#ifndef FACT_HeadersFTM #define FACT_HeadersFTM #include // For debugging #include #include "ByteOrder.h" // ==================================================================== namespace FTM { enum States { // State Machine states kDisconnected = 1, kConnected, kIdle, kTakingData, // FTM internal states kFtmIdle = 1, ///< Trigger output disabled, configuration possible kFtmConfig = 2, ///< FTM and FTUs are being reconfigured kFtmRunning = 3, ///< Trigger output enabled, configuration ignored kFtmCalib = 4, }; /// Command codes for FTM communication enum Commands { // First word kCmdRead = 0x0001, ///< Request data kCmdWrite = 0x0002, ///< Send data kCmdStartRun = 0x0004, ///< Enable the trigger output kCmdStopRun = 0x0008, ///< Disable the trigger output kCmdPing = 0x0010, ///< Ping all FTUs (get FTU list) kCmdCrateReset = 0x0020, ///< Reboot (no power cycle) all FTUs and FADs of one crate kCmdDisableReports = 0x0040, ///< Disable transmission of rate-reports (dynamic data) kCmdToggleLed = 0xc000, // second word for read and write kCmdStaticData = 0x0001, ///< Specifies that static (configuration) data is read/written kCmdDynamicData = 0x0002, ///< Specifies that dynamic data is read/written kCmdRegister = 0x0004, ///< Specifies that a register is read/written // second word for StartRun kStartRun = 0x0001, ///< ...until kCmdStopRun kTakeNevents = 0x0002, ///< ...fixed number of events }; /// Types sent in the header of the following data enum Types { kHeader = 0, ///< Local extension to identify a header in fCounter kStaticData = 1, ///< Static (configuration) data kDynamicData = 2, ///< Dynamic data (rates) kFtuList = 3, ///< FTU list (answer of ping) kErrorList = 4, ///< Error list (error when FTU communication failed) kRegister = 5, ///< A requested register value }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- enum Delimiter { kDelimiterStart = 0xfb01, ///< Start delimiter send before each header kDelimiterEnd = 0x04fe ///< End delimiter send after each data block }; struct Header { uint16_t fDelimiter; ///< Start delimiter uint16_t fType; ///< Type of the data to be received after the header uint16_t fDataSize; ///< Size in words to be received after the header (incl end delim.) uint16_t fState; ///< State of the FTM central state machine uint64_t fBoardId; ///< FPGA device DNA (unique chip id) uint16_t fFirmwareId; ///< Version number uint32_t fTriggerCounter; ///< FTM internal counter of all trigger decision independant of trigger-line enable/disable (reset: start/stop run) uint64_t fTimeStamp; ///< Internal counter (micro-seconds, reset: start/stop run) Header() { init(*this); } std::vector HtoN() const { Header h(*this); Reverse(&h.fBoardId); Reverse(&h.fTriggerCounter); Reverse(&h.fTimeStamp); return htoncpy(h); } void operator=(const std::vector &vec) { ntohcpy(vec, *this); Reverse(&fBoardId); Reverse(&fTriggerCounter); Reverse(&fTimeStamp); } void clear() { reset(*this); } void print(std::ostream &out) const; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DimPassport { uint64_t fBoardId; uint16_t fFirmwareId; DimPassport(const Header &h) : fBoardId(h.fBoardId), fFirmwareId(h.fFirmwareId) { } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DimTriggerCounter { uint64_t fTimeStamp; uint32_t fTriggerCounter; DimTriggerCounter(const Header &h) : fTimeStamp(h.fTimeStamp), fTriggerCounter(h.fTriggerCounter) { } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct StaticDataBoard { uint16_t fEnable[4]; /// enable of 4x9 pixels coded as 4x9bits uint16_t fDAC[5]; /// 0-3 (A-D) Threshold of patches, 4 (H) Threshold for N out of 4 (12 bit each) uint16_t fPrescaling; /// Internal readout time of FTUs for trigger counter StaticDataBoard() { init(*this); } void print(std::ostream &out) const; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct StaticData { enum Limits { kMaxMultiplicity = 40, ///< Minimum required trigger multiplicity kMaxWindow = 0xf, ///< (4ns * x + 8ns) At least N (multiplicity) rising edges (trigger signal) within this window kMaxDeadTime = 0xffff, ///< (4ns * x + 8ns) kMaxDelayTimeMarker = 0x3ff, ///< (4ns * x + 8ns) kMaxDelayTrigger = 0x3ff, ///< (4ns * x + 8ns) kMaxTriggerInterval = 0x3ff, ///< kMaxSequence = 0x1f, kMaxDAC = 0xfff, kMaskSettings = 0xf, kMaskLEDs = 0xf, }; enum GeneralSettings { kTrigger = 0x80, ///< Physics trigger decision (PhysicTrigger) kPedestal = 0x40, ///< Pedestal trigger (artifical) kLPint = 0x20, ///< Enable artificial trigger after light pulse (LP2) kLPext = 0x10, ///< Enable trigger decision after light pulse (CalibrationTrigger, LP1) kExt2 = 0x08, ///< External trigger signal 2 kExt1 = 0x04, ///< External trigger signal 1 kVeto = 0x02, ///< Veto trigger decision / artifical triggers // -===> ClockCond kTimeMarker = 0x01, ///< Select clock conditioner frequency (1) / time marker (0) as output }; uint16_t fGeneralSettings; // Enable for different trigger types / select for TIM/ClockConditioner output (only 8 bit used) uint16_t fStatusLEDs; // only 8 bit used uint16_t fTriggerInterval; // [ms] Interval between two artificial triggers (no matter which type) minimum 1ms, 10 bit uint16_t fTriggerSequence; // Ratio between trigger types send as artificial trigger (in this order) 3x5bit uint64_t fDummy0; uint16_t fMultiplicityPhysics; /// Required trigger multiplicity for physcis triggers (0-40) uint16_t fMultiplicityCalib; /// Required trigger multiplicity calibration (LPext) triggers (0-40) uint16_t fDelayTrigger; /// (4ns * x + 8ns) FTM internal programmable delay between trigger decision and output uint16_t fDelayTimeMarker; /// (4ns * x + 8ns) FTM internal programmable delay between trigger descision and time marker output uint16_t fDeadTime; /// (4ns * x + 8ns) FTM internal programmable dead time after trigger decision uint32_t fClockConditioner[8]; // R0, R1, R8, R9, R11, R13, R14, R15 uint16_t fWindowPhysics; /// (4ns * x + 8ns) At least N (multiplicity) rising edges (trigger signal) within this window uint16_t fWindowCalib; /// (4ns * x + 8ns) At least N (multiplicity) rising edges (trigger signal) within this window uint16_t fDummy1; StaticDataBoard fBoard[4][10]; // 4 crates * 10 boards (Crate0/FTU0 == readout time of FTUs) uint16_t fActiveFTU[4]; // 4 crates * 10 bits (FTU enable) StaticData() { init(*this); } std::vector HtoN() const { StaticData d(*this); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) Reverse(d.fClockConditioner+i); return htoncpy(d); } void operator=(const std::vector &vec) { ntohcpy(vec, *this); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) Reverse(fClockConditioner+i); } void clear() { reset(*this); } void print(std::ostream &out) const; StaticDataBoard &operator[](int i) { return fBoard[i/10][i%10]; } const StaticDataBoard &operator[](int i) const { return fBoard[i/10][i%10]; } void EnableFTU(int i) { fActiveFTU[i/10] |= (1<<(i%10)); } void DisableFTU(int i) { fActiveFTU[i/10] &= ~(1<<(i%10)); } void EnableAllFTU() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) fActiveFTU[i] = 0x3ff; } void DisableAllFTU() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) fActiveFTU[i] = 0; } void ToggleFTU(int i) { fActiveFTU[i/10] ^= (1<<(i%10)); } void Enable(GeneralSettings type, bool enable) { if (enable) fGeneralSettings |= uint16_t(type); else fGeneralSettings &= ~uint16_t(type); } bool IsEnabled(GeneralSettings type) { return fGeneralSettings&uint16_t(type); } uint8_t GetSequencePed() const { return (fTriggerSequence>>10)&0x1f; } uint8_t GetSequenceLPint() const { return (fTriggerSequence>> 5)&0x1f; } uint8_t GetSequenceLPext() const { return (fTriggerSequence) &0x1f; } } __attribute__((__packed__)); // DimStructures must be a multiple of two... I don't know why struct DimStaticData { uint64_t fTimeStamp; //8 uint16_t fGeneralSettings; // only 8 bit used uint16_t fStatusLEDs; // only 8 bit used uint64_t fActiveFTU; // 40 bits in row //20 uint16_t fTriggerInterval; // only 10 bit used //22 uint16_t fTriggerSeqLPint; // only 5bits used uint16_t fTriggerSeqLPext; // only 5bits used uint16_t fTriggerSeqPed; // only 5bits used //28 uint16_t fMultiplicityPhysics; // 0-40 uint16_t fMultiplicityCalib; // 0-40 //32 uint16_t fWindowPhysics; uint16_t fWindowCalib; //36 uint16_t fDelayTrigger; uint16_t fDelayTimeMarker; uint32_t fDeadTime; //44 uint16_t fClockConditioner[8]; //60 uint16_t fEnable[90]; // 160*9bit = 180byte uint16_t fThreshold[160]; uint16_t fMultiplicity[40]; // N out of 4 uint16_t fPrescaling[40]; // 640+60 = 700 bool HasTrigger() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kTrigger; } bool HasPedestal() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kPedestal; } bool HasLPext() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kLPext; } bool HasLPint() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kLPint; } bool HasExt2() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kExt2; } bool HasExt1() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kExt1; } bool HasVeto() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kVeto; } bool HasTimeMarker() const { return fGeneralSettings & StaticData::kTimeMarker; } bool IsActive(int i) const { return fActiveFTU&(uint64_t(1)<>5)&0x1f), fTriggerSeqLPext((d.fTriggerSequence)&0x1f), fTriggerSeqPed((d.fTriggerSequence>>10)&0x1f), fMultiplicityPhysics(d.fMultiplicityPhysics), fMultiplicityCalib(d.fMultiplicityCalib), fWindowPhysics(d.fWindowPhysics*4+8), fWindowCalib(d.fWindowCalib*4+8), fDelayTrigger(d.fDelayTrigger*4+8), fDelayTimeMarker(d.fDelayTimeMarker*4+8), fDeadTime(uint32_t(d.fDeadTime)*4+8) { memcpy(fClockConditioner, d.fClockConditioner, sizeof(uint16_t)*8); uint16_t src[160]; for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { src[i*4+j] = d[i].fEnable[j]; fThreshold[i*4+j] = d[i].fDAC[j]; } fMultiplicity[i] = d[i].fDAC[4]; fPrescaling[i] = d[i].fPrescaling+1; } bitcpy(fEnable, 90, src, 160, 9); } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DynamicDataBoard { uint32_t fRatePatch[4]; // Patch 0,1,2,3 uint32_t fRateTotal; // Sum uint16_t fOverflow; // Patches: bits 0-3, total 4 uint16_t fCrcError; void print(std::ostream &out) const; void reverse() { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) Reverse(fRatePatch+i); Reverse(&fRateTotal); } uint32_t &operator[](int i) { return fRatePatch[i]; } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DynamicData { uint64_t fOnTimeCounter; uint16_t fTempSensor[4]; // U45, U46, U48, U49 DynamicDataBoard fBoard[4][10]; // 4 crates * 10 boards DynamicData() { init(*this); } std::vector HtoN() const { DynamicData d(*this); Reverse(&d.fOnTimeCounter); for (int c=0; c<4; c++) for (int b=0; b<10; b++) d.fBoard[c][b].reverse(); return htoncpy(d); } void operator=(const std::vector &vec) { ntohcpy(vec, *this); Reverse(&fOnTimeCounter); for (int c=0; c<4; c++) for (int b=0; b<10; b++) fBoard[c][b].reverse(); } void clear() { reset(*this); } void print(std::ostream &out) const; DynamicDataBoard &operator[](int i) { return fBoard[i/10][i%10]; } const DynamicDataBoard &operator[](int i) const { return fBoard[i/10][i%10]; } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DimDynamicData { uint64_t fTimeStamp; uint64_t fOnTimeCounter; float fTempSensor[4]; uint32_t fRatePatch[160]; uint32_t fRateBoard[40]; uint16_t fRateOverflow[40]; uint16_t fCrcError[40]; DimDynamicData(const Header &h, const DynamicData &d) : fTimeStamp(h.fTimeStamp), fOnTimeCounter(d.fOnTimeCounter) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) fTempSensor[i] = d.fTempSensor[i]; for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { fRateBoard[i] = d[i].fRateTotal; fRateOverflow[i] = d[i].fOverflow; fCrcError[i] = d[i].fCrcError; for (int j=0; j<4; j++) fRatePatch[i*4+j] = d[i].fRatePatch[j]; } } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct FtuResponse { uint16_t fPingAddr; // Number of Pings and addr (pings= see error) uint64_t fDNA; uint16_t fErrorCounter; // void reverse() { Reverse(&fDNA); } void print(std::ostream &out) const; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct FtuList { uint16_t fNumBoards; /// Total number of boards responded uint16_t fNumBoardsCrate[4]; /// Num of board responded in crate 0-3 uint16_t fActiveFTU[4]; /// List of active FTU boards in crate 0-3 FtuResponse fFTU[4][10]; FtuList() { init(*this); } std::vector HtoN() const { FtuList d(*this); for (int c=0; c<4; c++) for (int b=0; b<10; b++) d.fFTU[c][b].reverse(); return htoncpy(d); } void operator=(const std::vector &vec) { ntohcpy(vec, *this); for (int c=0; c<4; c++) for (int b=0; b<10; b++) fFTU[c][b].reverse(); } void clear() { reset(*this); } void print(std::ostream &out) const; FtuResponse &operator[](int i) { return fFTU[i/10][i%10]; } const FtuResponse &operator[](int i) const { return fFTU[i/10][i%10]; } } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DimFtuList { uint64_t fTimeStamp; uint64_t fActiveFTU; uint16_t fNumBoards; /// Number of boards answered in total uint8_t fNumBoardsCrate[4]; /// Number of boards answered per crate uint64_t fDNA[40]; /// DNA of FTU board uint8_t fAddr[40]; /// Address of FTU board uint8_t fPing[40]; /// Number of pings until response (same as in Error) DimFtuList(const Header &h, const FtuList &d) : fTimeStamp(h.fTimeStamp), fActiveFTU( uint64_t(d.fActiveFTU[0]) | (uint64_t(d.fActiveFTU[1])<<10) | (uint64_t(d.fActiveFTU[2])<<20) | (uint64_t(d.fActiveFTU[3])<<30)), fNumBoards(d.fNumBoards) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) fNumBoardsCrate[i] = d.fNumBoardsCrate[i]; for (int i=0; i<40; i++) { fDNA[i] = d[i].fDNA; fAddr[i] = d[i].fPingAddr&0x3f; fPing[i] = (d[i].fPingAddr>>8)&0x3; } } bool IsActive(int i) const { return fActiveFTU&(uint64_t(1)<1 needed repetition but successfull uint16_t fDelimiter; uint16_t fDestAddress; uint16_t fSrcAddress; uint16_t fFirmwareId; uint16_t fCommand; uint16_t fData[21]; uint16_t fCrcErrorCounter; uint16_t fCrcCheckSum; Error() { init(*this); } std::vector HtoN() const { return htoncpy(*this); } void operator=(const std::vector &vec) { ntohcpy(vec, *this); } void clear() { reset(*this); } uint16_t &operator[](int idx) { return fData[idx]; } const uint16_t &operator[](int idx) const { return fData[idx]; } void print(std::ostream &out) const; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct DimError { uint64_t fTimeStamp; Error fError; DimError(const Header &h, const Error &e) : fTimeStamp(h.fTimeStamp), fError(e) { fError.fDestAddress = (e.fDestAddress&0x3)*10 + ((e.fDestAddress>>2)&0xf); fError.fSrcAddress = (e.fSrcAddress &0x3)*10 + ((e.fSrcAddress >>2)&0xf); } } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* struct Command { uint16_t fStartDelimiter; uint16_t fCommand; uint16_t fParam[3]; Command() { init(*this); } void HtoN() { hton(*this); } void NtoH() { ntoh(*this); } void operator=(const std::vector &vec) { ntohcpy(vec, *this); } void clear() { reset(*this); } } __attribute__((__packed__)); */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const FtuResponse &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Header &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const FtuList &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DynamicDataBoard &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DynamicData &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const StaticDataBoard &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const StaticData &h) { h.print(out); return out; } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Error &h) { h.print(out); return out; } }; #endif