*> cMap = cTable->column();
112 | for (unsigned int j=0;j<allNames.size();j++)
113 | if (cMap.find(allNames[j]) == cMap.end())
114 | continue;
115 |
116 | return cTable;
117 | }
118 | fMess->Error("One hundred trials for new table format failed. aborting");
119 | return NULL;
120 | }
121 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 | //
123 | //! This opens the FITS file (after the columns have been passed)
124 | //! @param fileName the filename with complete or relative path of the file to open
125 | //! @param tableName the name of the table that will receive the logged data.
126 | //! @param file a pointer to an existing FITS file. If NULL, file will be opened and managed internally
127 | //! @param fitsCounter a pointer to the integer keeping track of the opened FITS files
128 | //! @param out a pointer to the MessageImp that should be used to log errors
129 | //! @param runNumber the runNumber for which this file is opened. 0 means nightly file.
130 | //
131 | bool Fits::Open(const string& fileName, const string& tableName, FITS* file, int* fitsCounter, MessageImp* out, int runNumber)
132 | {
133 | // if (fMess)
134 | // delete fMess;
135 | // fMess = new MessageImp(out);
136 | fRunNumber = runNumber;
137 | fMess = out;
138 | fFileName = fileName;
139 | if (file == NULL)
140 | {
141 | try
142 | {
143 | fFile = new FITS(fileName, RWmode::Write);
144 | }
145 | catch (CCfits::FitsException e)
146 | {
147 | ostringstream str;
148 | str << "Opening FITS file " << fileName << ": " << e.message();
149 | fMess->Error(str);
150 | fFile = NULL;
151 | return false;
152 | }
153 | fOwner = true;
154 | fNumOpenFitsFiles = fitsCounter;
155 | (*fNumOpenFitsFiles)++;
156 | }
157 | else
158 | {
159 | fFile = file;
160 | fOwner = false;
161 | }
162 | //concatenate the standard and data columns
163 | //do it the inneficient way first: its easier and faster to code.
164 | vector<string> allNames;
165 | vector<string> allDataTypes;
166 | vector<string> allUnits;
167 | fTotalNumBytes = 0;
168 | for (unsigned int i=0;i<fStandardColDesc.size();i++)
169 | {
170 | allNames.push_back(fStandardColDesc[i].name);
171 | allDataTypes.push_back(fStandardFormats[i]);
172 | allUnits.push_back(fStandardColDesc[i].unit);
173 | fTotalNumBytes += fStandardNumBytes[i];
174 | }
175 | //for (int i=static_cast<int>(fDataColDesc.size())-1;i>=0;i--)
176 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<fDataColDesc.size(); i++)
177 | {
178 | if (fDataColDesc[i].name != "")
179 | allNames.push_back(fDataColDesc[i].name);
180 | else
181 | {
182 | ostringstream stt;
183 | stt << "Data" << i;
184 | allNames.push_back(stt.str());
185 | }
186 | allDataTypes.push_back(fDataFormats[i]);
187 | allUnits.push_back(fDataColDesc[i].unit);
188 | }
189 | fTotalNumBytes += fDataNumBytes;
190 |
191 | bool updating = false;
192 | try
193 | {
194 | //first, let's check if the table already exist in the file
195 | vector<string> tryToLoadName;
196 | tryToLoadName.push_back(tableName);
197 | fFile->read(tryToLoadName);
198 |
199 | // const multimap< string, CCfits::ExtHDU * >& extMap = fFile->extension();
200 | // if (extMap.find(tableName) == extMap.end())
201 | // {
202 | // for (multimap<string, CCfits::ExtHDU*>::const_iterator it=extMap.begin(); it!= extMap.end(); it++)
203 | // fMess->Debug(it->first);
204 | // fTable = fFile->addTable(tableName, 0, allNames, allDataTypes, allUnits);
205 | // }
206 | // else
207 | // {
208 | // fTable = dynamic_cast<CCfits::Table*>(extMap.find(tableName)->second);
209 | // }
210 | fTable = findSuitableTableInFitsFile(tableName, allNames, allDataTypes, allUnits);
211 |
212 | if (!fTable)
213 | {
214 | fMess->Error("Table " + tableName + " could not be created nor loaded from "+fileName);
215 | Close();
216 | return false;
217 | }
218 | fTable->makeThisCurrent();
219 | fCopyBuffer = new unsigned char[fTotalNumBytes];
220 | fNumRows = fTable->rows();
221 | if (fNumRows !=0)
222 | {//If the file already existed, then we must load its data to memory before writing to it.
223 | BinTable* bTable = dynamic_cast<BinTable*>(fTable);
224 | if (!bTable)
225 | {
226 | fMess->Error("Table " + tableName + " in "+fileName+" could not be converted to a binary table.");
227 | Close();
228 | return false;
229 | }
230 | //read the table binary data.
231 | vector<string> colName;
232 | bTable->readData(true, colName);
233 |
234 | //double check that the data was indeed read from the disk. Go through the fTable instead as colName is empty (yes, it is !)
235 | const map<string, Column*> cMap = fTable->column();
236 |
237 | for (map<string, Column*>::const_iterator cMapIt = cMap.begin(); cMapIt != cMap.end(); cMapIt++)
238 | {
239 | if (!cMapIt->second->isRead())
240 | {
241 | fMess->Error("Reading column " + cMapIt->first + " back from "+fileName+" failed.");
242 | Close();
243 | return false;
244 | }
245 | }
246 | updating = true;
247 | }
248 |
249 | }
250 | catch(CCfits::FitsException e)
251 | {
252 | ostringstream str;
253 | str << "Opening or creating table " << tableName << " in " << fileName << ": " << e.message();
254 | fMess->Error(str);
255 | fTable = NULL;
256 | Close();
257 | return false;
258 | }
259 |
260 | //As requested by Roland, the reference MjD is 0.0
261 | fRefMjD = 0;//* static_cast<double*>(fStandardPointers[0]);
262 | if (!updating)
263 | return WriteHeaderKeys();
264 |
265 | return true;
266 | }
267 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 | //
269 | //!This writes a single header key in the currently open file.
270 | //!@param name the key
271 | //!@param value the key value
272 | //!@param a comment explaining the meaning of the key
273 | template <typename T>
274 | bool Fits::WriteSingleHeaderKey(const string &name, const T &value, const string &comment)
275 | {
276 | try
277 | {
278 | fTable->addKey(name, value, comment);
279 | }
280 | catch (CCfits::FitsException e)
281 | {
282 | ostringstream str;
283 | str << "Could not add header keys in file " << fFileName << " reason: " << e.message();
284 | fMess->Error(str);
285 | return false;
286 | }
287 | return true;
288 | }
289 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 | //
291 | //! This writes the standard header
292 | //
293 | bool Fits::WriteHeaderKeys()
294 | {
295 | if (!fTable)
296 | return false;
297 |
298 | string stringValue = Time().GetAsStr();
299 | stringValue[10]= 'T';
300 |
301 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("EXTREL", 1.0f, "Release Number")) return false;
302 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("TELESCOP", "FACT", "Telescope that acquired this data")) return false;
303 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("ORIGIN", "ISDC", "Institution that wrote the file")) return false;
304 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("CREATOR", "FACT++ DataLogger", "Program that wrote this file")) return false;
305 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("DATE", stringValue, "File creation data")) return false;
306 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("TIMESYS", "TT", "Time frame system")) return false;
307 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("TIMEUNIT", "d", "Time unit")) return false;
308 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("TIMEREF", "UTC", "Time reference frame")) return false;
309 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("MJDREF", fRefMjD, "Modified Julian Date of origin")) return false;
310 | if (!WriteSingleHeaderKey("TSTOP", fEndMjD, "Time of the last receied data")) return false;
311 | return true;
312 | }
313 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 | //
315 | //! This writes one line of data to the file.
316 | //! @param conv the converter corresponding to the service being logged
317 | //
318 | bool Fits::Write(Converter* conv)
319 | {
320 | //first copy the standard variables to the copy buffer
321 | int shift = 0;
322 | for (unsigned int i=0;i<fStandardNumBytes.size();i++)
323 | {
324 | const char *charSrc = reinterpret_cast<char*>(fStandardPointers[i]);
325 | reverse_copy(charSrc, charSrc+fStandardNumBytes[i], &fCopyBuffer[shift]);
326 | shift += fStandardNumBytes[i];
327 | }
328 |
329 | try
330 | {
331 | //now take care of the DIM data. The Converter is here for that purpose
332 | conv->ToFits(&fCopyBuffer[shift], fDataPointer, fDataNumBytes);
333 | }
334 | catch (const runtime_error &e)
335 | {
336 | ostringstream str;
337 | str << fFileName << ": " << e.what();
338 | fMess->Error(str);
339 | return false;
340 | }
341 |
342 | fTable->makeThisCurrent();
343 |
344 | int status(0);
345 | if (fits_insert_rows(fTable->fitsPointer(), fNumRows, 1, &status))
346 | {
347 | ostringstream str;
348 | char text[30];
349 | fits_get_errstatus(status, text);
350 | str << "Inserting row into " << fFileName << ": " << text << " (fits_insert_rows, rc=" << status << ")";
351 | fMess->Error(str);
352 | Close();
353 | return false;
354 | }
355 |
356 | fNumRows++;
357 |
358 | //the first standard variable is the current MjD
359 | if (fEndMjD==0)
360 | {
361 | const double doubleValue = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(fStandardPointers[0]);
362 | WriteSingleHeaderKey("TSTART", doubleValue,
363 | "Time of the first received data");
364 | }
365 | fEndMjD = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(fStandardPointers[0]);
366 |
367 | //data copied to buffer, can write to fits
368 | if (fits_write_tblbytes(fFile->fitsPointer(), fNumRows, 1, fTotalNumBytes, fCopyBuffer, &status))
369 | {
370 | char text[30];//max length of cfitsio error strings (from doc)
371 | fits_get_errstatus(status, text);
372 | ostringstream str;
373 | str << "Writing FITS row " << fNumRows << " in " << fFileName << ": " << text << " (file_write_tblbytes, rc=" << status << ")";
374 | fMess->Error(str);
375 | Close();
376 | return false;
377 | }
378 | return true;
379 | }
380 |
381 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 | //
383 | //! This closes the currently openned FITS file.
384 | //! it also updates the header to reflect the time of the last logged row
385 | //
386 | void Fits::Close()
387 | {
388 | //WARNING: do NOT delete the table as it gets deleted by the fFile object
389 | // if (fTable != NULL)
390 | // delete fTable;
391 | if (fFile != NULL && fOwner)
392 | {
393 | // CCfits::FITS* backupFits = fFile;
394 | // fFile = NULL;
395 | WriteSingleHeaderKey("TSTOP", fEndMjD, "Time of the last receied data");
396 | delete fFile;
397 |
398 | fMess->Info("Closed: "+fFileName);
399 | if (fNumOpenFitsFiles != NULL)
400 | (*fNumOpenFitsFiles)--;
401 | }
402 | fFile = NULL;
403 | if (fCopyBuffer != NULL)
404 | delete [] fCopyBuffer;
405 | fCopyBuffer = NULL;
406 |
407 | //fMess is the MessageImp part of the dataLogger itself. Thus it should NOT be deleted by the Fits files destructor.
408 | // if (fMess)
409 | // delete fMess;
410 | fMess = NULL;
411 | }
412 |
413 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 | //! Returns the size on the disk of the Fits file being written.
415 | int Fits::GetWrittenSize() const
416 | {
417 | if (!IsOpen())
418 | return 0;
419 |
420 | struct stat st;
421 | if (stat(fFileName.c_str(), &st))
422 | return 0;
423 |
424 | return st.st_size;
425 | }